Wow! Look what I just came across on Telegram on Robin Monotti's channel! These people are nuts. "The delusion these people have of seeing themselves as GODS is very explicit. They are fanatics, worse than religious fanatics because the only higher power they see is theirs: one which responds only to their own moral-compass-free world.
"Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some God above the clouds, but OUR intelligent design... Science may enable life to break out into the inorganic realm."
The recent history of this is well told in Brague's book, "The Kingdom of Man." But the story, as you point out, is very old, going back in a way to things like forbidden fruit and a tower to the sun. I think you are right, Monica, to focus on story including what has been taken and is ours to reclaim. Like you, I am confident in the outcome because hubris is even older than technology. Psalm 9:15 comes to mind:
The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.
Actually this has been true for 20-30 thousand years at least. Apart from that you can very much doubt its "intelligent" character. I would call it stupid hubris which very much is in the process of catching up with us...
Totally agreed. Their hubris can be also summarized as incompetence. Just look at any large institution and see how dysfunctional they are. Coalition of banks to implement a new digital id system? Makes me laugh, banks can hardly hold their shit together. Have you used their web sites and mobile apps (if they have one)? Have you interacted with any government website? Do they strike you as competent? The only way they can survive is through brute force, this is why they want more and more control, that's the only thing they know. I think with all the global planning and grand vision the new world order will collapse under its own idiocy. Life and creativity thrive only where there is joy and playfulness and freedom, the exact opposite of what control is.
Got home from town this arvo to my bush farmhouse. Was summoned into the garden by rain drenched roses, dewy bruised in the falling light, daring me to fill my arms with their gift. Is it really possible to capture and duplicate their trembling ecstatic beauty? What fools are knocking at our Mother's door? Opening it will flush them into Eternity. We all have our path to awakening. 🤣
I live in Spain. We have witnessed first hand how the injections do not work. We have all gotten COVID in the last 2 months. But still:
- People is getting a 3rd dose thinking that it protects them or the others or something.
- The people that somehow thinks that perhaps it is not so protective, are getting jabbed to have basic freedoms as travelling. They have given up they rights easily, because they don't have a right to move anymore. It is a privilege that they have earned by obbeying. The people that is not jabbed (because they do not want, or they have natural imminity, or they had a bad reaction to one of the doses, or...) do not have that privilege and the jabbed ones do not care. Thay have not resisted a second.
We are screwed. You wrote "they think we are stupid". Well, the majority of us IS stupid.
Fantastic article! Thank you. I’m so fortunate that I found the Weston Price foundation a few years ago. They taught me about the corruption of childhood vaccines and the flaws in germ theory before Covid hit. I have them to thank for my sanity and my health ❤️
This is great. Much of this ancient wisdom still exists of course, and plenty has even been resurrected and given new life in recent times (albeit often, unfortunately, in a still patriarchal vest inherited unquestioningly from our own culture). The problem is just that scientific materialists cannot see it, and the more positivistic i.e. religious their dogmatic adherence to reductive explanatory tenets, the more blind they are.
Aside from the healing arts, where we have conserved incredible richness, and on which the present period constitutes an obvious war, the main technology of "primitive peoples" (we are all "primitive" in reality) which are vilified and suppressed but so clearly a part of human nature that they nevertheless manifest everywhere, are the technologies of the soul, that is, the ways to navigate the world in which we really live, not the narrow, pallid shadow of a world that scientism confines us to - meditation and so-called altered states of consciousness.
The denial of the reality of our spiritual existence is the core enabling ground for the contemporary tyranny.
I don't think that one is going to work albeit some scientist somewhere looked into a telescope and has suggested they exist elsewhere. Another idea was to build an ice fence around Antarctica which is just as insane. Even the idea of Carbon, Capture & Storage (CCS) has spectacularly failed over the last 30 years. What these guys are really spectacular at is wasting capital. They should be removed from any access to it.
And as I said elsewhere I saw a young climate warrior who I'd clashed with in the past at the bagel place the other day. I was very tempted to say to him "ah it's great isn't it, now we've got dystopia and climate change to worry about" because you know what, these pricks knew that this was coming.
That was very informative and these are central themes to be aware of right now. The history of our planet and humans on the planet is not what we've been told. As your piece points out there are many anomalies that collide with what we've been taught as the progression or evolution of our species. It doesn't add up. So much will come to light. Thank you. Will share!
So well written and explained. You’re spot on with the hubris. Technocrats hold the cards don’t they? I wonder if opting out is the only effective response. I hope not because I don’t think it would ever happen.
Your article helped me answer a question that i have been puzzling over, since the beginning of this ridiculous farce of pandemania- why are people falling for this(covid narrative)?
I don't believe people are just stupid. Stupidity is like genius, extreme spectrum. I don't believe they don't care. Sure they may be distracted by their lives and media, but the majority are doing this because they think they are helping their fellow kind.
I have realised, ignorance, despite the relatively recent addition of internets "all information at your finger tips", is still the reason we are facing this situation.
