Also a childless widow, very much alone in this world, I have, over the past two years, started questioning everything I once believed about the world. Many times I've thought of doing as you wrote -- getting in the car and ending up at a cliff. The daily assault of living in Wonderland is a beating I hate. Thankfully, Spring has brought new beauty for the moment, and the simple things-like sighting an Oriole for the first time, watching Eastern Bluebirds nesting in the new box, and returning hummingbirds-I am thankful. I am thanking God for these daily reminders of His love for me and I sigh that I am still here, another day. The days blend one into another, and months become years. I must admit I am looking forward to leaving this flesh tent. Why God still has me here I am not sure, but for now, I remind myself everyday all I can do is trust Him and thank Him for small daily reminders of His Love. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.

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My life is far from pointless but at some point there are diminishing returns. 😁

I feel a little sorrier for the people with kids, actually. Leaving them this world would be pretty terrifying.

I, too, take comfort in nature. That is a constant. :)

I am glad you are here! I am actually not looking forward to leaving the earth, but sometimes I wonder if I *might* if things get drawn out enough. I suppose this post is musing about that possibility.

On other days, I'm in more of a fighting spirit, and I want the other bastard to die for HIS country (i.e. the psychos trying to remake the world in the image they want).

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First, I am sorry for the difficulties you and others that question or try to show the truth have endured. As for myself, I have tried to convert to being a realist instead of an idealist or naivete, but I can't seem to stay there long because I am a natural optimist, and I don't like being sad. So taking action to try to change things is what I try to do. It is just part of my nature. I realize that there are much larger powers (the global elites) that have a good chance of squashing little ol' me, but I feel that if I don't do something, the thing that I can try to do and think is a good idea, I will. Thank you for your efforts. I think you are at a point where rest is earned. I will still try, for myself, family, and all of those have been trying. I have had a moment in life where a truth very dear to me was revealed in court, and I cannot describe the overwhelming feeling of redemption. So much burden removed from me. I will keep trying for all those burdened with the knowledge and truth, and to stop even just one more person from getting harmed. Peace.

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You betcha sister you have my heart. My backup plan is: as it was written, so shall it be done. That's not such a bad way to go out either.

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Bravo Monica. Well said, couldn't agree more.

Keep getting the message out.

"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!"

Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967

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Some good exercise making aerobic compost, healthy food from the garden, fishing and hunting adventures, learning what can be foraged around the place and you're thoughts will clear up nicely. That thrill ride will be too short to consider. In the other side of the correction will be plenty for everyone for awhile as you allude. But if you do go over the edge, Monica, please run over Bill Gates first.

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P.S. I still want the sportscar rides this summer, just in case gas is totally unaffordable by autumn. YOLO

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Ok. I think gas price will crash along with the stock market, but not sure when. I have some CDs with that fancy FDIC insurance to make sure I have cash for that cheap gas. I'm positive The FED will crank up the money supply way more than they have in the recent past as the collapse unfolds and the one thing they will support is the FDIC program while nearly everything else is toasted. Maybe it starts tomorrow, but the odds continue to increase with each passing day and might drag on for a year or something first. The longer the system stays afloat the more time we have to prepare.

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hahaha! Yes! Exactly.

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"My message to everyone, for what it’s worth, is to guard yourself against disappointment."

It's like I said of my 38 year community pharmacist "career." "Enjoy the little victories, you probably won't have any big ones."

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Thank you for this. Even though it was made by the military, I’m thankful for the Internet and being able to find others like you, making this time not feel so alone. I think you’re right, as much as we push for it, we will not get the outcome we want- trials, those doing this held accountable. There’s always going to be a fall guy or corporation, it’ll be swept under the rug, and mostly forgotten in 20 years. I already see people wanting to move on, not think about the fact that they were duped and possibly destroyed their bodies. The mass psychosis continues. For the deaths that happen because this time, the ones left will have to pick up the pieces, adapt. I worry about how many orphans there may be. But I will continue to speak up and try to make a difference- and at the very least raise my children to have a healthy distrust of authority.

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"Even though it was made by the military, I’m thankful for the Internet and being able to find others like you, making this time not feel so alone."

Exactly! And I think it's going to be that way with cryptocurrency, too. I think bitcoin may have been a spook project designed to gather internet malcontents and programmers of the ancap persuasion into doing the CIA's dirty work of CBDC development. But then maybe the "freelance" "open source" project got out of hand. Clearly the internet did. LOL. If it hadn't they would not be trying to get control of information again.

