Absolutely horrifying! I live in Canada and attended the protests in Ottawa. They were peaceful and full of love and hope. They can trample us and disband is but I can never unsee the unity and love I saw there. We will never surrender! New Zealand won’t either. Stay strong in these dark times. You have allies all over the world who are praying for you.

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If you have’t seen this yet, I Think you should


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Beautiful beautiful tragic videos. I can’t believe this is happening. In my state the super majority of Democrats are voting this week on 6 bills to force covid “vaccines” on every freaking person and child. I have 3 teenagers. I’m living in hell. Many are trying to fight but the number of those complicit with tyranny is mind boggling.

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Mass madness. These people are maniacs and every day I lose more patience with the silent cowards not taking a stand.

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good luck guys!

It's gonna be hard to find a place in this world where to live in freedom and democracy.

Most west Governments are in the hands of a huge big gang of neo nazi billionaires.

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So full of emotion. Beautiful people being inspired by love, being punished and silenced.

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Those were beautiful. Thank you. Reminded me of the lovely people of Canada. It's sort of astounding how loving people are given the increasing grip of globalism. We're so good and resilient. And these globalists are, despite appearances, desperate and on their way out. Paper Tigers. Humans must continue to stand up, hold the line, say no.

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Jacinda et al would not deign to speak with them.

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Addendum: the last part was:

To be unleashed in its full majesty at the summer solsice

Let us answer the Call and make the Sun rise.....!

NB the last quote was from “Lightnin’ Shaman Dannion Brinkley.

Here is the vision from box 12 of the 13 boxes he saw in his near death experience in 1975.

“ In the twelth box I was shown how a computer chip would be developped by a Middle Eastern

Biological engineer (Bill Gates is a Jew) and would be implanted underneath a person’s skin

and contain all of his personal information. This chip could be used by the government to track a person’s movements, and could eventually limit his lifetime by programming the chip to dissolve and kill him with the viral substante from which it was made”.

Brinkley also pointed to the patent 060606 application by Bill Gates in the podcast from august 2021......

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Thank you for sharing these powerful videos. As tragic as it looks, it is also shrouded in hope — we will not submit to this enslavement on our knees.

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You’re welcome.

There is so much that can give us hope,

but nearly all of us have unknowingly been kept in such ignorance for unfathomably long.

The gloomy and joyless dystopia of the “elitiots” will be over our dead bodies......Love Will prevail.

Gopi Krishna inadvertently became prophet (died in 1984), he wrote 16 books about consciousness and 4 poems (given from the other side of the veil) in bookform, one in 1979 called “the present crisis”, the original cover of the book had a passenger plane crashing into the Empire State building. Everything that transpires today is in that book, he said he writes for the future generations and in one vision late in life exclaimed: “we Will succeed, we Will succeed..!”

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Only made it for 15 seconds before my heart exploded.

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Thanks for posting these. I live in Auckland. I returned to NZ after 36 years in the USA. I came back in 2012 to a vibrant open ,passionate country. Now we are in a dystopian nightmare with a Marxist government. I fear for the future of this once open and welcoming country that welcomed diversity.

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Perhaps like you, I am still reeling from the shock at how fast everything changed. I am sure you feel this loss keenly. I sure do. I thought I would stay in NZ forever. But when they shut down my business, there was no choice but to leave because of NZ's Hermit Kingdom border policy. I will never forgive or forget the maniacs in charge who have destroyed so many lives, and the idiots who are blind to what's going on, singularly focused on a few dozen or at most what will be at the end, covid deaths, at the expense of literally everything else. Billions of dollars of economic carnage and countless lives destroyed. I even knew free market people very skeptical of the government response in the beginning who have now been completely sucked in by the dehumanizing propaganda. It blows my mind.

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I think "reeling" is very appropriate for me as well. I had a good consulting job in Australia which required about 10 return trips a year. That all disappeared in a heartbeat in February 2020. That's the last time I flew commercially. I wasn't able to convert the contract to Zoom. They wanted face to face interaction. So my financial world took a pretty good hit as well.

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Thank you for popping by, “Motu” :) I will check out your newsletter shortly.

I understand 100%. I was in NZ in 2000 for 6 months. That is when I fell in love with the country.

I came back 15 years later in 2015 and things had barely changed. I had 7 beautiful years there.

In July 2021 I left for the US, terrified about what I knew would and did happen, and one month before "lockdown" over a single case! But yes, the "covid response" has wrecked the country. Very disturbing to see what is happening there.