Willful ignorance, or unintentional ignorance. It matters not. The results are the same. A species doomed to repeat it's mistakes over and over, because it cannot remember/record it's history.
As a child, I loved history and read everything I could get my hands on about other times, cultures and individuals.
I guess that made it much easier to recognise the historic patterns forming when c19 came into the picture.
I have much respect for people like Sam Bailey, Andrew Kaufman, and so on. But I am not convinced by their communications on these matters. Here is why.
Density gradient ultracentrifugation with human pathogenic viruses poses particular problems. (I suspect no one is afraid to do it with plant viruses.)
I watched a video where Andrew Kaufman said, "I would purify bacteria from a human sample if I wanted to prove X."
Well, you don’t purify bacteria from a patient sample. No one does. You grow it in artificial media.
Have viruses been visualized on host tissue in TEM/SEM since the original 1950s paper by Lanka that everyone cites? Almost assuredly, and plant cells probably would hold up better to prep for microscopy.
Their weakest ground is gene sequencing. This is where I have some knowledge having done it in grad school (along with working on supposedly non-existent germs that supposedly don't cause disease... but what do I know?)
Here is where they get into handwaving stuff. They say the DNA pieces generated by sequencing are too small to make any sense of. Just a random and arbitrary collection of nucleotides.
Really? How big are the pieces?
Primers are only 25 nucleotides long and are highly specific to bind to a particular point in the genome. That's the basis of PCR, which you use to generate sequences FOR sequencing.
Even if you only generate DNA sequences that are that long (and most are much longer, several hundred BP), the sequences aren't arbitrary at all.
The mathematical chances of encountering that exact sequence again randomly would be almost infinitesimally small. It would be like a chosen sentence in the middle of Gone with the Wind randomly being found as the last sentence of another book by a different author.
So no, it’s not all as "arbitrary" as they say it is.
Their strongest evidence is the lack of ability to demonstrate Koch's postulates with viruses because you can't grow them outside of host cells, and the lack of controlled conditions when studying so-called cytopathic effects.
Difficulties with Koch's postulates is something I happen to know something about. Because I studied highly specific parasites of arthropods for my PhD. Thankfully they are pretty large microscopic organisms so we can see the entire life cycle under the microscope. But, even after 100+ years of studying them intensively, we can't grow them past a particular stage to maturity in artificial culture. Doesn't mean they don't exist, don't cause disease, or that the methods used to study their DNA are bunk.
Yes, it's very difficult to know that the "virus" didn’t come from the cell cultures themselves, or as Kaufmann alleges, are just exosomes, organelles, etc.
But that is the exact same reason that polio vaccines were allegedly contaminated with SV40, which allegedly gave a lot of people who received those vaccines cancer.
What's more important than whether or not “viruses” have been "isolated" -- another thing they demand is an extreme level of purification which is close to impossible -- is this:
1. microorganisms that are much larger do cause disease (sorry), regardless of how powerful various host and environmental factors may also be in buoying an individual against the disease (so-called terrain theory). These theories are not mutually exclusive.
We know that “viral” diseases — indeed most diseases caused by microorganisms, have a highly specific SET of signs and symptoms. And these diseases were classified well prior to the modern advent of diagnostic tests. The clinical signs and symptoms are quite different from each other, yet they tend to appear and spread in the same population at the same time. That’s evidence toward a causative agent that spreads in the population. We don't need to throw out literally hundreds of years of microbiology and revert to miasma as an explanation. If you want to revert to miasma, it is fine but you'll be the only one believing it until you too identify a causative agent!! (same problem)
The symptoms of smallpox are completely different to shingles and so on.
Throwing out thousands of years of accumulated scientific observation of clinically significant identifiers, because of a single faulty paper in the 1950s, is not a great idea.
I don’t think people with covid are suffering from radiation or chemotherapy toxicity. There are too many unique pathognomic signs that occur in combination: ground glass pathology in the lungs, extended anosmia, and so on.
The “viruses don’t exist” crowd takes Popperian falsification to an unhealthy extreme, in my opinion.
Describing a “virus” — or any microorganism — down to every last nucleic acid is not that important. So what if you can’t? (All the same, it turns out we can do so pretty well.)
I don’t think it’s particularly dangerous to not believe in viruses, so I won’t be spending a lot of time on this.
I just think this crowd are using extremely stringent standards of “proof” that are next to impossible in the real world, that my accumulated professional experience in microbiology contradicts theirs, and that they are wrong.
What’s really important is to stop letting any kind of disease be a pretext for ushering in dystopia.
Cancer is not believed to be contagious, but hundreds of thousands of people in the US alone are still dying it from every year because of medical tyranny.
If everyone stops believing in viruses, goody for those for whom that is their goal, but it won't solve our real problems.
Hello! :) The real question is whether you’ve seen plants spawn from animals. I have. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I dislike your rudeness and combative style, and you’ve provided neither an educational, entertainment, or personal relationship context for me to further tolerate it.
