I noticed 4 vaccine ads last night while watching TV, and none of them was for covid. (meningitis, shingles, gardasil and I can't recall the last one) The meningitis one was the best - it essentially said "get vaccinated for an uncommon form of meningitis that has a slight chance of severe outcomes".
And there is something like one in twenty little boys who now have autism! And that’s not including all of the other medical conditions our kids are getting in the last few years! No one had autism or ADD in the Sixties and into theSeventirs. Gee I wonder what changed? We will start to see a dramatic fall in the average age that most Americans will live.
Well, I was just about to head to walmart, for my once a year prep trip there for my Boundary Waters Wilderness canoe trip. I go there when my list is reduced to the few things I can't otherwise find easily. Good to know the walton clan is talking fauci's and gate's lead in taking care of us weak, pathetic, sickly mostly useless eaters!
Yes, they give this the same day they are born, and you’ll never know if they are vaccine injured because it will be how they’ve always been. I don’t know too many newborns who are prostitutes or IV drug users to actually be at risk of hep B...
I did too... My kids are 11 and 14. I’m glad I at least decided to research the HPV vaccine on my own, so dodged that bullet. The last 2 years have been very eye opening.
Thank God you did dodge those bullets. I did, as well, with mine. I stopped having them injected following the divorce from the the youngest three’s dad and a move from NJ to FL. So glad we have exemptions down here. Outrageously, my daughter was taken by her step mother - without my permission - and had my daughter be given the HPV shots, which did cause health issues, severe anxiety, and excessive sweating, which for a young girl is highly embarrassing. All later confirmed as resulting nutritional deficiencies from those shots. She’d been just fine before them and she is now several years later. Regrettably, we now suspect she may be sterile from them, so we are doing what we can to support her body in reestablishing her fertility.
I’m so sorry this happened to your daughter, and absolutely horrified her step-mother would do this without your permission... I’m glad she is doing better, and am praying her fertility will not be adversely affected. I hope she has learned to trust you, and NOT her step-mother through this. God bless you and your children Kali!
We chose not to vaccinate our two children, now adults (32yo & 35yo). Our oldest son has only ever been to the doctor once, in his entire life. I didn't even take him to the dentist until he was 18. I always inspected their teeth and treated them with nutrition and vitamins. Our daughter was a bit more sensitive, like her dad, so she's been to a doc and dentist a few times, but not for anything serious or ongoing, EXCEPT when our daughter got sick from being around someone vaccinated with Covid last Aug. 2021. It took her almost 2 months to get well. Then her husband, who never got sick last year, spent some time with vaccinated friends, May 2022, and he got sick. She then got sick again, as well. So, something is definitely shedding from these vaccines. Their unvaccinated friends have gotten sick around the jabbed, as well.
Further, we are older parents. I'm 67 and husband is 76, and we've remained unvaxxed and no sickness other than 2 colds for me in the past 2 years, but most of our friends have chosen the jab. Here are some of the results: 2 heart attacks, 2 very difficult breathing issues that haven't gone away, of which one got serious Covid, as well, and off work 5 weeks, 1 Afib, 2 deaths (both w/comorbidities), 1 Parkinsons, 1 bleeding post 10 yr. menopause, and 1 with severe Covid. We've also had numerous friends who had no problems with jabs, but some are still getting sicker than normal.
you can get them in my city, Montreal Canada. Of course you're only allowed into the country if you are "fully vaccinated" with the C19 jabs. But in all seriousness, they give them here, look at any "Montreal News" sites that pop up in a search engine. It's so insane....
Yeah my local Shoppers Drug Mart (pharmacy chain in Canada) has a prominent sign in the entrance for a while now informing us that while most adults think they're up-to-date on their shots, x percentage are actually not, and listing the shots we should get. A big no thank you to that! Your covid nonsense ruined all that for me forever, you have lost a client.
laughing is definitely healthy. Watched a movie about some editor at Newsweek or the Times that had cancer, the guy was portrayed by Ed Asner/ he ordered in comedies to watch and laughed his way to health.
Don’t forget to purchase the lovely clear sleeve into which you’ll want to put your vaccine card! Saw an online ad for that, touting how it will keep it all pristine and easily accessible for all those times you need to show it. Uh, no thanks!
Jabs are not as appealing as cabbage patch dolls or pet rocks. The vaccine fad of the past half century is soon to end. People are not going to keep buying what they are selling.
7 Jabs at once. Damn, my arm hurts just thinking about it. Maybe I should just drop my pants, since they are basically F*cking us in the ass anyway!!!!. Great picture Monica, Will either link or use it as my Picture For The Day @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
I noticed 4 vaccine ads last night while watching TV, and none of them was for covid. (meningitis, shingles, gardasil and I can't recall the last one) The meningitis one was the best - it essentially said "get vaccinated for an uncommon form of meningitis that has a slight chance of severe outcomes".
It's insane.
People are so ignorant and brainwashed today, they’ll miss the fine print of the ad and just follow directions blindly.
And there is something like one in twenty little boys who now have autism! And that’s not including all of the other medical conditions our kids are getting in the last few years! No one had autism or ADD in the Sixties and into theSeventirs. Gee I wonder what changed? We will start to see a dramatic fall in the average age that most Americans will live.
Last few years is not accurate. It’s been the last few decades the numbers shot up and steadily keep climbing.
I know. I did say I saw no autism nor ADHD in the sixties and seventies.
There was back then. It was rarer. Read Forrest Maready’s book The Autism Vaccine. You’ll see the history of where it begins
Thank you. I will check it out.
