Stop leavin' spoilers, guys! ;)

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Let the mockery continue and hopefully lead to scattered acts of (redacted) against Gleaming Talking Heads. (I see you, Feds.)

But reminder: Don't use the word "pureblood" because that would be divisive and you need to be conciliatory towards those that wanted you fired and quarantined and starved out with your rebellious natural immunity.

Signed, Friend of Stanford

Yes, I really do wake up like this. Yes. Yes I do.

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Sage "Take No Prisoners " Hana has entered the chat. 🤣

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I just went to see your comment there. (Zero likes BTW...) OMG. 😂 I tried to click heart. Something's wonky with Substack on likes on subcomments.

On one level I agree with him. On another... yeah. Purple pilled normies gonna norm.

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OK. So I have an insight about this. *Major psychologizing alert.*

1st and 2nd gen immigrants have serious blindspots and rose colored glasses on.

I think Battacharya is this way about America. I was that way about New Zealand.

Letting go of illusions about the nature of the state is very hard, especially when we or our parents sacrificed a great deal to get to what we thought was a promised land.

There is no escape. I didn't think coming back to the US would protect me, really, just thought it was a stopgap and a stall and wanted to be closer to my family and to restart my closed business.

Many people will never be able to come to grips with reality because it will dash their hopes entirely, and they need the allure of statism like a drunk needs drink and a tent revivalist needs euphoria. They will remain in the denial and bargaining stages of grief.

Americans: "This is not who we (i.e. our institutions) are!!!!"

Me: 😏

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This is the kind of psychologizing I was asking you about that one day about NZ!

Which is always dicey for all the reasons that we discussed but I'm fascinated with socialization and culture.

CJ Hopkins has expressed reluctance about characterizing Germany as fascist friendly but ironically allows that boy do they know how to do it!

Love it!!!

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NZ is tough. It's very much a country of contradictions. NZers are quite self-aware as to their shortcomings and strengths as a country and culture (unlike goofy golden retriever Americans). They just don't want anyone else to point them out.

But getting back to the topic(s) at hand.... lol.... Ivy League and Stanford....

You have to consider this. These are people for whom the system has always worked. The system is just experiencing a little glitch right now. They are not billionaires but they are still elites. Now they are feeling the heat a little. But not a lot. Not like the rest of us.

Until they have a major life experience that challenges that (a serious one, like a family member dying because of government malfeasance, etc.) they will be holding hope that the system can be reformed. Better yet, perhaps the chaos can be controlled and THEY can be in charge of it the next time around. The new "big tent" intellectual leaders, if you will, trying to keep the pitchforks from getting too wild as they guide the mob back to its glorious freedom.

They are not the kids of a Nam-damaged vet.

They are not the kids whose mother and father were both nearly killed by mainstream medicine, and who grew up in a trailer park.

And they are not gonna get it until something like that happens to them.

They're already primed to understand it, ideologically. They're not stupid by any stretch. But it's gonna take something truly experiential. Because it always does, in my opinion.

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Jimmy Dore calls them cul de sac kids.

You just provided a wonderful therapy session for me here. No snark.

Obviously you quickly picked up on what fuels me

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Once you've been personally touched by this shit there is no going back.

This is why those who were raised in fascist and communist regimes were the first people to point this shit out at the beginning of the pandemic.

Well, some of us who are citizens have ALSO had the "benefit" (lol) of being on the receiving end of, "We're from the government. And we're here to help."

You and I both had parents damaged and nearly killed by the regime. There's no coming back from that unless the kid gets roped into Stockholm Syndrome -- which might be the majority.

But the point is, you and I had to claw our minds back from an intense degree of gaslighting. There's no coming back from that.

To some extent, they're still under the spell. No amount of intellectualizing about this will usually get a person there. All the anarchists I know are those with a serious life experience that showed them what the system really is.

Good buddy of mine went into the military right after high school before the wall came down, was stationed in Germany guarding nuke missiles. One of his military friends was disappeared after getting into a fight with a German cop whose dog had bit him.

That was the end of his belief system in the "American way."

Many military realize they are just cogs in a wheel and they feel it in their guts even if they can't eloquently verbalize it.

That's the difference between the working class and the intellectuals.