I suppose you’ll have to go attention seek and pollute someone else’s Substack with verbal diarrhea and insults now.
I have much respect for people like Sam Bailey, Andrew Kaufman, and so on. But I am not convinced by their communications on these matters. Here is why.
Density gradient ultracentrifugation with human pathogenic viruses poses particular problems. (I suspect no one is afraid to do it with plant viruses.)
I watched a video where Andrew Kaufman said, "I would purify bacteria from a human sample if I wanted to prove X."
Well, you don’t purify bacteria from a patient sample. No one does. You grow it in artificial media.
Have viruses been visualized on host tissue in TEM/SEM since the original 1950s paper by Lanka that everyone cites? Almost assuredly, and plant cells probably would hold up better to prep for microscopy.
Their weakest ground is gene sequencing. This is where I have some knowledge having done it in grad school (along with working on supposedly non-existent germs that supposedly don't cause disease... but what do I know?)
Here is where they get into handwaving stuff. They say the DNA pieces generated by sequencing are too small to make any sense of. Just a random and arbitrary collection of nucleotides.
Really? How big are the pieces?
Primers are only 25 nucleotides long and are highly specific to bind to a particular point in the genome. That's the basis of PCR, which you use to generate sequences FOR sequencing.
Even if you only generate DNA sequences that are that long (and most are much longer, several hundred BP), the sequences aren't arbitrary at all.
The mathematical chances of encountering that exact sequence again randomly would be almost infinitesimally small. It would be like a chosen sentence in the middle of Gone with the Wind randomly being found as the last sentence of another book by a different author.
So no, it’s not all as "arbitrary" as they say it is.
Their strongest evidence is the lack of ability to demonstrate Koch's postulates with viruses because you can't grow them outside of host cells, and the lack of controlled conditions when studying so-called cytopathic effects.
Difficulties with Koch's postulates is something I happen to know something about. Because I studied highly specific parasites of arthropods for my PhD. Thankfully they are pretty large microscopic organisms so we can see the entire life cycle under the microscope. But, even after 100+ years of studying them intensively, we can't grow them past a particular stage to maturity in artificial culture. Doesn't mean they don't exist, don't cause disease, or that the methods used to study their DNA are bunk.
Yes, it's very difficult to know that the "virus" didn’t come from the cell cultures themselves, or as Kaufmann alleges, are just exosomes, organelles, etc.
But that is the exact same reason that polio vaccines were allegedly contaminated with SV40, which allegedly gave a lot of people who received those vaccines cancer.
What's more important than whether or not “viruses” have been "isolated" -- another thing they demand is an extreme level of purification which is close to impossible -- is this:
1. microorganisms that are much larger do cause disease (sorry), regardless of how powerful various host and environmental factors may also be in buoying an individual against the disease (so-called terrain theory). These theories are not mutually exclusive.
We know that “viral” diseases — indeed most diseases caused by microorganisms, have a highly specific SET of signs and symptoms. And these diseases were classified well prior to the modern advent of diagnostic tests. The clinical signs and symptoms are quite different from each other, yet they tend to appear and spread in the same population at the same time. That’s evidence toward a causative agent that spreads in the population. We don't need to throw out literally hundreds of years of microbiology and revert to miasma as an explanation. If you want to revert to miasma, it is fine but you'll be the only one believing it until you too identify a causative agent!! (same problem)
The symptoms of smallpox are completely different to shingles and so on.
Throwing out thousands of years of accumulated scientific observation of clinically significant identifiers, because of a single faulty paper in the 1950s, is not a great idea.
I don’t think people with covid are suffering from radiation or chemotherapy toxicity. There are too many unique pathognomic signs that occur in combination: ground glass pathology in the lungs, extended anosmia, and so on.
The “viruses don’t exist” crowd takes Popperian falsification to an unhealthy extreme, in my opinion.
Describing a “virus” — or any microorganism — down to every last nucleic acid is not that important. So what if you can’t? (All the same, it turns out we can do so pretty well.)
I don’t think it’s particularly dangerous to not believe in viruses, so I won’t be spending a lot of time on this.
I just think this crowd are using extremely stringent standards of “proof” that are next to impossible in the real world, that my accumulated professional experience in microbiology contradicts theirs, and that they are wrong.
What’s really important is to stop letting any kind of disease be a pretext for ushering in dystopia.
Cancer is not believed to be contagious, but hundreds of thousands of people in the US alone are still dying it from every year because of medical tyranny.
If everyone stops believing in viruses, goody, but it won't solve our real problems.
Weston Price rocked my world as well! It changed my family's life and eating habits for the better.
The hubris of the elites, indeed. I was lying awake last night thinking about the dangerous world where the government funds the elites to do preposterous things that cross ethical barriers with barely a blip of concern from media.
“Whether you believe it is designed by God or honed by eons of evolutionary forces like natural selection“
It is, of course, both.
