I honestly had NO idea how evil Pharma, depts of health, etc we’re until my great awakening in 2020. When my kids were little I always had them get flu shots (& other school-required vax’s) & I sporadically got flu shots myself. Great regrets for all of that now & that I wasn’t smarter, but the “silver lining” if one can call it that, is the great awakening for so many now.
I see many such comments and I find it interesting because I became skeptical of preventative vaccines 15 years ago.
I didn’t question much of the Covid response until they starting pushing the shots super hard. Then I knew something was very very wrong even before the data started rolling in.
I was slow on vaccines in general, but the minute “warp speed” was announced I thought it was not just misguided but crazy, knowing there would be no long term safety & efficacy studies & trials & I knew I was never going to take it. Then the global lockstep hysteria to get it into every arm on the planet seemed so unhinged, it confirmed my suspicions
I never questioned vaccines until gardasil vaccine came out when my daughters were just 9&10. The doctor pushed me so hard for them to get this shot and it was brand new and to me it sounded like it would protect sexually active young women. I told the doctor I knew my girls would not be at that stage for years and I’d wait and see how that shot did. She was not in agreement. Anyways. That made me research. I started reading about many injuries from that shot. Then autism really was on the rise . I began to question vaccines but unfortunately very late and my kids had all their shots! I took one flu shot in 1992 and was sicker than I ever had been in my life. After that flu shot I never took another one! I never made a connection to flu shot and vaccines until now. I will not touch anything from big pharm. my mom went through all kinds of cancer protocols and her body was ravaged. I watched her waste away. I always felt all those drugs they were trying out on her maybe helped prolong her life somewhat but she got graves disease and lost her eyesight and her quality of life was very poor. My poor momma. Then my dad went on some new cancer drug for his cancer and he was 79. That too was awful. Those drugs ravaged him. 😢😢
The CDC sets the rules for immunizations for applicants for a visa (Green Card). Potential immigrants have to undergo a medical examination. Any shots that cannot be proven - by official documentation or by having a titer done - are jabbed in on the spot. "Beginning August 1, 2008, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination was required for female applicants ages 11 years through 26 years. The requirement was eliminated on December 14, 2009." Which means the CDC had second thoughts too about this shot.
So sorry to read what your parents (and you) had to go through.
I was joking very loudly to my friend in her health food store 5 years ago, mocking the radio commercial of a local pharmacy that was giving away free shots for the previous year’s bug. (Of course I want your stale, mercury-laced shot for the already- mutated-away strain! Such a deal!) So loudly that a pale young man of about 30 approached me. “I’m an RN” he began. Oh no, I thought, now I am going to be lectured. He told me that I was right to speak out, that he had just spent the past year at the Mayo Clinic trying to recover from a severe reaction to shots that a hospital required him to get. Now he was in town staying with his Dad, convalescing and starting to look for some kind of work he might be able to do, even though he was still weak.
Ah, when mocking brings the right people together. I saw my Mom get shingles after flu jabs, and it took me 20 years to put it all togethers, I was just a kid then. Vials of death, all the jabs it seems. I wish there were not constant flows of 'new dumb jab' doctors being rolled off the assembly lines every year, we might get ahead if the flow of pharmadocs would stop!
Same goes for mercury-filling dentists! It’s so annoying when you go to a professional hoping to talk to someone who is alert and widely informed and thinking critically only to get one that is just rotely selling what the highest bidders taught their teachers to sell.
Gosh yes, all of it, the 'pesticide' using groundkeepers too......the ludicrousness of knowing that if you want your mercury fillings removed they treat it like a full hazmat situation, same if a jug of Roundup develops a leak at the store, full on hazmat....and then, they put it in your mouth, your arm and spray jizz on the plants you eat. Or if they 'spill' a vial of whackscene, full hazmat. No good disposal methods (then repurpose of course!!) What horrid loops and $$ driven blind spots...!
I never got one either, in spite of working in hospitals from 1983-2014 as pharmacist, then medical student, then neurosurgery resident and solo neurosurgery practice. It never made sense.
With the advent of weakly effective flu shots there has been scant attention paid to antiviral treatments. And unfortunately the existing approved antivirals in use (not talking about Ivermectin here) appear to have limited efficacy for flu and parainfluenza. Moreover public health policy makes it next to impossible to get an antiviral prescription which is supposed to be taken as soon as possible (within 48 hours) after diagnosis. Most can't even get into a doctor in that time let alone get the doctor to prescribe an antiviral. And our system doesn't like people to have medication on hand.
