This one is BIG (roughly 7000 words, 50 minute read) and is probably my most important post to date. I have been collecting information for this post for over a year. When you are done reading it, I need your help to share it.
Herein I pull together the totality of scientific evidence to date — as well as other clues of which I am aware — that demonstrate the covid vaccines to be reproductively toxic, and that this effect may well be intentional.
One does not need to prove these hypotheses beyond a shadow of a doubt in order to act on them personally. We are equipped by nature to make observations and act on our intuition. Personally, I’ve always trusted mine as it has generally served me well in life. There are many things we cannot prove without a shadow of a doubt using randomized double-blind clinical trials. Yet we do (or don’t do them) anyway.
This is generally how hypothesis formation starts and sometimes it is impossible to move beyond hypotheses while data are still being gathered. I suspect the adversaries of humanity are hoping we’ll move forward with their plan for us, while they stonewall exactly the sort of data gathering we desire.
To offer you an outline for this essay at the outset:
How the New Normal Set a Precedent for Unparalleled Restrictions Since WWII
Denial of Early Treatment Drugs
Vaccine Passports/Digital ID
Narrative Control and Censorship
The Extreme Breadth and Length of Covid Vaccination Campaigns Were Pre-Planned
Population Control: a Motive for Vaccination Beyond Digital ID and CBDCs
Popular Sentiments of Professionals
Institutional Players
Medical Literature and History of Anti-Fertility Vaccination
Vaccination Against Placental Proteins
Vaccination Against Fertility Hormones
Covid Vaccines: Anti-Fertility Bioweapons?
Vaccination Against Syncitin Through Vaccination Against Spike Protein
Toxic LNP Delivery Systems
Other Toxic Components
Covertly Added Mutant Aromatase Gene
Evidence for Reproductive Toxicity
Re-Analysis of 2021 NEJM Analysis of V Safe Data
DMED data
Independent Physician Reports
Funeral Director Reports
Public Comments on CDC Analysis of V Safe Data
Public Comments on Female Reproductive Problems
Thoughts of Christopher Langan, The World’s Smartest Man
Insights from 20 Year-Old Science Fiction: The Aschen Agenda
Grab a drink and join me for the first section (a brief tour of the past two years) so I can set the stage for what may be a much more insidious agenda than you ever imagined, and the elites’ potential endgame(s).
How the New Normal Set a Precedent for Unparalleled Restrictions Since WWII
misuse of PCR tests
misuse of masks
exaggerations about the importance of asymptomatic spread
misconceptions about the importance of lockdowns
a level of censorship more suited to China than a liberal democracy
denial of early treatment drugs
religious dogma that the gene-based covid injections are safe and effective
lies that vaccine passports increase safety
I want to focus on the latter half of that list.
Denial of Early Treatment Drugs
This was the major tipoff to me in 2020 that something was wrong. It was never actually required to prove that early treatment drugs work: the two primary drugs which shall not be named are among the safest and most common drugs in world history, with decades of safe use and billions of doses.
On that basis alone, there was therefore no reason to deny these drugs to patients during an emergency and a pandemic, even if they were useless. Off-label drug prescriptions are common and legal in the US, a country awash with and addicted to pharmaceuticals!
Those two drugs were relentlessly demonized as not just useless, but dangerous. It was a flat-out lie that demonstrated to me an underhanded motive. In late 2020, I thought this ulterior motive was just about obscene profits, since I’d already witnessed similar underhandedness for decades in the cancer treatment industry. It was not until early 2021 during the vaccine rollout that I began to be much more disturbed.
Vaccine Passports/Digital ID
That governments and mass media around the world have continued with propagandistic techniques about the vaccines for so long is another huge red flag. The denial of early treatment set the stage for vaccine dogma. The population was brainwashed to believe that vaccines were our only way out of the pandemic.
