I grew up in the '60/70 and it's true, everyday there was a man distributing unpasteurized milk to families and... in a glass bottle. Every drinkable thing was in a glass bottle, no cans, no plastic, from water to beer to coke. By the end of '60s the river was changing color almost everyday due to colorized textile industry in my home to…
I grew up in the '60/70 and it's true, everyday there was a man distributing unpasteurized milk to families and... in a glass bottle. Every drinkable thing was in a glass bottle, no cans, no plastic, from water to beer to coke. By the end of '60s the river was changing color almost everyday due to colorized textile industry in my home town. All little frog disappeared, no more fisherman on the river, but my dad bough a car, we had a b/w Tv set, fridge and electrical oven.
The economical boom of the 60s in Europe polluted rivers, seas, land. The Progress my friend...
Average people at that time had maybe not even finished Primary School. But mostly they owned their house/apartment. But couldn't understand what was going on. No culture of it.
My generation could study up to High School, but few went to University. Mostly they were the wealthiest but also many were the best in their fields. But in the late 70s we fought in the streets against the criminal power of Governments, wars, genocides, pollution.
Also during 60s in my country all cannabis fields disappeared, US asked to destroy them, to forbid the growth (it was drug.... pardon me? Ask Colorado now...), so US could sell us tons of cottons that wasn't as strong as cannabis. And most of all, it has no other use then wires, while Cannabis was also used for its great medical properties.
And so US Pharma could synthesize THC and TBD and sell its products to us, and make americans more rich than us.
Cannabis had also another wonderful natural use in agriculture: it was able to enrich the soil, so that farmers were alternating grain/corn cultivation with cannabis without buying fertilizer rather than organic one from their cows or horses.
Then the world start running "txs" to technology and chemical research and we had another great gift from US researchers: OGM food, OGM seeds, all patented all made to destroy agriculture and cultivation as we knew it. On the side of pharma products for agriculture there was the German Bayer that now owns Monsanto, but nobody as avoided the joint venture of two of the most dangerous companies in the food sector. UN, WHO? Just a bunch of criminals as they always have been since their foundation.
So as I lately ask here on Substack blogs: why americans didn't stand up, why americans have supported the destruction of the world as I knew it or made it happen without moving a finger?
There is a beautiful Latin sign in an old building, you can see walking in the street under the roof of this courtyard, it says" PANIS VITA - CANABIS PROTECTIO - VINUM LAETITIA " (Bread is life, cannabis is health, wine is social/fun"
That's the way I grew and I'm not envy at all of the younger ones.
"why americans didn't stand up, why americans have supported the destruction of the world as I knew it or made it happen without moving a finger?"
It wasn't until I experienced tragedy in my own life in my late 30s, and then moved abroad, that I realized how insular, self-centered, and narcissistic many Americans are.
It's the arrogance of empire. Of course, America is filled with good people as with any other place! But in a certain sense, it's "forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."
And in any case, as Americans, we can't control our politicians any longer. The only thing that would have worked in decades past is a massive tax protest to deprive the state of funding to do the evil things it does.
I'm sorry, but I think it's really that simple. Until people stop believing in political authority, we're going to continue to suffer this type of epic destruction and collapse, over and over and over, as humans have for 10,000 years.
Yep. Pretty much. Given enough time this fascist system will collapse on its own taking most of those who voluntarily became dependent along with it.
Many modern conveniences can be carried forward past collapse and it has to at least last as long as the half-life of pollution.
Roughly a third of the US population refused the injection, that is plenty of people to fix the problems and maintain the hierarchy. Just have to get through the next decade more or less.
My short list of what to do: 1.Grow food. 2. Buy ammo. 3. Personally hold US Constitutional money.
One can find 1/10th ounce Gold Eagles on Ebay. Overpaying to actually hold one is OK, its about having something to trade with personally should the internet get restricted or bank buy-ins occur. Compared to almost everything else we spend money on, saving some in this fashion is incredibly wise.
Also most investors are supporting what is tearing apart the planet. Take the money away from this fascist system.
I like your garden message and might help with tips should you be experiencing problems.
"The only thing that would have worked in decades past is a massive tax protest to deprive the state of funding to do the evil things it does."
The ability of the government to borrow and print money makes it nearly impossible to deprive it of funds. Reagan got tax cuts to try to starve the beast and it didn't work during his terms in office.
Paolo, what a sad and maddening story. Where did you grow up? As for why Americans did not stand up, I believe many if them did. That is why, in the early seventies, Richard Nixon started the Environmental Protection Agency. He was scared into it. A lot of good progress was made in the seventies. Then Ronald Reagan came in and took Jimmy Carter’s solar panels off the White House and started this whole insane greed fest of the eighties. I have never understood the worship of Reagan, or why Iran/Contra was not a bigger scandal.
christ almighty. well said. beautiful. thank you for that. which country are you from, will you tell us? And where is this latin sign and can you provide a link to a pic of it? It sounds like it is the kind of phrase that gets put up on buildings because it is in common use, common wisdom or something. Is it something like that? Can you provide any other information on it?
