Thanks for making my brain work first thing this am! I have decided to force myself to recall things I know I knew, and wait till the old brain kicks in and opens the correct drawer and folder. Of course, Joel Fleischman, I know! I have the complete Northern Exposure series and now would be a good time to watch again. I just finished watching all of China Beach, that probably wasn't the best choice for these days, but tears can be healing.

Every day I wake up and remember. Like Groundhog Day. It is hard to ignore the "awful terrible" that only seems to get worse every day. If I stop reading the news, it might help, but what I already know cannot be ignored. (I cannot read one more article about the masks, shots, or election either.) The cycling resurgence of masks creates a perpetual reminder. The shot, I refuse to take, now seems to be standard requirement every blessed time I find an activity I'd enjoy -- a riverboat cruise, an outdoor music festival, a concert, or that big trip to Alaska and BC I had planned for these years. Now my backyard, my REM dreams, and memories of the past have to make do.

Even though I see no way this life gets better, with all the shortages coming down the pike, I am thankful for the little things - my dogs that make me laugh, the wild birds and chipmunks draining my feeders, blue skies and normal clouds, a great thunderstorm, and a based church around the corner that has never closed it doors. God does provide a way, I have to remind myself often - and then I remember - that's the only thing that matters.

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These fucking idiots wearing their masks again.

Are they afraid of Covid or monkeypox?

Not a rhetorical question. Are these people being told masks stop monkeypox? 😂🤣

I can’t wait to see how many monkeypox boosters everyone takes.


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And yes. I figure if things get bad enough, I can live in the woods. I'd probably be pretty good at that compared to most, honestly.

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I was a BIG fan of Northern Exposure - maybe I'll look to see where I can rewatch it. I hear ya, tough couple weeks. We'll need to be fortified since we probably have years to go. Sorry. There's still plenty of good in this dystopia. Like a perfect cup of tea while reading great mystery novel; or walking in the woods; or reading substacks and recognizing the absolute beauty of so many humans speaking up about this insanity which really inspires me. You're one of em, btw. ❤️‍🩹

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If you click the link I provided to the episode I think you can watch the episodes all online now.

I have the DVDs as well. 📀 👵

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It gets overwhelming at times, doesn't it? Honestly after over two years of this I'm sick of talking about COVID. Really wish we could go back in time and focus attention on interesting things instead of the slow motion catastrophe that the 2020s have been so far.

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Personally? Best times of my life were in the 90s before the advent of most cell phone tech, and def. smartphones. When you had to print off directions for any long trip (or at least have an atlas in the car). I did a lot of camping back then and even in the late 90s often lacked internet and phone access. It was a great time.

In fact, I routinely went on long 12 hour road trips in the late 90s without telling a single soul where I was going.

In my ideal world I'd wipe away most tech away after that point. Bring me back to the 90s and I'm good. I don't need to go back any further than that. (I do like my carbureted 70s engines tho.)

None of us are going to get what we personally want (you're not getting the 50s either -- lol) but we can dream.

Take me back to this era and I'm good: https://themariachiyears.substack.com/p/christopher-kostoss-october-16-1972?s=w

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The 80s and 90s really were a golden age.

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Thank you for sharing this sweet scene from one of my favorite shows! I’m sorry you’ve been having such a rough time, Monica, but you are wise to concentrate on what uplifts your soul as we need to summon our energy to triumph over the darkness—and triumph we shall 🙌

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The only way out is through. Works for grief. Works for anger. It’s my mantra when everything gets to be too much. Of course, a long walk in the woods always helps, too!

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Great email. Growing weary of the constant flood of negativity resulting from the destruction of the bright future our country once had by our Socialist Congress enacting Biden's Dark Side NWO policies resonates with me. The video is an excellent uplifting metaphor which reminds us of the fact that we are all masters of our own destiny. I believe the millions of Americans who are informed are recognizing this and know that it is up to each of us to become actively engaged to make our country great again. Personally, I detect positivity with many now being more polite and seem to be more charitable. Do others also see this?

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Yes. In “real life” I get into casual conversations with a lot of people who are tired of being tired.

There are signs of bad times: roads full of potholes, lots of ambulance sirens, lots of cars needing body work that haven’t been fixed...

but generally speaking, I feel goodwill. At least where I live.

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It's easy to dwell on doom gloom & misery so I've pivoted in a positive direction the last few weeks. We must progress now.

Still awful in places as that's the reality and it's getting worse as I feared, but we need to move forward to the exit.

Just as Artemisinin did for malaria it can work with other therapeutic stacks to help rebuild antiviral & antitumor immunity.

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"Because we could all use a dance with that guy".

I'll rather (politely, of course) pass on your offer, thank you...

I do agree with the rest, though. I'm tired too, and there is no end in sight, for if we stop, there is no one to take over. Our shift is 24/7, or everything burns down.

Which it may do anyway...

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"I'll rather (politely, of course) pass on your offer, thank you..."


Fair enough. It's a metaphor, though. No need to be taken literally. :)

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I know, I was just being funny...

Made you laugh a tiny bit though, meaning i didn't waste this virtual ink.

"It won't rain all the time"

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“If you don't dance with me, O'Connell, you know what you're doing? You're turning your back on reason, on mankind's struggle to pull itself out of the mire of ignorance and superstition.

You are saying „yes to witch hunters and inquisitors, you are slamming the door on enlightenment, and you are | you are inviting back the Dark Ages.

