I dig those earrings and the scarf. Yes, please, puppy pics. As you can see, I am a puppy😅

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Thanks. The hippie thing is a good look for me.

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I agree, it is.

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Please...!!! Puppy pictures 😍🥰

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How did you do this? Instructions on Substack?

I so need to do this. What a great idea!

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It's simple but takes hours.

Settings.... then you can "Add a Section." Add as many sections as you want.

You must go to each post (yeah... O....M.....G.....) and "edit" the post. At the top just above the title? you will see a new drop down menu to put it into a new category.

Simple. Just time consuming! :D

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Okay, I'm never going to do this! 😹😼

Mad respect to you, MMH for having the fortitude! 🤛

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You're not gonna do it cause you're INTP. We've never met and I already know things about you. Your desk is a mess. If you work from home, you may start at 11AM and don't end til 11PM. At 11PM, you may still be in the bathrobe you put on in the morning. 50% chance it still has breakfast crumbs on it by the time you go to bed.

I, on the other hand, am an INTJ, which means I'm an anal retentive evil villain who needs my desk clean and everything filed away.

It's a little simpler than that, I'm sure. haha. But hopefully laugh-worthy.

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You are essentially correct I THINK on the spiritual basis of the matter while some of the details are a bit off b/c there is no way that you could clock all of it so young in our friendship. But yeah...

Much like MAA I will go up to 24-hours if the Brain is active. Unlike MAA, I have to publish quickly...no way can I keep focus for as long as she does. No freaking way...

All I can say is that I may be far more eccentric than you have been able to clock!

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I DON'T doubt you are a nut in various ways.

My husband was INTP. So were all major long-term boyfriends. lol. So this is a personality type I am familiar with.

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It's madness. It really is.

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I was writing on another stack, with another INTP, about how I just naturally gravitated to this personality type in relationships because they basically let me do my own thing and I needed a lot of freedom. They're also absurdly smart, the smartest of all of them, so I needed that in my younger days. I needed the intellectual stimulation because I was so bored by most everything.

I also was very sweet once on an INFP... they are daydreamers 😂

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You may enjoy this if you haven't already seen it:


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OMG that looks awesome 😂

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Awe . . . . you look awesome! Love it.

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