I grew up in the '60/70 and it's true, everyday there was a man distributing unpasteurized milk to families and... in a glass bottle. Every drinkable thing was in a glass bottle, no cans, no plastic, from water to beer to coke. By the end of '60s the river was changing color almost everyday due to colorized textile industry in my home town. All little frog disappeared, no more fisherman on the river, but my dad bough a car, we had a b/w Tv set, fridge and electrical oven.
The economical boom of the 60s in Europe polluted rivers, seas, land. The Progress my friend...
Average people at that time had maybe not even finished Primary School. But mostly they owned their house/apartment. But couldn't understand what was going on. No culture of it.
My generation could study up to High School, but few went to University. Mostly they were the wealthiest but also many were the best in their fields. But in the late 70s we fought in the streets against the criminal power of Governments, wars, genocides, pollution.
Also during 60s in my country all cannabis fields disappeared, US asked to destroy them, to forbid the growth (it was drug.... pardon me? Ask Colorado now...), so US could sell us tons of cottons that wasn't as strong as cannabis. And most of all, it has no other use then wires, while Cannabis was also used for its great medical properties.
And so US Pharma could synthesize THC and TBD and sell its products to us, and make americans more rich than us.
Cannabis had also another wonderful natural use in agriculture: it was able to enrich the soil, so that farmers were alternating grain/corn cultivation with cannabis without buying fertilizer rather than organic one from their cows or horses.
Then the world start running "txs" to technology and chemical research and we had another great gift from US researchers: OGM food, OGM seeds, all patented all made to destroy agriculture and cultivation as we knew it. On the side of pharma products for agriculture there was the German Bayer that now owns Monsanto, but nobody as avoided the joint venture of two of the most dangerous companies in the food sector. UN, WHO? Just a bunch of criminals as they always have been since their foundation.
So as I lately ask here on Substack blogs: why americans didn't stand up, why americans have supported the destruction of the world as I knew it or made it happen without moving a finger?
There is a beautiful Latin sign in an old building, you can see walking in the street under the roof of this courtyard, it says" PANIS VITA - CANABIS PROTECTIO - VINUM LAETITIA " (Bread is life, cannabis is health, wine is social/fun"
That's the way I grew and I'm not envy at all of the younger ones.
"why americans didn't stand up, why americans have supported the destruction of the world as I knew it or made it happen without moving a finger?"
It wasn't until I experienced tragedy in my own life in my late 30s, and then moved abroad, that I realized how insular, self-centered, and narcissistic many Americans are.
It's the arrogance of empire. Of course, America is filled with good people as with any other place! But in a certain sense, it's "forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."
And in any case, as Americans, we can't control our politicians any longer. The only thing that would have worked in decades past is a massive tax protest to deprive the state of funding to do the evil things it does.
I'm sorry, but I think it's really that simple. Until people stop believing in political authority, we're going to continue to suffer this type of epic destruction and collapse, over and over and over, as humans have for 10,000 years.
Yep. Pretty much. Given enough time this fascist system will collapse on its own taking most of those who voluntarily became dependent along with it.
Many modern conveniences can be carried forward past collapse and it has to at least last as long as the half-life of pollution.
Roughly a third of the US population refused the injection, that is plenty of people to fix the problems and maintain the hierarchy. Just have to get through the next decade more or less.
My short list of what to do: 1.Grow food. 2. Buy ammo. 3. Personally hold US Constitutional money.
One can find 1/10th ounce Gold Eagles on Ebay. Overpaying to actually hold one is OK, its about having something to trade with personally should the internet get restricted or bank buy-ins occur. Compared to almost everything else we spend money on, saving some in this fashion is incredibly wise.
Also most investors are supporting what is tearing apart the planet. Take the money away from this fascist system.
I like your garden message and might help with tips should you be experiencing problems.
Due diligence on the Ebay sellers, pay attention to 100% Positive Rating with a lot of transactions.
"The only thing that would have worked in decades past is a massive tax protest to deprive the state of funding to do the evil things it does."
The ability of the government to borrow and print money makes it nearly impossible to deprive it of funds. Reagan got tax cuts to try to starve the beast and it didn't work during his terms in office.
The reason to take care of yourself now. Take a different road, this one has too many deep potholes.
Paolo, what a sad and maddening story. Where did you grow up? As for why Americans did not stand up, I believe many if them did. That is why, in the early seventies, Richard Nixon started the Environmental Protection Agency. He was scared into it. A lot of good progress was made in the seventies. Then Ronald Reagan came in and took Jimmy Carter’s solar panels off the White House and started this whole insane greed fest of the eighties. I have never understood the worship of Reagan, or why Iran/Contra was not a bigger scandal.
christ almighty. well said. beautiful. thank you for that. which country are you from, will you tell us? And where is this latin sign and can you provide a link to a pic of it? It sounds like it is the kind of phrase that gets put up on buildings because it is in common use, common wisdom or something. Is it something like that? Can you provide any other information on it?
I found something - very interesting: https://www.thecannachronicles.com/canabis-protectio-1390/