Doctors are undoubtedly a very important part, and many were and have been a part of trying to be vocal to the point of protesting and holding rallies at our nation's Capitol when the mandates were getting pushed.

But, it's not just on doctors, but any person approving, recommending, manufacturing, distributing, administering, treating, or requiring the injections that know or suspect they are harmful and who remain silent, even those who learn afterwards, and still keep it to themselves.

It's on every single person in the know letting others know that they are, even it's only within their friends and family network.

Even though I'm locked out of my Facebook account, all my warnings about the injections from the past year are still posted publically for all to be able to see. When I got locked out, I turned to substack.

It's about every person doing whatever possible they can do to affect change while still managing their daily life.

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Agree, but I like his idea of doctors as a linchpin that need to turn as a unit, and a way to help them do that.

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Doctors are critical, I agree. I wish many more doctors and nurses (and scientists and computer programmers) would have done more research, considered striking or sabbaticals, especially given that so many gave up their career, livelihood, reputation, and relationships to stay true to good science and proper, ethical scientific methods, and, like you, risked everything. Thank you.

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If that's the case, then it's more of a 'lost' cause. I'm in Singapore, had a lot of friends who are top doctors / head of departments in various hospitals, and respected family doctors. Key word is 'had' - as to the last person, they blindly followed instructions to jab and jab some more. Spending hours going through various studies and connecting up all the dots for them doesn't seem to elicit much critical thinking - How can I even trust them with other medical info/decisions now? 1 - Most are trained to rote-learn. 2 - Those with any critical faculties left care more about their nice paychecks than societal health or ethics.

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Totally agree that twitter has turned big time. Not sure if it's because of Musk or Berenson or if some twits have been harmed / died from vax but they are letting a LOT of anti-vax posts fly. I heard there were also vax-injured FB groups but they come and go (they speak in code, then get discovered and dumped). And there's been a tiny bit of anti-vax stuff left up on YT. Honestly, hope all those type of tech companies die a horrible death.

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Yes even Yahoo finally opened up comments for all articles (I am sure it to help the DNC/their handlers for election purposes) but they are letting all comments fly after a very tightly policed and limited forum for the last several years. Definitely see what the masses really think. I am very active on those boards and would estimate that 90% are 100% red-pilled, whereas even 6 months ago, I would say the opposite was true.

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Oh wow I can’t see them yet but will check it out again later. I haven’t seen comments since not long after trump won in 2016. These tech companies need to burn in hell.

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I'm feeling more optimistic too, esp. when I see breakthroughs in the mainstream media, such as today's Daily Mail article about people quitting the CDC and NIH in droves now because they've had enough. (Read: it's bubbling up too high and they're scared to be implicated.) The mainstream tide has turned--not enough--but it has turned and I credit people like you and Kirsch for never giving up. They're whistleblowing too, or at least speaking out anonymously to reporters. It's a start. But we need more to push the globalist asses (Biden, Newsom etc.) into a corner.


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DM is so strange. That article caught my attention and was welcome. But it was thinly sourced and short on actual facts. As if an editor at DM wrote the headline and then assigned the story. The reporter came up short.

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Sounds like par for the course for media in general. Tail wagging the dog. But I don't care! As long as it gets out there.

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Combine that with the insurgencies in the Netherlands and Sri Lanka (and, I believe, other countries), and the rash of resignations bringing down governments, the total rejection by the population of child mRNA injections, and ... yeah, it feels like the tide is turning, doesn't it?

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Thanks for the good vibes!

Please for the love of God people wake up!

I was just driving home from the store and saw a masked driver alone in their car.

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Yes, it's happening everywhere again. <eyeroll>

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Saw a guy alone in a convertible, top down, mask on. Unfreakinbelievable.

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OMG! hahahaha. You must live in CA

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Good guess. Panic central.

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Just came back from lunch...waitress masked up working outside....I can't lie...I did give her a WTF look....

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Glad you're having an optimistic day. Enjoy.

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Uh, it's the same song, Love Removal Machine, Fire Woman, Nirvana, She Sells Sanctuary, different albums, same song. And this is coming from someone who bought a bootleg cassette of the album "Love" in the spring of '86 for $1 at the DeAnza JC fleamarket and played it for years in my 4X4.

AC/DC, Ramones, the Cult, if you have a formula, and it works, keeping on rocking!