While there has been some letup in the northern hemisphere on this dogma in recent weeks, the grip is much stronger down under, where people must still show a vaccine pass everywhere to have access to a basic life, i.e. to go anywhere except a grocery store and often required to work, rent a place to live, or even get a haircut (such as in New Zealand). Australia and Canada are similarly draconian. These countries are the testing grounds for World Economic Forum (WEF) digital tyranny.
Last year it was thought by “conspiracy theorists” that the vaccine passports (or digital Health ID) would lead to more sweeping Digital ID, which would then lead to the installment of central bank digital currencies (so-called programmable money that operates like a voucher instead of money), the elimination of cash, and so on.
CBDCs and the elimination of cash would give central planners unprecedented levels of control over the amount and type of resources a population is allowed to consume. They would operate like vouchers rather than money. They would expire after a certain time and only be useful on certain categories of items. In this way, political authorities will be able to control every aspect about your life: what you consume, and where you go.
For a glimpse into how these will work, the Ukraine government announced emergency payments to those impacted by war. But only if you are vaccinated… and only through the digital system.
This is how the other shoe of “covid” could drop. You’ll get CBDCs (food stamps, vouchers for other things) but only if you have a vaccine pass.
Note that this process of digital IDs and central bank digital currencies is most accelerated in New Zealand, Canada, and Australia – three countries where uptake of vaccines has been quite high by a trusting and compliant population.
Here’s New Zealand’s Ministry of Health “digital ID” page. Note the interesting color choices since the onset of the Ukraine conflict.
And listen to this nice message with tinkly music from the Canadian Bankers Association referencing the World Economic Forum, regarding the rollout of CBDCs.

Prior to the covid era, virtually no one except the most ardent Marxist would go willingly into a food stamp-like system for virtually everything they consume. Nobody.
The government response to Covid-19 conditioned people to have their movement and rights dramatically restricted to levels not seen since WWII.
These wartime-like restrictions — and indeed, the almost seamless transition to actual war propaganda in the Ukraine crisis, which is sucking yet more people into the mass psychosis, some of whom were not taken in by covid hysteria — may be sufficient to usher in a complete transformation of the banking system. If you want a conspiracy theory about how subliminal messaging is being used for this purpose, the Good Citizen has an interesting piece.
Narrative Control and Censorship
Since early 2020, information control has become very important, and, as Glenn Greenwald has just written, we are already seeing that it will get much worse in a traditional land war.
First, there was the relentless lying and use of psychological operations to frighten and subdue the population. The British government even acknowledged their own use of such tactics.
Inquiring journalists are now a nearly extinct species. Mass media reads like blatant propaganda. Jingoism is everywhere and the Ukraine crisis has made that even more apparent than ever, especially for those of us without central lines installed like port-a-caths to infuse a constant drip of BBC, CNN, etc. for hours each day.
Then there is the relentless demonization, canceling, and deactivation of anyone on social medial platforms who is pointing out the absurdities.
Fact-checking labels on social media posts and YouTube in 2020 escalated exponentially in 2021 to the complete digital cancellation of almost anyone who deviates from the “safe and effective” slogan.
The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.
Adolf Hitler
The pattern is eerily consistent with previous totalitarian and authoritarian systems of the 20th century. Independent thought will not be tolerated, and you will be gaslighted by the government, the media, and a majority of your fellow citizens who cannot face their own terror, so they pretend you’re still living in a free society and the censorship you are experiencing is not censorship at all, but merely the actions of a private company acting completely independent of government instruction and protecting the public from you, a dangerous person who, from their perspective, is shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater.
We have watched as many people we knew have become full-fledged totalitarians. Their brains have been cracked by relentless propaganda and fear-mongering and they have turned their backs on you, doing the dirty work of their own oppressors as they weave themselves into pretzels trying to justify why the greatest restrictions on human liberty since WWII are necessary over an illness that has morphed from a severe influenza in 2020 to a cold in 2022.
