Have said it before. Will say it again. Expect me to steal at least one of these images and use it, shamelessly, on Twitter in the next few days.

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That's what they're there for. :D

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Is Elon gonna reinstate me on Twitter as his first act? It was fun for 45 days I was on 2 yrs ago. To think I could post whatever I thought directly on folks I disdained account? A joy!

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Ridicule, when used appropriately, is amongst the highest value delusion breakers, particularly for breaking personal self delusions.

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A woman I know is driving across the prairies with her husband, to B.C. They are wearing masks. They are not stopping anywhere to eat, are using drive-throughs, not speaking with anyone, using the gas pump pay option only as they head to a remote location for a holiday.

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Come on…. 😅😂

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The woman is also masked and gloved at work! Our employer mandates, beside the injections which finally ended, but still the masks; he wears two or three. I have presented a power point to the union re mandates to no effect: like talking to rocks, or to sand.

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I believe it. See my comment on our experience in Maskachusetts.

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These folks probably have their air conditioning vents in the dash "masked."

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The Karen Trigger! LOL!

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How embarrassing. I just read the word “satire”. But hey, these days I would believe anything about the sheep.

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Old friends of ours in the mass delusional state of Maskachusetts had us over for dinner in summer 2020.

We had to eat outside and couldn’t go inside to use the bathroom. When our kids had to pee they had to pee in the garden.

Some time around then our kids had gone over to play with their kids, their good friends. When our kids were thirsty they weren’t allowed inside to get water but had to drink from the garden hose outside.

The insanity was part of the reason that we emigrated.

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That level of fear you describe in your friends creates such destablilization, not just for themselves, but effects everyone around them. They have fallen straight into the space meant for them, to unconsciosly support therefore allow the WEF-WHO future to unfold. If only the knew what is coming down the pipe.

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Emigrated? Where did you go?

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Sweden! It's not as warm in the summer as MA but not as cold in the winter either. And, at least so far, there's much more respect for the constitution and bodily autonomy.

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I’m shaking my head in disbelief. These poor, clueless souls. God help them

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