I predict government and hospital systems will seek to crush functional medicine doctors who are outcompeting them.
I never got a flu shot either. I have never had the flu but have experienced colds & sinus infections and treated with rest, vit c, echnachia, soup, the usual remedies that always took care of whatever in a few days. It seems people these days do not have no common sense. Get exercise, sunshine,do not eat so much...only tiny bits of sugar, no Pesticides laugh, dance and be grateful.
Flu shot in 2020 was our last. Another crappy jab that doesn't do what it's supposed to. Here in the UK they were only routinely given to vulnerable (me, asthmatic) and children under 12. I got flu every winter for the past 4 winters. 2021, no flu jab, no flu.....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I was reading an article on Alzheimer’s this week. They mentioned that people who had 5 or more flu shots in a row were more likely to have Alzheimer’s . It was a study they did. You stopped just in time! My brother In
As just diagnosed with Alzheimer’s after being vaccinated I will add. He’s been getting his flu shots for years and it makes me wonder. He has always been a sharp guy. Worked for the FBI for years. Does his crossword puzzles every morning. In great shape. Exercises every day. Eats very well. Not overweight. Very sad. And now my sister want to put him in some kind of study for Alzheimer’s drugs. I sure hope she doesn’t.
Never got one either! Having a suppressed immune system, it never made sense to me to deliberately just inject myself with something that could potentially attack it. I might encounter it in the wild, so to speak, but I’m not going up to poke the bear on purpose.
Something kind of related to this, which has niggled at me over the years, is how what is considered the flu has changed from when I was a kid. Growing up, if you caught a bug that gave you a fever and chills, made you vomit and have diarrhea, THAT was the flu. Somewhere between then and now the flu changed to purely respiratory bug, like a cold, but worse. How did I miss the memo on this?
If anyone has some information on how that all changed or how me and every other person I knew growing up were just wrong, I’d really like to hear it. Because at this point I’ve ascribed it to the Mandela Effect. It’s very weird to me.
If the results are even close one should not take the drug. First, we all know the numbers get fudged. Second, the long term effects can’t be quantified. But the chances of them being good are almost nonexistent.
There was a sort of hilarious interview of a totally whacked out street person in Victoria, BC. None of whom had been getting COVID by the way, which led me to say Crystal Meth is the drug we all should be taking. However, he was asked if he would be getting vaccinated. This guy was like a strung out meth head tweaker version of a Cheech and Chong character. He said 'I"m not taking that crap. I don't shove stuff into my body that I don't know personally the person selling it. We don't have a clue what is in that poison. I've lost way too many friends who did that.' The interviewer was treating him like he was a nutcase, and I"m thinking 'first intelligent thing I've heard about these vaccines yet'.
I think there are useful pharmaceuticals and even useful preventative vaccines when used therapeutically.
I do prefer a more holistic approach where various modalities may be employed even if their biochemical mechanisms may be poorly understood at present.
For instance, I experienced the benefits of chiropractic medicine firsthand. I don’t care if people think it’s quackery because the proof is in the pudding. If chiro doesn’t work, why do all the NFL teams have a chiropractor? 😂
I'm confident this goes for other things also with which I have less experience.
My experience is different. I found that it’s a great short term fix for extreme pain (resolving it maybe 80%), but long term, I had to correct posture, exercise, and hormones to make more progress and eliminate the problem entirely after which point I no longer needed chiro.
Thanks. I was only half serious in my comment. Basically lamenting the vast amount of nefarious influence of Big Pharma. As your post seemed to indicate, the flu shot seems more about generating sales than actually improving public health. Hardly an isolated incident. What do I mean? There seems to be a lot of fraud out there and it all comes back to Pharma and the people they corrupt.
I refused to take the mandatory “voluntary” flu vaccination at one facility I was employed at and the management said they would let me prepare a saline shot if I would pretend it was the vaccine as they didn’t want any other “resistors.”
I told them why not give everyone the saline shot option, for “solidarity.”
Then they asked “What would be the purpose of giving the vaccine.”
I asked them “What is the purpose of giving the vaccine?”
“Surely you’re joking” was the reply.
“I never joke about my work” I said.
Then I told them I guess we have to part company over this, but can “I finish out the day.”
