"...ill health in children." Because children are the ones responsible for paying the energy bills in most families? These people are truly mentally deranged.
Guerra é a pior causadora de tudo o que ha de pior para o ser humano Stress, medo, desesperança, depressao, infartos, morte, inflação, pobreza, destruição.
I’m trying to figure out how the increase in chest infections etc in children might be tied in to that headline but it seems to be a bit of a stretch to me...I don’t remember even having a concept of the electrical and gas bill as a kid and I’m gen-x, I remember when 55mph became a thing because the government was trying to save $ on gas at the pump and Diesel engines were the new popular car to buy in the late 70’s early 80’s. My parents gas bill? No clue. 🤷♀️
Still a stretch sorry. Most states have winter provisions that disallow the withdrawal of a homes primary source of heating for lack of payment. That’s not to say a parent may not keep it as warm as they’d like so as not to run up the bill but as far as losing heat altogether that shouldn’t happen. That said I’m sure it does in situations where there is also other types of neglect involved.
You forgot changing your duvet cover. Yep, really. I run that gauntlet 3 times every Friday in our house and one is king size.....but I didn't get the jab so fingers crossed I'll be OK 😆
Truth. The gas stations are going to need to intall defibrillators at the pump.
But how much will they charge?
That would depend on if there's electricity available to charge them up.
since when did GP stand for Gaslighting Propagandist?
Since March 2020....
"...ill health in children." Because children are the ones responsible for paying the energy bills in most families? These people are truly mentally deranged.
Guerra é a pior causadora de tudo o que ha de pior para o ser humano Stress, medo, desesperança, depressao, infartos, morte, inflação, pobreza, destruição.
As designed....
Agree 100%.
I thought I was gonna die! (in my best roseanne roseannadanna voice)
Well my heart rate sure goes up every time I fill up my tank! $100 bills flying into my gas tank kinda does that to me… 😱😱😱
I’m trying to figure out how the increase in chest infections etc in children might be tied in to that headline but it seems to be a bit of a stretch to me...I don’t remember even having a concept of the electrical and gas bill as a kid and I’m gen-x, I remember when 55mph became a thing because the government was trying to save $ on gas at the pump and Diesel engines were the new popular car to buy in the late 70’s early 80’s. My parents gas bill? No clue. 🤷♀️
If people have damp houses due to lack of heating, respiratory infections could go up in wintertime.
How long will people have houses to live in?
Still a stretch sorry. Most states have winter provisions that disallow the withdrawal of a homes primary source of heating for lack of payment. That’s not to say a parent may not keep it as warm as they’d like so as not to run up the bill but as far as losing heat altogether that shouldn’t happen. That said I’m sure it does in situations where there is also other types of neglect involved.
You forgot changing your duvet cover. Yep, really. I run that gauntlet 3 times every Friday in our house and one is king size.....but I didn't get the jab so fingers crossed I'll be OK 😆
king size! i had to give up on that for health reasons :)