Monica's Substack subscribers: "You're kind of wrong about the moon. 🤩🤩🤩"

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We know you're right about all the rest of it!

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The Great Reset idea started with the Nazis. Klaus Schwab is a professor who learned the ideas of a Totalitarian Technocracy from older professors with Nazi ideologies. I forget their names.

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I've never been to New Zealnad or Australia, and, the way things are going, I never will. I am also reluctant to leave the States now, even to go to Mexico, you never know when Sleepy Joe might shut the border again.

When I was younger and worked a lot less, I used to go backpacking a lot up in the Sierras Nevada Mountains, and depending on the weather and time of year, the moon would vary from crisp white to honey colored. I actually like the yellow moon, and if it was white all of the time, it would probably bother me.

I adopted a wild, adult black lab - hound dog mutt twentyish years ago, and for the three days around every full moon, he'd watch the moon rise over the neighbor's house and howl at the moon once, only as it was coming up and only when it was full or just waxxing or waning from/to fullness. Didn't matter what time of day, he'd do his one howl as the moon rose. Always gave me chills and made me realize how far humans have moved away from and tried to ignore nature.

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"I've never been to New Zealnad or Australia, and, the way things are going, I never will."

I knew when I left I'd never see any of my friends or New Zealand again.

I sense by your Substack username and some of your comments that you are in a grief process over CA. Yes? If so we have something in common.

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Born and raised here in Cali, but the Legislature is trying to rid the State of all non-vaxxed. Proposed laws include fining businesses that allow unvaxxed to be employed, thus making me essentially unemployment. I'm in my early 50s and had thought I'd work until I was dead, but now? Guess I'll have to migrate somewhere.

This state has rotted people's values. I grew up and went to college south of San Francisco in what is now called Silicon Valley. I have a great job, make good money, but I'm not in nor have I been nor will I work in Tech. Almost everyone I grew up with, they are obsessed, like Gollum with The Ring obsessed, obsessed with stock options and net worth and who made more in the last year. My brother has let it eat his soul, he is so bitter he never became a billionaire, regardless of the fact he has a great life and healthy children, he, and most I know, have let avarice and greed destroy their humanity. And now, those Tech jackasses are working on and advocating Virtual Passports, to constantly spy on people.

This isn't the California I grew up in, this isn't the America we were all gifted by the Constitution. It seems my family and friends have all been kidnapped and replaced by neo-nazis

So yeah, I am in mourning, probably forever.

I hope you can find peace with your move, I doubt I ever will when I move.

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Damn, that is completely insane. I spent a little time in Orange County a few months ago. Couldn't fucking stand even that. Crowded, overpriced, overrated, and full of people who think their shit doesn't stink.

I've always found Californians to be a bit fake and passive aggressive (I'm from NY state, we're a little more blunt... lol), but the past 6 years has really apparently brought the turds to the top of the toilet bowl in your state. (NY isn't too much better but I always stayed in the rural parts of NY. I think rural CA is probably OK.)

People like your brother live in the cloud ☁️🌈🦄 -- but perhaps not for long, as inflation and de-dollarization eats away their supposedly beautiful life.

Woke urban entitled America (especially in younger age groups) is often out of shape, gender-confused, self-righteous, spouting transhumanist scientism, and otherwise perpetually clueless. No grounding in the real world (covid demonstrated this), and cultivating this type of thinking has now led to a country without enough energy and no manufacturing.

The only industry America has is tech... which as you point out is full of totalitarians propped up by government.

Cloud world. ☁️🌈🦄 Not gonna be a pretty thing when the cloud comes crashing to the ground.

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Expat Oakland-born here. Left Cali in 1980 for a job in Sydney. Immigrated sight unseen. Aussie job was an answered prayer to the 5 hours I spent locked up due to a chlorine gas leak at the Embarcadero near my apt in 1979. It was clear to me then that the earth was in trouble. 42 years later I’m still in Oz, dug in at an organic farm about 4 hours south of Sydney in a remote Southern Tablelands area. Strongly felt 2021 was the time to find a workable foxhole. Very clear this is the hill I’ll die on if the dogs of war come closer (by fiat poisoning or bombs) but…. I also realised that I would be on the land in any case, even if the wider world was in great shape. That realisation was the start of peace of mind - knowing I was following the inner nudge. Slowly trust arose at a new level for my intuition and the Great Mystery. Peace to you, sister. You will find your place at the perfect moment when needed.

