Thrilled you broke your academically structured form and let it pour, the result is spectacular, There are so many favorite punches and perfectly stated slams but these are the nost favorite.. write on!!

"it’s really part of a much, much bigger saga about modern ignorance and ancient wisdom."

"The converted are lost forever, but nothing can convince even normies that a sizeable fraction of the most polite and apologetic culture on the planet are racist, anti-semitic, Islamophobic, homophobic, transphobic bigots."

"Old hippies are getting a bad rap these days. I know because I am one.

Let me tell you something. There are lots of old pissed off hippie ladies like me in this movement. (I’m older than I look.)

And we are your worst nightmare."

Let's hear a big Amen to that!! <3

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Thanks! Also, note in her second video that Claudia addresses the contention that the supply chain stuff is staged (which we were seeing in our private discussion group the other day). I think you will enjoy that video if you haven't seen it. :)

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If ever there were a time for speaking with passion and vehemence, it is now. Thank you!

And just in contrast to the righteous anger of the oppressed, we have the faux moral outrage of the ruling elite. If there WERE a massive collection of violent neo-Nazis converging in Ottawa, would the appropriate response be Trudeau's muted condemnation and subsequent attempts to ignore them while in hiding? His acting skills haven't progressed THAT far since the days he was dressing in blackface and singing "Day-O."

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Yes! I am an old hippie too and I’m standing beside you!

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Me too!

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Spontaneity is needed sometimes. Very inspiring article, just what I needed today. Thank you.

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I am not sure of all the globalist stuff, I am suspending judgment on that one. But you are bang on about us old hippie ladies! I used exactly that in a discussion on Rabble, a Canadian left wing group. This is a true populist movement, and it does not fit the old left/right boxes. These days more common sense in some matters appears to be coming from the right. For the first time ever, if an election were held tomorrow I would go and deliberately spoil my vote.

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I did that last time. Because the Labour Party of Jacinda Ardern was advocating for Self ID meaning any man anywhere in NZ could say that they were a woman. And the Green Party in NZ is so high on that same bullshit that it was impossible to vote for either them or Labour.

Until August 2021 NZ was somewhat normal in regards to bullshit corona viruses. But then they started Pfizer's vaccination campaign. The truth is that NZ is a little different because of this (a year before Aug 2021);


And Jacinda is now late replying to my Official Information Act request;


There are only two politicians making any sense in NZ at the moment.

Lee Vandervis (frequent Mayoral candidate in Dunedin) is making the most sense and has been on this topic since 2020.


And the Mayor of Thames is telling them to piss off as well;


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Same here. Somehow the Trans ideology has superceded all other concerns, like the rights of women who have been raped to a penis-free crisis shelter. Women’s sports. Women’s prisons. All must bow for the rights of a few to not have their feelings hurt. I have always been a live and let live rainbow lover, but the excesses have turned me into a TERF.

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Not yet sure of the Globalist? Read this article on Substack from Naomi Wolfe, a former Clinton advisor and an insider of the "elite class: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/thinking-like-a-tyrant?utm_source=url

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Go the emotional outbursts, I say.

On the subject of white supremacy, Ardern must surely be the most racist PM we have had in a long time. She dangled KFC (in exchange for vaccination) in front of our Pacific Island and Māori communities as if they were a bunch of dancing monkeys. She treated them like simple savages. It struck me as a form of recolonisation. I am absolutely gobsmacked that prominent Māori and PI did not speak up against this offensive ruse. Have we really sacrificed our dignity so readily? For fried chicken, no less?

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It says so much that two of the YouTube videos you linked are already unavailable because the accounts were terminated.

Which is an expression of the same panicked, counterproductive overreaction amongst the WEFite managerial class that led to the convoy street festival getting crushed with an illegal and illegitimate invocation of the Emergencies Act.

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Personally, I love this chaos. Bring it on. Every day they demonstrate how weak they are. Meanwhile, we get better, faster, and stronger. 😁

It is amazing how many little people they are censoring! The channel with the videos I linked had only 40k subscribers. "Cabin Talk" got in trouble when a 2019 video from it went viral. It warned about a looming pandemic that Claudia, the owner of the channel, believed that "they" were planning. Only when the video from 2019 went viral in 2022 did Claudia's "Cabin Talk" channel get banned from YT. 😂

When you have to ban the hippie tree huggers from YT you are really reaching.

I will repair the post with linked videos.

The one on the fake forests is here: https://odysee.com/@cabintalk:5/just-when-you-think-you-have-heard-it:b

The one on the collapse of trust is here:


Nothing earth shattering, just more of the obvious common sense/science you allude to in your recent post.

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I think the weirdest development of the last few years has been the Great Convergence that's occurred in dissident circles. For instance, here are you - old school anarchist tree-hugging natural medicine hippie - conversing with me - reactionary right-wing science mystic.

I've been seeing this everywhere. I keep tabs on a broad array of dissident circles - antiwar/anticorporate left, race realist/traditonalist right, conspiracy theory, natural medicine, religious, occultist, etc etc. Several years ago these were all very separate. A few years back I started noticing the conspiracy theorists talking about race realism; rightists lifting talking points from mommy bloggers; yoga bunnies talking about the Federal Reserve; manosphere bros getting into natural medicine and organic food; and so on.

