Greta is certainly sincere! Sincere people can be brainwashed, and being brainwashed does not mean the climate crisis is not real.
Believe it or not, I have no firm feelings on the matter. I'm sure that sounds impossible, but it's true. Unlike many, I do think population growth and resource use is a problem (quite apart from the climate …
Greta is certainly sincere! Sincere people can be brainwashed, and being brainwashed does not mean the climate crisis is not real.
Believe it or not, I have no firm feelings on the matter. I'm sure that sounds impossible, but it's true. Unlike many, I do think population growth and resource use is a problem (quite apart from the climate issue). I have always been fairly "green" and since my resource use is far less than that of most people I really don't think twice about it. I care about the environment, but I'm not into self-flagellation.
To elaborate a bit on my outlook more generally, I am not against all vaccines on principle, nor am I a QAnon adherent (whatever that is), a Trump operative, a Russian spy, or a domestic terrorist. haha
I am a socially liberal skeptic, atheist, and a believer in evolution. I don't vote and do not believe there are political solutions to problems (at least in terms of big P politics). I was raised as a conservative Christian and remained so until I attended a Christian college. But that was over 25 years ago. I have morphed considerably since then: I can change my mind easily but I need evidence.
What distinguishes me in all of this from other liberals is that I am anti-authoritarian, and until the "liberals" -- an ironic term if there ever was one -- stop wanting to force poison into my body, perhaps conservatives who are appealing to many wholesome values are my allies.
Liberals are unrecognizable to me in the last 6 years, especially after having moved back from overseas. They morphed into McCarthyite neo-corporatists because they handed over their brains to CNN for the last 6 years.
What I do have a very firm belief about is that top-down, centralized solutions to any problem in any highly complex system will never work -- whether it is an organism or an ecosystem. In order to solve problems, humans must be free and they must work with and respect the boundaries of that system. "Nature, in order to be commanded, must be obeyed."
The parasitic billionaire overclass does NOT understand this principle and is full of hypocrisy to boot. They desperately want and need control and are trying to destroy complex systems to "build them back better" but it's obvious that they are not intelligent or ethical enough to deserve that control.
So to hell with them and their lying, cheating ways and the rest of their devious schemes.
There are a lot of people who react to the climate tyranny by saying, "The climate isn't changing!"
This is not my "issue" though I am highly educated enough (master's in forest pathology) to understand the complexities of the biogeochemistry if it is true. I have taken a dozen or more courses in ecology, plant ecology, forestry, and so on. I taught General Botany, an undergrad course with 175 students. Etc.
I'm already "green." I think people should reduce their environmental footprints. I live in an RV and migrate to where it is warm. I use less fuel than someone who commutes to work, I use barely any water, my living space is only 200 square feet, and I have a solar panel to charge my devices. And I also have no kids.
There is a similar phenomenon with people reacting to the covid tyranny by saying, "Viruses aren't real!"
Same deal as climate "deniers." This is a largely emotionally motivated phenomenon, with a grand total of perhaps 3 professionals who believe this theory. They think if they "prove" there is no such thing as a virus, POOF! the entire fraud goes away. (It won't.) 20 years of hockey stick books demonstrate this.
Here's the deal. Top-down centralized solutions to ANY problem we have will never work. And that is all that is being proposed. I will never agree to turnkey totalitarianism to deal with any issue now, no matter how serious it is. I don't care if there's airborne ebola with a 50% mortality rate.
The point is to not let any natural disaster ever again be the pretext for enacting tyranny. In order to solve problems, humans must be free to think. People are not free to think under totalitarianism.
This kid has been trained to be a tyrant. She's a rich kid who flies around the world on jets and when she's not doing that she's on a yacht. She's also a crybully. Sad that she has been raised this way, and maybe picking on someone young who has such obvious OCD issues makes me look like a tyrant too. 😂
I bully the bullies. This is my "speaking truth to power." And I'm OK with that.
