Overall, Gato is probably my favorite Covid-related commentator (present company excepted ;). The lack of capitals is a little annoying, but he is a cat, so I'll forgive him that flaw.
Where he gets his energy is a good question. I wonder that about a lot of these guys. Gato probably has enough of a following that he can make a living off substack, I'm guessing. Is that even possible? I don't know. Multiple posts a day, with a few research intensive deep dives a week. That's some work. More impressively, he seems to be genuinely inspired in many of his rant posts.
I'm so thankful for substack. It has allowed a safe platform for quality journalism at a time it has been desperately needed and unobtainable from legacy outlets.
The rebellion against capitalization I like the best, a close second only to his endless sardonic takes on the pervasive idiocy in modern society, really.
Finding the perfect matching 30 year old movie clip - def one of your many talents, Monica. I'm with you. I can't read the studies anymore but grateful some are doing that work.
The controllers need to pay their minions scads of cash to motivate them to do anything. Imagine their horror when they realized that there are many, many people who will oppose them purely for teh lulz. Which is to say, for the sheer joy of it. Which is more inexhaustible - their money printer, or our malign creativity? Keeping in mind that teh lulz are fueled by clown world's own absurdities. Every evil, crazy, stupid thing they do, is immediately converted into the raw material for satire ... and opposing them just gets funnier, more exhilarating, more enjoyable.
I don’t even read them anymore; I just can’t keep swallowing this covid stuff. If the title is interesting I skim - I am glad they are creating the record. As for gato, I do quite enjoy his beachfront pictures and his short ironic posts. And other topics he does outside of covid are usually always a must read!
I have to find a way to extract myself out of a position of “fear” - I’m not afraid of the virus, I’m afraid of what is happening to humanity. But fear is fear, it doesn’t matter what we are afraid of. Our business is fairly recession proof, but we closed a business at the start of this madness that we are still paying off. It has been hard to get employees. We have an opportunity to open another business and it is hard to take the leap.
That was hilarious. Thank you. I constantly meet more people like myself who gamely took two shots but NO MORE. If I could do it over I would have none.
Note that Gato returned to Park City a few weeks ago, he'll be here until the snow falls (I do the same, except I spend the snow months in SoCal rather than a beachfront condo in PR).
Alas no, just another local fan who recognizes the views from his seasonal photos and cryptic mentions. If he ever had time for a local subscriber gathering for beers and cat chow, I'd happily show up.
Most mountain ski towns are beautiful in the summer, PC adds the benefit of being 30 minutes from a Delta hub (and NBA basketball, Nordstroms, etc.). I've lived, worked and studied in Europe and Asia and around the US, after 24 years here I still think it's heaven - for 8 months a year, anyway. I don't like cold and snow ;->
To all of you who have a Substack page and keep up and report on the Covid virus, vaccines, injuries, origins, the CDC, the Who and the FDA malevolence, Big Pharma control, stats, research, studies, etc.
It’s time to move on.
This can go on forever and it’s a distraction. Possibly planned.
Over the past 2 ½ years I have linked many of your articles. Many, quite good and excellent. It’s now time to look at the “Bigger Picture” as I have always called it.
Continue to put your energy towards exposing the economic crisis, which is must much more important than just the virus.
The food crisis, the climate scam, the 2030 Agenda, geoengineering, 5G networks; all need to be exposed as much as you have been exposing the scamdemic. Do not get distracted, even if they usher in a new pandemic. Look at the total plan!!!
Let’s all stay focused. I am sending this to everyone I read and link, so don’t think this is just about you, or about the article I am posting this to.
If you disagree, that’s fine. I am not here to judge. But I will be changing what I link in the virus area and have already cut back some.
God bless, stay strong, and stay thirsty for the truth my friends!!!
Gato is my favorite. I wish we lived in a world without the poison so I could read him writing about something different. I would enjoy his take on other things as well.
Overall, Gato is probably my favorite Covid-related commentator (present company excepted ;). The lack of capitals is a little annoying, but he is a cat, so I'll forgive him that flaw.
Where he gets his energy is a good question. I wonder that about a lot of these guys. Gato probably has enough of a following that he can make a living off substack, I'm guessing. Is that even possible? I don't know. Multiple posts a day, with a few research intensive deep dives a week. That's some work. More impressively, he seems to be genuinely inspired in many of his rant posts.
I'm so thankful for substack. It has allowed a safe platform for quality journalism at a time it has been desperately needed and unobtainable from legacy outlets.
He has boundless optimism and brainpower.
