That's a beautiful comment. I couldn't agree more. I've kept my mouth firmly shut for years now, not just on covid but on all of it - the gender bender gnosticism, the racial divisions, mass migration, the demonization of men, Trump, just all of it - even going so far as to deactivate my Facebook account to avoid tempting myself to get into the arguments I knew I'd start. Even on pseudonymous social media I kept a low profile, knowing just how cunning Antifa's doxxers could be. All out of a misguided idea that if I just kept my head down and did good work, I'd be able to climb the academic hierarchy and eventually get into a position where I had enough power and influence to make some kind of difference.

The last two years has disabused me of that notion. On the one hand, it's been made pretty clear that there's not much space at the top for individuals with my innate biological characteristics. But on the other hand, I'm so deeply disgusted by what academia has become that the thought of continuing to associate myself with it fills me nausea. I have to force myself to complete my professional duties; the joy has been sucked out of all of it. Which for me at least is a massive change, because previously I always approached research and education as a kind of play.

So, that's why I've been writing about this over at my substack ... sort of an extended post-mortem trying to determine from structural, cultural, psychological, and fiscal perspectives how it all went so wrong. The latest installment in the series, a meditation on how academic prestige is related to managerial power and how this represents a crucial and exploitable weakness of the latter, is here:


Monica, knowing that there's life on the other side of all this, and that it promises to be better, is one of the things that keeps me going. Not just 'life outside the academy', but 'life outside this decaying garbage pile of a society'. As you say - better to die than to live in the world they have planned for us. But I don't think it will come to that.

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Me neither, because the ratchet is only working one way now, and too many have woken up. But it's going to rough because they're gunning for total control. It's an interesting dilemma for those at the top. The deeper they get, the worse things get for them if humanity can get the upper hand.

I discovered your Substack the other day and subscribed, looking forward to getting caught up! Thanks for sharing your latest. :)

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They're already in so deep that when humanity starts to fight back for real, they're going to be staring at trials for capital offences. So, in for a penny, in for a pound, I suppose. It's similar to the logic of a 17th-century footpad: since you're going to be executed for petty theft if you get caught, and the penalty for murder is also being executed, you might as well just go ahead and kill your victim rather than just take his stuff; at least that way he can't identify you. Following that reasoning, given that the crimes they've committed are already well beyond anything contemplated at the Nuremburg tribunals, they've got nothing to lose by pushing all the way and pulling out all the stops.

So yeah. It's gonna get bad.

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That is indeed my fear. At a certain point, they have to go for it at any price- they’ll have nothing to lose.

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Just subscribed and went for the seven other Substacks you recommended...

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Cool! There are so many more that I read also. Over 100. I’m still a bit mystified as to how the “recommend” feature works.

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That was the first time I've seen that feature ~ very cool and supportive of other authors. BTW, how do you keep up with more than 100? I'm falling behind with 60+!

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When someone subscribes to a substack, everyone you've recommended is recommended to them.

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Hi Monica,

as a NZder, I am dismayed that our country has lost a voice such as yours.

My husband is Australian and as you may know, for many years we didn't need a pp to travel back and forth between our two countries. Having lived here for over forty years, we are in the ridiculous situation whereby if we go to visit his family and our grandchildren in Australia he may not return with me, under the current mandates. Everything he/we own is in NZ, including our home. My husband has contributed enormously to NZ, and should not be treated like a second class citizen.The stupidity of the current rules enacted by the NZ government beggars belief. We are working with a group to try and address this situation but how long it will take to resolve the idiocy is an open question.

I regret your departure and wish you well for the future. Our loss, Mexico's gain.

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Ugh! They are deliberately trying to restrict our movement though it makes NO scientific sense. The US has a similar rule that foreign nationals must be vaccinated to enter the country.

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The only way one can travel between two countries unvaccinated now is if one country has no restrictions (this represents only a few dozen countries now) or is a citizen of the other country. 

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Monica, I recommend Baja, I hear the surfing is fantastic.

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Thanks! 😂 I am more likely to wind up in Playas de Tijuana living in my motorhome, as that’s where the clinics are.

I think there’s a possibility that Coley’s toxins could help people with all kinds of conditions other than cancer.

When I can build up the capital, I would to explore the possibility of opening a clinic for fever therapy.

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I'm a Canadian national residing in the US. If I leave the US I can't come back; if I enter Canada, I can't leave.

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I can’t possibly “like” that comment. 😡😡😡

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You are in a very similar situation to me with these really old grandparents, only in my case there was a way out. I feel immense rage at the families that were and still are separated over this.

I am grateful I was able to get back to see mine: https://themariachiyears.substack.com/p/a-tribute-to-my-wise-grandfather?s=w

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It is horrible here in Canada. There isn't any logic or common sense in any of the policies. I just came back from the US and have to quarantine for two weeks, do two tests by video with a nurse observing, and can't work for that time period. While those jabbed folks can cross with impunity even if they have active covid. It is punishment for the dissenters plain and simple.

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The logic is really quite basic. They want that Frankenjuice in your arm. You either comply, or they strip you of your rights, making your life so limited and inconvenient and painful that eventually you cry uncle and do as they say.