Viewed in retrospect, outcomes in the physical world are, naturally, inevitabilities: they *had* to end up the way they did for the simple reason that they ended up the way they did; there is no ambiguity, no probability. This demonstrates that, with perfect knowledge, the outcomes were entirely predictable in advance.
God, in the physical world, is the repository of these inevitabilities.
Evolution is an insidious idea. It infects not just our understanding of biology but of all other facets of life, including cultural. We all know that it fostered the eugenics that led to the Holocaust and to abortion (Margaret Sanger), but more subtly, it causes us to reject the wisdom of the past because we just assume that we're evolving, better than what came before (despite the murder of more people in the 20th century than in all prior history combined) and that we're certainly on the path to even greater glories. It isn't hard to shake the non-science ideology of biological evolution once you are red-pilled by great books like Darwin's Doubt, awaking common sense awareness of entropy and mutations. It is much harder to shake the philosophical assumption of evolution that underlies Western culture.
"We all know that it fostered the eugenics that led to the Holocaust and to abortion" No, we don't "all know" that. Another "everybody knows" fallacy. And if you'd ever read Darwin, you'd know that he was deeply disturbed by slavery and wrote to Americans to stop this insidious practice. He died in 1882 before any widespread abortion or eugenics movement. If you'd ever read Darwin, you'd know all this. But "everybody knows" or at least I know, that you haven't.
" I don't care to read Darwin, as I've seen the consequences of his ideas."
"I've been propagandized about someone I never met, saw, heard, or read, who died 150 years ago. Anyone mentioning him favorably triggers me, and I refuse to deal honestly with my ignorance."
Time for a "commenting on this post is only for paid subscribers button" I see.
I've read some of his writing, just not cover-to-cover. Censor me if you like, but realize that you are attacking me personally now rather than responding with facts and reason to what I said.
"I've read some of his writing, just not cover-to-cover."
Perhaps you should rectify that before making baseless assertions. All you've got is that somehow Darwin turned Margaret Sanger, a three year old child at the time of his death, into a eugenicist, abortionist, and racist.
It's ridiculous on its face. It's like claiming that Rachel Carson is a mass murderer responsible for gazillions of deaths because she had the temerity to publish a book saying we should be careful about spraying poisons.
Or that Joe Rogan is responsible for millions of deaths for having dissenting doctors on his podcast.
"Censor me if you like"
I'm incapable of censoring you. I'm not a giant tech company colluding with the government to make bazillions and suppress viewpoints I don't like.
Words have meaning and I see that you use them very loosely. I don't.
I'm refusing to deal with facts and reason? This is rich.
If you want people to take you seriously, provide evidence to support your outlandish conclusions. Where are Darwin's ideas about eugenics, abortion, and racism? Put them right here.
I'm not averse to being schooled. When I taught university I made honest mistakes from time to time, very intelligent students would correct me, I would thank them in front of the class (not sarcastically), and my students' respect for me was elevated.
The fact that you are a victim of my sarcasm is your own damned fault. You are a crybully full of projection. You came in here to take a metaphorical dump in my living room, not just once but several times, and then claim YOU are a victim when asked to make it smell better.
It's not your ignorance that is your worst problem. It's that you have no manners.
I have a full hour's interview conducted many years ago explaining quite politely why creationism and intelligent design are nonsense. If I make a post out of it, you'll be perfectly free to debunk all of it by putting your money where your mouth is.
By the way, here are 10 quotes from Darwin about racism. The internet is an amazing resource where we can learn so many things so easily. It appears that *that* particular point of my post has been lost on the emotionally triggered.
The common references I've seen of 'lost technologies' are Roman concrete, Damascus steel, and especially the Antikythera mechanism (an ancient analog astronomical calculator). Hadn't heard of ancient metal plating; that's neat! The point is excellent: something known now may not be known forever. Particularly if anyone powerful has an incentive to suppress that knowledge.
I hope to read Daniel Boorstein's The Discoverers again someday. He remarks at length on ancient cultural differences between East and West. In the Middle Ages China was a technological superpower, but technologies were hoarded by the emperor and discarded when a new one appeared. In Europe technologies like clockworks were distributed; every large town had a clock tower.
Oh wow. How interesting. So we have a power and technology centralization/decentralization example in your second paragraph. Thanks for that interesting historical tidbit. I didn't know. It helps to explain and guide us a lot.
Wow! Look what I just came across on Telegram on Robin Monotti's channel! These people are nuts. "The delusion these people have of seeing themselves as GODS is very explicit. They are fanatics, worse than religious fanatics because the only higher power they see is theirs: one which responds only to their own moral-compass-free world.
"Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some God above the clouds, but OUR intelligent design... Science may enable life to break out into the inorganic realm."
The recent history of this is well told in Brague's book, "The Kingdom of Man." But the story, as you point out, is very old, going back in a way to things like forbidden fruit and a tower to the sun. I think you are right, Monica, to focus on story including what has been taken and is ours to reclaim. Like you, I am confident in the outcome because hubris is even older than technology. Psalm 9:15 comes to mind:
The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.
