So this led me down a huge rabbit hole and I'm no scientist. But my layman's understanding leads me to believe the mere presence of certain viruses and bacteria does not cause disease initially (there's considerable doubt if viruses even exist as we understand them today!) but only when one species runs wild at the expense of others. I r…
So this led me down a huge rabbit hole and I'm no scientist. But my layman's understanding leads me to believe the mere presence of certain viruses and bacteria does not cause disease initially (there's considerable doubt if viruses even exist as we understand them today!) but only when one species runs wild at the expense of others. I read an hour at lunch and an hour when I got home (deep dive lol) and I came to the conclusion that nobody knows what the hell causes disease. The terrain seems as important as what occupies it and vice versa. They seem to shape each other. Lol, maybe viruses and bacteria are aliens terra-forming our bodies and sometimes it takes and sometimes it doesn't.
So this led me down a huge rabbit hole and I'm no scientist. But my layman's understanding leads me to believe the mere presence of certain viruses and bacteria does not cause disease initially (there's considerable doubt if viruses even exist as we understand them today!) but only when one species runs wild at the expense of others. I read an hour at lunch and an hour when I got home (deep dive lol) and I came to the conclusion that nobody knows what the hell causes disease. The terrain seems as important as what occupies it and vice versa. They seem to shape each other. Lol, maybe viruses and bacteria are aliens terra-forming our bodies and sometimes it takes and sometimes it doesn't.
aliens, I love it,