Do you think homosexuality is vax injury? Genuine question.
The reason I ask is that I read a rather convincing potential explanation many years ago about how the hormonal balance affects brain development and the different parts of the brain that govern sexual attraction versus sexual identity.
If being trans is vax injury then I would by that logic assume that being gay is as well.
I’m not sure I’m comfortable with the idea that either is a pathology.
Variation of sexual expression has been around long before vaccines were developed. Could vaccines be an aggravating factor? Who knows. We live in a cloud of xeno estrogens and denatured foods grown on depleted soils.
We have always had a few rare people who wish to live as the opposite sex, and different cultures have responded in different ways.
I think what is new is the medicalisation of trans, with attempts to actually modify the body with hormones and surgery, and in recent years the glorification of it.
The latter is resulting in an epidemic of transness of vulnerable teens.
You have probably heard of Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible damage”.
Then there is the insane contradiction at the very heart of this whole movement. On the one hand, we are supposed to honour a gazillion different genders. Fine, whatever floats your boat. May a thousand flowers bloom and so on.
But at the same time there is an obsession with traditional gender roles, plus the insistence that “trans women are women”. No, they are not.
The backlash against this insanity is beginning, and will hurt the real vulnerable queer folks most.
I waited months for this to bubble up on the stacks and here it is. Gardisil. I blame gardisil for aggravating the trans, non binary, and asexual conditions that have inexplicably bloomed in our youth. Anyone who has high school and college age, and 20 something children will know exactly what I am talking about. And now there are TV ads for gardisil 9. I sincerely hope someone takes a look at the timeline.
Fertility is only one problem it causes. PCOS, cancer, autoimmune disorders, gastroparesis, it’s a gift that keeps giving. It’s another taker of life, up to and including death.
You need to connect w Larry Cook on Gab. Larry ran the most targeted vaccine group on FB even before Del and others woke up. He was listed as one of the number one Leaders of the anti vaxx movement.
I don’t think “trans” and homosexuality are synonymous, are they? I’m supposing “trans” is necessarily homosexual, but homosexual isn’t necessarily “trans”.
I have concluded that “trans” is an avenue of social legitimization of homosexuals who didn’t want to be known as such, thus the convenient excuse that they are actually women.
There is a homophobic aspect to the extreme trans movement. The whole point of being gay is that one is attracted to one’s own sex. Not gender, sex. There have been cases especially of Lesbians being harassed for not wanting to have sex with ‘women’ with penises. Newer organisations that just want to get together as LBG minus the T have been accused of ‘hate crime’. Graham Linehan has been doing stellar work in the UK and Ireland raising awareness of the issue. Google Glinner.
Yes. I was introduced to the term TERF recently. Now I have a couple of old friends in my life (angry women generally speaking) who have jumped on this cause and all other causes. They are slaves to a hive mind and impossible to be around.
I keep an open mind but it is difficult to sort out what aspect of this social pathology is purely contrived and socially mimetic, vs. has underlying biochemical causality. Because the phenomenon is not occurring only in trans individuals and as WG points out, many trans people just want to live their lives. I’m Facebook friends with a trans woman who is a real sweetheart. You could not ask for more polite and kind individual.
I also suspect another friend of mine in real life is trans but never transitioned in any way and is completely closeted. Very sweet person. Wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Compare to the two cis women who have lost their fucking minds. I would rather hang out with my trans friends any day of the week. But to these cis women I am likely a transphobe.
The problem, in this and other issues of our times, is not trans people but trans ideology. We have movements take the place of organised religion, with insistence on adherence to absurd dogmas (men can have babies) and ferreting out of heretics. Linguist dr. John McWhorter PhD has just done a book on it.
Homophobic and profoundly sexist (often we pick up on the misogyny in the trans movement, but trying to hide away or destroy a boy's reproductive organs is hateful and disgusting). On a personal level, anybody who feels that level of disconnect and discomfort with their body should be treated with extreme care and compassion and even medical treatment-- but why would a movement celebrate and encourage these feelings?
I fully expect that this nonsense will consume itself and ultimately collapse of the weight of its accumulated absurdities and internal logical inconsistencies.
Those invested in it will take a psychological beating when it happens.
i’ve been wildly wrong in my predictions before. Generally I am more wrong when I want a particular outcome, vs. am a passive and unwilling observer.
It’s easy to predict a collapse that ends in a nuclear war and sends us back to the 1800s but what we’re probably more likely to get is grinding poverty through depression, with some level of tech dystopia for a good while here.