There is a lot of wisdom in Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, etc. Thank you for the book tip! I will check it out!
Actually this has been true for 20-30 thousand years at least. Apart from that you can very much doubt its "intelligent" character. I would call it stupid hubris which very much is in the process of catching up with us...
almost cute, if they weren't aggressive
Totally agreed. Their hubris can be also summarized as incompetence. Just look at any large institution and see how dysfunctional they are. Coalition of banks to implement a new digital id system? Makes me laugh, banks can hardly hold their shit together. Have you used their web sites and mobile apps (if they have one)? Have you interacted with any government website? Do they strike you as competent? The only way they can survive is through brute force, this is why they want more and more control, that's the only thing they know. I think with all the global planning and grand vision the new world order will collapse under its own idiocy. Life and creativity thrive only where there is joy and playfulness and freedom, the exact opposite of what control is.
Got home from town this arvo to my bush farmhouse. Was summoned into the garden by rain drenched roses, dewy bruised in the falling light, daring me to fill my arms with their gift. Is it really possible to capture and duplicate their trembling ecstatic beauty? What fools are knocking at our Mother's door? Opening it will flush them into Eternity. We all have our path to awakening. 🤣
lol. Sure hope so!
I am not that optimistic.
I live in Spain. We have witnessed first hand how the injections do not work. We have all gotten COVID in the last 2 months. But still:
- People is getting a 3rd dose thinking that it protects them or the others or something.
- The people that somehow thinks that perhaps it is not so protective, are getting jabbed to have basic freedoms as travelling. They have given up they rights easily, because they don't have a right to move anymore. It is a privilege that they have earned by obbeying. The people that is not jabbed (because they do not want, or they have natural imminity, or they had a bad reaction to one of the doses, or...) do not have that privilege and the jabbed ones do not care. Thay have not resisted a second.
We are screwed. You wrote "they think we are stupid". Well, the majority of us IS stupid.
I would say the majority are perhaps ignorant - and that was done intentionally.
Agree. But, additionally, they are unable to question. Unable even to think that the authorities can be wrong. It is more than just ignorance.
Also intentional. Still, despite the steep learning curve we're facing, many will get there. So many assumptions will fall away.
Fantastic article! Thank you. I’m so fortunate that I found the Weston Price foundation a few years ago. They taught me about the corruption of childhood vaccines and the flaws in germ theory before Covid hit. I have them to thank for my sanity and my health ❤️
Remember Einstein's answer to what weapons would be used in WW3?
No idea about WW3, but WW4 will be sticks & stones.
This is great. Much of this ancient wisdom still exists of course, and plenty has even been resurrected and given new life in recent times (albeit often, unfortunately, in a still patriarchal vest inherited unquestioningly from our own culture). The problem is just that scientific materialists cannot see it, and the more positivistic i.e. religious their dogmatic adherence to reductive explanatory tenets, the more blind they are.
Aside from the healing arts, where we have conserved incredible richness, and on which the present period constitutes an obvious war, the main technology of "primitive peoples" (we are all "primitive" in reality) which are vilified and suppressed but so clearly a part of human nature that they nevertheless manifest everywhere, are the technologies of the soul, that is, the ways to navigate the world in which we really live, not the narrow, pallid shadow of a world that scientism confines us to - meditation and so-called altered states of consciousness.
The denial of the reality of our spiritual existence is the core enabling ground for the contemporary tyranny.
You started a newsletter! Yay! Popping over...
Wow. Fascinating and terrifying. The sun belongs to all of us!
I don't think that one is going to work albeit some scientist somewhere looked into a telescope and has suggested they exist elsewhere. Another idea was to build an ice fence around Antarctica which is just as insane. Even the idea of Carbon, Capture & Storage (CCS) has spectacularly failed over the last 30 years. What these guys are really spectacular at is wasting capital. They should be removed from any access to it.
And as I said elsewhere I saw a young climate warrior who I'd clashed with in the past at the bagel place the other day. I was very tempted to say to him "ah it's great isn't it, now we've got dystopia and climate change to worry about" because you know what, these pricks knew that this was coming.
Yeah it's mine.
haha! Someone got my joke. :)
That was very informative and these are central themes to be aware of right now. The history of our planet and humans on the planet is not what we've been told. As your piece points out there are many anomalies that collide with what we've been taught as the progression or evolution of our species. It doesn't add up. So much will come to light. Thank you. Will share!
FYI: The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation is a very useful resource for anyone looking improve their nutrition. You can also find Dr. Price's book there:
Sorry, that first link should be:
So well written and explained. You’re spot on with the hubris. Technocrats hold the cards don’t they? I wonder if opting out is the only effective response. I hope not because I don’t think it would ever happen.
Your article helped me answer a question that i have been puzzling over, since the beginning of this ridiculous farce of pandemania- why are people falling for this(covid narrative)?