It's not their fault. It's just the way things are, for now, til enough happens that that changes.

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I might veer off a bit and say that there is a genetic component aside from an experiential component, the "agreeableness" scale.

And if you are highly curious.

If you are very curious, at the end of the spectrum of that scale....you will keep pushing where others will shrug and say, "Ehh..."

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This type sees us as impractical and damaged because we can't trust the system.

I see them as impractical and naive because a system can and will never be designed that is worthy of trust.

Even if we get something near utopia (doubtful) I'm gonna be pushing for something better.


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There is something about you, though, that I hope you will permit me to say. Because I see it in myself, too.

You're whip-smart, so it's easy to use sarcasm and condescension as a weapon and to also sometimes slightly and intentionally misinterpret what someone is saying, to suit your own ends.

I see it cuz you are me. (Even though you are P and I'm J.)


Is this you? My husband was an INTP.

I find that these descriptions are often uncanny.


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Jul 10, 2022
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Whoa...your avatar changed again! Your son is so cute! 💔

And you are so beautiful.

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The good news is for some strange reason I do not receive responses from that page.

Damndest thing. Not emails not notifications. Nothing. I made a comment over there and forgot about it and went back a few days later and there were 100-replies! 😮

The great Substack Higher Power saving us all from "non-constructive" discussion.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to go get a couple of exp. injections as a show of good faith. The Great Potan will love us again if we play nice. (I'm obnoxious.)

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I LOVE BARBIE! That b*tch has everything! I think soon, Barbie will be having some dreadlocks (convertible) AND bed head (from Ken).

I actually have about 50 Barbies unopened. I used to collect Barbies YEARS ago-LOL!

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You are lucky😍. Wish I still had my Barbie with her condo, convertible and kick ass van.

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I’m a Barbie with a condo, a convertible, and a kick ass van.


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I’m a Barbie who lives with Ken, and I do have a convertible. Ken and I just sold the townhouse and moved to a beach house a couple miles away! We do not socially distance, we do not wear face diapers, (Francie, Malibu Barbie, and Skipper do), and we have NEVER gotten the jab. And we live happily ever after…after losing our jobs for not getting THE JAB. 🤣

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You are " a nut " Love your thinking and enjoy your posts and some discussions. Makes me kind a feel that that could be the world I like to live in. Thank you

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The last 5 seconds is the best!!

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The first two episodes were good as well. Especially in episode one where Ken has his shirt open in case he has a heart attack!!!

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heh heh

Kiwis are the best.

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disney seems to be making cutbacks

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Gosh they got in bed together! After their ‘romantic picnic’! 😉😂

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And a bug for a bedtime snack ~ how WEF!

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Comedy gold 🤣 😂 definitely an Aussie given the Iccents 🤭

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Kiwis, I think. Some subtle diffs. that can be difficult for the North American ear to detect.

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Always wanted to move to NZ and have a farm with tons of sheep, horses, dogs.

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Me too. Love nature and pictures seen did make it land of the dreams, pastoral. Last few years of info coming out of there, have made me speechless, "flabbergasted" What happened to the country, to the people, how did they all ended up in a " konzlager" experiment. Regularly watch Highwire and many substacks and sources and hope that answers to how the people became sheeple will come out in few years.

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I honestly think the problem in Oz, NZ, and Canada is naivete and excessive trust in government.

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Right to the point. I can see that here, in US, talking to some and looking around on tv, streets, stores, my own neighborhood, it is July and masks are still on, testing is going on, jabs are being given and some are taken for own protection, others since they are told. Never thought that living through gestapo, communist and other governments can give you a benefit of trying to peek on the other side and check the news anyway. Looks like the last fifty or so years of education, lifestyle and rewards, 24 hrs tv programs, shows, great sports, music have dulled the lost art of the critical thinking.

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Fookin' brilliant. Made my morning.

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Jul 10, 2022
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Omg. I didn’t even think of that angle.



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Jul 10, 2022Edited
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When this type wines up with a rare cancer and they run through all of their approved therapy options, they end up going to a Mexican clinic and then getting trashed by the media for doing so.

Even the celebrities get used.

There’s no one the system can’t destroy. No one. Even Nobel prize winners.

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