The rebellion against capitalization I like the best, a close second only to his endless sardonic takes on the pervasive idiocy in modern society, really.
capitals are for humans
i don't use them, or only for emphasis.
Finding the perfect matching 30 year old movie clip - def one of your many talents, Monica. I'm with you. I can't read the studies anymore but grateful some are doing that work.
The controllers need to pay their minions scads of cash to motivate them to do anything. Imagine their horror when they realized that there are many, many people who will oppose them purely for teh lulz. Which is to say, for the sheer joy of it. Which is more inexhaustible - their money printer, or our malign creativity? Keeping in mind that teh lulz are fueled by clown world's own absurdities. Every evil, crazy, stupid thing they do, is immediately converted into the raw material for satire ... and opposing them just gets funnier, more exhilarating, more enjoyable.
I don’t even read them anymore; I just can’t keep swallowing this covid stuff. If the title is interesting I skim - I am glad they are creating the record. As for gato, I do quite enjoy his beachfront pictures and his short ironic posts. And other topics he does outside of covid are usually always a must read!
I have to find a way to extract myself out of a position of “fear” - I’m not afraid of the virus, I’m afraid of what is happening to humanity. But fear is fear, it doesn’t matter what we are afraid of. Our business is fairly recession proof, but we closed a business at the start of this madness that we are still paying off. It has been hard to get employees. We have an opportunity to open another business and it is hard to take the leap.
That was hilarious. Thank you. I constantly meet more people like myself who gamely took two shots but NO MORE. If I could do it over I would have none.
Thank god for all of you.
"How Many Red Flags Are Enough?"
"How many red flags are enough? However many that is, it is quite clear that we have more than enough."--Peter Nayland Kust
“Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today.”-Phil Connors
NED!?!?! Ned RYERSON!??
Note that Gato returned to Park City a few weeks ago, he'll be here until the snow falls (I do the same, except I spend the snow months in SoCal rather than a beachfront condo in PR).
A wascaly gatopal has come to leave a pawprint
Alas no, just another local fan who recognizes the views from his seasonal photos and cryptic mentions. If he ever had time for a local subscriber gathering for beers and cat chow, I'd happily show up.
I hadn't noticed pics of Utah (not that I'd recognize that particular area in photos). I would think the draw would be wintertime, not summertime!
Most mountain ski towns are beautiful in the summer, PC adds the benefit of being 30 minutes from a Delta hub (and NBA basketball, Nordstroms, etc.). I've lived, worked and studied in Europe and Asia and around the US, after 24 years here I still think it's heaven - for 8 months a year, anyway. I don't like cold and snow ;->
I see. Utah is actually a gorgeous state. I'm just not familiar with that particular area.
Zion NP is probably the most beautiful place I've been on earth besides New Zealand.
Did you make that vid? Brilliant.
Nope. I downloaded it from Twitter over a year ago.
The indomitable and relentless El Gato! When I feel I've done enough, he and Paul Alexander inspire me to do more.
To all of you who have a Substack page and keep up and report on the Covid virus, vaccines, injuries, origins, the CDC, the Who and the FDA malevolence, Big Pharma control, stats, research, studies, etc.
It’s time to move on.
This can go on forever and it’s a distraction. Possibly planned.
Over the past 2 ½ years I have linked many of your articles. Many, quite good and excellent. It’s now time to look at the “Bigger Picture” as I have always called it.
Continue to put your energy towards exposing the economic crisis, which is must much more important than just the virus.
The food crisis, the climate scam, the 2030 Agenda, geoengineering, 5G networks; all need to be exposed as much as you have been exposing the scamdemic. Do not get distracted, even if they usher in a new pandemic. Look at the total plan!!!
Let’s all stay focused. I am sending this to everyone I read and link, so don’t think this is just about you, or about the article I am posting this to.
If you disagree, that’s fine. I am not here to judge. But I will be changing what I link in the virus area and have already cut back some.
God bless, stay strong, and stay thirsty for the truth my friends!!!
Sincerely, The Watchman @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
i used to like the never ending story music!
Gato is my favorite. I wish we lived in a world without the poison so I could read him writing about something different. I would enjoy his take on other things as well.
He does cover a range of cultural topics but yes I suppose they are related to totalitarianism in some way.
This is hilarious!
Should add the scene where he drops the toaster in the bathtub.
Made me giggle 😂🤣 Thank you 🤗😊
Yes , reading the same conclusions, reached over and over again and seeing nothing happening to the perpetrators is pretty depressing….. 🤬🤯