Berenson is a pompous prick. So what. He has opinions, I have mine. Personally, I liked life a lot better when we could all discuss our opinions, without fear of being canceled by Big Tech, THE Karens, the Pot Party, and backdoor Deep State banning lists.
As a reformed pothead, I certainly don't think the government should ban it. But, what troubles me is the degree to which the use of marijuana is encouraged - not so much by the state, obviously, but rather by popular culture. I've found this curious for many years now. Nicotine (which makes people smarter) has the full weight of the establishment brought down to discourage its use; pot (which makes people stupider) is winked at and normalized. It's all social engineering, and none of it in our best interests. The state is one component but it's far from the only organ the managerial class uses to massage society into their desired shape.
My dream! People minding their own business! I don't give a damn what others are doing unless it affects me personally. Imagine how many "problems" could be solved if society would leave each other alone and learn to talk to one another again.
The state, and other centralized powerful organizations such as corporations, universities, etc., will always be banning some things and promoting others. Point isn't so much the morality of that (although that's a reasonable discussion), but - what are the actual goals and whose interests do they serve?
Frankly it's social engineering that should be banned.
I think it is the point, but discussions about ideology will not be easily settled.
My deeper disappointment is that you did not somehow humorously riff off of the thing I gave you to riff off of, cause I already had a prepared comeback. You're slippin'
How can you believe anything the government or it's bootlickers say now, especially this guy who is clearly a sellout!
The stuff we got from Thailand (early 70s) courtesy of the military was clearly not compromised like the "good shit' today. What the hell are they putting in it anyway? I wouldn't trust it if I didn't know the history from seed to bud.
Did we ever "solve" the vaping incidents? Synthetic THC and/or Spike Protein? Vit E?
Back in mid 1970s sitting in a club I used to run, a Justice Department official told us that 50% of the murders in that capitol city were over heroin.
Fucking heroin! Probably the only drug I didn't, as a young college student, not come across in quantity, quality, availability, and yes, even affordability. Every fucking thing else was readily available to us, if not by cash (hard to come by), by "activity." If you had a solid 'rep.'
I was a pharmacy student, multiple nite club worker, clean everything but driving record (2k to clean up), very experienced with firearms, single, decent mechanic, great on motorcycles, practically an orphan, known to keep my mouth shut, and I guess that ticked all the boxes!
Berenson is a zealot about cannabis and...Ivermectin. When the "Together" trial came out, while many on substack ripped it apart pointing out how it was designed to fail, and yet still showed that it works, while the elite media held it up as the final nail in the coffin, Berenson was like, 'See, see fools, Ivermectin doesn't work for Covid.' in the comments of his substack, people often call him out about cannabis and Ivermectin, but he can be immune to reason.
I think he's more motivated by contrarianism than the pure, unadulterated truth. It does not mean he doesn't put truth out, but I suspect he is aware that he cherry picks. He's also extremely juvenile at times. I have the same tendency but I try to keep it under wraps because it erodes credibility.
For a more objective and professional reporter, I'd highlight someone like Sharyll Atkisson.
The early part of the pandemic demonstrated that when I abandon my moral principles surrounding authority, freedom, and anarchy, I get into trouble. I suspect you know what I mean because we see eye to eye on that.
I've come to accept that humans are in fact human: They have the capacity to be insightful and exacting in some matters while being totally blind to evidence and consideration of counter narratives in others. Then there is obviously my own human failing where I am guilty of the same.
I try to read everyone I can that I think has something meaningful to offer. I am paying attention to what Berenson has to say about the risk of psychosis / schizophrenia from marijuana. This despite my own libertarian views.
I read Ann Coulter who often has salient and intelligent observations. But I was surprised to see how utterly blind she is to lab leak. The same for Berenson as to off-label Covid-19 treatments. And Sam Harris for his abject refusal to objectively consider both of the foregoing. Makes me want to discount the benefits of mindfulness training. If he has had years of such training and still makes those errors, seems like an inefficient allocation of resources. There are no messiahs here.
I was for legalization in my teens because I smoked it and against legalization in my 20s because I grew it. So it all revolves around agendas and has nothing to do with health and safety. Now that I'm older I would love to be able to grow marijuana and opium in my back yard for medicinal purposes. I DON'T DO EITHER NSA, FBI and whoever else is monitoring our comments.
I raised a bunch of kids and I can tell you it's stupid to put something in a big black box with skulls on it and say, " Never open this scary box, kids. I did, and trust me, you don't want to." My boys would have it torn to shreds in an instant. They could tear up a stainless steel ball.
Don't know who said it but I've heard if you're not good looking in your 20s, strong in your 30s, rich in your 40s, or wise in your 50s, you'll never be good looking, strong, rich, or wise. At 57, maybe I've achieved one of them? 😆
The most important lesson I probably learned was from my most important teacher in second grade. She had a big sign in the front of the room. It read: MYOB.