Oh you thought it had something to do with epidemiology, immunology, and virology? Lol no.

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It is normal for government in recent decades to have no sense of logic, but to a good portion of the population foregoing thought processes is mind boggling.

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There isn’t any logic or common sense anywhere, altho some countries are somewhat less tyrannical than others. Turdeau is one of the worst, for sure

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He is the worst and I want to see him behind bars for the rest of his life at the least along with many others.

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You're a merciful one.

I want to see Trudeau dangling from the gallows. Him, his entire cabinet, every one of his appointees, and every single provincial politician and bureaucrat that had a role in organizing this.

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I actually want to see them all pilloried and then to see their heads on the spires of Parliament Hill fencing. I was trying to contain my wrath a bit, so I am not really merciful at all when it comes to these perpetrators.

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In Prague I once saw a gibbet with a skeleton that had apparently been dangling in place for centuries. A similar eternal decoration in the House of Commons would serve nicely to provide future parliamentarians a salutary degree of encouragement.

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A mockup to display at the hill might be in order.

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There’s lots of us being held prisoner in Canada. Crazy.

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Yep. Many in my family among them.

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Same for me; as unvax’d I can go to other countries but I don’t think I’d be allowed back into my own US (unless I waded across the Rio Grande!)

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If you are a US citizen you can. The rule is only for foreign nationals.

Mexico has no entry restrictions re: Covid vaccines.

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Mexico may not but the US (I believe) can make you show proof of negative test to come back in

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Unless you’re illegal & wading across the Rio Grande….

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If you’re illegal you can just walk across the border, not to mention get a free bus/plane ticket & cell phone

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Yes 🤬

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I’d almost forgotten the notion that Substack opened an essential valve when there was nothing but despair. It is literally a lifeline for me.

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did you see eugyppius' thread on academic conferences? beyond funny https://twitter.com/eugyppius1/status/1512175399425527812?s=20&t=KKJZc6yu3khEV0iMzR3zVQ

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Haha! It's true.

I don't think they were as bad 20 years ago when I was involved. I enjoyed a few of them as a grad student.

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The pharmacy CE meetings were always about diabetes and generally accompanied by small chicken portions at the manufacturer's (minimal) expense. The only one I remember well was the one where I "hijacked" the meeting so we could watch the 2cnd half of Joe Montana bringing back the Kansas City Chiefs to defeat the Houston Oilers for the AFC Championship. The drug company speaker was a native of Kansas City! She was so pleased she bought us all a round of drinks and probably enjoyed spectacular sales that quarter.

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Australia is opening up, even megalomaniac McGowan in West Australia is letting his citizens out and back in now. Unvaxxed can now leave the country without exemption and enter NSW, VIC (and maybe QLD) without hotel quarantine. Other states are opening too. So I can now go on holiday! But not to visit my partner in the USA unfortunately due to Joe Get Vaccinated Biden. As relieved as I am to know I can now leave my country I will never forget what our country has done to us and I hope the major political parties get a shock this election. They are running scared at the moment and campaigning AGAINST voting independent to avoid hung parliament and “chaos”. Do they not get the message that we don’t want a major party who can do to us what our PM and Premiers did during the pandemic. I never want to see that again. Still plan to leave Australia permanently but will make a decision at the end of the year as to timing. I’m in the Green Card lottery this year find out in May 🤞

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I’m confused. You are not a citizen of Australia? I’m glad you can at least leave for another country that accepts unvaccinated. Maybe Mexico? What state do you live in in Australia?

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Yes I’m an Australian citizen in New South Wales

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Another ex academic here.

I left before the pandemic. My colleagues were such a bunch of dull rule-followers without an independent thought between them. All they were interested in was leaping on the latest bandwagon to get grant money. And churning out worthless papers by the dozen to increase their scores.

It was all entirely without merit and I couldn't bear it.

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I finally got it 😂🤣

I can be slow with jokes

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Haha vaccines for cancer. They'll spend so much money on genetics and vaccines but never address the real causes of cancer, one of which is still widely used: glyphosate (which is in most of our food, even organics).

But the industries that pollute will spend money on "finding a cure" because you can't sue viruses or genes for sickness, which is why ddt and other pesticides were not blamed for polio.

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Hi Robert. The vaccine I make was formulated 60 years before DNA was discovered, about 100 years before glyphosate was in use, and well before most pollution as we’ve come to understand it. If you take a look around my site you can learn more.

Cancer has been around for thousands of years and so has the ancient observation that it regresses with feverish infection. I agree that it is greatly increased in incidence in the past 100 years but this has multiple causes besides pollution, one of which is decrease in infectious disease.

I make the link here between infectious disease and spontaneous regression if you’re interested in reading more. Cheers


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Apologies, I'm so used to seeing how vaccines are junk science that I assumed yours was also based on that virus theory dogma.

I'm wondering if this bacterial approach works with the terrain theory, that it repairs the balance of bacteria to create conditions that help the body eliminate cancer.

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So great to see intelligent, brave, and powerful people like you. TGFS.

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Yes, we don’t hear much from South Australia. What’s going on there?

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Apr 26, 2022
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? I’m afraid I don’t understand.

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