In the 1980's when the local power company put up high tension power lines on "easements" not fully compensating farmers, a bunch of those farmers tore down something like 18 of those towers. That was also the 80's farm crisis, when globalists started their campaign of driving people off the land.

Globalists have been trying to drive that spirit out of humanity ever since. Good to see they haven't.

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Nothing in the media! Once again. If that one fact doesn’t convince the planet that media is controlled by “government” if not the shadow government, then I don’t know what will.

Brick by brick, country by country, experiment by experiment, the globalists are moving forward. They’ll move methodically and strategically as they’ve been doing for at least decades.

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What a beautiful sight to behold!

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One of the best bands to pick up heavy shit to.

Peak AC/DC in Argentina.


edited: corrected typo!

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Why can’t we do this here? And why does law enforcement always seem to be on the wrong side of things…? 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

I haven’t heard anything about the dutch farmers in the last week or two… What’s going on now?


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Today's substack article by Jefferey Jaxen, provides an excellent explanation about the farmers' protests in the Netherlands. https://jeffereyjaxen.substack.com/p/dutch-farmers-igniting-global-resistance?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Still 40 percent deaf in my right ear from AC DC concert in the late 80's. Totally worth it😊

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