Our Ancestors Voted for Your Right to Die
Some Thoughts About the Near- to Medium-Term Future
Sometimes there’s just an overwhelming tsunami of good writing on Substack, and my own gets delayed as I enjoy reading and responding to it all. This has been one of those weeks. My ADD doesn’t help.
I discovered Byram Bridle’s interviews about the covid vaccines sometime in early 2021, well before his bio-distribution interviews in May 2021. That’s when he started to attract extremely negative attention from his detractors.
His recent article tackles the biodistribution of the LNPs as a particular reason why the vaccines should be stopped. There are many other reasons they should be stopped, too, but this particular LNP angle is quite a good and comprehensive take on the issue.
I have a tremendous amount of respect for Bridle. Here’s a comment that I left on his article:
To segue into a broader observation, I think many non-political scientists — by that I mean people who have admitted to being rather un-political before the covid pandemic, and are deep experts in their field and the source of much valuable, specialized information — are going through a sort of grief process in which they thought they were living in a particular world, but it turns out they are living in quite another.
Even more broadly than scientists, I think this is resulting in a rotation between the various phases of the Kubler-Ross model of grief among many. The bargaining/anger/denial/depression/acceptance modes are not a linear continuum of progression, either.
I’ve been in the acceptance phase for most of the past 8 years but I briefly come in and out of others. When you lose your house, your career, your family, and your country (in my case, I lost some of those twice) it frees your mind up to consider some less pleasant possibilities about the nature of the world, because you’ve already tested the limits of what you can endure more than most, and you know you’re likely to survive the physical and emotional blows again.
I did think that in “escaping” to New Zealand in 2015, I would be safer from the predations of the state in a less corrupt culture with more transparent governance.
I was wrong.
Despite the medical tyranny I’d been through in the US, it just didn’t really occur to me that a global pharmaceutical cult would try to take over the entire globe.
Silly me.
Unlike many scientists, I resisted specialization after the PhD in 2008. Politically, I’ve also been on the libertarian side of things for 20 years, and an anarchist for six of those.
I was pretty radical before 2016, but when I saw a mob of people at a Gary Johnson rally in 2016 shout, over and over again, “I BELIEVE THAT WE CAN WIN!!!” I slapped my laptop shut and decided I was done with politics. If politics could turn a bunch of lukewarm libertarian-lite Johnson supporters into a crazed mob, then I wanted nothing to do with politics.
I vowed never to vote again.
In combination with all of the above, as a childless widow now past childbearing age who abandoned academia for the private sector, this honestly makes me just plain weird in comparison to most people.
I’m fond of the motivating principles of the Hashashin: assassinate the king, and keep on assassinating each new king, until the only person willing to wear the crown is the village idiot. I enjoy attacking most peoples’ sacred cows, including the CONstitution, religion, the state, the latest fad diet (whether it’s veganism or carnism), etc. This isn’t because I’m inherently nihilistic. It’s because I’ve already deliberately exposed myself to every possible fruitcake idea over the past 30-35 years, and most of it bores me to tears.
It’s not that I’ve got nothing left to learn. I’m sure that I do, but I’m at the stage in life where I’m ready to blow my remaining wad of cash on a Toyota MR2, spend the summer driving the hell out of it, and when the inflation and the depression and the Russians and the oil crisis and the punks running wild in the streets become too much, I can decide whether I’m really up for subsisting on the rice and the beans I bought *last* summer, and the garden produce I’ll enjoy tending *this* summer, all as I contemplate whether I’m willing to shoot the bunnies in the yard who are snacking on it.
Or, whether it would be easier to just drive the mid-engine runabout across the country from east to west coast, and then off the nearest cliff, the last of my luxurious chocolate and wine in hand, screaming, Thelma and Louise-style, “WOO HOO! What a ride!”
Yeah. I’m not really Howard Beale but sometimes it’s interesting to observe how history repeats, and how perhaps those of us who are agitating against the control grid are also perhaps being cynically used by the Diana Christensen’s of the world.