What I remain uncertain about is how long that can muddle along without it’s own infrastructure breaking down. Because previous totalitarian systems were actually quite technologically deficient compared to more free counterparts.
Schwab’s 4IR in that sense is a contradiction. You cannot have a high tech advancing world with fairly steep population decline, economic depression, land wars, etc.
The question is whether it take 4 years or 4 decades to collapse.
Yes, it is going to be dark. It’s the culmination of the materialist utopia, and the beginning of the terminal days of materialism as the de facto religion. Denial of God (reality) is the author of its own self-destruction.
I detect a more spiritual note in unexpected quarters. A new Renaissance awaits as dawn follows darkness.
I can wish that we all can see the destructiveness in the loss of moral precepts. The end does not justify the means. Some things are always wrong. A great issue.
I don't see any reason not to think of being trans as being pathological, at least in cases when treatment is indicated. In what hypothetical world would no trans person suffer without any treatment for that condition (or whatever the PC term for it is, if there is one)? It also isn't that hard for me to consider homosexuality as “pathological”. For starters, reproduction with one's partner is impossible (without drastic interventions), unlike for straight couples. Gay couples are effectively sterile. Isn't that pathological?
Everyone I have ever said this to just looks at me like I’m insane and laughs it off. Another “conspiracy theory.” As if injecting the genome of the opposite gender into kids’ bodies repeatedly would have zero effect.
I believe this is part of their transhumanism agenda. It’s my conclusion that they’re trying to create an androgynous being of indeterminate sex that is unable to procreate. It would serve them well and appeal to their perverse sexual tastes with zero ability to breed and cause issues for them that they believe we do. So, in a way, it is part of their depopulation agenda, as well.
A similar thought had occurred to me just the other day. I hadn't linked it to a specific physical intervention, but as the reason for all the psy-ops pushing it.
I remember as a kid when they were feeding hormones to cows so they would produce more milk, reading of boys developing breasts. So they were setting limits as how much is "safe."
Everything starts out with decent or good intentions turns into pavement for the road to hell...
It absolutely is. Transgender is essentially the ad campaign to sell the public body disassociation for transhumanism. “Born in the wrong body”. It’s also the necessary step for redefining what it means to be human.
This article speaks more to the oncologic effects of the cell lines, how the Italian company that did the research, Corvelva, found over 500 genes known to be associated with forms of cancer in the MRC-5 cell analysis. However, it is not a huge leap, in my mind, to consider that these cell lines could play a role in the explosion of gender dysphoria among Millennials/Gen Z.
Absolutely agree 100%. MRC-5 and WI-38 cell lines and the boom in childhood vax in the 90s as the CDC added more and more injections to the schedule following the 1986 Childhood Vax Injury Act. They know.
I think you're onto something there. It's one of those unspeakable things. It may not just be vaccines though but also other pharmaceuticals that end up in the environment. And it may not just be trans. (I'll leave it to you to work out what I have in mind.)
Atrazine is a likely culprit as well. I wonder if vaccines are contaminated with atrazine? It's pretty persistent. Just thinking out loud, I wonder if chicken eggs, exposed to atrazine, then used as a growth medium for vaccines, could be the route of transmission?
I have been interested in this myself and believe it to be a good area to explore. I wonder what a FOIA request to anyone of the vaccine manufacturers and the FDA/CDC etc about effects of the vaccines on hormonal effects, sexual orientation and the like might come up with.
There is an overlap with the autist spectrum, indeed. When I think of the clumsy, socially awkward child and teenager I was and project that into today I shudder. I could have become prey to any cult or become addicted to any substance. However, I had the blessing of a stable family and culture, substances were just not available, and various psychiatric conditions were still not widely assigned to odd children. Vintage 1943, post war Netherlands.
As shocking as it seems to many, I do agree with you and have said this myself for many years. I believe it’s largely a result of the foreign DNA of male and female aborted fetuses found in the vaccines. It isn’t only cancer they’re responsible for.
Agreed that there has to be a distinction between these current examples, especially the mRNA ones, and what came before. I would still argue that there is a coherent thread throughout, in the sense that it is founded on the assumption that natural immunity is not by default sufficient and must be artificially enhanced.
