The left / right paradigm is a false paradigm. It is one that we are accustomed to but any usefulness it may have once had has long past. Even within that paradigm...far right and far left meet -- fascism being a joining of the state and large corporations and communism where the state itself is one large corporation. So the political spectrum is more circular than lineal.
Yes, that rapidly flipped since Reality Honks back was written! Well, many people have been pushed to the point where they have nothing left to lose. That is why they were willing to risk unemployment and the various penalties Turdoo was threatening. I think the truckers and their ilk saw the dangerous of Jan 6 antics (even though it was somewhat staged), and the dangers of a violent path. They're too disciplined for that. I expect the potential next move is that more truckers, who were somewhat unaffected by mandates and uninvolved in the protest, will join them, and a general strike might be organized. Then they'll make the Virtuals feel the pain again. What will Turdoo do then? Hunt them down and force them to work like slaves? Good luck. Canada is a big place. If they want, the truckers can literally grind all countries to a halt simply by refusing to work, even if they don't engage in honk protests in the cities. It's probably an even better strategy. These people are far more capable in the real world. They live in the countryside, they are resourceful, and they have stronger communities. They can feed themselves just fine... of course, we have an ugly historical parrallel for that too (Holodomor). Of course, a massive supply chain crisis might be a more near-term goal of politicians. Klaus Schwab has been filmed virtually salivating at the process through a 'cyber pandemic.' Either way would rapidly crash the economy, usher out liberal democracy in most western nations and usher in “global governance”, technocracy, a Chinese-like social credit system, and “programmable” money (CBDCs) that give corporate ruling elites and intelligence agencies complete control over the population. I'm sure it will continue to get ugly because western politicians have made it clear they have no intention of giving up on the power grab. At least the group that has decided it's not going to go quietly gets larger each day, which means passive resistance gains more and more power. When you have a critical mass that is willing to foreswear modern convenience and go back to old ways of doing things (e.g. junk silver) you don't need to worry as much the problems inherent in a barter economy.
Trudeau will use the Emergency Powers to do whatever it takes to punish these people. They have argued in the Senate that the government has secret information that the leaders of this protest are VERY bad actors. It sounds like the US arguing for an invasion of Iraq.
The economic and detention weapons they have are very probably sufficient to crush descent if the Emergency Powers stand.
Hopefully, the act is denied by the Senate. The government representative looks pretty nervous at this moment because his answers to the questions were poor, and he knows it.
I had read Glenn and Niaomi's pieces earlier. N.S. Lyon was a name unknown to me, but no longer thanks to you. Classical liberals are important and compelling voices in this fight; I thank you for highlighting them. Please continue these wonderful Roundups.
Sadly, classical liberals didn’t understand the importance of the America First movement. It stands for the classical liberal ideals of Freedom and Liberty. Take the time now to understand why this movement is the only one left to save these ideals. Democrats co-opted your zeal to usher in their tyranny. Please don’t continue to support them.
Take the time now to understand why assuming that I vote, let alone "support Democrats", or ever had, even more breathtakingly, a "zeal to usher in tyranny" are the wildest leaps of inference I've come across in some time!
It wasn’t meant to assume you support either side. Neither of the two are really for Freedom and Liberty any longer, it seems to me. America First shouldn’t associate with either of them as far as I’m concerned. Although, as a practical matter, they’re trying to take over the Republicans.
Had already read all three articles, but it was brilliant to bring them together, as you did!
From Reality Honks: "And here the Virtuals have a significant advantage because they are free to use the maximum level of coercive force available in their natural domain, while the Physicals cannot – because, in the physical world, that would mean violence, which is something the protestors have rightly forsworn."
Question: Based on what I'm reading elsewhere, there are some Physicals who are ready to cross the line when it comes to violence. Do you think we can avoid The Great Reset without violence?
See my comment to Retired Engineer below. Of course, any small event, whether staged or real, can become a Reichstag fire that can then burn out of control.
Dare I sing it??? Awwww ok! "Let's get physical/physical/lemme hear your body talk/physical! 🎶🥁 can yea hear the drums Fernando? 🥁 this shit's gonna get Medieval. 😑
That article made a huge impression on me as well. Although, as an artist, I’m in a bit of limbo- I’m not a Physical nor a Virtual. But I do what is mine to do.
Thanks for the few out loud laughs. Needed them after the mental and spiritual beating last weekend. Taking the two minutes to dust off and back at it- we got a planet to save.
As far as “conspiracy theorist”, I have come to the miracle and really appreciate this label. Let’s me know who my fellow critical thinkers are. And if someone uses the term with a sneer, I immediately know them to have the intellectual level of a spoiled clam and I don’t have to waste anymore time on them.