I don't believe people are just stupid. Stupidity is like genius, extreme spectrum. I don't believe they don't care. Sure they may be distracted by their lives and media, but the majority are doing this because they think they are helping their fellow kind.
I have realised, ignorance, despite the relatively recent addition of internets "all information at your finger tips", is still the reason we are facing this situation.
Willful ignorance, or unintentional ignorance. It matters not. The results are the same. A species doomed to repeat it's mistakes over and over, because it cannot remember/record it's history.
As a child, I loved history and read everything I could get my hands on about other times, cultures and individuals.
I guess that made it much easier to recognise the historic patterns forming when c19 came into the picture.
#wemustnotforget #wearehistory #wewillremember #wearelegion
I have much respect for people like Sam Bailey, Andrew Kaufman, and so on. But I am not convinced by their communications on these matters. Here is why.
Density gradient ultracentrifugation with human pathogenic viruses poses particular problems. (I suspect no one is afraid to do it with plant viruses.)
I watched a video where Andrew Kaufman said, "I would purify bacteria from a human sample if I wanted to prove X."
Well, you don’t purify bacteria from a patient sample. No one does. You grow it in artificial media.
Have viruses been visualized on host tissue in TEM/SEM since the original 1950s paper by Lanka that everyone cites? Almost assuredly, and plant cells probably would hold up better to prep for microscopy.
Their weakest ground is gene sequencing. This is where I have some knowledge having done it in grad school (along with working on supposedly non-existent germs that supposedly don't cause disease... but what do I know?)
Here is where they get into handwaving stuff. They say the DNA pieces generated by sequencing are too small to make any sense of. Just a random and arbitrary collection of nucleotides.
Really? How big are the pieces?
Primers are only 25 nucleotides long and are highly specific to bind to a particular point in the genome. That's the basis of PCR, which you use to generate sequences FOR sequencing.
Even if you only generate DNA sequences that are that long (and most are much longer, several hundred BP), the sequences aren't arbitrary at all.
The mathematical chances of encountering that exact sequence again randomly would be almost infinitesimally small. It would be like a chosen sentence in the middle of Gone with the Wind randomly being found as the last sentence of another book by a different author.
So no, it’s not all as "arbitrary" as they say it is.
Their strongest evidence is the lack of ability to demonstrate Koch's postulates with viruses because you can't grow them outside of host cells, and the lack of controlled conditions when studying so-called cytopathic effects.
Difficulties with Koch's postulates is something I happen to know something about. Because I studied highly specific parasites of arthropods for my PhD. Thankfully they are pretty large microscopic organisms so we can see the entire life cycle under the microscope. But, even after 100+ years of studying them intensively, we can't grow them past a particular stage to maturity in artificial culture. Doesn't mean they don't exist, don't cause disease, or that the methods used to study their DNA are bunk.
Yes, it's very difficult to know that the "virus" didn’t come from the cell cultures themselves, or as Kaufmann alleges, are just exosomes, organelles, etc.
But that is the exact same reason that polio vaccines were allegedly contaminated with SV40, which allegedly gave a lot of people who received those vaccines cancer.
What's more important than whether or not “viruses” have been "isolated" -- another thing they demand is an extreme level of purification which is close to impossible -- is this:
1. microorganisms that are much larger do cause disease (sorry), regardless of how powerful various host and environmental factors may also be in buoying an individual against the disease (so-called terrain theory). These theories are not mutually exclusive.
We know that “viral” diseases — indeed most diseases caused by microorganisms, have a highly specific SET of signs and symptoms. And these diseases were classified well prior to the modern advent of diagnostic tests. The clinical signs and symptoms are quite different from each other, yet they tend to appear and spread in the same population at the same time. That’s evidence toward a causative agent that spreads in the population. We don't need to throw out literally hundreds of years of microbiology and revert to miasma as an explanation. If you want to revert to miasma, it is fine but you'll be the only one believing it until you too identify a causative agent!! (same problem)
The symptoms of smallpox are completely different to shingles and so on.
Throwing out thousands of years of accumulated scientific observation of clinically significant identifiers, because of a single faulty paper in the 1950s, is not a great idea.
I don’t think people with covid are suffering from radiation or chemotherapy toxicity. There are too many unique pathognomic signs that occur in combination: ground glass pathology in the lungs, extended anosmia, and so on.
The “viruses don’t exist” crowd takes Popperian falsification to an unhealthy extreme, in my opinion.
Describing a “virus” — or any microorganism — down to every last nucleic acid is not that important. So what if you can’t? (All the same, it turns out we can do so pretty well.)
I don’t think it’s particularly dangerous to not believe in viruses, so I won’t be spending a lot of time on this.
I just think this crowd are using extremely stringent standards of “proof” that are next to impossible in the real world, that my accumulated professional experience in microbiology contradicts theirs, and that they are wrong.
What’s really important is to stop letting any kind of disease be a pretext for ushering in dystopia.
Cancer is not believed to be contagious, but hundreds of thousands of people in the US alone are still dying it from every year because of medical tyranny.
