There is a ray of hope! My son and daughter-in-law aren’t going to vaccinate my two grandsons (3 1/2 and 16 months) any more. And a number of their friends are doing the same. 🤗🤗

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I'm a "boomer." So many people in my age group love their shots - flu, shingles, pneumonia, covid - and pharma products. I have little in common with them.

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The craziest fucking generation alive for sure. haha!

Proud to be Gen X. lol

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The insanity knows no single generation though

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So true… they all fall, for all the Shots their all health care provider tells them they need!

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I have more in common with my Gen X stepson than people my age!

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Me too but unfortunately there are a lot of insane gen x ers. All my close friends are all under the Covid spell.

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Crazy good, we are!🤣🤪😝

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I don't think boomers should beat themselves up too badly. They were kids when America was the undisputed greatest country in the world to live in, so the propaganda worked extra well on them, plus they were kids when the propaganda was strongest.

I feel fortunate to have recognized early that the boomers were screwing the entire country financially by failing to allow social security to be replaced.

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I don’t beat myself up to be honest. I know people of all ages who fell for this and people of all ages who didn’t. I do get POed by boomers who are old enough to see through the BS and don’t.

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This boomer doesn’t fall for it either.

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I stopped watching television around 2010 or so. Just outright stopped. I didn't want to pay for cable anymore, because nothing they had was worth watching, and I was finding my own people to watch online.

I recently started occasionally watching with friends again, just sporting events at bars, and other stuff. I was literally shocked at how many commercials are for new drugs. For some programs it's over 50% of the commercials are advertising some new medical product (drug or device). Unless you separated yourself from the mainstream culture when I did, most people probably didn't notice the shift from ads for restaurants, food, cars, luxury items, etc... to nearly all pharmaceuticals.

If you want to know who's programming you, keep track of who is paying for advertising.

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I only watch streaming. No commercials for me. I don’t watch that even very often, so I have no idea about commercials now.

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I too stopped watching cable TV about when you did…then gave up even local tv over three years ago! When I come in contact with a TV that is one, I can’t believe all the crap that is on there, even on the kiddie channels!

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Same gen, same experiences Dee!

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Hard to get these folks to rethink any of it, but I’m a boomer and I sure am!!

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I am a “boomer” and according to your observation that “they love their shots” I guess I am an anomaly! I had sporadic health care insurance coverage over the course of my adult life. If my job didn’t provide it I did not have any healthcare insurance. I was rarely ill and what medical attention I did need I went to community clinics or alternative holistic providers. I never got a flu shot, nada! I got regular health Insurance when I turned 65. and signed up for Medicare. (Which I hate and hate The System!) My first PCP wanted to give me the flu, pneumonia, shingles, etc. etc. Shots. I respectively declined and told them to never ask me about them again and to note it on my medical records, as I would NEVER get any of those Shots. I try to see my PCP as little as possible. And when I do for ‘routine’ consults like the “yearly exam” and blood work follow up I request a video consult, as I refuse to wear a mask in the building they are in and in their office!

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My good friend, early 60s, just told me she's heard another jab is coming the way of the over 65s in the UK. I told her my mum got blood clots after the booster, and that my triple Pfizer brother is now waiting for major heart surgery. 3 shots and 2 bouts of covid in, she's now beginning to question the wisdom of her decisions. It's taking a long time and the suffering of others but people are finally getting there.

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And now that the FDA no longer will require safety trials. we all better settle down, strap in, and watch our backs.

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But they'll start strapping the vitamins and nutraceuticals - can't have health without paying the piper.

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Had to look that one up; love learning new words. Thanks.

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Anyone who listens to the side effects on most of the Pharma crap advertisements will either cower in fear or break into raucous laughter. No in-between. However, deciding to "ask your doctor" about almost any of that crap is the sign of a complete moron. Just facts.

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Whats remarkable is that tv & magazine adverts for every Med on the planet lists every possible benign & damaging possible side effect (up to & including death & every damn thing in between) but we see NONE of that for the jabs 🤔

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Wonderful observation! But... #ProllyMeansNothing

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Yep! I started noticing that about 10 or 12 years ago. I decided the side effects were worse that the illness. Too bad they don’t read the jab side effects to us.

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No disclosures required because the products aren’t approved! EUA is not “approval” / a license to advertise. Note that all “advertising” is done by the government or thru media with government attached to recommendations, never by the company itself.

They are crafty SOBs and NO ONE should trust them — or our captured regulators.

Also note, Pfzr’s approved/licensed product, Comirnaty, is not offered for consumers/patients, at all, period. Because the approved Comirnaty product - same formulation as BNT162b2, the preparation authorized under EUA - is not on the childhood vx schedule, thus leaving the company vulnerable to liability for injury or death. Takes about two brain cells to figure out the step by step march to injecting babies and our youngest children.

They are soulless and godless entities populated by the same ilk of human beings. Now, with Future Framework on track, no testing required for new formulations of these products before they are offered for consumption/injection. It’s the Wild West. Why even have an FDA, mission: protecting the public from potentially dangerous products? The sickest are running the asylum.

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Although I really doubt it would matter to true believers.