One day, the term will be recognised as the badge of honour it actually is.
except for one thing my dear Monica. We have now unleashed 5G weapons on the protesters in Canberra. Once the 5G towers are everywhere, the truckers will drive because if they don't, they will be burnt alive in their trucks. After a few examples, that will be the end.
And may I say respectifully, that the only difference between a classical liberal and a conservative, is that conservatives believe in a higher power (call it God if you like), but the classical liberals do not. Other than that, we are the same.
I know others who are good people but who are in an extreme information bubble (i.e. they may not even be on social media at all, so they don't see how extreme the narrative control has become in the past 2 years).
Good point. I'm sort of a hybrid between a Virtual and a Physical in terms of employment.
Many people saw the dangers very clearly from the outset. I wasn't one of them and was a relative latecomer in early 2021. Most of these people in my own personal sphere who saw the dangers accurately (and often irritated me at the time) judged that the severity of the pandemic was less than the outsized response, which would crush the economy and civil rights (a much greater danger than mild excess death rates).
As a loosely defined sort of libertarian, I was hardly oblivious to that potential danger, but I thought the emergency measures would be temporary and the pandemic was more severe than it turned out to be. So in my personal case it can be partly put up to naivete and the fact that I never thought governments would use a natural disaster to grab such an immense amount of power. (Obviously this raises the point that many were onto the lab leak hypotheses early... I did not outright dismiss this hypothesis, but waited awhile to form a judgment because there are dozens of “emerging infectious diseases” which have seemingly appeared from nowhere since the 80s.)
There are probably many complex things going on. Another thing I’ve seen in people who are “awake” (not woke) to the dangers of all of this as a springboard for totalitarianism is that they are not afraid to take public and unpopular stands on issues, or to be socially ostracized.
I’m an armchair psychology junkie and very interested in how our childhood trauma shapes who we become as adults. Almost more than anything else, the people I see who have become strident opponents of what is going on weren’t afraid to stand against the crowd as children.
The left / right paradigm is a false paradigm. It is one that we are accustomed to but any usefulness it may have once had has long past. Even within that paradigm...far right and far left meet -- fascism being a joining of the state and large corporations and communism where the state itself is one large corporation. So the political spectrum is more circular than lineal.
To your point, how about a horseshoe:
Similar concept
Thank you for your thoughts!
The Virtuals have the upper hand at the moment in Canada. Things may get physical if the Physicals get desperate from the Virtuals methods.
Yes, that rapidly flipped since Reality Honks back was written! Well, many people have been pushed to the point where they have nothing left to lose. That is why they were willing to risk unemployment and the various penalties Turdoo was threatening. I think the truckers and their ilk saw the dangerous of Jan 6 antics (even though it was somewhat staged), and the dangers of a violent path. They're too disciplined for that. I expect the potential next move is that more truckers, who were somewhat unaffected by mandates and uninvolved in the protest, will join them, and a general strike might be organized. Then they'll make the Virtuals feel the pain again. What will Turdoo do then? Hunt them down and force them to work like slaves? Good luck. Canada is a big place. If they want, the truckers can literally grind all countries to a halt simply by refusing to work, even if they don't engage in honk protests in the cities. It's probably an even better strategy. These people are far more capable in the real world. They live in the countryside, they are resourceful, and they have stronger communities. They can feed themselves just fine... of course, we have an ugly historical parrallel for that too (Holodomor). Of course, a massive supply chain crisis might be a more near-term goal of politicians. Klaus Schwab has been filmed virtually salivating at the process through a 'cyber pandemic.' Either way would rapidly crash the economy, usher out liberal democracy in most western nations and usher in “global governance”, technocracy, a Chinese-like social credit system, and “programmable” money (CBDCs) that give corporate ruling elites and intelligence agencies complete control over the population. I'm sure it will continue to get ugly because western politicians have made it clear they have no intention of giving up on the power grab. At least the group that has decided it's not going to go quietly gets larger each day, which means passive resistance gains more and more power. When you have a critical mass that is willing to foreswear modern convenience and go back to old ways of doing things (e.g. junk silver) you don't need to worry as much the problems inherent in a barter economy.
Trudeau will use the Emergency Powers to do whatever it takes to punish these people. They have argued in the Senate that the government has secret information that the leaders of this protest are VERY bad actors. It sounds like the US arguing for an invasion of Iraq.
The economic and detention weapons they have are very probably sufficient to crush descent if the Emergency Powers stand.
Hopefully, the act is denied by the Senate. The government representative looks pretty nervous at this moment because his answers to the questions were poor, and he knows it.