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^^^ Absolutely love this. <3

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Moon may be yellowish on rising here in the Midwest USA, but the near full moon at apex recently was a glaring bright bluish white. When skies are clear the land is lit up like a street lamp from it. Never took it for granted and never will.

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I probably spent too many years in the foothills around Denver. Most polluted city in the country.

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Just saw the full moon tonight and was marveling at how bright white it looked. But I live out in the sticks of North Carolina, perhaps the yellow is a big city phenomenon.?

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The moon was so bright I wouldn't have needed a flashlight! I'm in the NC sticks, as well. Great place to be right now.

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To the people in the NC sticks...am contemplating moving to western NC. Any recommendations on a good realtor to help find a suitable property? I have been pouring over land on the internet but my inherently skeptical nature makes me question whether that’s the way to go. Thinking of spending a week in Lake Lure/Hendersonville area in late summer to check it out as that’s the area I have spent the most time in. Much appreciation and thanks in advance 😊

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If you want to live in the country, I'd suggest finding an agent that sells land, the mountains are a different kettle of fish. Building is more expensive and takes longer for a few reasons: the contractors are busy from the influx of people, price of materials going up, shortages of materials, clearing and putting in a driveway, and all the contracted people have to drive farther and charge for that (for inspections, delivery fees, trip charges) depending on where you are.

We reused most of a barn that was on our property to build a garage - it took almost six months - and then waited six weeks for the garage doors that basic, standard size.

Not to be a Debbie Downer, those are just things we wish we had known. We moved from Hillsborough, so we were used to expensive, but this was a surprise.

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Thanks for the info! The more I can find out the better 😊 I appreciate your response.

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Florida sticks, and, boy, was that a bright night last night.

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Great article! Thank you for posting the video! The moon in SoCal is yellow and orange -- I did not realize that it is supposed to be white! I don't think any of us can know at this point what will work. So I think we should just try everything and find a way to create our own luck.

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Yes. <3 At least you can say you have a clean conscience!

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Sometimes I think dissenters are being “herded” to certain US states (Florida, Texas, ...) or nations (as in your case) by the noxious litmus test of mandates. It doesn’t have to be intentional to have a great effect, concentrating dissent in fewer places and diluting it in more jurisdictions. The nonlinearity due to summing opinion at the level of political units potentially reduces the power of dissent, a sort of reverse gerrymandering.

I’m not sure I’ve heard of this, but I’m guessing it figures in someone’s malign calculations.

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You may be right. Another potential intentionality is to deliberately bankrupt us with this kind of shit so that we have no choice but digital slavery and medical tyranny.

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Ah, but the human spirit cannot be owned. In the past we were tied down but you have voted with your feet as you decided your personal freedom was at risk. Truth arrives is my singular hope.

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There is this thing about the Great America Divorce that seems more and more possible. certainly fits the long held goal of many in their quest to divide and conquer. Quite remarkable to see the census show losses in certain places almost certainly due to corrupt government. One wonders whether the great Silicon Valley will continue because so many workers simply have left CA because they could be remoted. Funny how as you grow up you discover a family can be mighty important.

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It’s called ‘kettling’.

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‘Kettling’ of crowds by police is a civilian version of a military tactic. It removes protestors from wider areas, contains and controls them, and reduces the surface area of the group to interface with police or others.

The analogy with policy-induced migration, I reckon, holds up so well that I agree with you, it is the same thing. And we’re still talking about a military tactic in civilian form.

By this way of thinking, Monica, you are a refugee of war, not just of conscience and preference. Many more of us may be before long. I don’t suppose it gives comfort, but it does give perspective.

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"you are a refugee of war"

Well-stated. Never thought of it in those exact terms, but that is 100% what it is, yes.

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Thanks, really appreciate the post and video.

Re Covid Karens - I've been friends with a Karen (really is her name) for decades and discovered only in Jan 2022 the hidden nazi in her heart when she let me know it was fine with her that I could not go into NYC and see a play or have dinner. Still not over it.

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If the moon is made of green cheese, shouldn't its color be green?

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Excellent talk, before I read the article I want anyone who can get close enough to Bill Gates to find that next needle he is hiding in his pocket and stick him with it. Maybe Linsey Graham can call for his assassination too.

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Bureaucrat useful idiots that helped out the elite will be the first to be "interned" should the elite get that far. But I doubt they will, the continued depletion of ammo from the sporting good stores is a tell tale sign we are getting ready.

I liken it to honey bees being scouted out by killer hornets. The bees let the hornet scouts into the hive almost seemingly allowing themselves to be killed off resulting in all their stores being stolen. But just like that without warning they ball the hornet and kill it.