Oops! :)

"at the very least raise my children to have a healthy distrust of authority."

Very important. <3

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An interesting read Monica. Firstly the technical information is very good. But you then move onto a far bigger discussion point. I have resorted to trying to control and work with things in my immediate sphere of knowledge and relationships. Thus family and lifestyle are paramount and not worrying so much about the big picture.

When I do delve into the big picture it becomes an observational exercise where I tell myself I am many miles above the things I am observing and thus looking down and not being immediately surrounded and fearful of the observations. It has helped me be more "peaceful" and thus focused.

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I’m the type of person who tried to stay a couple of steps ahead of what’s going to happen. After 48 years it’s unlikely this aspect will change. The general outline is clear. The specifics, less so, and that's what bugs me. I like to plot these things out. To some extent I enjoy the chaos if it wakes people up. If it doesn't...

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I think this is a fairly realistic take on what the future has in store. I laughed out loud at the statement that the average murican has 6 months of food stored up - same thought has occurred to me several times when contemplating what famine will look like.

The future is never quite as shiny and cool as we expect, but neither is it as grim and dystopian. The WEFites are moving forward with their plans, but not all of their plans are working and indeed it seems they're way behind schedule; the livestock are mostly going along (still!), but less and less, and the 'waking up' effect is a one way ratchet. The whole thing just shambles forward into a greater morass of suck, but it can't suck forever.

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180 days of 2000 calories works out to 360,000 calories. At 3300 calories per pound of fat, that's 109 extra pounds of fat.

Just a slight exaggeration... I'm not at all prone to hyperbole... oh no! :P ;)

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109 extra lbs may not be the average, but it certainly isn't uncommon, either.

Then again they might not get much use out of it themselves. Fatties probably can't outrun hungry mobs.

Slightly more seriously - a few months of caloric restriction really might not be the worst thing for this country.

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“Wow the politicians solved the obesity crisis in only 6 months with inflation and artificial supply chain crises! You did it, you sons of bitches! You did it!”

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Seriously, if the lockdowns had been accompanied by a national Stop Being Fat campaign that resulted in a noticeable waistline shrinkage, I probably would have forgiven the oligarchs for it.

Instead they took everyone's rights away AND everyone got fatter.

Bastards can't do anything right.

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From their perspective that part worked out well actually. More people died of covid, suicide, etc. than they otherwise would have and it also drove people to the jabs as “savior.”

Their main problem is that covid wasn’t deadly enough to drive compliance.

This might be an issue they rectify in the “next pandemic”.

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It’s a strong fiery article and it gives me hope there’s folks out there resisting tyranny with so much passion. It doesn’t feel nihilistic because I get that you’re in control.

I’m not just being a contrarian, I swear, but I do believe that we can turn this ship around. Not in rebuilding rotted away institutions. But adhering to “be the drop that tips the bucket”. Just do what is yours to do and I do the same, and everyone else, ditto.

I’m ok with clipping my expectations. I don’t need a Nuremberg 2.0. I don’t need anyone to be hanged or “pay” for their crimes. I would much prefer if we dissolve these institutions, remove the psychopaths from power and live free and simple in small communities. I can let go of punishing anyone, or taking credit for anything I’ve done for the resistance as long as we get the type of future we can be happy in.

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Exactly! To hell with this, we are gonna live!

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We are. We’re gonna, in the words of Patton or whoever said it, make the other poor bastard die for HIS country.

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We are in the same boat, we will die sooner or later, but until then, we are gonna live!

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Beautifully written, misbegotten MR2 and all ;)

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Dude, where’s my Hatteras?!

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Keep putting your thoughts out there. As Heinlein wrote: "Specialization is for insects."

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Right! Did you read "shadowrunners" post on it today? It prompted me to post a comment there. :)

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No, but I will. I'm wearing a T-shirt that says only that. I had several made. Why? I guess I thought someone would catch on and say something. No one has ever asked me about it. There is zero intellectual curiosity in the regular world. But I'm not a solopsist; I know I'm just along for the short ride.

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Few people have read any Heinlein at all. I think I've only read 3 of his books, and not the ones most have read. I like the juvenile fiction as it's quite lighthearted.

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Agreed. That's where my screen name comes from. Red Planet. 🙂

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Here you go! It quotes the very passage you are talking about. I also added my own bit of "wisdom" at the bottom.


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To the degree that WE THE PEOPLE continue to play the pre-determined ideological games, divide into the pre-determined political camps, and continue to give our children to the pre-determined state institutions, then WE ARE DOOMED to the same degree.

