Interesting things are happening.
Politicians are resigning. They’re being assassinated. Stone megaliths are being blown up. Censorship is through the roof. There is economic and social upheaval. Decentralized dissident sources of information have bypassed central controls.
Mathew has seven observations about the present time:
The conclusion:
The Elite$ will not tolerate this. They cannot tolerate this, if they are to survive. So, what happens next?
…Maybe some of my observations make sense, and others don’t. Maybe you reject the idea of a phenomenon like “collective intelligence”, but you think people are working together via the networks in a sort of collaboration. Maybe you reject everything I just wrote. I would love to hear from you all. I’ve left comments open to everyone! Be nice.
I’d like to see a discussion emerge there so I can follow it. I will be leaving my short comment shortly.
Then there’s this glorious rant, which is, as the author says, bitchy AF. And witty and sarcastic AF as well. Berenson is a pretentious pretty boy who has needed to be taken down a peg for awhile. Isaac regrets nothing, and neither do I. Magnificent.
As a thumbnail to this post I decided to leave an image of myself in the ever-present Australasian hat with a Kiwi on it, symbolizing the unique ability of our compatriots down under to deftly cut off the tall poppies at the knees. (Isaac is an Aussie.)
I agree with not only the main thrust of the essay but its conclusion:
I mean, FFS, really? Are we still needing to argue politely about whether Government has the authority to restrict a plant that humanity has co-evolved with? Who let this bootlicker speak for us anti-Jibby Jabbers?
Whether it is “infectious” disease, whether it is mind-altering plants, whether it is abortion — the last few years are really showing that the desire for Daddy Government to come and save the day crosses all partisan lines.
“Who let this bootlicker speak for us?”
Down with boots and with bootlickers and with control freaks of all stripes trying to herd us into their special brand of utopia dystopia.
If no one obeys, no one can rule.
Over and out.
Berenson is a pompous prick. So what. He has opinions, I have mine. Personally, I liked life a lot better when we could all discuss our opinions, without fear of being canceled by Big Tech, THE Karens, the Pot Party, and backdoor Deep State banning lists.
As a reformed pothead, I certainly don't think the government should ban it. But, what troubles me is the degree to which the use of marijuana is encouraged - not so much by the state, obviously, but rather by popular culture. I've found this curious for many years now. Nicotine (which makes people smarter) has the full weight of the establishment brought down to discourage its use; pot (which makes people stupider) is winked at and normalized. It's all social engineering, and none of it in our best interests. The state is one component but it's far from the only organ the managerial class uses to massage society into their desired shape.