Yes, in an extremely broad sense, we are reaching the dead-end of many different ideologies that have been running 100 years or so. Excessive vaccination is just a subset of the medical ideology that the body is pathological and cannot function on its own without being defiled through surgeries, drugs, and other "enhancements." I am not particularly anti-vaccine (after all, I manufacture a therapeutic vaccine) but I am at root an evolutionary biologist with a respect for complex natural systems. 72 vaccines for kids is off the rails. Preventative vaccination as such is not a terrible idea, but one must know what one is doing, and we often do not. It should always have come with the obvious disclaimer that a rigorous cost-benefit analysis was impossible. In fact, we have done considerable harm because childhood febrile infections are anti-neoplastic. Childhood cancers are through the roof: it is not likely the direct result of what is in the vaccines but the fact that they fail to allow natural immune training to take place.
The same arrogance is shown by this crowd toward all freely operating highly complex systems, not just medical but also economic, environmental, etc. "Let us destroy and rebuild the world for you, and all will be well." They believe that throwing a spanner into the works is the way to go. In past years, one could get around this to a large extent, but the threat can no longer be ignored. If we let them have their way (not just with the medical tyranny they want but the rest of it -- the medical is only a subset), it will be the end of us.
Trans is a big issue because it's likely vaccine injury and Pharma is spending billions of dollars to normalize it because they have to.
Do you think homosexuality is vax injury? Genuine question.
The reason I ask is that I read a rather convincing potential explanation many years ago about how the hormonal balance affects brain development and the different parts of the brain that govern sexual attraction versus sexual identity.
If being trans is vax injury then I would by that logic assume that being gay is as well.
I’m not sure I’m comfortable with the idea that either is a pathology.
Variation of sexual expression has been around long before vaccines were developed. Could vaccines be an aggravating factor? Who knows. We live in a cloud of xeno estrogens and denatured foods grown on depleted soils.
We have always had a few rare people who wish to live as the opposite sex, and different cultures have responded in different ways.
I think what is new is the medicalisation of trans, with attempts to actually modify the body with hormones and surgery, and in recent years the glorification of it.
The latter is resulting in an epidemic of transness of vulnerable teens.
You have probably heard of Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible damage”.
Then there is the insane contradiction at the very heart of this whole movement. On the one hand, we are supposed to honour a gazillion different genders. Fine, whatever floats your boat. May a thousand flowers bloom and so on.
But at the same time there is an obsession with traditional gender roles, plus the insistence that “trans women are women”. No, they are not.
The backlash against this insanity is beginning, and will hurt the real vulnerable queer folks most.
Yes. A lot of what is going on is utterly bizarre. The “tomboys” of my youth are now “non-binary.”
Stop the planet. I want off.
I waited months for this to bubble up on the stacks and here it is. Gardisil. I blame gardisil for aggravating the trans, non binary, and asexual conditions that have inexplicably bloomed in our youth. Anyone who has high school and college age, and 20 something children will know exactly what I am talking about. And now there are TV ads for gardisil 9. I sincerely hope someone takes a look at the timeline.
Was thinking of including this in the Aschen Agenda article. I'm pretty sure this vaccine causes infertility problems.
Fertility is only one problem it causes. PCOS, cancer, autoimmune disorders, gastroparesis, it’s a gift that keeps giving. It’s another taker of life, up to and including death.
You need to connect w Larry Cook on Gab. Larry ran the most targeted vaccine group on FB even before Del and others woke up. He was listed as one of the number one Leaders of the anti vaxx movement.
This is his link. Talk w Larry.
Also may want to connect w friend and fellow anti vaxxer Brandon Simoens who is extremely knowledgeable on the topic
Also on Gab.
I think there’s a high likelihood it’s related to birth control pills.
I don’t think “trans” and homosexuality are synonymous, are they? I’m supposing “trans” is necessarily homosexual, but homosexual isn’t necessarily “trans”.
I have concluded that “trans” is an avenue of social legitimization of homosexuals who didn’t want to be known as such, thus the convenient excuse that they are actually women.
There is a homophobic aspect to the extreme trans movement. The whole point of being gay is that one is attracted to one’s own sex. Not gender, sex. There have been cases especially of Lesbians being harassed for not wanting to have sex with ‘women’ with penises. Newer organisations that just want to get together as LBG minus the T have been accused of ‘hate crime’. Graham Linehan has been doing stellar work in the UK and Ireland raising awareness of the issue. Google Glinner.
Yes. I was introduced to the term TERF recently. Now I have a couple of old friends in my life (angry women generally speaking) who have jumped on this cause and all other causes. They are slaves to a hive mind and impossible to be around.
