This might be a too-innocent explanation, and I wouldn't put anything past them after all that's happened (some knew this all along). The witness in Reinier Fuellmich's grand jury thought they may be there from equipment used in making the vaccine (does this sound plausible - biosensor tech in the equipment + dismal quality control?) Fuellmich said that a team of Belgian lawyers also came to the same conclusion. Does that make sense as a possibility?

Thank you for all you do ...

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Well, glass shards have been previously reported by the Japanese. This is one reason I filter my vaccine and use stainless steel equipment, and also wash and rinse the vials each 6 times to assure that if there are particles or glass particulates from the manufacturing process of the vials, that they don't get in the vaccines. It is possible that with automated process to produce huge quantities that this level of care isn't taken. It's ironic. Because my business was shut down without ever having been visited or cited for safety, while these megacorporations rolling out poison and making hundreds of billions can operate with impunity (for now).

However, these don't look like glass shards to me at all. The resolution of these images that look like some sort of microchip, as well as the images which show them shifting off the foundation of the slide, suggests to me that these objects are fairly large (larger than the diameter of human cells), but I can't confirm this presently.

There's now also the continual piling up of this spectroscopy data confirming graphene. There's also the magnetism, which I believe to be a real effect. Whether that is caused by SPIONs or graphene (or something else) I don't know.

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Thanks for replying .. could graphene / biosensor tech be used in manufacturing and not intended to be in the products themselves? In the grand jury they said it was more than glass, that it was like nano biosensor something, yet assumed it was not put there intentionally. Perhaps I just want there to be a less awful explanation.

And I hope I'm not a walking nanorouter or something from test swabs, because I took two covid tests (one PCR + rapid last summer, + one recent home test). Others probably had their nasal passages violated hundreds of times.

Some of the same people who were warning about graphene all along in the injections, say it's also in the swabs. I once thought they were speculating and that can't possibly be true. Yet one by one, from shedding to HIV connections to mandates to passports, most of what they said has come true ...

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Mar 15, 2022
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That concept I used to find ridiculous, now I'm more skeptical of what's in these things, since they became obsessed with getting something (including test swabs) inside everyone. But the full leap to connecting with 5G towers, I still cannot wrap my head around that one. I know 5G (and all Gs, and all wireless radiation) is harmful to our health, and they pretend it's not with the same captured agencies and media and gaslighting.

Now I see more the connection with 5G / surveillance / passports / QR codes. But that does not prove anything about 5G connections to the injections or tests.

Still, there have been strange looking things seen under microscopes of test swabs. Someone I know swears there is graphene and "nanorouters", although I don't even know what a nanorouter is. Any tech even if incapable of making sci-fi level connections would be so creepy.

When people would talk about the test swabs, I'd think, "really? It's a Q-tip, come on". But actually it's not a Q-tip, its materials that can potentially have graphene / biosensor stuff in them.

I'm perhaps too careful of needing to see the roots of information before believing it.

But I was too slow to understand other things about how much worse than poorly tested and unregulated these injections are, and that what happens in China could happen here.

At this point I'm leaning towards not trusting the tests on any chance there's something inside them even if I don't know what it is.

What a sad mess ...

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I think the picture is simpler.

I've seen micrographs of things that people allege are hydras, etc. I don't believe that, either. I've spent decades under the microscope. Those "hydras" look like paper fibers. But I used DIC microscopy and am used to seeing paper and dust under the scope. I personally don't worry about the PCR swabs. The amounts of stuff that could be on the end of those is so small. Yes, there are probably carcinogens etc. I had to get a PCR test for travel once. I didn't worry about it more than I'd worry about a tampon.

Yeadon has said he doesn't think these sharp things are nanotech, but just crystallization from dehydration. I have a lot of respect for Mike and his statements were a springboard for me to learn more last year. But I'm not sure he's exactly correct about this one.

That said, I'm also not confident that nano biosensor technology is that well-developed. I suspect it may be as simple as them putting tons of this crap into people to see how much they can add before people keel over (yes, really!)

Everyone has slightly different hypotheses about what's going on. Which is fine... I certainly don't agree with Sam Bailey about everything. In fact, I think she's wrong about viruses. She may also be wrong about Harari's motives.

But again, it's a springboard... the aspect of her presentation which was intriguing to me is the scientific paper on graphene as a delivery device for mRNA, which is dangerous because graphene can slice through cells.