Are we playing into their hand?
My message to everyone, for what it’s worth, is to guard yourself against disappointment. There’s never going to be any accountability, any “Nuremberg Two”, any “lampposts through and through”, or any of the rest of it. Nuremberg One didn’t work. The Nazis were brought into the US government under Operation Paperclip, and have been running the world for the last 70 years.
I believe the best possible scenario is that the people will simply take their power back at the financial level, just as information was taken back in the internet revolution 20 years ago. Maybe Bitcoin is a spook creation. I suspect it might be, actually. Does it matter? The internet was a military one.
It will take time, and then civilization will begin a new cycle where the psychopaths who want to game the new system will spend the next 50 years figuring out how to do it. Fourth Turnings and all that.
If this can happen, humans might actually be more free than at any previous time since the paleolithic.
And while I am an anarchist, I will, for the time being, not engage in what is only likely to be a new type of collectivist daydreaming, because I know that at the end of the day, modern humans aren’t going to get over their love affair with being pushed around and told what to do. There aren’t that many of us who actually yearn to be truly free.
I have no idea how long this will take or what the fallout is going to be. I also don’t know whether it’s certain. Will we lose nation states altogether? I have no idea. How many people will die? Also no idea.
For the slow kids in the back, this isn’t just about masks and injection mandates. Next they will deliberately create crises like food and energy shortages. If that doesn’t work, they’ll try to take all your money.
But for damned sure they are not going to ever admit that the safe and effective conjabs are killing people. Come on! The CDC is running ridiculous ads now on how to “Stop the Clot.”
Not even Trump is backing down from the beautiful vaccines, the amazing vaccines that were faster and better than any other vaccines in history, believe me:
At best, they’ll reformulate the vaccines and attempt to “sell” people on those. If the “next pandemic” that good ole Billy Boy is always talking about is H5N1, then many people will indeed line up for them:
They’re gunning for total control. How do we know? Because they are trying to censor the hell out of everyone to an extent that has never been done before in recent memory. It started with Trump who had tens of millions of followers. Now in just over a year, they’re down to playing whack a mole with Twitter accounts that only have a few hundred followers. This really tells you everything you need to know.
So just come to terms with it and get ready for it:
That’s the upside-down world these sickos have created. Denial of useful medical interventions, and forcing of useless, unwanted ones.
I hope we will all decide that life is worth continuing to pursue, just like Kaylee. But I’m not particularly afraid to die. It’s how I continue to “live” or kick the can that I care more about.
Also a childless widow, very much alone in this world, I have, over the past two years, started questioning everything I once believed about the world. Many times I've thought of doing as you wrote -- getting in the car and ending up at a cliff. The daily assault of living in Wonderland is a beating I hate. Thankfully, Spring has brought new beauty for the moment, and the simple things-like sighting an Oriole for the first time, watching Eastern Bluebirds nesting in the new box, and returning hummingbirds-I am thankful. I am thanking God for these daily reminders of His love for me and I sigh that I am still here, another day. The days blend one into another, and months become years. I must admit I am looking forward to leaving this flesh tent. Why God still has me here I am not sure, but for now, I remind myself everyday all I can do is trust Him and thank Him for small daily reminders of His Love. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
First, I am sorry for the difficulties you and others that question or try to show the truth have endured. As for myself, I have tried to convert to being a realist instead of an idealist or naivete, but I can't seem to stay there long because I am a natural optimist, and I don't like being sad. So taking action to try to change things is what I try to do. It is just part of my nature. I realize that there are much larger powers (the global elites) that have a good chance of squashing little ol' me, but I feel that if I don't do something, the thing that I can try to do and think is a good idea, I will. Thank you for your efforts. I think you are at a point where rest is earned. I will still try, for myself, family, and all of those have been trying. I have had a moment in life where a truth very dear to me was revealed in court, and I cannot describe the overwhelming feeling of redemption. So much burden removed from me. I will keep trying for all those burdened with the knowledge and truth, and to stop even just one more person from getting harmed. Peace.