The USA has a Bill of Rights to the US Constitution and you will have to assert every single one. Over and over and over. Die standing on your feet in a fight or die in a hospital bed from an injection experiment with white coats monitoring the results for future experiments, your choice. A purge is coming and the guy is right, the people who are being harmed probably won't discriminate. Those aware people working for government, highlighting enforcement, medical, legal, and financial fields better flip this around now, or they will also be thrown out with the bathwater. And if the elite truly win out, then they will confiscate everything with most dying on a hospital bed, even the government employees who allowed this to happen.

Yep, that's how I see it. Good luck, you are going to need it.

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Minute mark 59:25 supports this comparison with Germany: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ehKZjR7F0g

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Yes, Vera Sharav made some incisive comments about this last year around this time as well. I'm amazed that either of these things are still on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdlWhuUFuKs

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Minute mark 8:06. This lady knows.

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Holy - - A living horrific nightmare OMG, Monica. I am glad you got out but how rending - and having to escape a place you love. Humans are so treacherous and in those bureaucratic slots, argh!

The moon in SW ID is bright, white, silvery most of the time, absent wildfires, harvest haze... Lunar eclipses will bloody it up. It is blindingly bright as the worm moon now, enough to throw strong shadows ~

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A share from a FB : ( post I watched yesterday ~ " the last surviving prosecutor from the Nuremberg trials tells his incredible story, and shares an important message to us all. " graphic footage. https://fb.watch/bRA4GNk5Dw/

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I watched your link. It was moving.

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I’m struggling to start reading in your posts that this already 2 year long situation is likely to get worse again. Maybe that is the reality of it, but I just don’t feel I have any more ‘fight’ left in me. Not that I would EVER get another ‘vaccine’, but last year was SO very hard, on top of the year before, filled with much anger and despair.

A bit over a week ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, which I thought was the most unlikely condition to ever come my way. I thought it was a mere cyst when I discovered it back in November 2020. But this year, as it had grown out from under my skin, I knew I needed to investigate further, and face the dreaded ‘medical establishment’ I was now despising. I believe this cancer was instigated by the heavy emotions and feelings of powerlessness from March 2020, and the struggles and battles which unfolded, and with regards to trying to protect my son. Well, surgery done, and I wait to see hear the lymph node test results, but there will be no radiotherapy or chemotherapy for me either way.

Today is the first day I’m catching up on ‘news’, but not sure I can contemplate ‘worse to come’ projections anymore. It’s tricky - I want to stay informed, but not sure if I’m supposed to change my life focus now. I certainly can’t afford to get too ‘angry’ about it all anymore, as would like not to develop anymore cancers.

Interesting times to say the least...

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My hopes for you. Not anything you did, more like the lottery. "The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer" by Siddhartha Mukherjee helped me understand.

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Thanks so much for your response and book suggestion - I will look it up. My philosophical eyes can see that it was likely ‘meant to be’, and part of my intended journey, in conjunction with that of my husband’s, and possibly/likely our son’s. I wouldn’t change anything I have or have not done over the past 2 years, so will just need to wait and see where this ‘nudge’(?) leads us 🌝

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Aye. First started applying it to the Texas migration after the ice storm that took out their strangely configured electricity grid in late 2020. I recall Del Bigtree couldn't broadcast and the place was ....frozen still. Wondered then if it was such a good idea to gather with 'like minded folks' in too visible a concentration. Similar experience just happened 2 weeks ago in the Northern Rivers area of NSW - rain 'bombed' for 4 days - worst flooding ever recorded. Over 10,000 homes affected. No sign of grubberment aid until Day 10 - prior to that, it's been locals on the ground doing a great job with anything that could float, rescuing people and animals. Here's the funny part: Northern Rivers area is the highest concentration of vax-free folk. Much more to the story but I'll leave it there.

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"grubbermint!" Love it.

Why are the unvaxxed in that area?

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Been an outliers nest since the 60s. Subtropical, rainforests, primordial beauty, plenty of water. Perfect place to homestead. Grows good hooch, too. Inland from Byron Bay, if that rings familiar. Now, it's an inland sea.

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Plenty white and grey here in AZ.

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The moon is white here, or light gray, unless we have fires, in which case it becomes orange. (West coast sweet spot.)

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Chinese(?) coal smoke can be noticed at times, though.

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Great image. We are screwed.

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The moon can be yellow if we want, it is ours after all.......😎

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