The fact that these are now plausible scenarios, is the true horror of our new situation.

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Having a sick sense of humor helps me cope.

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Ya. You will need that. Since you know history, recall what occurred on 06 June 1944. The day Germany opened up a second front. Which led to the ultimate destruction of their army, although not to Nazism itself. As we now clearly see it alive and well in Ukraine and in the US. But I digress. Hot war in Ukraine. Soon to come, hot war in the South China Sea. Fighting on two fronts we lose and the negotiated “peace” deal puts the UN at the head of the snake. With the CCP as the snake charmer. It’s been planned for decades and was fully set into motion by Obummer/Bidan. The Covid hoax (and all that resulted from it) and the flooding of the southern border are just softening up the ground for the ultimate endgame.

Quoting Political Moonshine:

“In the end this once proud Constitutional Republic will be no more, and in the end you, I, and everyone we love will reside on a technocratic global plantation.”

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Sheesh. I'd prefer some stories about living aboard. ;)

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LOL. Ya. We are currently discussing whether we should just sail away again. For somewhere far far away. I think we would, but; Gail’s parents are both 96 and when we ‘abandoned’ them the first time they were in good health and still in their home. Neither of those thing are the case today. I don’t think Gail could leave again while they are still living. We will be back aboard in a couple weeks after a winter of being CLODS (Cruisers Living On Dirt) and the vastness of the world will be calling. Sadly, I think it will be a siren song.

BTW. I muchly enjoyed your sailing story and was very impressed with your upwind track, given that the wind was right on the nose. Which, as you have discovered is nearly always the case when one has a destination in mind.

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"CLODS" haha! Love it.

The Motuihe Island trip was a treat. Will never forget those days out on that gorgeous turquoise water in that little dinghy. New Zealand feels far away now. 🥺 😢

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Hi. Fellow sailor here. We're contemplating leaving land, but have no idea where to go? Seems like any and every land mass has taken for the Covid bullshit. As much as I like sailing, I want to go some place that will let my un-jabbed body roam freely.

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Right. You can't stay at sea forever!

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a release to be blamed on the Russians to get Americans into Ukraine

hope I'm very wrong but it'll be a CIA style plot, with a bio released by azov group with the hope that it'll convince America to get boots on the ground and planes in the sky

i was a born cynic but i never used to think this extreme, the last 2 years have made me suspect everything

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Oh yeah, CIA will manage the release. It may be ISIS/Qaeda/etc. as deliverer (initially MsM de rigueur claims "White Supremacist" or "Russia Russia Russia." There's going to be a low-level nuke in 2-5 cities; same cover narrative, the Hillary group initially planned blaming NoKo (which could be a handy alt, too with them kicking up, now), look at the USG paid MsM pretalk supporting OBuyDem 'gaffes' but blurting what he hears (remember "We have created the biggest election... criminal organization..." right before the 2020 Election? They SAY what they are going to do.). We are Conspiracy Realists now.

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I would like to think that Russia has eyes on all possible scenarios and locations, so they can get the truth out before the terrorists.

The woke virtue signallers and the sheep won't believe the truth of it anyway.

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Am I the only one who thinks that if we are facing a 30% die off scenario, then we should all just go live our best lives?

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Sometimes I actually hope for this. Because if it's true, we don't have to live through any portion of their digital tyranny BS. Past the level of 5% rapid die off, most modern technology (even such as electricity) probably won't even work anymore. The modern world is highly fragile.

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Nope! I think a lot about the fact that we've only spent the last 400 years (0.2% of human existence on earth) under gubbermint. And zoonoses often did civilizations in. In fact, I thought about this possibility a lot in early 2020 as I was planning my potential Auckland escape to some farm where everyone survived. :P

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How about, we just stick with that dusty old smallpox vaccine? Nah, that's crazy talk.

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If there's a smallpox outbreak, we could just use that old fashioned vaccine that's been around since the 1790s.

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I doubt it will be available.

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One would think so. 🙃 😉

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Unless Dr Mengelfauci has GOF'd it.

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You don't think it will be a "better" genetically modified version of smallpox?

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The new improved "safe and effective" version that everyone must be forced to take otherwise you're killing everyone's Grandma and the kiddies and puppies and kittens.

You monster.

Or something.

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And the old way using another's infection won't have the side effects of a bacterial infection. We have gauze and strong alcohol.

