Positive affirmations for ivermectin and sanity

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The revenge of flyover country—love it!!

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We are just getting started!

First, Ivermectin, Next, the World!

A STORM is coming, OUR STORM!

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I drove from Mexico to Michigan this weekend. I'm surprised and a little disappointed that I didn't come across even one 'I did that' sticker along the way.

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I have a bunch of the “I DID THAT” stickers…I put them everywhere! It’s FUN! I do have my Karen detector on at all times, especially in Commifornia.

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I've been putting stickers (the" I Did that"

ones) in New York State. sometimes I'm afraid a Karen will get me.

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Can someone get in touch with the creators of all of the gas pump stickers. Putting one of every sticker into a "Jumbo Variety" pack would surely increase sales. 👍🤣👍

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Great sticker. Nebraska indeed!

NE features prominently in my man-bites-dog '60s-era novel, bit.ly/CWS-e

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Love it! Go, Nebraska!

Safe travels. 🙏🏼

By the way, Catherine Austin Fitts has a great video on zerohedge and rumble in which she talks about the food shortage as one of the topics. I’ve been following her since 2020. She’s been right on the money about our current situation.

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I have Trump stickers saying “Biden did that!” & I put them up every time I gas up but they either fall off or get removed by the store 🤷🏼‍♀️ I keep doing it though ☺️

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A state that spawned the wonderful thinker/writer Mary Pipher, who is very rooted there, has much to recommend it. If you have never heard of Mary Pipher, look her up. “Reviving Ophelia”, about the troubles of teen girls, is more relevant than ever. I recently dug it up after reading Abigail Shrier’s “Irreversible damage” and was struck by the similarity in the introductions. “The shelter of each other” also by Pipher, is a heart warming plea for more connection and more rootedness in place.

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Great technique to reach out and inform people!

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Only a true Nebraskan can finish this. Sal is dead, .......

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