I remember that! I used to love science fiction. Learning that Brave New World was a viable dream of the future has put me off all sci-fi. Fuckers!

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

It is called "signaling". Look at those eerie episodes of The Simpsons. The one involving Trump, Saudi King and Egyptian President all putting their hands on a globe was proof. They caused the events that they "signaled". Then were the dresses of Kamala and Lisa Simpson.

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What a blast from the past! Man, I have been SO reminiscent of the 80s-90s era. I always suffered from insider GenX superiority, the “too cool for school” because “uber cynical schtick” we were known for (some of us, anyhow). The new millennium actually turned that pretension into actual gratitude and appreciation! Thank God I grew up then. I’ll be dead before the worst shite arrives and I will have lived during the height of freedom, in the epicenter of it. If you were around and can remember the Bicentennial, its truly sad how much things degraded in the subsequent 50 years. It feels like the Golden Age. We were relatively lucky then, the threat of nuclear winter not withstanding. It was only a threat. No world wars. History was very compelling. Pressure was on to be the best humans we could be, to pursue wisdom, accept nothing, question everything. Heroes, heroines, great thinkers, artists and creators were still real. It didn’t feel like genius went extinct or something. Innovation was in the air. All you had to do was take a long drag on your Marlboro, wherever you stood! Nonsmokers had a section, don’tcha know. Conspiracies were fascinating and compelling. We knew life was a mystery, the holy grail worth searching for, and freely embraced concepts like “soul” and “spirit”. We were all about a new AGE, not world order! And all of their agenda was known back then too. They never pulled a fast one because it would never have been tolerated. I now wonder about AIDS. So much of the scamdemic mirrors the Faucian AIDS response that it makes me go hmmm.... (Kennedy’s book “The Real AF” is required reading. I didn’t know the half of it.) I never believed much of what I was told by “tha authorities” about anything. Now I believe none of it. Zero.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

I’m so glad Dr Monica that they thawed you out properly. You made me laugh today. It’s still allowed. It’s not much fun here in 2022, but FYI we’re all going to be happy and own nothing ;)

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

If "Labyrinth" with Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie isn't the perfect movie to describe COVID from a personal perspective, I don't know what is. "You have no power over me"!

Sarah begins the movie by calling on the Goblin King, Jareth, to remove her crying baby brother (COVID, slightly annoying but you can live with it), she only half means it (like mass lockdown, masks and vaccines, "it can't possibly happen in the modern world", even the evil lockdowners didn't think they could do it).

Then Sarah's hell journey begins, the time limit is set and then when she arrives she is sent right back to the start. The rules are all lies, nothing she does gets her out of the predicament until she realises "You have no power over me" and then Jareth the Goblin King begs her to love him, to submit to him because without her believing in him, he does not exist.

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Between ESG & individual carbon scores we are approaching "In Time" faster and faster.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

Cool! The Good Parts version! I loved that movie. But, then, I'm a sucker for a good action movie. And the writing was solid.

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Ok now I really need to watch this. Thank you for sharing!

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