I never took the transhumanists too seriously because their lofty goals are not possible from a technological perspective. Biology is too complicated. BUT... that doesn't mean they can't do a lot of damage, but they are more like a mentally retarded person with no training in plumbing trying to fix or take apart the toilet.

The main thing that is so untrustworthy is the desire to get 14 shots of this stuff into everyone... that's why we are all trying to figure out the complete contents.

No one really knows the full contents of the vials. We're all trying to learn though! :)

I feel pretty confident graphene is in the vials. But does the graphene assemble somehow into these squares? That's where i'm less clear.

I would love a link to the Fuellmich testimony where this is discussed, if you have it.

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All you say makes sense, thank you .. Microscopy is discussed here at 3:47:20 - https://odysee.com/@GrandJury:f/Grand-Jury-Day-4-online:4

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The Johns Hopkins produced 'Theragrippers' chilled me plenty on ultra tiny devices that 'could' be inserted via a swab or in liquid form. My 'takeaway' is that no one item we are seeing can be ignored as it appears that an apparatus is being built that will rely on all these; 5G, all the weird objects within the injections, vast supra-national political changes, heightened propaganda and societal division. A crescendo is not far downstream!


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Dr Malone could either answer these questions or find someone who knows what's possible and what's not.

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Those photos look scary and dangerous. I’m a bit surprised that there is not yet a definitive answer regarding the presence of graphite oxide in the injections, after such a long time of speculation but what you shared looks pretty damning. Indeed the plot (and the blood) thickens.

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'What are we looking at?" The question that occupies so much of our time - these slides are a microcosmic view of the macro. "What are we looking at?" Sloppiness or intent or secret tech? The first place I apply this question nowadays is my own perception. What is my filter today? Fear, anguish, curiosity, bliss? Today, it's grief. I can start with that. No judgement where to start in the hologram. Just being with whatever arises.

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"Sloppiness or intent or secret tech?"

Right! That's what I've been wondering for over a year! LOL. I'm still wonderin'... :P

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Ha! You've been hoping, not wondering. That's mighty expensive sloppiness with some very serious trade secrets being given away. It ain't sloppy.

That kind of tech is finicky, it needs the right conditions to do what it apparently does. Again, no sloppiness here.

There is no world in which those self-assembling nano-legos just happened into several different batches of different manufacturers' vaxxes. By the way, they all "independently" arrived at the same approach and technology for this particular shit on the same timeline. Lots of big coincidences.

So, it's secret because nobody knows what it is and they're protecting the hell out of these shots like it's the recipe for Coke, it is a secret. And it can't be an accident. The intent pairs up nicely with the bizarre goose-stepping mission to inject every man, woman and child on the planet, regardless of prior infection or risk tolerance.

It is meticulous, intentional secret technology. The mystery is what's the purpose? There are much cheaper ways to kill people.

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And where do they mine graphene from......Ukraine.

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The plot is pudding! haha

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You do not find ANYTHING in nature that is so regular.....!

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Things can be quite geometric in living things but not sharp edges like this at the microscopic level, unless it's something like a plant cell or crystals inside another protective compartment.

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Thank you for enlightening me...

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My formal training is mostly hardware electronics, if that matters. I'm highly doubtful about any self-assembling 5G nano-robot theories. These particles may just drift together under their own magnetic fields, which is not "self assembly" in any meaningful sense.

My personal suspicion is this is either (a) detritus from poor manufacturing and QA, or (b) undeclared adjuvants to bring active ingredients to specific organs (liver? gonads? bone marrow? brain?) as described in 2020 - https://palexander.substack.com/p/lasting-legacy-of-trojan-horses-an

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I have also written about the Moderna whistleblowers, so I was aware of that. My suspicion is that there are multiple undisclosed ingredients in the shots. More precisely:

mRNA for spike protein

mRNA for at least 2 other genes

at least two different LNP delivery systems



Yes, it could be that the graphene is merely intended as a gene delivery vehicle (which I already mentioned).

These sharp structures, whatever they are, even if not graphene (though graphene is also sharp), are going to pose big problems for living organisms. Cells are smooth for a reason.

To be more clear, I now believe the vaccines contain multiple entities designed to get control of humans in one way or another. Not specifically mind control, but control of reproduction definitely, as well as possible deliberate inclusion of entities designed to elevate disease and mortality levels. The electronic stuff is out of my league but it is another potential way, at least hypothetically, to attempt to get control if one of the other means fails. (Note that they could simply be adding this crap as a very early experiment simply to determine how much of it they can add before people keel over in too great of numbers.)

