My step-daughter recently graduated with a bachelor of arts in environmental science and was informed that we would soon be eating synthetic meat and she thought that was just fine! I made her listen (we were on a cross country road trip) to Vandana Shiva interviewed by Russell Brand on Under the Skin (episode 118) where she talks about her book Oneness vs the 1%: Shattering Illusions, Seeding Freedom and she talks about Bill Gate's paper on cow farts...and how he has taken advantage of her country on many levels. It was quite illuminating for my step-daughter. I was confused about what she actually learned...
They do grow faster here than anywhere else. But the emission storages are wasted when they're shipped off shore. About 8 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of logs shipped.
Great idea. I have an heirloom seed pack as well. May I recommend potatoes!? Anyone can grow them and yields are generally high. Much more foolproof than wheat, which is a HELL of a lot of work for newbies. I personally would not try it unless I was totally desperate, or you know someone who knows what they are doing. Just a friendly tip. :) Get seed potatoes. They will yield about 10x their weight so if you grow 5 lbs. seed potatoes you will get 50 lbs. in good conditions. 450 calories per pound in potatoes.
My step-daughter recently graduated with a bachelor of arts in environmental science and was informed that we would soon be eating synthetic meat and she thought that was just fine! I made her listen (we were on a cross country road trip) to Vandana Shiva interviewed by Russell Brand on Under the Skin (episode 118) where she talks about her book Oneness vs the 1%: Shattering Illusions, Seeding Freedom and she talks about Bill Gate's paper on cow farts...and how he has taken advantage of her country on many levels. It was quite illuminating for my step-daughter. I was confused about what she actually learned...
Thanks for the citation, I will listen to it! I've enjoyed snippets of Russell Brand over the past year, tracking his redpill journey.
He's come so far! His podcast with Wendy Mandy is one of my all time favorites.
I recently joked people do not need to buy food and electricity. They simply don't want to grow food and sleep at night. Hahahaha!
Those hamburgers with the cardboard buns full of sugar and meat from the Amazon where forests were destroyed to grow your burger cow?
Naturally! As natural as a Monterey pine plantation in New Zealand. haha!
They do grow faster here than anywhere else. But the emission storages are wasted when they're shipped off shore. About 8 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of logs shipped.
Is it just me or is Bill Gates getting heavy and growing man boobs eating all his fake soy meat?
It's the diet coke.
Last year we bought 50 pounds of wheat seed, and this past weekend we bought heirloom seeds for 25 vegetables.
Great idea. I have an heirloom seed pack as well. May I recommend potatoes!? Anyone can grow them and yields are generally high. Much more foolproof than wheat, which is a HELL of a lot of work for newbies. I personally would not try it unless I was totally desperate, or you know someone who knows what they are doing. Just a friendly tip. :) Get seed potatoes. They will yield about 10x their weight so if you grow 5 lbs. seed potatoes you will get 50 lbs. in good conditions. 450 calories per pound in potatoes.
We got potato seedlings as well. Those don't keep as long, but it's appropriate insurance for the moment.
off topic but have the kids of elites like Billy Gates, Fauci, etc taken the vaccine?