Greta is certainly sincere! Sincere people can be brainwashed, and being brainwashed does not mean the climate crisis is not real.
Believe it or not, I have no firm feelings on the matter. I'm sure that sounds impossible, but it's true. Unlike many, I do think population growth and resource use is a problem (quite apart from the climate issue). I have always been fairly "green" and since my resource use is far less than that of most people I really don't think twice about it. I care about the environment, but I'm not into self-flagellation.
To elaborate a bit on my outlook more generally, I am not against all vaccines on principle, nor am I a QAnon adherent (whatever that is), a Trump operative, a Russian spy, or a domestic terrorist. haha
I am a socially liberal skeptic, atheist, and a believer in evolution. I don't vote and do not believe there are political solutions to problems (at least in terms of big P politics). I was raised as a conservative Christian and remained so until I attended a Christian college. But that was over 25 years ago. I have morphed considerably since then: I can change my mind easily but I need evidence.
What distinguishes me in all of this from other liberals is that I am anti-authoritarian, and until the "liberals" -- an ironic term if there ever was one -- stop wanting to force poison into my body, perhaps conservatives who are appealing to many wholesome values are my allies.
Liberals are unrecognizable to me in the last 6 years, especially after having moved back from overseas. They morphed into McCarthyite neo-corporatists because they handed over their brains to CNN for the last 6 years.
What I do have a very firm belief about is that top-down, centralized solutions to any problem in any highly complex system will never work -- whether it is an organism or an ecosystem. In order to solve problems, humans must be free and they must work with and respect the boundaries of that system. "Nature, in order to be commanded, must be obeyed."
The parasitic billionaire overclass does NOT understand this principle and is full of hypocrisy to boot. They desperately want and need control and are trying to destroy complex systems to "build them back better" but it's obvious that they are not intelligent or ethical enough to deserve that control.
So to hell with them and their lying, cheating ways and the rest of their devious schemes.
The WEF/Davos crowd has definitely highjacked the climate change issue but that doesn't mean it isn't real. After a five minute scan of these daily posts I find it difficult to believe it's a scam or natural cycles:
I get it.
There are a lot of people who react to the climate tyranny by saying, "The climate isn't changing!"
This is not my "issue" though I am highly educated enough (master's in forest pathology) to understand the complexities of the biogeochemistry if it is true. I have taken a dozen or more courses in ecology, plant ecology, forestry, and so on. I taught General Botany, an undergrad course with 175 students. Etc.
I'm already "green." I think people should reduce their environmental footprints. I live in an RV and migrate to where it is warm. I use less fuel than someone who commutes to work, I use barely any water, my living space is only 200 square feet, and I have a solar panel to charge my devices. And I also have no kids.
There is a similar phenomenon with people reacting to the covid tyranny by saying, "Viruses aren't real!"
Same deal as climate "deniers." This is a largely emotionally motivated phenomenon, with a grand total of perhaps 3 professionals who believe this theory. They think if they "prove" there is no such thing as a virus, POOF! the entire fraud goes away. (It won't.) 20 years of hockey stick books demonstrate this.
Here's the deal. Top-down centralized solutions to ANY problem we have will never work. And that is all that is being proposed. I will never agree to turnkey totalitarianism to deal with any issue now, no matter how serious it is. I don't care if there's airborne ebola with a 50% mortality rate.
The point is to not let any natural disaster ever again be the pretext for enacting tyranny. In order to solve problems, humans must be free to think. People are not free to think under totalitarianism.
This kid has been trained to be a tyrant. She's a rich kid who flies around the world on jets and when she's not doing that she's on a yacht. She's also a crybully. Sad that she has been raised this way, and maybe picking on someone young who has such obvious OCD issues makes me look like a tyrant too. 😂
I bully the bullies. This is my "speaking truth to power." And I'm OK with that.
I appreciate your transparent response! We have considerable overlap.