We also saw that “ misinformation” became a widely accepted fact when authorities wanted to steer the population in a completely different direction. At first, in 2020, “conspiracy theories” took about 6 months to turn into facts. In 2022, they turn into facts in less than 24 hours.
Because the population has become a super-organism with a hive mind that can be directed at will, be prepared that when the science “changes” again (for instance, in autumn 2022), the public will accept new “covid” or “flu” or “climate” restrictions unquestioningly as part of the “New Normal” especially if they are somehow tied to nationalistic propaganda campaigns in the new Ukraine crisis.
This is why few people questioned obviously alarming things, such as pregnant women receiving the vaccines without having studied them in pregnant women, let alone studying them in a Phase III trial.
Or the vaccine being pushed onto ever younger age groups to protect the elderly, even though the risks to children from covid-19 are vanishingly small.
And this is now why many still don’t question the need for endless booster shots, not just for the elderly, but for every human being on earth.
James Hill, MD, has a comprehensive 43 point list of other contradictions and tip-offs.
The drive on the part of pharmaceutical companies and governments to suppress information about the vaccines was relentless. I particularly liked this short video by Nick Hudson, released in November 2021, chairman of PANDA: What is the FDA Hiding?
And now with the initial release of Pfizer documents as forced by the judicial system, we are beginning to learn just a small part of what the FDA has been hiding.
Big Pharma is a cutthroat industry depending on constant rollouts of blockbuster drugs, but I do not believe that even they would ordinarily take the risk of rolling out a brand new technology on a global population (when it has only completed Phase II trials), unless it were under duress.
It’s hard not to see the potential for a conspiracy here.
I suspect that the powers that be have ordered these CEOs — and governments and regulatory agencies, for that matter — to deliver. Or else.
Others disagree, of course. They think covid-19 is a serious enough disease to warrant rapid rollouts of insufficiently tested novel technology on the entire global population – not just one or twice, but multiple times. Of course, a similar but slightly less hysterical situation has existed for many years with influenza vaccines, especially in the United States, so this fact alone is insufficient to demonstrate ulterior motives beyond profit-seeking that is driven by regulatory incentives surrounding their manufacture.
This is not entirely unprecedented as influenza vaccines don’t work either, but 50% of the US population rolls up their sleeves for one each year.
The difference between covid and influenza vaccines is that the former are associated with unprecedented levels of adverse events that are being systematically suppressed by governments, legacy media, and Big Tech. (If you have been living under a rock for a year and you want to delve into it, check Drs. Robert Malone and Jessica Rose, Mathew Crawford, Steve Kirsch, eugyppius, and bad cattitude.)
And it’s certainly all consistent with hushing those in the insurance industry that would ordinarily be able to hold abusive corporations and negligent policymakers to account in a court of law. A board member of a large German insurance company blew the whistle on covid vaccines, and was suspended from the board.
Authorities continue to insist on their necessity, so messengers like that will continue to be shot on sight.
Those lower down in the hierarchy are likely brainwashed. Don’t underestimate the power of a couple of decades working for WHO to accomplish this: the field of public health already self-selects for personalities with controlling, Good Nazi tendencies.
Many other healthcare workers who are not so bullish on the covid vaccines have been threatened. Loss of employment is generally censure enough in itself, as we’ve often seen with vaccine mandates. Most people don’t have the independent wealth to break free from their employer in the face of such a massive onslaught of propaganda.
So, the presence of a conspiracy does not require large numbers of people to be “in on the plan” any more than hundreds of thousands of NSA workers and private contractors were “in on the plan.” They were doing what they were told, and they were told that it was essential for public health national security. That only a few like Bill Binney or Edward Snowden arise out of such a morass to blow whistles should surprise no one.
The Breadth and Length of Covid Vaccination Campaigns Were Pre-Planned
Let’s turn now to the frequency and amount of covid-19 injections planned. Germany backs covid vaccines for another 7 years and purchases enough vaccine to last until 2029.
