Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

Just as institutional science eventually falsified its object, institutional religion did the same thing.

Too much emphasis has been placed on the interpretation by primitive minds of a simple and pure teaching: God is the loving Father of each of us and we are therefore brothers and sisters.

The early Christians were eager to spread the gospel, the good news of the Fatherhood of God and the consequent Brotherhood of Man (of course including women in the general concept of Brotherhood). Primitives were responsive to magic and miracles, and consequently the message became the Gospel *about* Jesus rather than the simple and eternally true Gospel *of* Jesus because it appealed to the limited minds of two thousand years ago.

For two millennia there has been “profit” of one sort or another in trading on the superstitions that have grown up around Jesus the man. It’s a tragedy because the profound consequence of the truth of the love and the intimate relationship that the Infinite has for and with each of us has largely been overlooked, as evidenced by the sorry state of civilization.

The Age of Enlightenment was an advance in that it sought to overthrow the intellectual hegemony of institutional religion, but sadly it sold man into the bondage of scientism (and various other -isms that have contaminated the advance of civilization).

The spiritual, moral and intellectual bankruptcy of both are beginning to be understood, and I detect a trend towards a more individual, simple, and pure variety of spiritual experience that is free from the iron hand of those who would dominate others through fear and over-much sophistry.

The dawn of a new Renaissance is beginning to break, and we can hope that the errors of the past will remain in the past.

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

When my kids were still shockingly young, probably like you were, I had to work damn hard to get my so-called spontaneous remission from cancer, with scientifically investigated alternative and natural medicines, real food, avoiding toxins, taking the mercury fillings out, coffee enemas etc. and good old fashioned 'gettin' my mind right''. But NOT by believing in scientismal hooey. Getting the cancer reversed involved deep knowledge and courageous skepticism - refusing to dance, just like O'Connell. That clip from Northern Exposure with Fleischman doing his well-intentioned gaslighting routine kind of triggered me because of what I went through with oncologist and surgeon who would not accept that I knew what I knew about my own body and used lies and fear to try to get me to do the slash burn poison routine, including pronouncing me a death sentence within 2-5 years if I didn't follow their plan. Then they fired me. 22 years ago. When I got well I felt like I had escaped a cult and could never un-know what I had learned about mind control. Now imagine my shock and grief when my adult kids, who saw me going through this and coming out on top so they'd have a healthy mom in their life, willingly drink the Kovid Koolade and one says I poisoned their mind for all those years with my slightly bitter conspiracy-theory attitude towards vaccines, modern medicine, GMOs, public health corruption and fake democracy.

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

I think Fleishman was right.

She was isolated and depressed. Not good for anyone, especially someone young and eligible.

He took an interest in her and got her going again... just what she needed.

He also put an end to her pariah status... which was good for her relationship with the town.

Fleishman was gutsy, fearless and smart... a lot like those Docs at the FLCCC and Malone and McCulloch... of course, they have to take matters a bit more seriously.

I think Fleishman would be good to have in your camp, as a friend or associate... perhaps even as a professional.

Re the dark ages and voodoo, what we really have here is a triumph of politics, groupthink, and compulsion, with overtones of the subtle birthings of a police state over reason and the scientific method. Its really quite depressing. I thought we as a civilization were over that... but I guess not.

There is alot lacking in the vetting of who we select for leadership politically these days. I do not see a lot of deep thinkers... more mental and emotional manipulators, propagandists, people putting on theater, etc. You know the effective leaders by their results... and lately, those results (other than theater) have not been very good, IMHO.

I see a downtrend in our society and civilization as a direct result.

The free lunch does not exist... someone always pays, sooner or later... and any society based on those kinds of promises (and the debt engendered thereby) will have credibility problems and severe distrust, and perhaps civil unrest (and maybe not so civil) when those promises fail.

My 2 cents. That and another $10 might get you a drink at Fleishman's and O'Donnell's bar in Alaska these days... :)

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I think it's good to be thorough with articles, including with videos. There will be some for whom each article is THE article they're looking for, and they consume it all. But we are in a strange moment these past few months of info-gorging where the infovors have a tenth of the capacity to suck it all in. This is part of the reason we've blossomed from 10-ish substackers to 200-ish.

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

seems to me that we're dealing with three basic narratives. the first is the real scary one: this is life and death, survival of the species versus extinction.

the second is more philosophical. this is love and hope and the promise of emerging, enlightened community versus divided-and-conquered, hunger games race for rapidly diminishing spoils

the third is good vs. evil, god vs. satan, god is asking us to take a side. no fence-riding allowed.

i think that all this is part of a greater narrative as the species as a whole seeks to unpack it. and that our interests are best served if we stop splitting hairs and realize the power of acting in concert in a common interest, i.e. survival. whether that means here, or on another plane or in worlds to come, is one of many debates we can indulge in when we have that luxury.

did not know you were an organist! religion has given us hideous mechanisms of control, as you have pointed out, but also considerable beauty. i think this one speaks to our current circumstance. https://youtu.be/BLSLbAMnqek

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It's by design how the religionists poison the well and steer developing souls away from the actual teaching contained in holy texts. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Everything that is happening now is embedded with the timeless symbolism of these texts on a conscious and subconscious level. Refusing to see because of a traumatic childhood experience is exactly the result the demons in power are looking for.

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"Whaddaya say?"

Well, I'd say that he has a very poor understanding of both reason AND Religion.

I'd say he needs a bit of Aristotle.

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it took me till very recently to realise how toxic my upbringing was, i might have never realised if my mother wasnt still trying it.

no contact now for 6 months and couldnt be happier

might be a reason this is my favourite tune: https://youtu.be/oiosqtFLBBA

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022


The lyrics speak straight out of all the volumes that humankind has sent up in the smoke of our politicized/religionized manic pyres.

His guitar would be the anthem sizzling from the very tip of my stinger as I patch the gaping gash left by the Exocet in the grey steel hull of my mighty warship. Praise be to the gods of war that never happened in my day, and the rock and roll played on.

They came close but they missed. And we sailed on eventually and left behind the typhoons, the raging war, the napalm, the constant drone of Hueys and Cobras, and the gorgeous Sigh-reens of Subic, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Sasebo. (I laugh uncontrollably at the script, "...LOOK! They dun turned Delmar into a Toad !!") And, yep, its true yur honor, I tell ya, 7&7's, Singapore Slings and them Sigh-reens can do that to a man, I seen it with my own eyes.

Don't ever forget the recipe - The 5 B's necessary to bake a War Cake = Bullets, Boots, Bread (& Butter), Broads and Booze.

She asks, "What the hell, Jim, has any of this got to do with any in my newsletters?" W-A-R is here and now, he responds. And yes, it deserves caps. and IT deserves alarm and response.

50 years later and what the hell am I doing in this bar?! I don't belong here. I'm old, I'm slow of thought, spoken and written words. I had a glorious childhood, filled with love and caring. And then I packed a knapsack in '68 and headed out to see what the world was really all about. It was a damned fine journey. Now I'm tired, I'm tired of being alone and being forced into corners again. I recognize this place, this bar, the music and all the myriad faces of the crowd and the joint gives me peace and joy in an obtuse way.

I'm a terrible dancer, I'm a bore, I don't drink anymore, but dammit my dance card needs filling. I don't have answers for civilization's trauma or how to lift curses, but I've got a good heart and a smile and sometimes a few words that might bring relief. There's another room not far from where I sit at this bar. There's wood waiting for me to plane and glue and sand. You know how to reach me.

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opposite for me. psychic and having to learn to hide that.

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