Many of my friends are in deep hypnosis or don’t care at all what’s going on, which is exactly what I feared. I would have made new friends, of course, but it is exactly the type of social isolation I was afraid of when I was there… that I’d be trapped, unable to travel, with no support. This is happening to many migrants with residency now.

I have one friend and his wife and baby who escaped to Mexico. I have another one who has lived in NZ for 25 years, has two teenaged children, and wants to escape.

What percentage would you say oppose mandates?

What percentage of those who oppose mandates are ‘awake’ to the agenda?

Honest questions. I don’t know as my social bubble was too small while there. Keen to get your insight.

Particularly worrying is that it's probably closer than any other country to establishing a CBDC. Terrifying.

The good thing NZ has going for it is that it's in the southern hemisphere, with all the isolation that brings from a potential full-on nuclear exchange. Also, the climate is good for growing food year-round.

But the government and the social fabric has been utterly destroyed by the evil witch running the country, and there is literally NO political opposition. The other major parties are absolutely clueless. ACT and Nats have no idea what is going on or could be even worse. Life has been good for many decades and they are totally naive to tyranny. This is why things are horrible in NZ, Aus, and Canada.

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Thanks for the detailed response. I left NZ in 1974 for "fame and fortune" I ended up in the USA and became a US citizen after 9/11. I felt, as a country it had given so much to me. I had been making regular holiday visits to NZ during that time to visit relatives. Once I sort of retired we decided to move to NZ for a more relaxed lifestyle but still travelled back to the USA every year for maybe 2 months. So we were able to have the best of both.

I find the current situation here very unsettling and dystopian in many ways. but feel somewhat trapped at 72 years old.

I do sense the "drinking of coolaid" is slipping but there is still a vast majority that believe in current policies. I think there will be a change of government but not a change in significant policy.

I would guess that at least 30% now oppose mandates.

The "agenda" is muddy and hard to clearly define but there is something going on in the bigger picture.

Economically the country is destroyed which is starting to become obvious to many.

Our biggest earner in tourism has been totally wiped out.

I know of a number of younger people leaving already now the borders are cracked open.

I sort of disagree on the nuclear exchange. Its a perfect country to be nuked to prove "we are serious" by bad actors. Out of the way. Really no collateral damage for the wider world etc. We may be the "sacrificial lamb" so to speak. The Chinese could take it over with a couple of submarines and a few aircraft. We are totally defenseless and i think support would be minimal. I just discovered your Substack. Its good thanks.

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Interesting points. What I meant is that if there is nuclear war, there is a widespread assumption it would only be in the northern hemisphere. Who knows, though. If covid has shown us anything, it's that the world is no longer predictable.

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Dear Monica

The Bell has chimed

The Call to prayer has sounded.

Below I give You three links for a trinity.

The first; is a worldwide Call to meditation and prayer on March 22nd

https://www.bitchute.com/video/wEDplvMaFkWu/ 1mn 30s

The second; a flashy video with passionate nde’er Jessica Haynes, carwrecked

and smashed to pieces. She discarded surgery and was healed through the prayers

of carmelite nuns and her own incredibly strong spiritual Will.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VD0Pd7twFBY 28mn

The third; is a video of the Mills family delivering a talk at IANDS on the near death

experience - very aptly named: “Catching the Benign Virus”.

There is absolutely nothing flashy about this talk, but is a choice piece on the heart and what it means to be “human”.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5qk9rE7TOll 55mn

“Humanity is on the Verge of great wisdom and knowledge” says another nde’er.

But - We The People - have to make it happen - “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”

say the Hopis.

One of these wisdoms is the the truth (and logic) of reincarnation.

What fear the “elitiots” of both east and west?

The spirit of truth..!

Tyrants and dictators Will be no more when

This knowledge is ankered in man.

Let us respond to the call and start to pray

And meditate ....now.....!

Let us create a roaring tsunami of consciousness

That Will break through

“the Gates of the schwab country”

And immerse the confused minds of its populace

Let us stand tall and join hands with the maimed,

The crushed, the slaughtered, the fearsome and

All the rest - in a collossal peaceful pushback

Let us be the “Mighty Spiritual Beings” that we really are.

Immortal beings in joy and unity

Let us take back our own and be happy

Let us build back FAR better

Let us jump into the symphony of the sprouting equinoxe......

........only to create a second wave to be unleashed

In its full majestæt at the summer solstice

Let us answer the call and make the sun ....!

“We need not fear, but know that we are Mighty spiritual beings,

All we have to do is view ourselves as spiritual beings, Living spiritual

lives in a spiritual place, with a spiritual purpose.

The rest Will follow”.

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