I keep an open mind but it is difficult to sort out what aspect of this social pathology is purely contrived and socially mimetic, vs. has underlying biochemical causality. Because the phenomenon is not occurring only in trans individuals and as WG points out, many trans people just want to live their lives. I’m Facebook friends with a trans woman who is a real sweetheart. You could not ask for more polite and kind individual.
I also suspect another friend of mine in real life is trans but never transitioned in any way and is completely closeted. Very sweet person. Wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Compare to the two cis women who have lost their fucking minds. I would rather hang out with my trans friends any day of the week. But to these cis women I am likely a transphobe.
Oh well.
The problem, in this and other issues of our times, is not trans people but trans ideology. We have movements take the place of organised religion, with insistence on adherence to absurd dogmas (men can have babies) and ferreting out of heretics. Linguist dr. John McWhorter PhD has just done a book on it.
Hadn't observed the use of trans ideology much but seems quite appropriate. The use of the TERF naming and shaming is part of that woke business.
Homophobic and profoundly sexist (often we pick up on the misogyny in the trans movement, but trying to hide away or destroy a boy's reproductive organs is hateful and disgusting). On a personal level, anybody who feels that level of disconnect and discomfort with their body should be treated with extreme care and compassion and even medical treatment-- but why would a movement celebrate and encourage these feelings?
I fully expect that this nonsense will consume itself and ultimately collapse of the weight of its accumulated absurdities and internal logical inconsistencies.
Those invested in it will take a psychological beating when it happens.
The more I see the more unsure I am.
i’ve been wildly wrong in my predictions before. Generally I am more wrong when I want a particular outcome, vs. am a passive and unwilling observer.
It’s easy to predict a collapse that ends in a nuclear war and sends us back to the 1800s but what we’re probably more likely to get is grinding poverty through depression, with some level of tech dystopia for a good while here.
What I remain uncertain about is how long that can muddle along without it’s own infrastructure breaking down. Because previous totalitarian systems were actually quite technologically deficient compared to more free counterparts.
Schwab’s 4IR in that sense is a contradiction. You cannot have a high tech advancing world with fairly steep population decline, economic depression, land wars, etc.
The question is whether it take 4 years or 4 decades to collapse.
The next wee while is going to be unpleasant.
Yes, it is going to be dark. It’s the culmination of the materialist utopia, and the beginning of the terminal days of materialism as the de facto religion. Denial of God (reality) is the author of its own self-destruction.
I detect a more spiritual note in unexpected quarters. A new Renaissance awaits as dawn follows darkness.
I can wish that we all can see the destructiveness in the loss of moral precepts. The end does not justify the means. Some things are always wrong. A great issue.
I don't see any reason not to think of being trans as being pathological, at least in cases when treatment is indicated. In what hypothetical world would no trans person suffer without any treatment for that condition (or whatever the PC term for it is, if there is one)? It also isn't that hard for me to consider homosexuality as “pathological”. For starters, reproduction with one's partner is impossible (without drastic interventions), unlike for straight couples. Gay couples are effectively sterile. Isn't that pathological?
25% of straight couples don’t conceive. Is that pathological?
somewhat say even if it’s a choice to be childless while married , it’s pathological. In that case I’m happy to be pathological.
I do believe the marked increase of it over the decades is.
Everyone I have ever said this to just looks at me like I’m insane and laughs it off. Another “conspiracy theory.” As if injecting the genome of the opposite gender into kids’ bodies repeatedly would have zero effect.
Actually, I am puzzled, questioning .... is this another piece in depopulation plan....
I have no idea or background of what you are talking about, but I don't reject novel ideas out of hand.
I don't think you're crazy
I believe this is part of their transhumanism agenda. It’s my conclusion that they’re trying to create an androgynous being of indeterminate sex that is unable to procreate. It would serve them well and appeal to their perverse sexual tastes with zero ability to breed and cause issues for them that they believe we do. So, in a way, it is part of their depopulation agenda, as well.
A similar thought had occurred to me just the other day. I hadn't linked it to a specific physical intervention, but as the reason for all the psy-ops pushing it.
I remember as a kid when they were feeding hormones to cows so they would produce more milk, reading of boys developing breasts. So they were setting limits as how much is "safe."
Everything starts out with decent or good intentions turns into pavement for the road to hell...
1977, Mr. Sales history teacher brought up teenage boys getting bugunes, as my daughter said when she was little.
As in, true horrific story, at pool, my little daughter pointing up to heavy man in swimsuit, that man has big bugunes.
If I'm lying I'm dying
It absolutely is. Transgender is essentially the ad campaign to sell the public body disassociation for transhumanism. “Born in the wrong body”. It’s also the necessary step for redefining what it means to be human.
