I have a liberal friend who LOVES th vax, he just turned 50 and said the best thing about it is he can take his fourth shot!! Weirdly he complains of bad health but think its from Covid of which he cleared in three days.

Omg, what the hell.

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I stopped getting flu vax about 5 years ago... I was confused why I never got sick anymore. Well, know I think 8 might know why.

Btw, I'm terrified of needles!

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I've only has one "Flu" shot and for over 6 hours, I felt worse than Mono and a Motorcycle (3 shoulder breaks) wreck all wrapped together.

Here is a story about one time they tried to get me to take a saline fake Flu shot when I was employed as a IV tech at a Florida Hospital (I was a Pharmacy Intern at the time).

"I refused to take the mandatory “voluntary” flu vaccination at one facility I was employed at and the management said they would let me prepare a saline shot if I would pretend it was the vaccine as they didn’t want any other “resistors.”

I told them why not give everyone the saline shot option, for “solidarity.”

Then they asked “What would be the purpose of giving the vaccine.”

I asked them “What is the purpose of giving the vaccine?”

“Surely you’re joking” was the reply. “I never joke about my work” I said.

Then I told them I guess we have to part company over this, but can “I finish out the day.”

They said “Sure, but you can’t tell anyone about this conversation.”

“I don’t have too, I pushed the intercom button on the phone as soon as you entered the office.”

It was a beautiful afternoon at the beach."

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Brilliant..brilliant!! 😂 I wish my family got just the saline shots... They are vax addicts now. The covid fear has messed up their heads

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The wonderful feisty folks we meet...

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Just. A. Complete. Freaking. Stud. Damn! #TooLegitToQuit

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Intercom turned on?! Sounds like a spec ops guy anticipating 6 moves ahead... did they cheer him strutting out...

Denzel character with focused eyrs

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You are beautiful FREAKEN HUMAN BEING.

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I am 57, very healthy and active, and I have only gotten a flu shot once about 6 years ago because well, i was getting older and thought I'd try it.

That year, a few months after I got the shot, I got the flu so bad like I have NEVER gotten it before...it got so bad at one point from the vomiting and diarrhea I thought I would pass out and almost did. I then vowed I would NEVER take another flu shot as long as I lived.

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Never had a flu shot, never had the flu 👍

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Belief is a drug too.

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I believe that

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Every time I figure the lunacy has bottomed out, some idiot puts another shrimp on the barbie. #SMMFH

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Laugh - Cry - Laugh - Cry...

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That whole article is a master class in disinformation. For example:

“By evolutionary design, RNA is very short lived,” Yang said. “There’s just no way you’re going get anywhere close to causing exhaustion or tolerance from getting vaccinated.”

Obviously, Yang does not know they use pseudouridine in the jab, which is much longer lived. Just unreal how bad that article is.

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There are so many reasons why injecting RNA is a bad idea. Here's just one, and this is normal RNA we're talking about:


Precautionary Principle? Evolutionary Medicine? Or just plain "common sense" or "don't play God." All the same thing.

It's all gone out the window for "hacking" your genome. Not a good idea unless the straights are dire.

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Fact checked by a librarian with a degree in Sociology.

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I really think that we are ready to launch a vax drip, or even better an implant, let's call it a LARVAE...Long Acting Reversible Vaccine Antibody Enhancer.

You could have the LARVAE implanted for say 3 years and replace and go again.

No need for dangerous periods of risk and exposure as efficacy drops between doses.

No need for annoying trips to the doc, and regular needles.

Just continuous quality protection, brought to you by Pfizer.

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LOL you could get a marketing job for big Pharma!

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Shit like this makes me want to do a David Carradine...It certainly reinforces i picked thee wrong week to quit sniffing glue

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That guy who got like 87 shots hasn't died (yet).

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Not all heroes wear capes.

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in that case there's no such thing as too much heroin

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You definitely don't want to be huffing on the crackpipe known as "mainstream media" haha

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You live in Portland Oregon?

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In article Glatt said vaccines don't hurt the immune system... he said there's not a shred of evidence from the other side....

As a layman, this just sounds so wrong... and dismissive. Probably will never debate these things...

But... he puts it out there, for consumption

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This: "the vaccines provide only a short burst of antigenic exposure to the immune system. Each shot delivers a relatively small amount of spike protein into the body, which triggers a short-lived immune response." Can't get more blatantly false on FOUR different fronts.

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Assume this is true instead. Why would anyone take gene therapy for "a short-lived immune response"?

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I marked the article on very well as inaccurate, just for fun. They used the same logic they do for childhood vaccines: you can get thousands of vaccines at once because your body can handle so many germs at once! Of course that’s not the question. The question is whether the actual injections, with ALL the ingredients, are safe.

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Just when you think it can’t get anymore corrupt… they never cease to amaze me!

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The Fact Checker tick...ughhh. Surely it is a foreign word....ah yes! Here it is, in my dickshinehairy!!!! It's similar to an Arabic word, Fatwah but is "Westernised" (☆tenderised by

m🤑ney) to read F.A.T.W.A.D. So, big Bill Pharma 🤓 showers cash on unpublished, failed researchers and they write what Pharma Bill wants. Fatwads all over my face.

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Sure. You’ll be dead after some number of them. After that, boost away!

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