Very interesting and tragic, for you and even more so, those whose lives relied on your medicines.

Is that an oblique reference to Russell Brand with the millions of demonetized views?

BTW I've been banning tee-shirt vendors like Roses are red on mine.

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I generally don’t ban people unless their comments become abusive toward me or other commenters, or are excessively spammy.

I think people can and should make their own judgments without my input. I’m providing additional information to help them make those judgments about what might really be going on the past 3 years.

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Yes, I just didn't know if you realized they were tee-shirt bots. They've shown up on several blogs I comment on. When it first hit mine, I was afraid to click on the link to see what it was in case it was malware. And I was confused because it had 'likes'. But since then they've gotten cleverer about putting in more text and have more than one targeting the same blog so they can 'like' it. When I have subs with 300+ other 'reads', that's usually a sign it's a bot.

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I can think of three channels that have hundreds of thousands to millions of subscribers who have not been removed from YT.

I’m curious why these channels have been allowed to exist for so long while very many other smaller voices were completely squashed.

I don’t think that’s an accident.

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I don’t want these channels censored or demonetized. I don’t want any channels censored or demonetized.

I just find the discrepancy curious.

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I hope you will consider making a transcript because of its historic importance. (It's not for me; I focus on transcripts of video and audio pertaining to the vaxx-roll out 2021 - present. I'm swamped, dang, the kerazy show keeps on going). Seriously, a transcript, even a partial transcript of this, would be very valuable for the historical record.

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I hear you! I don’t have time to listen to so many podcasts.

It’s very dated. I mostly wanted to provide proof that I was angry about treatment suppression in 2020 and apparently they found it important enough to retroactively censor.

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This is a general comment for readers here, apropos of but not directly in answer to your comment. Please do not discount the importance of the future-- say, a year from now, 50 years from now, 150 years from now. What materials will people have to be able to make sense of what happened? This will matter, for the stories told about this time will infuse and help shape that time. I know from broad experience working in this field that one piece of paper in an obscure archive can change everything; information is not always nor even necessarily best preserved by mass distribution. Many of you have important testimonies, letters, photos, and other documentation-- please don't discount them. OK, thanks for reading, end of sermon.

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You’re 100% right

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Oh, how I appreciate that. Your voice is one of the important ones.

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Thanks! I hope you’re keeping a non-cloud copy of what’s on your Substack. The censors will come for Substack at some point.

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Thanks, yes. I don't have too much faith in the long term for any particular site on the Internet. I've been online since the mid-1990s; since then I've seen many things lost to app updates, glitches, sites going dark, you name it.

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"What amazes me about this is that a video by basically two nobodies was removed after only 650 views. Isn’t that interesting?" It would suggest you were sharing accurate and inconvenient info. People have a way of gravitating towards truth. Thanks.

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Well I can’t open the video on my phone, no Fb on here. But I really want to see you saying some foolish things. Haha. But also, I want to see you wag your finger. And I fume that they came to shut you down and I’m so happy you were able to escape that madness.

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The more they censor, the more they justify censoring ever more. If we let them set up a CBDC they will drain our accounts too, by AI so they can pretend it isn't happening.

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I haven’t seen your video yet, but I latched onto “establishment stooge Amesh Adalja” - yes, that’s him to a T! He’s still posting pro-pharma bilge on X; I have a go at him every now and then.

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Thanks Monica. I also find it odd some smaller producers have been censored while some larger ones are untouched.

BTW there are some audio copies of Sunny's podcasts out there. On Apple, iheart, Spotify... but here's two lesser known sources:



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I guess I'll never be able to figure out what the real threat is to those who don't want us taking care of our own bodies and choosing what to put in them, or not to put in them. I can't believe tthere are a majority of people on this planet that want to be forced into only having one choice when it comes to their health. But, surprisingly, there really are a lot of people who have no problem having their bodies violated by someone in a lab coat and a stethoscope. Their fear of "everything" determines the level of censorship I think. Personally, I'm really sick of it.

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We know automonous programming screens a lot of "disinformation", but in the examples you presented, it feels like there is an army of cancellers actively screening for what the programs miss.

What a sad life that would be, living in mum's basement, eating takeaway, no social life, but imposing your will upon free speech.

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As I understand it, this work is done in developing countries by large numbers of underpaid and overworked people. They simply look for certain words. The problem: contrary opinions are squelched, but these are necessary to bring our thinking further !

Also, can we please now agree that Facebook, X/Twitter, Instagram, etc. have become utilities, and as such should be regulated - like the other utilities we use (power/water, etc.) ? Decisions should be given with a reason, with requirements for remedy, appeals to an independent forum should be possible. These behemoths are crushing is, selling our information all over the place, without any customer service.

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"Things we should be disinterested in..." Ahhh, Monica 👏 it's called libertarian. These BigSick🧫🧬 Watermelons 🍉 want us to eatzeebugs and then weigh our shits. But seriously, I am thinking a WokeWest is a WankFest (TM,) Our very Civilization is unsustainable under zero emissions and ESG Woke garbage.

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I try to avoid labels but I’ve gotten increasingly extreme in my “liberty” views.

You could have characterized me as libertarian 10 years ago.

When I saw libertarians chanting like a crazy mob at a political rally in 2016, I gave up on politics and became a sort of anarchist (a word that scares many but shouldn’t).

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Ron Paul-ers? Yes, I too am beyond 2-d descriptions now. A meme I read recently has me thinking, it stated that, if The MSM is purely misdirection, propaganda and white noise EVERY DAY; the what does that mean to my understanding of HISTORY.

ANY Label 🏷 I choose, who designed it? ¿Quo Bono? If Left & Right once merely signified which side of the aisle, in a Jacobin parliament, whose Labels are we all "choosing" slash being herded toward, like fatuous Booboeoise? I do NOT trust Anthony Stalineasy and the Watermelons.

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Not Ron Paul people, no.

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Are Coley’s toxins still available???

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In Mexico.

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