Apr 6, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

What is it with the obsession against fevers? I don't mean the ones so high it can kill a person, but everything else. I was at a dinner recently with a newly retired nurse and the topic of Tylenol came up - she promotes it and takes it herself for everything, and gave it to patients for decades. Stop fevers, stop pain, stop inflammation - all with Tylenol.

I think there is a big confusion between suppressing symptoms and addressing root causes, and it leads to all sorts of subsequent problems, like preventing anything that may actually cause a fever.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

And the best way to stop embedded C Diff that refuses treatment by meds - insertion of healthy poop into the patient. Disgusting mentally but the healthy person's bacterial mix puts the the C Diff swarm in it's place. We hardly understand the biology of our gut.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

Fascinating stuff.

Incidentally, at a recent homeopathy summit, several homeopaths noted that the patients who consulted them for help with long covid had something in common. They had taken antipyretics when feverish with covid.

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Hi Monica, I appreciate this article I had some thoughts on it I wanted to share for you. Please let me know if you can read through this.

As you might guess, I have a lot of issues with the way cancer has been treated and the various treatments for that have gotten buried by history (for example I read Ralph Moss's book years ago-my favorite one in the genre was Politics and Healing).

I have also seen hyperthermia benefit numerous cancer patients and individuals with other diseases.

I saw the following video on the subject a while back. It is a bit long, but I suspect despite your background that there are things with unless you are not familiar with:


At the start of the pandemic I spent hundreds of hours going through everything I had ever been written about the 1918 influenza. In that I found that all the physicians he successfully treated it nurtured the fever rather than suppressing it, and empirically determined which therapies were effective for treating the 1918 influenza basing in on which of them caused the fever to break naturally (whereas taking aspirin was typically fatal, although they were taking much higher doses at that time). Occasionally ice was placed on the head or on a tachycardic chest but nothing more to directly suppress the fever. (at some point I will write a longer article on this)

I have believed for a while that one of the primary things that has been causing people to die from Covid were the continual instructions to suppress the fevers, and I have seen various data points that have emerged supporting this hypothesis.

I have treated a lot of people for Covid, so there is no doubt in my mind that the disease is quite dangerous and has to be treated appropriately. I have the unfortunate luck to get Covid while I was traveling I had no access to support or any of the therapeutic I'd used, so I did a bare-bones approach and try to heat myself up as much as possible, water fasted and rested as much as possible. My body went haywire for about a day (I have never been that ill before), which I have never experienced before, but once it was done it took a few days for my energy to come back, and when it was all done I actually felt dramatically better than I had prior to getting Covid. My own belief is that this is the way the body is actually supposed to process a lot of diseases and viral conditions (although there are often a lot of extra things you can bring into the picture to make sure there's no bad outcome).

One of the hypotheses I have been exploring with vaccine injuries and long-haul Covid is that the temperature regulation in the body gets disrupted, and patients fall into the same pattern the doctor and above video identified for individual who will benefit from mistletoe therapy to treat cancer. I have not yet been able to have any vaccine injured patients actually chart their body temperatures to see if the thermal dysregulation the mistletoe community has identified occurs.

Assuming this theory is right, I think there are three ways I know of that can potentially correct this problem.

1) Mistletoe therapy

2) Choley's Toxins

3) Cantharidin

Another interesting thing I discovered was that back in the 1800s, one physician pioneered using fever blister (Cantharidin) as a treatment for smallpox, and as a vaccination for it. What he essentially found was that giving periodic injections of Cantharidin restored the general immune function in patients, where as the smallpox vaccine often destroyed it, and it was the patients who had an intact immune system I did not catch smallpox. He studied this on a lot of people and had close to 100% success rate and using fever blister for small pox.

So, all of this represents tentative hypothesis but I have a strong suspicion once described above is integral to mitigating the effects of the Covid vaccinations.

Thank you for reading, thank you for your support of myself stack and please let me know your thoughts. It's wonderful you are making the toxins in a sterile enviornment. Finding good sources for these types of things when you do alternative cancer care is very challenging...

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

What an awesome, interesting article. I will be sharing on my Substack. I think this concept makes complete sense. To me when the body has an infection the natural immune system (for those of us that still have one and have not had it destroyed by a barrage of vaccines) kicks into overdrive and not only fights the infection but attacks the cancer too. That is just my uneducated opinion to explain why an infection might also fight off and cure a cancer in the body.

