Wonderful stuff. I needed a good laugh. 2023 flying cars? No. babies sucking goats. lol The programmers hard at work for their party cranking out all their culturally divisive greatest hits for the midterm ball. The alien thing though, there's something fishy going on there. All of a sudden congress and the pentagon want "transparency"? Please. Break me off a piece of that kit kat bar. (Edit: get well soon! try horse paste, i hear good things!)

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I have a guess about why aliens suddenly became a congressional issue. I remember after Harry Reid retired, there was a sudden spurt of aliens news with a new Navy pilot video that leaked or was released.

I noticed that some lieutenant colonel I think was interviewed several times about how he had been the designated UFO (or whatever they call it now) dept leader in the Pentagon.

Turns out his position had been eliminated and the department closed down. Well it seems like Harry Reid had some buddies in Nevada running a contract agency researching aliens and getting money from that program to produce basically worthless secret research papers on aliens. Pretty nice work if you can get it huh?

So my guess was that Harry Reid's buddies wanted more alien research contracts. Now I figure the same thing is going on again. I mean, $40 billion of defense spending slush fund for Ukraine is good, but it might be subject to at least some minimal audit and the spending does have to pretend to be related to Ukraine somehow. What about an alien research slush fund whose object is to produce secret reports? Now that is some low accountability spending.

Appropriations are everything in D.C. Plausible excuses to extract money for your clients are the most desirable thing. Look at monkeypox. For all we know it will disappear next week since the news hype and outbreak already secured a $115 million contract for smallpox vaccines. Or maybe it will go on a bit longer until they shake a bit more money off the money tree for some treatments and research.

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Regarding UFOs, I don't rule out a middle way. The best lies are always based in fact. So, just like in the case of COVID-19, there was a virus, there were people dying, it was just all grossly misrepresented and used to fuel hysteria ... it could be that it will be the same with aliens. There's something real there, but it will be deliberately presented in such a way as to stoke hysteria, feed mass formation, and justify further state and globalist power, through a mixture of unfounded speculation, omissions, outright fabrications, and just enough truth mixed in to give the narrative sufficient veracity to be superficially convincing.

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Exactly. I don't venture to opine on the phenomenon themselves. I believe that if there were actual alien contact with Washington, D.C., that the people currently in charge would declare war on them so they could pass a special appropriations bill. Everyone would fly 'humanity flags' with a bunch of colors. No one would remember who started shooting first. A few weeks after the spending bill passed, the mainstream news would run articles on how we actually can't win and how we should be working for compromise and peace.

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😂🤣 Sounds as likely as anything.

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Oh. And yup! They promised us flying cars and all we got were babies sucking on goat tits, runaway inflation, and fake forests (see link below to a much older post on this phenomenon).

The irony couldn't be more stunning to those of us who read too many Heinlein novels. :)


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Ah, I needed that. Quercetin, NAC, Zinc, and D, unless your level is already >65mg/nl. Diluted hydrogen peroxide nasal rinse works wonders.

Of course you know all that. But hey, sometimes when one is sick it’s easy to forget.

I’d add Black Seed Cumin Oil. But that’s just me.

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Black seed cumin oil supposedly can be a substitute for Ivermectin if you can’t get ahold of it.

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Waiting patiently for the alien invasion myself, I think that's the last card.

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Well, if the last couple years has not convinced the aliens NOT to land, you can rest assured they are coming to kick ass and take names. Probing will not be optional.

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I bought a Sigourney Weaver mask... I'm hoping that scares them

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They’re getting good at holographic projections. Lol

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I find the subject confusing. Do you have favorite sources on the subject? Oh, agreed...that is their Death Star.

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By some strange coincidence, this just dropped onto my feed today... not sure if it makes things more or less confusing though, not sure of it's authentication either, not something I've really looked into beyond seeing some apparent test holograms in the sky in China some years ago, which may or may not have been video effects. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfC3rkHxzXA

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What a great observation that even only a month has provided so many whiplashing breaking news that in retrospect, they all start to blur and become meaningless.