They said “Sure, but you can’t tell anyone about this conversation.”
“I don’t have too, I pushed the intercom button on the phone as soon as you entered the office.”
"One major reason for pushing annual influenza vaccines is to maintain influenza vaccine manufacturing capacity. The industry term used is “warm base manufacturing”".
Way back when I was a child about 5 or 6 my mother would take me over to play with kids I did not know and really did not want to play with, especially after I saw them. they had mumps, or measles or chicken pox. I caught them one at a time and then passed them on to my younger brother. It was the mother's vaccination network back then and none of us died or even saw a doctor. Yes we had chicken soup.
Had the oral polio vaccines when they came out in the 50s, my mother thought that polio had to do with sanitation mostly, she may have been right.
I really think that a well nurtured immune system can due the job.
I came to the USA in Jan of 2021, just getting in under the traveler quarantine deadline by two days. I liquidated my business, shipping everything out from an unheated warehouse in freezing temperatures. It was an internet business that sold ancient Tibetan art, mostly monastic furniture. I came from the tropics, where I live and it was a shock to the system, however I loaded up with vitamins D and C and blackseed oil and managed to not get sick for the 30 days it took me to liquidate the entire business. Never wore a mask except to get on the plane; had to travel from an Island close to Madagascar, to Europe, spending two days there to get connecting flight to the west coast of the USA. Did not get sick, and refuse to take any jabs.
And it’s not mutually exclusive with other motives that are then opportunistically piled on top by other related actors.
I honestly had NO idea how evil Pharma, depts of health, etc we’re until my great awakening in 2020. When my kids were little I always had them get flu shots (& other school-required vax’s) & I sporadically got flu shots myself. Great regrets for all of that now & that I wasn’t smarter, but the “silver lining” if one can call it that, is the great awakening for so many now.
I see many such comments and I find it interesting because I became skeptical of preventative vaccines 15 years ago.
I didn’t question much of the Covid response until they starting pushing the shots super hard. Then I knew something was very very wrong even before the data started rolling in.
I was slow on vaccines in general, but the minute “warp speed” was announced I thought it was not just misguided but crazy, knowing there would be no long term safety & efficacy studies & trials & I knew I was never going to take it. Then the global lockstep hysteria to get it into every arm on the planet seemed so unhinged, it confirmed my suspicions
I’m still in shock how everyone I knew just stepped in line to get. They were so sure it was safe and I was just like WHY???
And some are on their 2nd booster!!!!
I never questioned vaccines until gardasil vaccine came out when my daughters were just 9&10. The doctor pushed me so hard for them to get this shot and it was brand new and to me it sounded like it would protect sexually active young women. I told the doctor I knew my girls would not be at that stage for years and I’d wait and see how that shot did. She was not in agreement. Anyways. That made me research. I started reading about many injuries from that shot. Then autism really was on the rise . I began to question vaccines but unfortunately very late and my kids had all their shots! I took one flu shot in 1992 and was sicker than I ever had been in my life. After that flu shot I never took another one! I never made a connection to flu shot and vaccines until now. I will not touch anything from big pharm. my mom went through all kinds of cancer protocols and her body was ravaged. I watched her waste away. I always felt all those drugs they were trying out on her maybe helped prolong her life somewhat but she got graves disease and lost her eyesight and her quality of life was very poor. My poor momma. Then my dad went on some new cancer drug for his cancer and he was 79. That too was awful. Those drugs ravaged him. 😢😢
The CDC sets the rules for immunizations for applicants for a visa (Green Card). Potential immigrants have to undergo a medical examination. Any shots that cannot be proven - by official documentation or by having a titer done - are jabbed in on the spot. "Beginning August 1, 2008, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination was required for female applicants ages 11 years through 26 years. The requirement was eliminated on December 14, 2009." Which means the CDC had second thoughts too about this shot.
So sorry to read what your parents (and you) had to go through.
I was joking very loudly to my friend in her health food store 5 years ago, mocking the radio commercial of a local pharmacy that was giving away free shots for the previous year’s bug. (Of course I want your stale, mercury-laced shot for the already- mutated-away strain! Such a deal!) So loudly that a pale young man of about 30 approached me. “I’m an RN” he began. Oh no, I thought, now I am going to be lectured. He told me that I was right to speak out, that he had just spent the past year at the Mayo Clinic trying to recover from a severe reaction to shots that a hospital required him to get. Now he was in town staying with his Dad, convalescing and starting to look for some kind of work he might be able to do, even though he was still weak.