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Reading "Dissolving Illusions" by Dr. Suzanne Humphries has really changed my views on Small Pox. Seems like it went away on its own once humanity had clean water, better sanitation and better nutrition. The chapter on the early experimental Small Pox vaccines (scratches on arm with cow pox pus) is a repeat of what is happening now. Unbelievably so - same tricks with screwing up the stats on who died of what and who was jabbed or not, same mandates in some places, same restrictions - kids not allowed to go to school without the vaccines, same problems with the jabs causing death and bad side effects, and same rotten doctors forcing it on people, and pushing boosters (revaccination) when it didn't seem to work, same vaxxed people still getting cow pox etc. etc. etc. It is like a playbook!

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I read this post and couldn't ascertain if JA was crazy, just going after Alex (not uncommon), or serious.

I'm 72 and had 2 small pox vaccinations. One at age 5 for grade school, the second at 18 for college. No scar from second one. Wonder if I'm immune (or ever was)?

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I love the comments that my own posts solicit as well. 🤣 Some of them *seem* completely unmoored, but the past two years have been so insane I'm loathe to completely dismiss anything anymore. 🤣

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I got mine as a kid sometime in the early to mid 70’s. Born in ‘68. I remember getting it cuz it was a real “shot” with a “gun” that had lots of needles on it. Got a decent scar still.

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I’m 56 and have the smallpox vaxx scar. Born in 65. They supposedly stopped that vaxx program in 62 or 63. I’m a living testament to that lie. Believe nothing they say. Most of our “history” is utter bullshit.

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My vaccine at age 18 was in 1967. Went to the main campus of a large public University.

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You only get one scar in reaction to the serum. You and I are quite immune. I got my scar as child some 75 years ago and the military repeated it all just to be sure.

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Monica, this comment by JA on Berenson is "out there", but... there will be an orchestrated panic of some sort in the early fall (Northern) of this year. It's mandatory, you see: the New World Order crowd simply will not allow for conservatives to regain the levers of power in Washington, D.C., meaning that standard elections will not go forward. Re-enter virus!!

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Of course I am only reading information and am uncomfortable making any real decisions other than avoid other people and the other things you are aware of with our past internet interaction.

Do you think the only way to die from COVID (not the ingredients of the injection) is through natural virus transmission?

Does receiving the injection weaken people to the point their immune response is inadequate to neutralize the virus, or;

Could COVID deaths of those vaccinated with this new injection are deaths from the injection, or with COVID coming from the injection?

An answer of I don't know is acceptable.

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I’m not sure what the first paragraph means and the other questions are sufficiently vague as to prevent a precise answer.

I think the virus is an engineered bioweapon and so are the shots, but I’m more fearful of the shots. (I don’t take measures to avoid the virus as I think it’s pointless.)

As for the relevance of any of that to this post, they seem to want a dozen plus shots in every person, and I think they have games out multiple ways to get people to take them. The initial bribery and threat packages didn’t work as well as they’d hoped, so now comes cyberattacks and other orchestrated crises (whether real or imagined, won’t necessarily matter if they can suck more people in).

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And it seems clear both the virus and the shots result in some sort of immune deficiency (but shots are way worse).

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Ok. I get that part.

Could be an extinction event with either, one is more effective than the other. You'd think they have an antidote but I don't think they considered the unintended consequences. They want 500 million on the planet but overshot the goal is what I'm thinking.

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The first paragraph is to my frame of mind. I view yours as someone who isn't locked in. I'm landed here, you aren't landed anywhere which gives you a different perspective. looking for a good spot to hide maybe? I decided to ask you a question I had for another author, you aren't as busy.

I'll try again. Other authors on Substack I'm reading type people who are injected are more dying of COVID (engineered bioweapon) virus than those not. No one has made an outright claim the injection is what is spreading COVID virus and is that possible? Or are those dying being mislabeled as dying of the virus when they have died of other ingredients of the injection?

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"Other authors on Substack I'm reading type people who are injected are more dying of COVID (engineered bioweapon) virus than those not."

Got it. Yes, I think this is happening.

"No one has made an outright claim the injection is what is spreading COVID virus and is that possible?"

I suppose it's possible, but there is a more plausible scenario in my mind.

They wanted to roll out the shots very quickly and the only way to do that before the crisis was over was through mRNA technology. It was predicted in advance before the shots rolled out that there were other motives for this rollout than stopping the pandemic, which range from the simple (profit $) to the more sinister (sterilize the population, cull the population).

