My dad smoked his whole life and developed COPD. The medicines he took help him to breathe but a side effect was "thin skin" as he called it. Long story short, all pre scamdemic, minor bumps would result in him bleeding like crazy. We used to joke that he was keeping Bandaid in business, not that it was the least bit funny :(
My dad smoked his whole life and developed COPD. The medicines he took help him to breathe but a side effect was "thin skin" as he called it. Long story short, all pre scamdemic, minor bumps would result in him bleeding like crazy. We used to joke that he was keeping Bandaid in business, not that it was the least bit funny :(
My dad smoked his whole life and developed COPD. The medicines he took help him to breathe but a side effect was "thin skin" as he called it. Long story short, all pre scamdemic, minor bumps would result in him bleeding like crazy. We used to joke that he was keeping Bandaid in business, not that it was the least bit funny :(
My mum is a bleeder. On blood thinners for a heart condition.
Found her bleeding like a stuck pig this morning, from her nose. It eventually abated.
Any light scratch will bleed. A slight bump into furniture will produce heavy bruising. Unreal.
With all that said: She's 92 and still "in charge".