It's like all the communities that formed around rejection or critique of some aspect of consensus reality started expanding out from whichever topic that initially drew their attention, where they first realized that something wasn't right, and then looking at other aspects of consensus reality with the same skeptical mindset. Gradually, and we're still in early stages, all those vastly different groups are coalescing into a new and very different consensus. This terrifies the globalists, because their entire system, all of their power and control, is built on a vast and intricate structure of lies; it absolutely cannot survive a distributed assault from an agile, densely connected, decentralized network that simultaneously questions every single lie the system is woven from. Their problem is that they can't tell the truth about anything, because that would destroy the system; but the more lies they tell, the larger and more active the emerging network becomes, and the more unstable the centralized lie machine becomes.

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Thank you for that excellent observation! It's great, isn't it? I love the chaos (yet order) of this time.

In truth, my personal history is quite complex. I'm difficult to categorize and I dislike being shoe-horned, but I think that's typical of most of us. :)

I was raised in a Christian fundamentalist home, went off to a Christian college, taught in a Christian school for a year after college, became a secular humanist (but not a hedonist) because none of it made any sense, and by my late 20s was an agnostic/atheist with libertarian/Objectivist leanings because socialism made no sense.

Ayn Rand was of course a big influence in my late 20s and early 30s, and the evolution of my own thinking and personal journal is most similar to that of Rose Wilder Lane, as laid out in the marvelous long essay "Give Me Liberty."


The master's and PhD were in environmental biology/systematics/taxonomy but there was a lot of exposure to molecular biology and microbiology -- enough that it led me to pursue the small business manufacturing Coley's toxins. As for that, while I suppose it might fall under "natural medicine", don't you worry. The "viruses don't exist" homeopathy herbalist cannabis crowd will never trust it because it's neon pink, delivered by injection, was developed by a bone surgeon at Sloan Kettering, and has ties to the Rockefellers.

heh. Just writing that out means I'll have some new paranoid wackos, with their attention-span-of-a-gerbil-theater-of-absurdity show up to threaten me and label me as "controlled opposition." LOL.

What's the unifying feature of all of the above groups you listed? I can't quite put my finger on it, but... there is some contact with reality, with nature, with the way the world works outside of the ivory tower. The ecology training of my youth was just economics applied to the natural world. Weird ideas are tested out in the real world. To the extent they can't be, they are safely compartmentalized (flat earth, for instance). Some of these people are idiots in some ways but right now it doesn't matter. I'll fight the flat earth idiocy later if it becomes mainstream.

So, things have stayed relatively constant politically since my early 30s except that I got much more radical politically as a result of the school of hard knocks. I gave up on the idea of political reform or voting before 2016. I will never, ever be convinced that the state exists for our benefit. When your personal life is plunged into chaos at an early age in a way that causes distrust of institutions, it generally lasts and becomes more radical with each new experience. If you're strong-willed, that is. If you are weak, you'll just call for more "reform" endlessly.

I have many strong beliefs, but like Eisenstein, have learned (mostly) to not argue with people about them. I calmed down as I got older and lost the energy to argue with everyone all the time and beat them into submission to my flawless logic. ;) (Like you I am an INTJ. One of the rare female ones.)

Age brings wisdom. Sometimes, anyway. Eventually I realized it's pointless to alienate people who agree with you on 95% of what really matters, though I'll probably never be that great at persuading anyone of anything because I'm still too headstrong. :)

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By the way this made me LOL:

“yoga bunnies talking about the Federal Reserve; manosphere bros getting into natural medicine and organic food“

Don’t know about the first, but re: the second, I’ve been into paleo since before it became cool in 2010, and the libertarian/crypto crowd has always been more eclectic and willing to flirt with different ideas.

I get more and more wedded to specific concrete ideas as time goes on but there is still a lot of stuff for which I could turn on a dime and I’m really not that invested. I just need better data.

The revolutions in information (internet) and money will be their downfall.

The car dealer I bought from recently was totally clued into all the vaccine harms/WEF etc. just an ordinary working class boomer dude but he knows what’s 🆙

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The point being, I guess, but this has been brewing for sometime. More than a decade.

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Oh yes. I run into this all the time in casual conversation with random strangers. People are quietly looking into things and coming to conclusions that should make the WEFites very, very nervous.

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I beg to differ on the “hundreds of millions of years of biochemical pathways”, but the rest, is indeed, glorious! Chur…

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Why do you beg to differ?

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Suffice to say I have difficulty with the assumptions undergirding uniformitarianism and secular materialism that dictate a ‘millions of years’ narrative. However this is not the thread to debate that…

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"passionate follower of the Creator and great I AM."

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“ Not into bio/ AI/COVID tyranny either.” Well, we agree on one thing! 😉

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Well I wasn't necessarily being critical, just providing context.

Maybe the 10k years of religion is just when some land bridge appeared out of nowhere and 3 different sets of humans who had been separated for a 100 k years started having sex with each other. And from that we got consciousness as an arbitration mechanism.

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All good. I didn’t automatically take it as critical. My personal take is that the Biblical account of origins makes the best sense of the available data, but again, this is Monica’s thread, so I’ll leave it at that. Go well with the COVID tyranny fight!

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And then religion.....

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CCS has been a bullshit story for 30 years now. I guess you can seek solace in the fact that probably only a few carbon sucking plants have gone to full operation and then at that level have failed miserably.


But of course Governments, the stupidest orgs on the planet, keep giving the oil companies money for these idiot ideas;


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