I have a lot of silly ideas to pull people from these predetermined paths, the two I put online this week (still works in progress) are https://dailyprogress.org for EDU and https://nosearch.org for free speech, and I have many more under construction.

My sadness comes from the general lack of support I find for my ALT ideas and ALT solutions, but then again maybe I am misguided.

I believe we CAN overcome all of this, however I see disunity, unorganized efforts, and short-sighted objectives consuming most people and resources.

Voting RED offers a reprieve, but it is not a SOLUTION.

We need to replace failing institutions:

BigEDU, BigTech, BigPolitics, BigMedia, BigReligion... with ALT ideas and solutions.

I feel like giving up often, but keep coming back. FAITH + WORKS = HOPE.

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I think you're right! :D

I tend to believe the best way those things will be replaced is not top-down but bottom-up.

Through most of history we lacked the technology to do it. But that may be changing.

In the meantime, people can take their power back. BigMedia, BigPolitics, and BigReligion are easy. I left those a decade or more ago. Leaving all of those is literally free and costs nothing. BigTech has been harder to disentangle myself from, but is still do-able.

Escaping BigEdu costs people with kids extra money, but I marvel at the people who still have their kids in public schools. Government schooling is for indoctrination. If you send your kids there, you will likely lose them.

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Hi Monica,

thanks for a very interesting post. Very personally revealing wasn't it? Which doesn't mean I perceived the revelation correctly. I may well have misunderstood.

My take was that you see yourself as on a downhill run. Getting close to the Thelma and Louise thing.

My hope is to proffer a little encouragement to turn that around as see it all as evolutionary progress no matter how bloody awful it looks at the moment.

I remember my mother, whenever I complained of something that had happened to me would always say 'never mind, love, worse things happen at sea'.


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If I was truly suicidal no one would know. 😂 As in, I would never write about it on Substack.

Just trying to be entertaining. There are, however, worse things than death. I remember about 10 years ago we had friends over for dinner. Both professionals, one raised in Germany on a farm, the other in Sweden. They said if we get to the bare subsistence stuff, they would rather commit suicide.

This surprised me. On most days, I find the prospect a challenge and I enjoy simple pleasures. (After all I'm currently looking at hundreds of little plantings of 30 vegetable varieties.)

However, over ten years I've become a little more wise. It's not for everyone. And even for those of us who enjoy it, I imagine this kind of lifestyle does have its limits at a certain point.

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It has its limits for me when the bugs get the upper hand and I lose the whole crop. I've come to realise primitive though the lifestyle may seem it actually requires a lot of expertise and effort - and time. The truth is I don't really have much of any of those.

One of my happiest times was attempting to be a banana grower in an area full of hippy 'communes' - sort of embedded in the natural, laid back, earthy, nature-loving lifestyle they tried to practice, with plenty of mull and laid back times, whilst actually living in my completely standard modern home and lifestyle and marketing my bananas. ( Until it turned out I didn't have enough expertise, energy or time for that, either. )

Sort of a 'fool's paradise' perhaps? Just an indulgence? Living in a dream world, a romantic fantasy? Any and all of the above, I don't care, it worked, I lived it, enjoyed it, it came to an end, I moved on...

To today. Where I'm happy again in a completely different scene. And I hope you are, too.


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That's lovely. :)

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Yes coping strategies. Hope for the best expect shock provoking perturbations

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Hi Monica,

I'm in the process of translating this whole article into French for the purpose of publishing it on my blog (skidmark.blog) - if it's okay with you. If so, would you be so kind as to point me to the source of your comments, starting from the second one, that are featured here as jpeg images so that I don't have to type them all over again before processing them in the automatic translating software that I use - a time saver if there ever was one.

Anyhow, great writing. Keep up the good job.

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Don't bother, I translated everything on the go. Almost done.

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Sorry, I’ve been on the road

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No sweat. I'll give you the link once it's published if you're interested.

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There you go: http://skidmark.blog/2022/05/01/nos-ancetres-ont-vote-pour-que-vous-ayez-le-droit-de-mourir-par-monica-hughes/

It was no small feat but worth every minute of it. I SO understand how you feel.

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That’s really cool. Cheers, Skidmark! Do you live in France? Quebec? Elsewhere?

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Belgium actually. Sorry about my somewhat rude nickname, by the way. I kept it for my blog since it is not an issue with most french-speakers - they don't have a clue about what it means.

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