If everyone stops believing in viruses, goody for those for whom that is their goal, but it won't solve our real problems.
Hello! :) The real question is whether you’ve seen plants spawn from animals. I have. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I dislike your rudeness and combative style, and you’ve provided neither an educational, entertainment, or personal relationship context for me to further tolerate it.
I suppose you’ll have to go attention seek and pollute someone else’s Substack with verbal diarrhea and insults now.
bye bye!
I have much respect for people like Sam Bailey, Andrew Kaufman, and so on. But I am not convinced by their communications on these matters. Here is why.
Density gradient ultracentrifugation with human pathogenic viruses poses particular problems. (I suspect no one is afraid to do it with plant viruses.)
I watched a video where Andrew Kaufman said, "I would purify bacteria from a human sample if I wanted to prove X."
Well, you don’t purify bacteria from a patient sample. No one does. You grow it in artificial media.
Have viruses been visualized on host tissue in TEM/SEM since the original 1950s paper by Lanka that everyone cites? Almost assuredly, and plant cells probably would hold up better to prep for microscopy.
Their weakest ground is gene sequencing. This is where I have some knowledge having done it in grad school (along with working on supposedly non-existent germs that supposedly don't cause disease... but what do I know?)
Here is where they get into handwaving stuff. They say the DNA pieces generated by sequencing are too small to make any sense of. Just a random and arbitrary collection of nucleotides.
Really? How big are the pieces?
Primers are only 25 nucleotides long and are highly specific to bind to a particular point in the genome. That's the basis of PCR, which you use to generate sequences FOR sequencing.
Even if you only generate DNA sequences that are that long (and most are much longer, several hundred BP), the sequences aren't arbitrary at all.
The mathematical chances of encountering that exact sequence again randomly would be almost infinitesimally small. It would be like a chosen sentence in the middle of Gone with the Wind randomly being found as the last sentence of another book by a different author.
So no, it’s not all as "arbitrary" as they say it is.
Their strongest evidence is the lack of ability to demonstrate Koch's postulates with viruses because you can't grow them outside of host cells, and the lack of controlled conditions when studying so-called cytopathic effects.
Difficulties with Koch's postulates is something I happen to know something about. Because I studied highly specific parasites of arthropods for my PhD. Thankfully they are pretty large microscopic organisms so we can see the entire life cycle under the microscope. But, even after 100+ years of studying them intensively, we can't grow them past a particular stage to maturity in artificial culture. Doesn't mean they don't exist, don't cause disease, or that the methods used to study their DNA are bunk.
Yes, it's very difficult to know that the "virus" didn’t come from the cell cultures themselves, or as Kaufmann alleges, are just exosomes, organelles, etc.
But that is the exact same reason that polio vaccines were allegedly contaminated with SV40, which allegedly gave a lot of people who received those vaccines cancer.
What's more important than whether or not “viruses” have been "isolated" -- another thing they demand is an extreme level of purification which is close to impossible -- is this:
1. microorganisms that are much larger do cause disease (sorry), regardless of how powerful various host and environmental factors may also be in buoying an individual against the disease (so-called terrain theory). These theories are not mutually exclusive.
We know that “viral” diseases — indeed most diseases caused by microorganisms, have a highly specific SET of signs and symptoms. And these diseases were classified well prior to the modern advent of diagnostic tests. The clinical signs and symptoms are quite different from each other, yet they tend to appear and spread in the same population at the same time. That’s evidence toward a causative agent that spreads in the population. We don't need to throw out literally hundreds of years of microbiology and revert to miasma as an explanation. If you want to revert to miasma, it is fine but you'll be the only one believing it until you too identify a causative agent!! (same problem)
The symptoms of smallpox are completely different to shingles and so on.
Throwing out thousands of years of accumulated scientific observation of clinically significant identifiers, because of a single faulty paper in the 1950s, is not a great idea.
I don’t think people with covid are suffering from radiation or chemotherapy toxicity. There are too many unique pathognomic signs that occur in combination: ground glass pathology in the lungs, extended anosmia, and so on.
The “viruses don’t exist” crowd takes Popperian falsification to an unhealthy extreme, in my opinion.
Describing a “virus” — or any microorganism — down to every last nucleic acid is not that important. So what if you can’t? (All the same, it turns out we can do so pretty well.)
I don’t think it’s particularly dangerous to not believe in viruses, so I won’t be spending a lot of time on this.
I just think this crowd are using extremely stringent standards of “proof” that are next to impossible in the real world, that my accumulated professional experience in microbiology contradicts theirs, and that they are wrong.
What’s really important is to stop letting any kind of disease be a pretext for ushering in dystopia.
Cancer is not believed to be contagious, but hundreds of thousands of people in the US alone are still dying it from every year because of medical tyranny.
If everyone stops believing in viruses, goody, but it won't solve our real problems.
Weston Price rocked my world as well! It changed my family's life and eating habits for the better.
