
The State Doesn’t Work For You

Mass Shooting Edition

Uvalde mom Angeli Gomez describes rescuing her two kids while police did nothing.

In fact, they did worse than nothing. They actually physically attacked at least one parent and trying to stop parents from rescuing their kids, while ignoring the shooter. 🤡

I’ll remind you this isn’t the first time this has happened. It happened in the Parkland shooting in 2018.

This mother has more balls than all police officers combined.


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This is an example of actual real people vs state controlled actors.

Government is failing all over the United States, or worse, has become the enemy of the people. We must shrink the whole beast and take back the power they have siphoned off of all of us. And stay on top of the individuals who "serve" us, VILIGENTLY!

Finally there is evidence that Boarder Control and other Law Enforcement busted 2 huge human trafficking rings shortly before this event.

The kids at that school have Border Control parents, in many cases. This could have been "payback."

Human Trafficking is much bigger than most people realize, and, there is involvement with police, law enforcement and D.A. offices throughout America. Not saying the majority, or course, but we do have some real bad apples.

Go to "In Our Backyard," to learn more, or get involved.

Praying for the families; I cannot imagine.

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This school in Uvalde had had 48 ‘lockdowns’ in the 21/22 school year prior to this event. So they were somewhat ‘inured’ to these lockdowns. (But that doesn’t take away from the fact ‘law enforcement’ seriously ‘dropped the ball’ during this event.)

The town is a part of a triangle of small towns in that area along the Texas Mexico border that have been taken over by the cartels and people who are doing the human trafficking. If you want to find out what is really happening on the border, down in Mexico and on the Guatemala/Mexico border you ought to listen to or watch Ben Bergquam, who regularly reports on border issues on The Warroom with Steve Bannon. Ben can also be found on www.frontlineamerica.com

The majority of Americans (regardless of their political ideology) have NO CLUE as to the level of ‘criminal activity’ that is going on at our US Mexico Border and on down south!

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I’m afraid I don’t understand what all of this has to do with the cops standing down. And how does human trafficking or cartels explain what happened in Parkland four years ago?

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We all need to be Angeli Gomez...now and forever....with all aspects are our lives and our loved ones.....no one cares more about you than you do.....let's roll....

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Brave, Loving Mom! We All Need Her Balls!!!!!

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Well, from my own research it turns out that the State is in fact your enemy #1.

1) Evidence Emerges Buffalo Shooter Was Groomed by the FBI to Commit Mass Murder


2) A US Army recon plane landed in Uvalde just before the shooting and left just before the shooter was killed.


3) The CIA was monitoring Jim Jones "suicide" event in Guyana in 1978 and left behind the tape of the events. All Seals who participated in the killing of the survivors later died in a helicopter crash (weird)...

4) After the assassination of the Iranian general Solemanei by Trump at the Baghdad airport in January 2020, the hit team involved died in Afghanistan in a plane "crash"!!!.

5) After the "assassination" of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan (Obama), the Seals involved died in an helicopter "crash" in Afghanistan......

Please don't believe in ANYTHING they tell you after all these false flag mass shootings, fake suicides and assassinations.

They're all part of a planned strategy of tensions for geopolitical purposes.

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this whole incident stinks to high heavens..... didn't the police chief also quietly get a promotion to city counsel just 2 days after? from the law enforcement stand point and also the fact that FBI officers were "talking" to the shooter online for months ..... and Dems as expected immediately pushing for gun control! Its a fight that we must win!!

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Not incompetence. Officers told to stand down as happened with EVERY other shooting. The idea is to ramp up casualties--as many young innocent kids as possible--and then shove this down the throats of American sheeple so they all rise in outrage saying BAN GUNS...look what they do. Ban the 2nd Amendment and we will be Australia where jab refusers and lockdown protestors are dragged from their homes and locked in quarantine and beaten. The push to ban guns is GIANT and this is just one psyop (many have real casualties) by CIA with FBI and MKUltra boosts to gain support for gun bans. The child and drug trafficking is another issue but not unrelated--that "industry" is run by the same people who want to disarm us and kill the country--We the People do not matter. (I know this may be too tinfoil hatty but why else would the story have happened as you see it). There were also actors involved (paid performers in this stunt) and one kid has two fathers, no not a gay scenario but one dad claims the kid in his tear-jerker interview and the other claims the same kid as his in another interview. And they thought nobody would notice (just as nobody noticed that the dead kids at Sandy Hook were just little kid photos of their more mature highschool aged selves). Hard to believe, I know, feel free to write it off but people do not want to see this stuff... As for this incident, Mark Crispin Miller published the links on his substack of the two different fathers if you are curious to look it up. Something beyond fishy here and we are being HAD. (And of course blessings to this mom for taking charge, saving her kids, AND speaking out about what happened as the optics of course aren't good so she's very brave and I hope nobody tries to shut her up as they've done with SO many from JFK op. to Las Vegas and beyond...) Oh and as some have mentioned here--look at the DRILLS--it's all rehearsed.

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This is WHY all school teachers should be TRAINED and REQUIRED to carry arms.

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The whole shooting episode is very fishy. It reeks.

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Incompetence seems to be the norm. The nation elected a person known to be incompetent. We, the people, suffer. Our leaders, except for few, refuse to engage to intervene in the horrid retribution of the J6 defendants while obvious liars and cheats are not held to account. We have teachers who think small children can understand gender. We have groups that suggest the prosperity of the US was not earned and enabled by the concept of a free, self-reliant people. We seem bent on tearing ourselves apart but for no apparent decent purpose.

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I sense a 'greater awakening' happening. This is magnificent, and it's not the only one I've seen today


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While I agree with the main point of this posting--the state doesn't work for us-- there are details in the linked video that don't add up according to an ex officer I trust, officer Tatum. https://youtu.be/QvqR9ktPCmg

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