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DeAnza JC fleamarket, um might be a homeless camp now?

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All of Cali has turned into a homeless encampment. The people living within the Caltrans Right-of-Way makes Gavin Newsom the largest landlord in the state.

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For me, it has been impossible to argue with any of these people.

The only satisfying answer has been to improve my own health.

Let these morons live out their dystopian fantasies while we occupy reality instead.

Since 2020, I rejected every intervention: masks, jabs, distancing.

This is in Los Angeles, which makes me about 1 in 20.

I have never taken diet and exercise more seriously.

As it happened, I have never been sick with more than sniffle these past two years, nor tested positive, while all the others caught Covid repeatedly, gained weight, developed interesting new diseases and aged rapidly.

Of course none of them care to understand how I did it, but they’ve also stopped hectoring me.

Five years from now, the differences between my example and the others’ will be dramatically obvious to my three children, which is really all that matters to me anymore.

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I have a dear friend who is as blue as they come in Boston Maskechussetts and even she has had enough. And that's sayin something!

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Yes!! 🙌 👏

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Twitter is fake, mostly all bots.

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We have a local fm station that does big hair Wednesdays. Great blast from the past. I'm older, Black Sabbath was my band. I've seen Ozzy in concert at least 10 times. I'm not a fan of their music really, but KISS puts on the best stage show I've ever seen. Bob Seger sings just as good live as in the studio.

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“Big hair Wed” 😂

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Lol, yeah. I'm burnt on Fire Woman. I hear it every Wednesday.

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How about Kansas? Carry on myyyyyyyy waayyuuuuward sooooooioiun....

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The tide of awareness is turning. Can see that.

How will that translate? I don't know, and I'm suspicious of anything that Twitter manipulates into existence.

Twitter is a psy op.

If Twitter is allowing these topics to trend, then it is very much like when "Lab Leak" became allowable to discuss.

I just wonder if this means that the damages are in, the time bomb planted.

Now, sure...let the proles have their moment where they unite around a hashtag.

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Love The Cult, soundtrack to my late teens 😍 enjoy 😉

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Our generation has the best music.

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Haha, every generation thinks that..MMH

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Yeah well I like boomer and millennial stuff too 😂

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Here’s a link to an important short documentary by artists, on the state of artistry in music in the age of streaming. I found it on the trichordist website, by David Lowery from Cracker. He has been up to interesting things, posted on trichordist, legal activism on behalf of musicians. (Cracker is one of the first bands I think of when I hear “underrated”, and my memory is crappy. He also did Camper van Beethoven before Cracker. A real visionary. (Take the skinheads bowling, take them bowling.) https://youtu.be/c4bSLvwhkI0

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How postX generations can think that is beyond me. What is necessary for great music is SOUL! And that’s been missing for some time. ‘Soul is dead and we killed it’ is the epitaph for the new millenium (so far). It takes soul to create anything great, to turn trafficking on the pragmatic, surface level (commercial) into art. Soul death is clear on a scientific level as well (on all levels- philosophy, theology, psychology; why universities are in decline- only meat is served there; cadavers; the essence is all rotten now) The greats in science, especially in my discipline- psychology- who shaped culture, intellectuals and practitioners, as well as my orientation to life, were, above all, artists. They had the beating heart of soul in their palms and shared it with the world. The great bureaucratic takeover of 2020 is another conspicuous symptom of “Soul Death”. Until a critical mass of the culture resurrects collective soul, we can expect mediocrity at best. Does anyone remember genius? (Special points to those who identify my 3 unattributed allusions).

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Absolutely 👍

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It seems that just when we think the tide is turning, we are confronted with "new deadly variants," or an uncontrolled epidemic of "Moneypox" or prescriptions from the CDC to go back to masks, distancing, tracing, etc. So, if the tide is turning, let's hope it is turning in a positive direction, and not back to ever more medical tyranny.

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“She Sells Sanctuary” was my dear late brother-in-law’s favorite song (one of mine, too). Found that out long after the fact from one of his daughters, who had the song on her phone and was playing it at a small family picnic in his memory.

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ive been waiting for her for so long!

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Haha! He's got the voice, the hair, the moves...

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ive always loved rain and she sells sanctuary but i never really listened to anything else they did till now, nice list!

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Wildflower, fire woman, wild hearted son, Edie... all good.

Some of the others are meh.

Glad you like it.

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