Ah, when mocking brings the right people together. I saw my Mom get shingles after flu jabs, and it took me 20 years to put it all togethers, I was just a kid then. Vials of death, all the jabs it seems. I wish there were not constant flows of 'new dumb jab' doctors being rolled off the assembly lines every year, we might get ahead if the flow of pharmadocs would stop!
Same goes for mercury-filling dentists! It’s so annoying when you go to a professional hoping to talk to someone who is alert and widely informed and thinking critically only to get one that is just rotely selling what the highest bidders taught their teachers to sell.
Gosh yes, all of it, the 'pesticide' using groundkeepers too......the ludicrousness of knowing that if you want your mercury fillings removed they treat it like a full hazmat situation, same if a jug of Roundup develops a leak at the store, full on hazmat....and then, they put it in your mouth, your arm and spray jizz on the plants you eat. Or if they 'spill' a vial of whackscene, full hazmat. No good disposal methods (then repurpose of course!!) What horrid loops and $$ driven blind spots...!
I never got one either, in spite of working in hospitals from 1983-2014 as pharmacist, then medical student, then neurosurgery resident and solo neurosurgery practice. It never made sense.
With the advent of weakly effective flu shots there has been scant attention paid to antiviral treatments. And unfortunately the existing approved antivirals in use (not talking about Ivermectin here) appear to have limited efficacy for flu and parainfluenza. Moreover public health policy makes it next to impossible to get an antiviral prescription which is supposed to be taken as soon as possible (within 48 hours) after diagnosis. Most can't even get into a doctor in that time let alone get the doctor to prescribe an antiviral. And our system doesn't like people to have medication on hand.
I predict government and hospital systems will seek to crush functional medicine doctors who are outcompeting them.
For a moment I thought you meant to type “weekly” and that made me laugh. 😂🥰
Same. Lol
I never got a flu shot either. I have never had the flu but have experienced colds & sinus infections and treated with rest, vit c, echnachia, soup, the usual remedies that always took care of whatever in a few days. It seems people these days do not have no common sense. Get exercise, sunshine,do not eat so much...only tiny bits of sugar, no Pesticides laugh, dance and be grateful.
All my friends who religiously got the flu shot just as religiously would get the flu. All my friends who didn’t, never got the flu.
People who take tons of shots and pills are always sick.
Flu shot in 2020 was our last. Another crappy jab that doesn't do what it's supposed to. Here in the UK they were only routinely given to vulnerable (me, asthmatic) and children under 12. I got flu every winter for the past 4 winters. 2021, no flu jab, no flu.....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I was reading an article on Alzheimer’s this week. They mentioned that people who had 5 or more flu shots in a row were more likely to have Alzheimer’s . It was a study they did. You stopped just in time! My brother In
As just diagnosed with Alzheimer’s after being vaccinated I will add. He’s been getting his flu shots for years and it makes me wonder. He has always been a sharp guy. Worked for the FBI for years. Does his crossword puzzles every morning. In great shape. Exercises every day. Eats very well. Not overweight. Very sad. And now my sister want to put him in some kind of study for Alzheimer’s drugs. I sure hope she doesn’t.
Never got one either! Having a suppressed immune system, it never made sense to me to deliberately just inject myself with something that could potentially attack it. I might encounter it in the wild, so to speak, but I’m not going up to poke the bear on purpose.
Something kind of related to this, which has niggled at me over the years, is how what is considered the flu has changed from when I was a kid. Growing up, if you caught a bug that gave you a fever and chills, made you vomit and have diarrhea, THAT was the flu. Somewhere between then and now the flu changed to purely respiratory bug, like a cold, but worse. How did I miss the memo on this?
If anyone has some information on how that all changed or how me and every other person I knew growing up were just wrong, I’d really like to hear it. Because at this point I’ve ascribed it to the Mandela Effect. It’s very weird to me.
If the results are even close one should not take the drug. First, we all know the numbers get fudged. Second, the long term effects can’t be quantified. But the chances of them being good are almost nonexistent.
Exactly. I don't put anything in my body thoughtlessly, whether it's food, drugs, or vaccines.