I had read Glenn and Niaomi's pieces earlier. N.S. Lyon was a name unknown to me, but no longer thanks to you. Classical liberals are important and compelling voices in this fight; I thank you for highlighting them. Please continue these wonderful Roundups.
Sadly, classical liberals didn’t understand the importance of the America First movement. It stands for the classical liberal ideals of Freedom and Liberty. Take the time now to understand why this movement is the only one left to save these ideals. Democrats co-opted your zeal to usher in their tyranny. Please don’t continue to support them.
Take the time now to understand why assuming that I vote, let alone "support Democrats", or ever had, even more breathtakingly, a "zeal to usher in tyranny" are the wildest leaps of inference I've come across in some time!
It wasn’t meant to assume you support either side. Neither of the two are really for Freedom and Liberty any longer, it seems to me. America First shouldn’t associate with either of them as far as I’m concerned. Although, as a practical matter, they’re trying to take over the Republicans.
Ever heard of GW's Patriot Act?
Ha ha, funny guy. That was just another in the long march to tyranny. Not even their first move, actually.
Amazing pieces. Every day I'm delighted by they quality of conversation and content on Substack!
Had already read all three articles, but it was brilliant to bring them together, as you did!
From Reality Honks: "And here the Virtuals have a significant advantage because they are free to use the maximum level of coercive force available in their natural domain, while the Physicals cannot – because, in the physical world, that would mean violence, which is something the protestors have rightly forsworn."
Question: Based on what I'm reading elsewhere, there are some Physicals who are ready to cross the line when it comes to violence. Do you think we can avoid The Great Reset without violence?
See my comment to Retired Engineer below. Of course, any small event, whether staged or real, can become a Reichstag fire that can then burn out of control.
Dare I sing it??? Awwww ok! "Let's get physical/physical/lemme hear your body talk/physical! 🎶🥁 can yea hear the drums Fernando? 🥁 this shit's gonna get Medieval. 😑
That article made a huge impression on me as well. Although, as an artist, I’m in a bit of limbo- I’m not a Physical nor a Virtual. But I do what is mine to do.
Thanks for the few out loud laughs. Needed them after the mental and spiritual beating last weekend. Taking the two minutes to dust off and back at it- we got a planet to save.
As far as “conspiracy theorist”, I have come to the miracle and really appreciate this label. Let’s me know who my fellow critical thinkers are. And if someone uses the term with a sneer, I immediately know them to have the intellectual level of a spoiled clam and I don’t have to waste anymore time on them.
One day, the term will be recognised as the badge of honour it actually is.
except for one thing my dear Monica. We have now unleashed 5G weapons on the protesters in Canberra. Once the 5G towers are everywhere, the truckers will drive because if they don't, they will be burnt alive in their trucks. After a few examples, that will be the end.
And may I say respectifully, that the only difference between a classical liberal and a conservative, is that conservatives believe in a higher power (call it God if you like), but the classical liberals do not. Other than that, we are the same.
Well done. Love you bringing these three pieces together. Thank you.
Great work. I think you may appreciate my writings on liberal totalitarianism:
Fantastic article!!
I know others who are good people but who are in an extreme information bubble (i.e. they may not even be on social media at all, so they don't see how extreme the narrative control has become in the past 2 years).
Good point. I'm sort of a hybrid between a Virtual and a Physical in terms of employment.
Many people saw the dangers very clearly from the outset. I wasn't one of them and was a relative latecomer in early 2021. Most of these people in my own personal sphere who saw the dangers accurately (and often irritated me at the time) judged that the severity of the pandemic was less than the outsized response, which would crush the economy and civil rights (a much greater danger than mild excess death rates).
As a loosely defined sort of libertarian, I was hardly oblivious to that potential danger, but I thought the emergency measures would be temporary and the pandemic was more severe than it turned out to be. So in my personal case it can be partly put up to naivete and the fact that I never thought governments would use a natural disaster to grab such an immense amount of power. (Obviously this raises the point that many were onto the lab leak hypotheses early... I did not outright dismiss this hypothesis, but waited awhile to form a judgment because there are dozens of “emerging infectious diseases” which have seemingly appeared from nowhere since the 80s.)
There are probably many complex things going on. Another thing I’ve seen in people who are “awake” (not woke) to the dangers of all of this as a springboard for totalitarianism is that they are not afraid to take public and unpopular stands on issues, or to be socially ostracized.
I’m an armchair psychology junkie and very interested in how our childhood trauma shapes who we become as adults. Almost more than anything else, the people I see who have become strident opponents of what is going on weren’t afraid to stand against the crowd as children.