The hubris of the elites, indeed. I was lying awake last night thinking about the dangerous world where the government funds the elites to do preposterous things that cross ethical barriers with barely a blip of concern from media.
“Whether you believe it is designed by God or honed by eons of evolutionary forces like natural selection“
It is, of course, both.
Viewed in retrospect, outcomes in the physical world are, naturally, inevitabilities: they *had* to end up the way they did for the simple reason that they ended up the way they did; there is no ambiguity, no probability. This demonstrates that, with perfect knowledge, the outcomes were entirely predictable in advance.
God, in the physical world, is the repository of these inevitabilities.
Evolution is an insidious idea. It infects not just our understanding of biology but of all other facets of life, including cultural. We all know that it fostered the eugenics that led to the Holocaust and to abortion (Margaret Sanger), but more subtly, it causes us to reject the wisdom of the past because we just assume that we're evolving, better than what came before (despite the murder of more people in the 20th century than in all prior history combined) and that we're certainly on the path to even greater glories. It isn't hard to shake the non-science ideology of biological evolution once you are red-pilled by great books like Darwin's Doubt, awaking common sense awareness of entropy and mutations. It is much harder to shake the philosophical assumption of evolution that underlies Western culture.
"We all know that it fostered the eugenics that led to the Holocaust and to abortion" No, we don't "all know" that. Another "everybody knows" fallacy. And if you'd ever read Darwin, you'd know that he was deeply disturbed by slavery and wrote to Americans to stop this insidious practice. He died in 1882 before any widespread abortion or eugenics movement. If you'd ever read Darwin, you'd know all this. But "everybody knows" or at least I know, that you haven't.
I shouldn't have said "everybody knows," but it is still the truth. Although "Planned Parenthood" (a name adopted to camouflage the racist intent of the abortion and birth control they offered) has tried to white-wash Margaret Sanger's past, her own words condemn her: The American eugenics movement inspired the Nazis: . I don't care to read Darwin, as I've seen the consequences of his ideas. He hated slavery? I bet Trudeau does, too.
" I don't care to read Darwin, as I've seen the consequences of his ideas."
"I've been propagandized about someone I never met, saw, heard, or read, who died 150 years ago. Anyone mentioning him favorably triggers me, and I refuse to deal honestly with my ignorance."
Time for a "commenting on this post is only for paid subscribers button" I see.
I've read some of his writing, just not cover-to-cover. Censor me if you like, but realize that you are attacking me personally now rather than responding with facts and reason to what I said.
"I've read some of his writing, just not cover-to-cover."
Perhaps you should rectify that before making baseless assertions. All you've got is that somehow Darwin turned Margaret Sanger, a three year old child at the time of his death, into a eugenicist, abortionist, and racist.
It's ridiculous on its face. It's like claiming that Rachel Carson is a mass murderer responsible for gazillions of deaths because she had the temerity to publish a book saying we should be careful about spraying poisons.
Or that Joe Rogan is responsible for millions of deaths for having dissenting doctors on his podcast.
"Censor me if you like"
I'm incapable of censoring you. I'm not a giant tech company colluding with the government to make bazillions and suppress viewpoints I don't like.
Words have meaning and I see that you use them very loosely. I don't.
I'm refusing to deal with facts and reason? This is rich.
If you want people to take you seriously, provide evidence to support your outlandish conclusions. Where are Darwin's ideas about eugenics, abortion, and racism? Put them right here.
I'm not averse to being schooled. When I taught university I made honest mistakes from time to time, very intelligent students would correct me, I would thank them in front of the class (not sarcastically), and my students' respect for me was elevated.
The fact that you are a victim of my sarcasm is your own damned fault. You are a crybully full of projection. You came in here to take a metaphorical dump in my living room, not just once but several times, and then claim YOU are a victim when asked to make it smell better.
It's not your ignorance that is your worst problem. It's that you have no manners.
I have a full hour's interview conducted many years ago explaining quite politely why creationism and intelligent design are nonsense. If I make a post out of it, you'll be perfectly free to debunk all of it by putting your money where your mouth is.
By the way, here are 10 quotes from Darwin about racism. The internet is an amazing resource where we can learn so many things so easily. It appears that *that* particular point of my post has been lost on the emotionally triggered.
The common references I've seen of 'lost technologies' are Roman concrete, Damascus steel, and especially the Antikythera mechanism (an ancient analog astronomical calculator). Hadn't heard of ancient metal plating; that's neat! The point is excellent: something known now may not be known forever. Particularly if anyone powerful has an incentive to suppress that knowledge.
I hope to read Daniel Boorstein's The Discoverers again someday. He remarks at length on ancient cultural differences between East and West. In the Middle Ages China was a technological superpower, but technologies were hoarded by the emperor and discarded when a new one appeared. In Europe technologies like clockworks were distributed; every large town had a clock tower.
Oh wow. How interesting. So we have a power and technology centralization/decentralization example in your second paragraph. Thanks for that interesting historical tidbit. I didn't know. It helps to explain and guide us a lot.