For the record I don't know if this planet is going to at the extremes quickly warm up to hot house Earth levels (I've read the claims) or its heralding in a new ice age (not many of those claims right now). The author of the article alludes to at least we are entering a colder era and I don't know that either.
What I do know is humans …
For the record I don't know if this planet is going to at the extremes quickly warm up to hot house Earth levels (I've read the claims) or its heralding in a new ice age (not many of those claims right now). The author of the article alludes to at least we are entering a colder era and I don't know that either.
What I do know is humans have changed the biological landscape to the extent we probably have kicked the climate out of relative stability. These biological climate fluctuations, I make this statement based on studies I've read concerning climax forests moderate the climate, my unqualified opinion, and I've personally noticed where I live being a gardener, as well as geopolitical events will cause food shortages my main reason for sharing the link. Yes, gardening is excellent advice and I advise start now to avoid the rush.
I noticed these studies of how the biology and specifically forests have this stabilizing ability after reading Permaculture A Designers' Manual a few times, various chapters that together give rise to other queries and also a Permaculture Design Course based on the manual (there are many variations) I participated in. Lots of varying variables and I don't believe anyone knows the future climate.
Anyway, thanks for the notice.
Oh, I joke every so often participating in the 72 hour design course instantly leap frogged my intelligence of the planet past even the most learned PhD. Hahaha!
For the record I don't know if this planet is going to at the extremes quickly warm up to hot house Earth levels (I've read the claims) or its heralding in a new ice age (not many of those claims right now). The author of the article alludes to at least we are entering a colder era and I don't know that either.
What I do know is humans have changed the biological landscape to the extent we probably have kicked the climate out of relative stability. These biological climate fluctuations, I make this statement based on studies I've read concerning climax forests moderate the climate, my unqualified opinion, and I've personally noticed where I live being a gardener, as well as geopolitical events will cause food shortages my main reason for sharing the link. Yes, gardening is excellent advice and I advise start now to avoid the rush.
I noticed these studies of how the biology and specifically forests have this stabilizing ability after reading Permaculture A Designers' Manual a few times, various chapters that together give rise to other queries and also a Permaculture Design Course based on the manual (there are many variations) I participated in. Lots of varying variables and I don't believe anyone knows the future climate.
Anyway, thanks for the notice.
Oh, I joke every so often participating in the 72 hour design course instantly leap frogged my intelligence of the planet past even the most learned PhD. Hahaha!