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

Hello Monica, the first time I heard about Coley’s toxin was from you and I started to follow you ever since. You caught my attention because my 15 year old son has been battling Synovial Sarcoma Spindle Cell since December 2020. It started in the soft tissue of his face, in his cheek/mandible specifically. After he had his tumor removed, underwent chemotherapy and proton radiation it was somewhat successful. Unfortunately we found out that the cancer had spread to both of his lungs. We are still very much in this fight! He started taking different types of medication. However, the cancer in his lungs is still growing and multiplying. We feel hostages to health care and the big pharma in the USA. Even more because he’s a minor and hardly any clinic will offer alternative treatments to a minor.

If possible, how could I contact you to get more information regarding Coley’s Toxin? If you can contact me, please write to this email


I truly believe that God has put you in my path and really appreciate if you can share your knowledge and expertise.

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My interest in Coley's Toxins is from looking into the many pro tumor pathways from exposure to spike protein gene therapies.

Immunostimulatory therapies may help break the tumor induced immunosuppression, to disrupt the pro tumor positive feedback loop.

Oncology Meets Immunology: The Cancer-Immunity Cycle (2013): Beware treatments that can disrupt this cycle


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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

Thanks. That was very interesting. How long does the Coley’s treatment cause the fever to run? Also wondering how sauna’s would play into this by raising your body temperature too, as have known they can be healing. Also since the bacteria is heat treated then how does it cause infection? Is it still viable but just attenuated? Thanks

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

God bless you for your brave pursuit Dr. Hughes. I will be sure to keep this invaluable information in case myself or a loved one ever needs it.

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Apr 13, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

Hello Monica, the first time I heard about Coley’s toxin was from you and I started to follow you ever since. You caught my attention because my 15 year old son has been battling Synovial Sarcoma Spindle Cell since December 2020. It started in the soft tissue of his face, in his cheek/mandible specifically. After he had his tumor removed, underwent chemotherapy and proton radiation it was somewhat successful. Unfortunately we found out that the cancer had spread to both of his lungs. We are still very much in this fight! He started taking different types of medication. However, the cancer in his lungs is still growing and multiplying. We feel hostages to health care and the big pharma in the USA. Even more because he’s a minor and hardly any clinic will offer alternative treatments to a minor.

If possible, how could I contact you to get more information regarding Coley’s Toxin? If you can contact me, please write to this email


I truly believe that God has put you in my path and really appreciate if you can share your knowledge and expertise.

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Apr 7, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

great read. thank you for sharing it

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Spontaneous regression is the norm. Cancer is as old as life itself. The immune system has evolved to take care of it.



Credit where credit is due: Cow's milk contaminated vaccines prevent cancer ... by causing autism


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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

So cool! I had never heard of Coley’s toxins before. Thank you for opening my eyes to it. Vera’s story was particularly touching. Her smile is wonderful, as is the story of her recovery. What a wonderful thing to have engaged in while you had the opportunity. Hopefully, there are others that continue to work on production. You deserve many hugs from human beings for this work!

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

Just a quick note to tell you how much your writing means to me -- I always learn something, I often laugh, and I sometimes weep. Thank you.

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Yowsers! Absolutely fascinating. I've heard you talk about Coley's toxins in the chat but never knew that what you were talking about is this promising! What an incredibly important work. Thank you for taking us on this journey. I signal boosted it on my social media.

I lost my stepdad to glioblastoma. It was quick, about a year and a half. My close friend just lost her dad to the same thing, again it happened super fast, less than two years. Given the aggressive malignant nature of glioblastoma, do you think Coley's can have an effect? Also, given the uptick in out-of-the-blue cancers this past year (especially if they are spike shot induced), what is the likelihood of Coley's working for jabbed cancer patients?

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

Oh goodness. I commented previously when I had only read your post. Then I read through the comments! Bonus gold mine! So many rabbit trails I want to follow, I had to make a list. First and foremost on that list are certain points in the comments and responses from/to “A Midwestern Doctor”, whose Substack I also greatly enjoy; Lyme disease, malariotherapy, hyperthermia therapy for autoimmune disease, TLR ligands, mistletoe therapy, chronic mycoplasma infections, deuterium depleted water, and much more. These terms and ideas are directly relevant to myself and my family as I am healing from chronic Lyme disease and multiple coinfections, including babesia, bartonella, mycoplasma, CMV, etc. I was a regular Petri dish party! ;)

The one seed I would like to plant with Dr Monica and Midwestern Doc, is the under realized issue of mold as a root cause of chronic disease, particularly Lyme disease. I’m not talking about outside mold. Outdoor mold is in natural competition with other molds, and is directly limited by sunlight and oxygen. Mold in our living spaces is the issue. It is insidious, often hidden from view, and typically a slow acting poison. The list of symptoms is long and shares commonality with so many other diseases that it is often misdiagnosed and therefore pharmaceutically managed. I have found mold to be a primary root cause of immune and hormone dysfunction, both in myself and in my immediate family. Just a thought to consider!

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