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I talked with two people yesterday. Both had been vaxxed and boosted. Both ended up with covid anyway. One said she was glad she had been vaxxed or it would have been worse and she doesn't know anyone who was vaxxed who died from covid. When I talked about the data from some countries showing that the percentage of vaxxed getting covid being higher than unvaxxed and even a higher death rate among vaxxed the other person said, "But I don't live in those places. What about US data?" I explained that the US had stopped collecting data on vaxxed versus unvaxxed and the CDC wasn't resleasing all of the data it had.

Two months ago a husband and wife. Both vaxxed and boosted and both got covid. They were glad they were vaxxed "or it would have been a lot worse."

These are otherwise for the most part inteligent people who are generally able to acknowledge mistakes and errors. The buy in on the vax has been unbelievable. The propaganda has been so effective that people think they are informed so they don't seek out information.

This morning a family member told me that because of the work she does she sees how serious covid can be and that I don't seem to take it serious as I'm not vaxxed. She is a hospital social worker. I told her that I do take it serious and asked if she didn't find it interesting that many of the people she sees who are hospitalized for covid have been vaxxed. Silence.

She is also an otherwise inteligent person. The propaganda job that MSM has done along with the suppression by social media of anything that runs contrary to the official narrative -- means that most people have been guzzling the kool aid for so long that anything besides the kool aid seems fringe.

I'm admittedly a fringe kind of guy. Wide and varied interests....UFO's, Bigfoot, Mystical Experiences, ....all kinds of stuff. I kid you not when I say most people are more open to hearing about stuff like that than about the vax and suppression of early treatment. Why? I think it's because they have a personal investment in the official covid and vax narrative. The evidence and data for a counter narrative regarding covid and the vax is way beyond the evidence for my 'fringe' interests. People are more willing to look at a blurry picture of an alleged Bigfoot or read about a UFO encounter recommended to them than they are to read something that runs counter to the official vax and covid narratives.

Gotta give credit where credit is due. The MSM propaganda campaign and having "regulatory" bodies, big tech, social media, and intel on board was a monumental task. The bastards have been pretty successful in covering up their crimes.

It's like a Twilight Zone episode.

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I just had Covid for the second time. Unvaxxed and counting on my natural immunity from the first go-round and my immune system. My vaxxed and boosted boss just got it for the first time last week too. Hearing I had it he said "so much for your natural immuity!" I responded with "so much for your vaccine." He replied "touche". :)

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How willing are you to consider the idea that it’s all fake -- for example that Covid is not a new disease, there’s no lab virus, and it’s all smoke and mirrors done using a fake PCR test that spits out only false positives? That is my view anyway.

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I considered it. Looked into it. I don't think that's the case. I know two people who died from covid or rather from the "treatment". I do think that there have been many false positives and that many who tested positive may have been sick with something else. I think thar 2020 or 2021 was the lowest flu season ever. Many attributed that to social distancing etc. but those flus were probably just called covid.

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Viral interference could be responsible for the apparent “disappearance” of flu. Nobody ever talks about it but “stronger diseases cast out weaker ones” has been noted in the medical literature since the 1800s.

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I see a simpler explanation, which I think is needed because there's no evidence that Covid even exists as a disease (it's only method of diagnosis is the PCR test, for which there's no clinical gold standard to validate against). T

Namely, they just renamed flu cases as Covid cases using the fake PCR test. (Plus they manufactured a whole new group of cases by redefining "cases" to include anyone with a positive fake test even with no symptoms -- whereas the flu required having symptoms.)

But all those so-called flu cases didn't really exist to being with. That is, laboratory-confirmed influenza is almost nonexistent. The CDC just calls almost anything the flu in order to sell flu vaccines and poison people with aluminum. However, when "flu" samples are sent for (I guess) PCR testing, they rarely come up positive.

So, as Jon Rappoport put it, FAKE FLU was replaced with FAKE COVID.

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I think that they just reran the AIDS fraud, where they used fake tests to tell people that they were ill (even if they had no symptoms, which is too familiar from Convid), and then gave them treatments like AZT that, surprise, damaged the immune system -- i.e. caused the so-called disease that they allegedly treated.

I don't think that it's possible to say that anyone has died from Covid, because the test is completely fake. It has only a circular argument for its validation. There's no clinical gold standard to compare it against. Instead, a positive PCR test is simply declared to mean "you have Covid."

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But I don't like in those places !@!#@.

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