There was a sort of hilarious interview of a totally whacked out street person in Victoria, BC. None of whom had been getting COVID by the way, which led me to say Crystal Meth is the drug we all should be taking. However, he was asked if he would be getting vaccinated. This guy was like a strung out meth head tweaker version of a Cheech and Chong character. He said 'I"m not taking that crap. I don't shove stuff into my body that I don't know personally the person selling it. We don't have a clue what is in that poison. I've lost way too many friends who did that.' The interviewer was treating him like he was a nutcase, and I"m thinking 'first intelligent thing I've heard about these vaccines yet'.
Thanks. Fascinating information. Hey, question, do you know if there is anything in the medical field that is not a scam when you unpack it?
Define “medical field.”
I think there are useful pharmaceuticals and even useful preventative vaccines when used therapeutically.
I do prefer a more holistic approach where various modalities may be employed even if their biochemical mechanisms may be poorly understood at present.
For instance, I experienced the benefits of chiropractic medicine firsthand. I don’t care if people think it’s quackery because the proof is in the pudding. If chiro doesn’t work, why do all the NFL teams have a chiropractor? 😂
I'm confident this goes for other things also with which I have less experience.
The thing about chiropractic treatments is they work, or they don’t. You get tweaked and your pain goes away, or it doesn’t.
My experience is different. I found that it’s a great short term fix for extreme pain (resolving it maybe 80%), but long term, I had to correct posture, exercise, and hormones to make more progress and eliminate the problem entirely after which point I no longer needed chiro.
Thanks. I was only half serious in my comment. Basically lamenting the vast amount of nefarious influence of Big Pharma. As your post seemed to indicate, the flu shot seems more about generating sales than actually improving public health. Hardly an isolated incident. What do I mean? There seems to be a lot of fraud out there and it all comes back to Pharma and the people they corrupt.
I refused to take the mandatory “voluntary” flu vaccination at one facility I was employed at and the management said they would let me prepare a saline shot if I would pretend it was the vaccine as they didn’t want any other “resistors.”
I told them why not give everyone the saline shot option, for “solidarity.”
Then they asked “What would be the purpose of giving the vaccine.”
I asked them “What is the purpose of giving the vaccine?”
“Surely you’re joking” was the reply.
“I never joke about my work” I said.
Then I told them I guess we have to part company over this, but can “I finish out the day.”
They said “Sure, but you can’t tell anyone about this conversation.”
“I don’t have too, I pushed the intercom button on the phone as soon as you entered the office.”
It was a beautiful afternoon at the beach.
You *cannot* overestimate the mendacity caused by human greed.
The flu shot has nothing to do with your health. It is made and sold to keep vaccine manufacturing plants humming and ready for a pandemic shot.
"One major reason for pushing annual influenza vaccines is to maintain influenza vaccine manufacturing capacity. The industry term used is “warm base manufacturing”".
Have you checked Jessica R. Article https://jessicar.substack.com/p/the-plan-to-push-more-injections?r=ykqw5&utm_medium=ios
Not yet! I’m behind in reading today :)
You are not the only one 😉 thanks for this article and all your hard work. 🌼🌺
Way back when I was a child about 5 or 6 my mother would take me over to play with kids I did not know and really did not want to play with, especially after I saw them. they had mumps, or measles or chicken pox. I caught them one at a time and then passed them on to my younger brother. It was the mother's vaccination network back then and none of us died or even saw a doctor. Yes we had chicken soup.
Had the oral polio vaccines when they came out in the 50s, my mother thought that polio had to do with sanitation mostly, she may have been right.
I really think that a well nurtured immune system can due the job.
I came to the USA in Jan of 2021, just getting in under the traveler quarantine deadline by two days. I liquidated my business, shipping everything out from an unheated warehouse in freezing temperatures. It was an internet business that sold ancient Tibetan art, mostly monastic furniture. I came from the tropics, where I live and it was a shock to the system, however I loaded up with vitamins D and C and blackseed oil and managed to not get sick for the 30 days it took me to liquidate the entire business. Never wore a mask except to get on the plane; had to travel from an Island close to Madagascar, to Europe, spending two days there to get connecting flight to the west coast of the USA. Did not get sick, and refuse to take any jabs.
We are, almost too obviously, peas in a pod. With apology if I seem to be engaging in a little good-natured comparison-making, here is a piece I wrote way back in 2007: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2007/10/wilton-alston/dont-get-a-flu-shot/
The likelihood exists that my analysis is not as good as yours, but we reached the same conclusion. :-)