“Walk-ins welcome.” Whether or not you are able to walk out again afterward is the question…
Well, I was just about to head to walmart, for my once a year prep trip there for my Boundary Waters Wilderness canoe trip. I go there when my list is reduced to the few things I can't otherwise find easily. Good to know the walton clan is talking fauci's and gate's lead in taking care of us weak, pathetic, sickly mostly useless eaters!
I'm so jealous of your canoe trip!!! Will you please post pics when you return? Pretty please!? :)
Will do. Taking my 11 year old nephew for his first time.
You may enjoy this post, William. Pics of my last (big) sailing trip and anarchism. What's not to like. haha
I need to get out on the water with the sailboat this year... have only kayaked so far.
they've been working on this for decades. hep b for new borns!
Yes, they give this the same day they are born, and you’ll never know if they are vaccine injured because it will be how they’ve always been. I don’t know too many newborns who are prostitutes or IV drug users to actually be at risk of hep B...
Parents trust the white coats too much. They believe the lies. I know. I did.
I did too... My kids are 11 and 14. I’m glad I at least decided to research the HPV vaccine on my own, so dodged that bullet. The last 2 years have been very eye opening.
Thank God you did dodge those bullets. I did, as well, with mine. I stopped having them injected following the divorce from the the youngest three’s dad and a move from NJ to FL. So glad we have exemptions down here. Outrageously, my daughter was taken by her step mother - without my permission - and had my daughter be given the HPV shots, which did cause health issues, severe anxiety, and excessive sweating, which for a young girl is highly embarrassing. All later confirmed as resulting nutritional deficiencies from those shots. She’d been just fine before them and she is now several years later. Regrettably, we now suspect she may be sterile from them, so we are doing what we can to support her body in reestablishing her fertility.
I’m so sorry this happened to your daughter, and absolutely horrified her step-mother would do this without your permission... I’m glad she is doing better, and am praying her fertility will not be adversely affected. I hope she has learned to trust you, and NOT her step-mother through this. God bless you and your children Kali!
Thank you. God bless you and yours, as well.
they've done it secretly too, even even people said NO on birthplan.
they test mothers for it in the usa but still give it to negatives ones.
After 3 and 5 days of trials, respectively
vax trials have always been a joke. people don't know this though.
We chose not to vaccinate our two children, now adults (32yo & 35yo). Our oldest son has only ever been to the doctor once, in his entire life. I didn't even take him to the dentist until he was 18. I always inspected their teeth and treated them with nutrition and vitamins. Our daughter was a bit more sensitive, like her dad, so she's been to a doc and dentist a few times, but not for anything serious or ongoing, EXCEPT when our daughter got sick from being around someone vaccinated with Covid last Aug. 2021. It took her almost 2 months to get well. Then her husband, who never got sick last year, spent some time with vaccinated friends, May 2022, and he got sick. She then got sick again, as well. So, something is definitely shedding from these vaccines. Their unvaccinated friends have gotten sick around the jabbed, as well.
Further, we are older parents. I'm 67 and husband is 76, and we've remained unvaxxed and no sickness other than 2 colds for me in the past 2 years, but most of our friends have chosen the jab. Here are some of the results: 2 heart attacks, 2 very difficult breathing issues that haven't gone away, of which one got serious Covid, as well, and off work 5 weeks, 1 Afib, 2 deaths (both w/comorbidities), 1 Parkinsons, 1 bleeding post 10 yr. menopause, and 1 with severe Covid. We've also had numerous friends who had no problems with jabs, but some are still getting sicker than normal.
Just thought I'd share my anecdotal evidence.
Seeing that just reminded me... I haven't been in a Walmart for over 2 years. And I've never felt better in my life.
But what about a Monkeypox vax? Where can one get one of those?
I was wondering the same thing.
you can get them in my city, Montreal Canada. Of course you're only allowed into the country if you are "fully vaccinated" with the C19 jabs. But in all seriousness, they give them here, look at any "Montreal News" sites that pop up in a search engine. It's so insane....
getting some tainted H with a dirty needle might be safer ;)
Yeah my local Shoppers Drug Mart (pharmacy chain in Canada) has a prominent sign in the entrance for a while now informing us that while most adults think they're up-to-date on their shots, x percentage are actually not, and listing the shots we should get. A big no thank you to that! Your covid nonsense ruined all that for me forever, you have lost a client.
I laugh every time I walk past that sign. Although I've been known to throw the stat at a few pro-vax people I know.
hopefully it will become obvious to the majority.
may i laugh?!
this is not new to us anti vaxxers. people think nothing of it. mostly.
laughing is definitely healthy. Watched a movie about some editor at Newsweek or the Times that had cancer, the guy was portrayed by Ed Asner/ he ordered in comedies to watch and laughed his way to health.
Norman Cousins, Saturday Review editor, laugh therapy
Yes, same eugenics efforts here.
Ah good ol’ Walmart Pharmacy. My local one had a sign up advertising their digital c19 vax card! It was tempting, but I had to pass.
Don’t forget to purchase the lovely clear sleeve into which you’ll want to put your vaccine card! Saw an online ad for that, touting how it will keep it all pristine and easily accessible for all those times you need to show it. Uh, no thanks!
Jabs are not as appealing as cabbage patch dolls or pet rocks. The vaccine fad of the past half century is soon to end. People are not going to keep buying what they are selling.
multiple jabs and Tolerance, its a thing, but not good.
7 Jabs at once. Damn, my arm hurts just thinking about it. Maybe I should just drop my pants, since they are basically F*cking us in the ass anyway!!!!. Great picture Monica, Will either link or use it as my Picture For The Day @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
Definitely will give you a shout out!!!