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It wouldn’t. If they haven’t sussed out what’s been going on & still eager for more, they never will

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Horrifying. I'm really upset right now because my husband's cousin, who lives with us, just informed me that his mom "vaccinated" his 11-year-old sister. I had offered to talk to her but she didn't take me up on it. Just sent her a bunch of messages anyway begging her not to give her daughter the second dose. Makes me so angry but it's not really her fault, all the propaganda is telling her to do this. I can only hope Toby Rogers is right and this brings down the pharma cartel, but the amount of death and suffering that may take is awful to contemplate.

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I suspect you're right. In the meantime the best most of us can do is insulate ourselves from the worst of it. Easier said than done depending on one's country of origin.

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Hearing many stories through the grapevine of various people "having second thoughts about boosters" but I'll admit conviction matters a lot more than doubts at this rate.

people are being squeezed from every direction and we already have compliance rates far beyond rational levels. If people thought "they had no choice" before...I'm very worried about the decisions we'll all be facing moving forward.

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Sadly I suspect they will attempt to starve people into compliance with CBDC's. Won't work in the end, and the more who do not comply the faster it unwinds, but many will sign on. Empty bellies are hard to argue with.

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Be prepping now, as best we can

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Yes. And then trust that when you do the right thing, the universe supports you.

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US FED cannot legally issue CBDCs without Congressional authorization. John Titus explains in his video, scroll to >8:54...Has the Federal Reserve Kept 2 Sets of Books for the Last 50 Years? https://youtu.be/EURZwkWLH0I

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No one cares about the law, least of all the government.

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True, the congress wants to protect their illegal gotten gains.

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5-10 years, could be. Good to be prepared. I'll stay open to a whole lot sooner though.

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I'm praying for a hell of a lot sooner.

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I remember in a waiting room somewhere the TV was on and an ad came on for I believe it was an allergy product. One of the side effects was “anal leakage”. For most people that would be a clue…

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Omg, I remember that, thinking what in the world would be so bad you'd endure anal leakage! Now there are so many ads for what appear to be the AEs of the injections - one has the potential of "Death."

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Cure your hayfever and enjoy the shit!

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So disheartening but I’ve known all along it wasn’t going away anytime soon & will be back w/ a vengeance, no matter how true & devastating the news is that is coming out every day on the death & damage. I know so many true believers who refuse to admit they have been & continue to be wrong about every bit of it….

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Is this like that prediction that nuclear fusion power plants are just 10 years away in 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020....?

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Good point but I don’t think so. This isn’t about the promise of something that could work if implemented, but the collapse of something that has been, and isn’t.

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DoD has portable nuke generators for battlefield area deployment, installed in 20 foot SeaLand containers for shipping via air or sea. Spreading democracy!

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Sad, but true.

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Totally agree!!

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This poem and more like it keep my heart open and flexible.

"My soul, where are you?

Do you hear me?

I speak, I call you,

are you there?

I have returned,

I am here again.

I have shaken the dust of all the

lands from my feet, and I have

come to you, I am with you.

After long years of long

wandering, I have come to you


Should I tell you everything I have

seen, experienced, and drunk in?

Or do you not want to hear about

all the noise of life and the world?

But one thing you must know:

the one thing I have learned is

that one must live this life.

Do you still know me?

How long the separation lasted!

Everything has become so,


And how did I find you?

How strange my journey was!

What words should I use to tell

you on what twisted paths a good

star has guided me to you?

Give me your hand,

my almost forgotten soul.

How warm the joy at seeing you

again, you long disavowed soul.

Life has led me back to you.

Let us thank the life I have lived

for all the happy and all the sad

hours, for every joy, for every


My soul, my journey should

continue with you.

I will wander with you

and ascend to my solitude."

♥️ C.G. Jung, The Red Book:

Liber Novus

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Polypharmacy has been the American trend. So much of the population barely functional with their prescripts, and -- in the short term -- completely dysfunctional without them. Will we see a national shift to lifestyle medicine? To people actually taking responsibility for their health? I am not that optimistic. I think too many of our legalized addicts want to continue their addictions. If you mean that American Big Pharma is losing all legitimacy, yes. I think the mRNA vaxxes have been a wake-up call for Europe. Stop trusting the USA. Don't blindly "follow the science" when the Fauci "Science" follows the money. So I hope you're right, but I don't see simple truth prevailing over habit.

For what it is worth, a data breakdown on American prescription drug use here: https://americanexile.substack.com/p/americans-are-taking-more-and-more

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"Will we see a national shift to lifestyle medicine? To people actually taking responsibility for their health? I am not that optimistic. I think too many of our legalized addicts want to continue their addictions."

I agree.

It is not biologically or financially sustainable but I'm less sure of the overall time frame on when it can be expected to collapse on both fronts.

Can it be expected to last 5, 10, 15, 20 years? More? I don't know.


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I don't think it is sustainable. Recent data: 1 in 10 American children suffer from NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Not that you need that clarification, but for all possible readers). But when we move to the age range 15-19, it's 17% or roughly 1 in 6 suffering from NAFLD. Okay. Even I can see the public health catastrophe here already underway. All I can do is practice health -- "lifestyle medicine" and gently encourage others to do the same. I have no policy or big picture answers. If you have any, I'd be glad to hear them.

Working on putting together a good list of "lifestyle medicine resources." But to anyone and everyone, please feel free to beat me to this -- or point me to some good sources. Thank you for your reply, and all best!

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