It’s bad enough to have a country ruled by people who should be in a nursing home.
We’re at the point of no return when the same people are suffering from very obvious psychotic breaks.
The past 24 hours have been a psychological turning point for me.
Pelosi has always been a disgusting creature, but this footage of her rubbing her grubby little fists together at the description of a war scene has to be one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen from a politician.
Not because it demonstrates that she doesn’t care. We all knew that.
Because it demonstrates that she is incapable of hiding her psychosis from the public.
This is not just Nervous Nancy indulging in one too many scotch on the rocks before SOTU. Or being high on crack. Or having dropped way too much acid.
This is not just Decline of Empire. This the Empire in total freefall.
If Putin is suffering from Looooooong Covid (lol), what on earth is Nancy suffering from?
This is not just the Emperor with No Clothes. It’s the naked Emperor leaping out of a skyscraper due to a psychotic break while shouting, “Wooooo Hoooooo! WHAT A RIDE!”
We are in deep, deep doo doo, folks.
There's nothing these madmen aren't capable of. This is not hyperbole.
If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry. So, laugh: The Stank of the Union is Strong (What is that Smell?)
And at the end of this post are some very good preparedness tips for 2022.
I only have two items to add to that list: a geiger counter and some potassium iodide.
God help us all.
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