I think they have built these shots with multiple redundancies to achieve the control they want, and will continue to refine them based on what they learn.

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I just looked (scanned). Fascinating stuff! I don't see anything there that looks like these nanochip looking thingies, though. (Doesn't mean the illustrations in the publications are necessarily correct... they are illustrations, after all.)

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Thanks for the links! I will check them out!

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This is one on self assembling graphene oxide. You’ve probably seen all these, so I apologize for taking up your time. It’s hard to believe things like this would not harm the body even if with no ill intent intended. If the contamination is due to carelessness, the makers should be willing to improve manufacturing practices. I saw no illustrations or photos with this one.

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I think some of the things that were described as "hydras" are actually carbon nanotubes with graphene.

And I suspect the rationale for including them (if done deliberately) is to drive the mRNAs into cells.

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I’m a retired elementary teacher with only a BS, but I love knowing how things work. When I started having doubts about all this mess, I researched graphene oxide and lipid nano particles because I wanted to understand. I did learn that it was proposed to use the graphene oxide as an adjuvant for vaccines, but there was also a concern about damage to the body. Guess that just decided to ditch that worry. When I was searching for info, I also found that (I believe it was, but could be wrong) Pfizer was working on a secret vaccine. I think the article was from 2018. Nothing suspicious about that, is it?

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also see my reply under Ellen's comment

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Monica, when i think through the exogenous variables I come to the issue of heat-cycling. Have you ruled that out?

For example, you say: "On a Friday in December, alone in my office, I took the vials out, thawed, and examined them." At this point the vax would have gone through two cycles - manufacturing at ambient, freeze to -70, then thaw to ambient for innoculation, then freeze (by you) to -70, then thaw (by you) to ambient, and then any thermal effects from photons - or electromagnetism - under your scope.

My question regards heat-cycle promotion of odd crystallization. How do you manage this confounder?

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Excellent point.

My suspicion is that there are not nanochips in the vaccines. That is the allegation of others.

But a simpler explanation is that the vaccines contain graphene (there’s more and more spectroscopy evidence for this), and we know it can be used as a gene delivery device.

Perhaps that is what is crystallizing on the slides. If so it’s only slightly less disturbing than nanochips

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As an electrical engineer very familiar with the processes needed to create microcircuits, I'm firmly in the camp of, "We do not have the technology to self-organize electronic circuits in liquids." If we did, then every single microprocessor manufacturing company on earth would be using that technology instead of the horrendously complicated technology they currently use.

This is something else, likely a chemical/eletrochemical reaction between the LNPs/Spike/ and elements of human blood.

This is not graphene self-crystallizing into microcircuits. They are not forcing your body to make nano-bots. I think what we're seeing in these images is direct evidence for the recent revelations of the massive blood clotting that coroners are seeing.





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I'm familiar with these two sources (been friends with Mathew for years).

My contention is that massive clotting may not be a sole product of the fusogenic spike protein. Regardless of whether there is nanocircuitry in the shots, there's more and more evidence that graphene is a component (regardless of what its purpose is, and its purpose may merely be as an mRNA delivery vehicle).

And graphene slices through cells resulting in damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) which can in turn lead to generalized inflammatory responses and most likely clotting.

As for the components which look like circuits, regardless of whether they are circuits or they are made of graphene (or whether the graphene bits are separate), nothing like this should be in a vaccine. As a vaccine manufacturer, that is obvious.

And we need to figure out what its chemical composition is.

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Thank you for confirming what I already sense. I'll take my chances being natural.

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Pureblood / non-gmo.

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Wild. I wouldn’t want any of that action in my bloodstream. Pure blood suddenly seems more than just snark. The video was particularly bizarre. It seemed like a rod was fighting really hard to invade a sphere. For some strange reason, it made me think of a sci fi MC Escher world. I saw some pretty wild images from La Quinta last year. I forgot the impression they made. There was a self assembling thing there too. On an aesthetic level, if I were to name this kind of work, I’d think of something like, Alien Colonies. Its just an impression.

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I think some of this is just brownian movement. I would like to know the size of these other more geometric particles, however.

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Yes, that’s what I was referring to, the architecture looking stuff. If MC Escher and HR Giger art had a bastard and it became an architect. I may not be able to intellectually comprehend it but i do trust my body’s innate wisdom and give credence to my somatic impressions, until further information allows me to reevaluate the whole of it.

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......to my knowledge......

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Far beyond discover, I am. Wanna team up Monica ? Love dawn

not jayne.

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