I am not doing this for you, O'Connell.

I am doing this for civilization.”.


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I never tried this one, and I have serious doubts it would work, most probably I would end up with her drink all over my puzzled face 😆

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I am so sorry that you are having this experience. I do think that as we are waking up as a species, there will be more pain, tears and suffering, but ultimately we will make that transition. I just watched Ronald Bernard and his presentation of the United People Foundation and it gave me so much hope that a new system is already in place in 210 countries, and we can all immediately begin using it. I have had to drop most of my substack subscriptions because I can't maintain optimism when it's nothing but bad news. I've challenged myself to daily asking, "where can I spread love today" and "what beauty can I bring into the world today?" Planting flowers is one of the ways I can create beauty, and on our plant exchange groups it costs nothing but time. Spreading love forces me to pay attention when I am out, to see where a simple compliment to a check-out clerk on their efficiency or smile can make both of us lighter. Hang in there! It is always darkest before the dawn, but we are finding each other, and lifting each other tiny bit by tiny bit, until the top-heavy evil simply flips upside down into its' proper place and we fully awaken.

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Yup! Exactly. I always have pleasant exchanges in public.

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Ha! I've been in that negative mode since I started reading (a long time ago for you young ones), Its all about the topics I was interested in. The good in it is I planned and schemed and acted - to avoid some of it. No guarantees though!

You can always go back to the concept of everything is good. Even bad is twisted up and found to be good. The country is full of them you'll fit in! Planning with hope for happiness!

An entire country full of enriched people who are not going to live poor well as you describe.

Nothing you can do about it other than carve yourself out a position in it. There was some study I read as women become poorer they buy more flowers. grow flowers, or whatever. Find a market.

Or find a permaculture community (there really aren't any yet, but as this unfolds they will spring up all over is my guess) as this is getting real, definitely real for you, your skills with a microscope are important.

Meanwhile, my backyard is fulfilling a key positive desire, the most pressing is to eat healthy food fed by microscopic soil life!

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Low time preference! Yup.

Flowers are better than junk food at least and I can tell you there are a lot of people in the hood still ordering that.


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Eventually the splurges and food deliveries will end but I’m curious as to when. Nothing seems to happen as fast as we think it’s going to in this slow motion train wreck.

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Northern Exposure! One of the best shows ever, in my humble opinion.

We could use a little Ed and the rest of the crew right now.

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Ed! Love Ed. Sleep flying!!

Love them all. Marilyn wins the "least words uttered" contest, apart from the traveling circus performer she had a romantic relationship with. Hah!

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My favorite bit was when Ed goes on his shamanic quest, and when he meets the green man…

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Heh heh. The little green man was a fun episode.

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Ever hopeful!! Thanks for that little gift of joy this evening.

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So…I harken back to your first offshore solo sail. My recollection is that your destination was upwind (aren’t they always) and in order to get there you needed multiple tacks. Essentially meaning that for every mile you gained towards landfall on the starboard tack, you gave half of it up when you flopped to port. Adding to the time honored sailors misery of having the wind “on the nose” you also had the crazy perception issues that only comes on the water. You could see land in the distance, perhaps your GPS said you were making progress to landfall, but to your eyes the land never seemed to get any closer. For hours and hours. Until that magic moment arrived and the land seemed to tower over your small boat and you got the inevitable rush and you knew you were going to make it.

Sea journeys are never easy. Some who go never return. When you set off there is always the chance of failure, of the boat, the crew, or of the elements of nature simply overwhelming one’s ability to cope.

Life is like sailing. Or perhaps, sailing is like life. A lot of it is upwind, uncomfortable, and the destination seems so far away. But most of us get there eventually. Some never do. But there is no doubt in my mind that the few who don’t make it, fought until the bitter end.

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Beautiful comment! That's exactly what it was like. To make matters worse, my sail was trimmed improperly for an upwind tack. heh.

No GPS, either. ;)

Been awhile, Eric! I need to read some sailing stories! Whatcha been up to? :)

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I also realized this morning I’ve been freeloading. So now I’m a proud paid subscriber. Much love.

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My favorite show, no contest.

We’ve been getting the DVDs from Netflix for the last six months or so, watching them a few at a time, and finding so much joy in the good-natured quirkiness and complex characters and plots. I love the slow dance scene.

Another favorite is the one where Chris built a trebuchet to fling the piano.

The music was also so great. The DVDs don’t have a lot of the original music, for copyright reason. But they’re still an incredible blessing.

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My heart goes out to you, dear one. Everywhere I turn my gaze it just seems like one thing after another, after another and on and on….not just for me, but almost everyone I know.

I received a stack in my email this morning that address this sense of hopelessness. I found comfort in it, and I hope you do too.

There’s no easy fixes or answers for much around us. May you find grace and joy in the little things of life that have remained untouched by the miasma of despair that is part of what is being used against us.


Northern Exposure was one of my all-time favorite shows as well. Such well-drawn characters and a cast who really brought them all to life. It’s hard to find shows of a comparable quality and sweetness these days. Although Some Korean shows are right up there. Netflix is a great source, believe it or not.

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Dae Jang Geum was awesome.

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idk if it's the site, or more likely my old computer, but i can't seem to upvote anything. i wish i could watch this now.

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It is a positive and life-affirming clip. Get yourself to a device where you can watch it. You won't be disappointed.

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idk where, i'm in ireland.

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