
Fake News, Fake Money, Fake Terrorists, Fake Medicine

It's all Falling Apart and it's Glorious

I’ve got lots of fun stuff for your Monday morning!

In 2017, Andreas Antonopoulos released a great 26 minute talk entitled, “Fake News, Fake Money.” Its self-description:

In this talk, Andreas examines the sensationalist debate over "fake news," the rising tide of faith-based nation states declaring bitcoin as "fake money," and alternative mechanisms we can build to fill the void left by retired fact-checking departments & central bank authorities. 

It was predictive. Every day it gets easier to understand how we’ve arrived in a world where everything is phony, because it was all a result of fake money. When you don’t have real money, you don’t have real markets, and when you don’t have real markets you can’t find truth.

Everything is collapsing and it’s glorious.

Let’s mix up the order a bit.

First up:

Fake Terrorists. The terrifying domestic terrorists are at it in Canada again (see 45 second video above).


Fake news (Hunter Biden laptop/Kim DotCom edition).


Fake money

But perhaps not just fiat. This could prove to get quite interesting. Shades of Gamestop?

The Monero enthusiasts are planning on withdrawing Monero, buying more Monero, and trading shitcoins for Monero to squeeze the potentially fraudulent exchanges.

This could have serious consequences. Will people rush to withdraw their other cryptos into self-custody wallets? This could help us to find out what’s real and what isn’t. The currency wars are here!

I’m throwing this one in just for fun:


Fake medicine. Stuff that kills rather than saves people? We all know what that is now, but there are more and more articles every day. Here’s a new one on the millenial deaths.

At the intersection of fake news and fake medicine is also this:

As for real medicine, just got some good news:

Common Sense has a fairly good article entitled American Seriousness about determining what’s real vs. fake. But don’t expect funding of real medicine, as you can’t centralize, control, or monopolize it without IP and licensing laws.

Actually, in a truly free market, real medicine doesn’t need much funding and what it does need could happen privately from genuine philanthropists instead of the psychopaths posing as such. It can often even fund itself, because consumers want stuff that works, just like any other product.

If the consumers and producers are not stopped by the original Karens, that is. (“We need the FDA to protect us from snake oil!”):

Which, over 75-100 years, leads to this:

So, how do you tell when something is real?

See AA’s lecture for a great primer. A solid and enjoyable intellectual rant about why we are at this juncture in 2022 but it’s been building for decades: trusted third parties have stopped delivering on their promises. That’s why trust is gone.

We are responsible for verifying what’s real. And markets find truth.

Oh! For the believers, here are a couple of fun ones for Easter Monday. Apparently, lockdowns don’t work:

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