In a stunning new development, scientists have rapidly developed a “cure” for the heart attacks affecting never before seen levels of young adults, children and babies, and which are obviously being caused by soft drinks, climate change, winter vagina, cannabis use, long covid, paracetamol (Tylenol), eating too much meat, eating too many eggs, or shaking the bed sheets too vigorously.
What could go wrong? 🤡
Hahha! I just read that two minutes ago and nearly spit out my coffee. I imagine the normie couple reading that and discussing it.
"Honey, look, there's an mRNA cure for heart attacks."
"Wow, it's so amazing how advanced medicine is saving lives. Dear, did you pick up my myocarditits medication from the pharmacy yesterday?"
"Yes, dear. Maybe you won't need it anymore soon with this new mRNA cure. Oh, and I also scheduled us for our booster shots next week."
The scarring of the heart that occurs is permanent. This is fake.