Stood for "Mind Your Own Business" and it was her main moral lesson, always.
That teacher is the only reason I passed second grade, because she illegally drove me to school and tutored me before kids arrived, when my mother was on what we thought was her deathbed.
Another Angel touched your life. We are all grateful for such kind and caring humans. Cannabis is a huge topic. There’s likely a scramble by Monsanto to make a GMO. Cannabis and shut down all natural growth.
You can’t really say the alternative is worse without knowing the true extent of the damage it causes. And I never said I denied the benefits of cannibis
If you are arguing in utilitarian terms (greatest benefit to greatest number), I certainly can't disagree with you that a risk/benefit analysis would be in order.
But I'm not a utilitarian. I never have been and never will be.
What led to a teen using pot? That's the question I ask.
Anarchy where everyone can protect themselves is looking more appealing every day. It requires a moral populace. We still need Jesus as the authority. The Godless world is hell on earth.
Funny how politicians and celebrities practice anarcho-capitalism by hiring well-armed private security while they disparage the notion of anarcho-capitalism broadly applied. They certainly don't settle with relying on mere public police protection.
I don't need Jesus as authority. Your gun and my gun are the authority. You don't shoot me, I don't shoot you, we leave each other alone. End of story.
Berenson is a pompous prick. So what. He has opinions, I have mine. Personally, I liked life a lot better when we could all discuss our opinions, without fear of being canceled by Big Tech, THE Karens, the Pot Party, and backdoor Deep State banning lists.
Other than the PP comment I agree
As a reformed pothead, I certainly don't think the government should ban it. But, what troubles me is the degree to which the use of marijuana is encouraged - not so much by the state, obviously, but rather by popular culture. I've found this curious for many years now. Nicotine (which makes people smarter) has the full weight of the establishment brought down to discourage its use; pot (which makes people stupider) is winked at and normalized. It's all social engineering, and none of it in our best interests. The state is one component but it's far from the only organ the managerial class uses to massage society into their desired shape.
In reality, nicotine was subsidized and actively promoted by the medical establishment for years. The opposite occurred for pot.
They've simply switched places now.
You know what would be awesome? If everyone learned to mind their own fucking business. I'm looking at you, Mr. BBC (Ban Birth Control). LOL
My dream! People minding their own business! I don't give a damn what others are doing unless it affects me personally. Imagine how many "problems" could be solved if society would leave each other alone and learn to talk to one another again.
The state, and other centralized powerful organizations such as corporations, universities, etc., will always be banning some things and promoting others. Point isn't so much the morality of that (although that's a reasonable discussion), but - what are the actual goals and whose interests do they serve?
Frankly it's social engineering that should be banned.
"Point isn't so much the morality of that"
I think it is the point, but discussions about ideology will not be easily settled.
My deeper disappointment is that you did not somehow humorously riff off of the thing I gave you to riff off of, cause I already had a prepared comeback. You're slippin'
<sad trombone noises>
P.S. Serious point. I suspect you know where I'm coming from ideologically even if you disagree.
"The only thing that should be banned is bans."
How can you believe anything the government or it's bootlickers say now, especially this guy who is clearly a sellout!
The stuff we got from Thailand (early 70s) courtesy of the military was clearly not compromised like the "good shit' today. What the hell are they putting in it anyway? I wouldn't trust it if I didn't know the history from seed to bud.
Did we ever "solve" the vaping incidents? Synthetic THC and/or Spike Protein? Vit E?
Back in mid 1970s sitting in a club I used to run, a Justice Department official told us that 50% of the murders in that capitol city were over heroin.
Fucking heroin! Probably the only drug I didn't, as a young college student, not come across in quantity, quality, availability, and yes, even affordability. Every fucking thing else was readily available to us, if not by cash (hard to come by), by "activity." If you had a solid 'rep.'
I was a pharmacy student, multiple nite club worker, clean everything but driving record (2k to clean up), very experienced with firearms, single, decent mechanic, great on motorcycles, practically an orphan, known to keep my mouth shut, and I guess that ticked all the boxes!
Lucky I survived, many didn't.
4 out of 5 doctors used to recommend Camel filterless 😅. Totally get your point.
I regret nothing (yet). Thanks for the shoutout! Taking shots at America makes me feel better about the dismal state of NWO affairs down here.
LOL. I used to do that when I lived down there, too.
I still do it and it really pisses people off. Like the other day. Thing is, I don't hate America at all. I just hate the politics (mostly).
Your article is hilarious! Subscribing!