Here’s a good place to start:
This article speaks more to the oncologic effects of the cell lines, how the Italian company that did the research, Corvelva, found over 500 genes known to be associated with forms of cancer in the MRC-5 cell analysis. However, it is not a huge leap, in my mind, to consider that these cell lines could play a role in the explosion of gender dysphoria among Millennials/Gen Z.
ty! God bless.
Melissa, here you go... I can stop playing Alpha Male with WARRIOR FREAKEN WOMEN LIKE THIS AROUND...ADDICTED TO THIS DAMN VIDEO
I have long wondered/thought this. I don't think it's crazy.
Absolutely agree 100%. MRC-5 and WI-38 cell lines and the boom in childhood vax in the 90s as the CDC added more and more injections to the schedule following the 1986 Childhood Vax Injury Act. They know.
I think you're onto something there. It's one of those unspeakable things. It may not just be vaccines though but also other pharmaceuticals that end up in the environment. And it may not just be trans. (I'll leave it to you to work out what I have in mind.)
Atrazine is a likely culprit as well. I wonder if vaccines are contaminated with atrazine? It's pretty persistent. Just thinking out loud, I wonder if chicken eggs, exposed to atrazine, then used as a growth medium for vaccines, could be the route of transmission?
I’ve long suspected xenoestrogens might be the cause of both (though no firm thoughts in this regard) but the vax hypothesis is new to me.
I am actually intellectually interested in this, I just couldn’t resist the Alex Jones comment 😆
I have been interested in this myself and believe it to be a good area to explore. I wonder what a FOIA request to anyone of the vaccine manufacturers and the FDA/CDC etc about effects of the vaccines on hormonal effects, sexual orientation and the like might come up with.
From what I have seen, “trans” is an injury of the psyche. It’s a now-legitimate channel of mandatory acceptance for the socially unsuccessful.
There is an overlap with the autist spectrum, indeed. When I think of the clumsy, socially awkward child and teenager I was and project that into today I shudder. I could have become prey to any cult or become addicted to any substance. However, I had the blessing of a stable family and culture, substances were just not available, and various psychiatric conditions were still not widely assigned to odd children. Vintage 1943, post war Netherlands.
As shocking as it seems to many, I do agree with you and have said this myself for many years. I believe it’s largely a result of the foreign DNA of male and female aborted fetuses found in the vaccines. It isn’t only cancer they’re responsible for.
Can you still call it a vaccine "injury" if it is happening on purpose? Transhumanism is the end goal, is it not - injury feels like the wrong word.
Toby is talking about other vaccines.
I would apply my comment to other vaccines and vaccines in general (although not in their entirety).
I don’t think transhumanism is the goal of vaccines prior vaccines to Covid vaccines, and Toby is talking about those.
Agreed that there has to be a distinction between these current examples, especially the mRNA ones, and what came before. I would still argue that there is a coherent thread throughout, in the sense that it is founded on the assumption that natural immunity is not by default sufficient and must be artificially enhanced.
Yes, in an extremely broad sense, we are reaching the dead-end of many different ideologies that have been running 100 years or so. Excessive vaccination is just a subset of the medical ideology that the body is pathological and cannot function on its own without being defiled through surgeries, drugs, and other "enhancements." I am not particularly anti-vaccine (after all, I manufacture a therapeutic vaccine) but I am at root an evolutionary biologist with a respect for complex natural systems. 72 vaccines for kids is off the rails. Preventative vaccination as such is not a terrible idea, but one must know what one is doing, and we often do not. It should always have come with the obvious disclaimer that a rigorous cost-benefit analysis was impossible. In fact, we have done considerable harm because childhood febrile infections are anti-neoplastic. Childhood cancers are through the roof: it is not likely the direct result of what is in the vaccines but the fact that they fail to allow natural immune training to take place.
The same arrogance is shown by this crowd toward all freely operating highly complex systems, not just medical but also economic, environmental, etc. "Let us destroy and rebuild the world for you, and all will be well." They believe that throwing a spanner into the works is the way to go. In past years, one could get around this to a large extent, but the threat can no longer be ignored. If we let them have their way (not just with the medical tyranny they want but the rest of it -- the medical is only a subset), it will be the end of us.
Charles Eisenstein had a good article on this recently but I'm not as generous of spirit as he is toward the globalist central planners.
You are a wealth of knowledge!
Yes agreed: Charles was being a bit provocatively generous in that article I think, as he likes to do.