You can’t have fifth dose, without a fourth one. That’s why the fourth one is necessary.

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Exactly! You can't have a fourteenth dose without a thirteenth dose, either!

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realistically, nobody's gonna make it past the 7th dose.

on the brighter note, we're almost half way through^^

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"a shot to handle all the variants"... That's hysterical! I can't stop laughing.

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one ring to rule them all! lol

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Fool me once....

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Hell no Mister CEO!!! My family of 4 all got some sort of Covid shot, no boosters, then Covid and we are all doing JUST FINE!!! And after all the lies of the past two years I trust none of you. I’ll keep my natural immunity and work on bolstering it with NO Big Pharma poisons, thank you very much.

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It’s so predictable that it seems impossible. I also just got a “health” notification that they are “extending” the expiration dates of the vaccines. No one wants them anymore and the stockpile is building up. Better in your arm, expired or not, than in the trash.

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Wait, no more Fauci and Walensky for props? Just straight veterinarian recommendations from now on?

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WEF's ideologue Yuval Noah Harari open most of his interviews with his beloved sentence: "we are now hackable ANIMALS."

so, there's that.

is it just a strange coincidence that Bourla is a veterinarian?

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The things that man says in public astounds me. But then again, I've heard the argument they do it so they have 'informed consent.'

Ditto for Peter Daszack.

It's also true that people who torture animals are willing to torture people.

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If you ask a hairdresser if you need a haircut...he'll say you need a 4th dose.

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In January, Pfizer started manufacturing doses of an omicron-specific vaccine and Boula said it would be available in March.

It is March. Have you heard anything about this recently? Or about results of the variant-specific human trials? Why did CNN revert to repeating very old news (something about Pfizer working on developing an omicron-specific vaccine) instead of asking Bourla about the omicron-specific vaccine that was developed, manufactured, and tested on animals (with poor results) and on humans (with undisclosed results)?

I'm not asking because I want a fourth vaccine-- I said hell no to the first, second, and third-- but because the fact that not one news outlet is asking Bourla about this (on the record) or including it in their stories suggests to me that they're hoping we will all forget about that and move on to "let's just get the fourth shot and start developing that vaccine that will offer protection for a full year (way to dream big, Bourla) and cover all future variants (because that is evidently more possible than preventing the one we've got)."

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It's a tough choice now for people. Continue having the shots to retain some kind of antibody response against new variants or try and regain natural immunity. The problem is by continuing with the mass vaccination we end up creating more vaccine immune variants and its one big vicious circle.

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Family and friends looked at me funny when I told them this would be the case.

But all they needed to do was listen to Mr. Health himself, Bill Gates.

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Come on Putin, DeNazify the West too!

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In the investor equation there will be less people, less government money to pay for the injections, on the planet every six months.

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Flying Bat AIDS _ Sars-Cov-2 Kills T-Cells, Just Like HIV


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