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I have recently been sick too - first shingles (no, I haven’t been jabbed with anything for over 20 years), then mastitis, then something that felt like covid maybe. Same symptoms as you; a week later I still have a cough that feels like crap needs to come out but am otherwise totally fine. I also don’t get sick often so am shocked at how hard I just got taken down. (Took Ivm for a few days, still not convinced it was covid though) this shingles crap is brutal though - 4 weeks later and still not out of pain. :/

That all said, being sick has really given me reason to pause and pay more attention to how I want my life to be. Living in fear of “what’s next” is just as bad as living in fear of covid - not that I ever have, just saying the opposite is really no better. We will continue to prepare so we can always take care of ourselves, but living in the present is so important too. Hope you feel better soon!

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I hear shingles is awful! If I got that I would try liposomal C and lysine.

A doctor we know says there’s a lot of influenza going around in the area.

My hypothesis for why this would happen so late in the season is a mass of susceptible jabbed people who are triggering outbreaks now. Normally they would encounter flu this time of year and eliminate wow trout knowing they had it.

I can’t prove this but it seems reasonable.

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really needed this, thanks. hope you feel better. i took z-stack for a really icky annoying cold last year and was 100% in 13 hours. 1 tablet every 2 hours

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I love these 😂 Especially the voting one.

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The voting one is pretty special, but I think these all count as blackpill/demoralization memes (unless you are an accelerationist).

With that said, I feel confident to post some more memes here again (or as the 4Chan banner goes,...actually, forget it). :)

As I like to say, I go to 4Chan so you don't have to. :)

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I’m kind of an accelerationist because I don’t think there’s any coming back from this without fixing the money.

Usually fiat currencies go one by one. Not all around the world at the same time.

What we’re going to live through is huge, unfortunately.

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I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet but hopefully we’ll get away with roughly less than 5% of the global population dying, which is about what we’ve seen in previous world wars.

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Sorry for the late reply, relatively speaking. If Dr. Naomi Wolf's work is anything to go by, the war is against the unborn.


And if Dr. James Hill is anything to go by, it's a white genocide:


I hate anything to do with race so I kind of want to make that clear. I don't care if I marry an African, a Hispanic, an Asian or a European. As long as my partner makes me happy and we get along I don't care.

I even hate the fact I have to write this, but we are where we are.

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My personal belief is most will die of famine from manufactured economic crises. That’s mostly how it happened before. This will dwarf people killed by the shots.

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I hear you.

I got a lift to the shops earlier with a normie (former militant Lefty). I pointed out the fact that the price of petrol had risen due to the actions of the EU. "Yeah, we can't let Putin get away with this" was the reply.

People really think like this. Like Putin actually gives a shite about the fact that you can't afford to travel anywhere (some people say he's the richest person in the world).

I did run into a fascinating Russian conspiracy theory the other day though. Apparently Putin has had at least six clones. I should have saved the images (I hate it when I don;t do that). It looked kinda convincing though.

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Several of these had me laughing out loud like a school child on the playground. Well, the playgrounds that don't still have caution tape up. <Rimshot>

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We aim to make you LOL

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Thank you!

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That one meme reminded me -- Happy World Parrot Day!

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That was fun! Thanks Monica, and hope you feel better soon.

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next week, Trudeau will announce a ban on gardens as its harmful to the environment or something

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No doubt 😡

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The Liz Warren one got me.

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Very nice!

But I like the last one as it has been my philosophy for all my life!

Almost everybody use Anarchy as Chaos showing a huge ignorance on related philosophy and ideas. Anarchy means freedom, independence, self responsibility, respect other's freedom, mainly. The famous phrase: "My freedom ends where yours starts" says it all.

But to make it real we should grow our kids with that, exactly the opposite that every Government of World ask you and is afraid of.

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Epic meme dump indeed 🤝

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Wow heaps of good memes in here.

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