Berenson is a zealot about cannabis and...Ivermectin. When the "Together" trial came out, while many on substack ripped it apart pointing out how it was designed to fail, and yet still showed that it works, while the elite media held it up as the final nail in the coffin, Berenson was like, 'See, see fools, Ivermectin doesn't work for Covid.' in the comments of his substack, people often call him out about cannabis and Ivermectin, but he can be immune to reason.
I think he's more motivated by contrarianism than the pure, unadulterated truth. It does not mean he doesn't put truth out, but I suspect he is aware that he cherry picks. He's also extremely juvenile at times. I have the same tendency but I try to keep it under wraps because it erodes credibility.
For a more objective and professional reporter, I'd highlight someone like Sharyll Atkisson.
The early part of the pandemic demonstrated that when I abandon my moral principles surrounding authority, freedom, and anarchy, I get into trouble. I suspect you know what I mean because we see eye to eye on that.
I won't be fooled again.
I've come to accept that humans are in fact human: They have the capacity to be insightful and exacting in some matters while being totally blind to evidence and consideration of counter narratives in others. Then there is obviously my own human failing where I am guilty of the same.
I try to read everyone I can that I think has something meaningful to offer. I am paying attention to what Berenson has to say about the risk of psychosis / schizophrenia from marijuana. This despite my own libertarian views.
I read Ann Coulter who often has salient and intelligent observations. But I was surprised to see how utterly blind she is to lab leak. The same for Berenson as to off-label Covid-19 treatments. And Sam Harris for his abject refusal to objectively consider both of the foregoing. Makes me want to discount the benefits of mindfulness training. If he has had years of such training and still makes those errors, seems like an inefficient allocation of resources. There are no messiahs here.
Well said. Thanks. We must be aware of our own bias, always and try to understand others.
I was for legalization in my teens because I smoked it and against legalization in my 20s because I grew it. So it all revolves around agendas and has nothing to do with health and safety. Now that I'm older I would love to be able to grow marijuana and opium in my back yard for medicinal purposes. I DON'T DO EITHER NSA, FBI and whoever else is monitoring our comments.
I raised a bunch of kids and I can tell you it's stupid to put something in a big black box with skulls on it and say, " Never open this scary box, kids. I did, and trust me, you don't want to." My boys would have it torn to shreds in an instant. They could tear up a stainless steel ball.
Wisdom, right there
Don't know who said it but I've heard if you're not good looking in your 20s, strong in your 30s, rich in your 40s, or wise in your 50s, you'll never be good looking, strong, rich, or wise. At 57, maybe I've achieved one of them? 😆
I have personally witnessed a teen boy plunge into psychosis from marijuana use.
It’s true and it’s real.
I don't doubt that's the case. I experienced paranoia once using a strong indica strain. Sativa strains don't have that effect on me.
All the same, when you see babies being cured of brain tumors from cannabis, the alternative is worse.
What do you mean “the alternative is worse”.
The alternative being a world in which pot is banned and babies and kids die of brain tumors, seizures, and so on.
If you don't think cannabis has medical value, read this paper:
The most important lesson I probably learned was from my most important teacher in second grade. She had a big sign in the front of the room. It read: MYOB.
Stood for "Mind Your Own Business" and it was her main moral lesson, always.
That teacher is the only reason I passed second grade, because she illegally drove me to school and tutored me before kids arrived, when my mother was on what we thought was her deathbed.
A hell of a lady.
Another Angel touched your life. We are all grateful for such kind and caring humans. Cannabis is a huge topic. There’s likely a scramble by Monsanto to make a GMO. Cannabis and shut down all natural growth.
You can’t really say the alternative is worse without knowing the true extent of the damage it causes. And I never said I denied the benefits of cannibis
If you are arguing in utilitarian terms (greatest benefit to greatest number), I certainly can't disagree with you that a risk/benefit analysis would be in order.
But I'm not a utilitarian. I never have been and never will be.
What led to a teen using pot? That's the question I ask.
Anarchy where everyone can protect themselves is looking more appealing every day. It requires a moral populace. We still need Jesus as the authority. The Godless world is hell on earth.
I strenuously agree with the first two sentences, and strenuously disagree with the last two.
"We still need..."
Speak for yourself!
I always do!🤗🤗🤗🤗
Funny how politicians and celebrities practice anarcho-capitalism by hiring well-armed private security while they disparage the notion of anarcho-capitalism broadly applied. They certainly don't settle with relying on mere public police protection.
I don't need Jesus as authority. Your gun and my gun are the authority. You don't shoot me, I don't shoot you, we leave each other alone. End of story.
I erased my previous comment. I’m replacing it with this.
Marry me.
The only problem is that I am an INTJ as well. In a romantic relationship, that’s basically an explosion. 😂
Even friendships can be tough.
Nevertheless, your logic is unassailable, Anonmyous Fellow Traveling Evil Villain.