In at least February 2021, Geert vanden Bossche was warning the shots don't provide the sort of sterilizing immunity that vaccines for other viruses do (i.e. they are so called "leaky vaccines"), and therefore they would kick off waves of infection everywhere they were deployed. That has happened now in pretty much every country when the mass vaccination campaigns began. The vaccines make people quite susceptible to covid particularly in the first two weeks after injection. And after that, yes, there is also the issue that they weaken innate immunity and thus lead to immunocompromised status for other diseases (cancer, other infections, repeat covid infections, etc.).

Vernon Coleman thought in March 2021 that the leaky vaccines were intended to cause a major die-off of the human population through breeding more infectious variants. I do in fact think that the vaccines ARE causing the evolution of more infectious variants. So far, they do not appear to be more lethal, so that's good. I personally doubt that they are directly trying to kill off very large numbers of people through the injections for a couple of reasons. They want a gradual population decline but they know they are themselves dependent on the modern economy and they do not want it to completely crash. They are going for a controlled demolition and the sterilization/carcinogenesis hypothesis as the reason for the shots is the one that makes the most sense to me. All of the other fuckups with the vaccines are because they don't know their asses from their elbows.

"Or are those dying being mislabeled as dying of the virus when they have died of other ingredients of the injection?"

This is also happening, of course. It's tough to sort out how many died of covid after vaccination vs. other pathologies. The shots cause a lot of different pathologies, including immunodeficiency, strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, and so on. I don't think they wanted this, actually. Not right away at least. Remember, we are dealing with a crazy mentality that thinks they can throw monkey wrenches into the human body and it won't have any effect except what they want.

The hypothesis that I personally lean toward is that they don't want to do anything to threaten their own survival, but it must be remembered that psychopaths don't always have the same self-preservation instincts that normal people do and they often take inadvisable risks. A guiding principle for me in the first year of the pandemic was that they wouldn't release a virus intentionally because it's unpredictable. Wars are more controllable. I think this was a wrong assumption on my part. Supposedly the people behind the Manhattan project thought that it could ignite oxygen in the atmosphere and extinguish all life on earth, but they want ahead with it anyway. Lol. This is the type of hubris we're up against.

At the same time, they also often don't know their asses from their elbows from a technical standpoint. The covid shots are fairly crude, and while being intended to do one or two things, they are doing a whole lot of other things. That exists with other pharmaceuticals as well. It's just that this is *really* new technology that needed far more development to be safe, and might never have been safe enough from a risk-benefit standpoint for mild disease, even with all the development in the world. So, given that they are delusional and think they have god-like abilities to do stuff they can't, they might have thought this was a more controllable situation than it is on a number of different levels (immediate adverse effects, unintended effects on virus evolution, etc.)

"I view yours as someone who isn't locked in. I'm landed here, you aren't landed anywhere which gives you a different perspective."

You mean geographically? I am pretty much confined to the US and Mexico now because of the vaccination reason. I am also committed to a large summer garden. But I can be otherwise nomadic presently. I wasn't fully intending this last year but it's worked out this way for non-covid reasons.

In a total collapse scenario it's good to be in the countryside but apart from the initial waves of people that may arrive from cities, after that, pretty quiet. Depends on what is meant by collapse exactly. Collapse of the government and collapse of way more than that (infrastructure, electricity, etc.) are different things.

I feel that I have accurately predicted (from last year) what would happen with virus infectiousness (but not lethality), and have accurately predicted the food shortages, monetary problems, inflation, looming cyberpandemic, etc. I thought there would be more vaccine division in society than there is... that it would lead to a genocide/roundup type situation of the unvaccinated.

So I was somewhat wrong about causes but being self-sufficient is good whatever the cause.

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More explanation than I expected, thank you. I expect total global economic collapse as it has to grow or face the Seneca Effect and at some point resource depletion will trigger it. I did not expect the elites to trigger it with an attempt to lower the population in such a immorally crude manner. Now I have to think total global human extinction... But now I understand this psychopath hubris anything goes including risking themselves.

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BTW, where I am is not a good place to hide if this is a total collapse scenario.

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As far as I’ve understood the history of vaccines videos by both Clint Richardson and Paul chek/sherry tenpenny, smallpox was just about eradicated through hygiene in the early 1900’s and really did only transmit among the really poor f.inst. in England and it didn’t really or was very difficult to transmit. So is this why they’ve compromised People’s immunesystem with the vaxxs ? And how might we help these vaxxed people? Thank you again for making it so easy to follow your tracks......🙏

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Uh . . so if it is *weaponized* smallpox (or any pox), what makes anyone think a vaccine of any sort would *help* rather than further harm ("weaponized" and "vaccine" - oxymoronic). Who do we think it is weaponizes against?? !!!!

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