Thank you for this. Shocked the vid is still on YT. I completely agree - where we are is quite frightening and no, they will not stop. Catherine Austin Fitts thinks we have about a year and a half to stop the CBDC's, if we don't the control grid will be snapped into place.

Non-compliance is our strongest tool. Stand up and say no. Doesn't matter if a 'law' was passed making your action technically illegal. Laws based in enslaving humans, is not a law morally acceptable.

There are things worse than death and certainly worth dying for. Freedom is on top of that list.

I truly believe we win in the end. They are weak and desperate (paper tigers but with much ammunition) and so, very dangerous. But all their tools are nothing compared to human spirit that has coalesced around a desire for truth and to live free.

So appreciate your efforts. Thank you.

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In started on March 7th, 2020.. when we found out our election was stolen

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