The injections are very important to authorities and, as we have just learned with the announcement of potential approval of a fourth dose in the US, continue to occupy a central role in the drama. This is despite the fact that many scientists (including even Fauci and Hotez — plausible deniability perhaps? or just grooming the public for patience?) doubted quite early on that the vaccines would work.
While the most apocalyptic of the predictions regarding Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) did not come true, the vaccines very obviously do not stop spread and there is some reason to believe that they are causing antigenic fixation (see Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche). So in a sane world, no one would continue to use coercion to get people vaccinated. They would leave it as a private choice, as it is with influenza vaccines.
Yet coercion continues in the worst jurisdictions, and mandates have probably only temporarily dropped in many places, and may return in autumn, particularly in exchange for your new vouchers for existence (CBDCs), the 2022 version of wartime food stamps.
I’ve pointed out the apparent uniformity of this vaccination scheme in western countries in a previous post, but it bears repeating here.
Listen to the zeal with which Kerry Chant, Chief Public Health Office of New South Wales, Australia, talks in August 2021 about cycles of vaccination, re-vaccination, and the purchase of “large doses of vaccine” into 2022 (1.3 minutes):
In a similar vein, here’s Justin Trudeau, in July 2021, discussing booster shots. Canada has purchased 30 million doses of Pfizer alone in 2022 and 2023, with 60 million in 2024. At a population of roughly 38 million, this means very broad coverage of the eligible population four more times after 2021. (less than 1 minute)
Here’s Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s PM, admitting there will be no endpoint to the covid vaccination program:
How did they know how well the shots would work back then? They didn’t.
And finally, here’s Sajid Javid, UK Health Minister, discussing the reduced interval between shots as a minimum of 3 months rather than 6 months. A similar policy is now in place in New Zealand.
I highly recommend listening to these short videos for the general body language and tone. If you can listen to them without getting the heebie jeebies, you are made of stronger stuff than I.
Population Control: a Motive for Vaccination Beyond Digital ID and CBDCs
So, what might be some additional motivations for endless injections every three to six months, for at least several billion people in the western world, that may have nothing to do with covid or Digital ID?
Put on your tinfoil hat, or… just use some common sense and think like a control freak or a villain would.
There are massive unfunded liabilities in the welfare and pension systems due to an aging population and the theft of personal wealth from the 2008 financial crisis. For another, a higher use of fossil fuels per capita than in the developing world.
None of this is a secret. It’s just that people do not want to consider that authorities would take draconian steps to limit human population, even though it’s been talked about openly in the past.
Popular Sentiments of Professionals
Consider the following sentiments which have been echoed for 5 decades now by highly educated westerners.
"A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells, the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people. We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions."
Prof. Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, 1968
"A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible."
United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment
"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable."
Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit, 1992
“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”
Prince Philip
“There are too many people, that’s why we have global warming. We have global warming because too many people are using too much stuff.”
Ted Turner, billionaire, founder of CNN, major UN donor (and large CO2 producer)
Institutional Players
In 1995 (a reminder for those of us who feel as if it’s yesterday that this is over 25 years ago!), a peer reviewed paper entitled “Immunization to regulate fertility: biological and cultural frameworks” was published in Social Science and Medicine. An excerpt of the abstract reads (my emphasis added):
"Many scholars and government officials subscribe to the following logic: the global environmental crisis is due to over-population which necessitates population control programs; thus pregnancy can be considered a disease subject to state control. But pregnancy is not a disease nor is over-population the single major cause of environmental degradation. However, as governments grapple with the economic, social, and ecological consequences of population growth, draconian measures to control fertility will be ever more tempting.”
The urge of elites and central planners to control human reproduction pre-dates publication by a half century at least and has multiple drivers. It began in eugenicist institutional and governmental programs in the 1920s. Eugenics was discredited and forced underground for awhile after the Nazi atrocities, but it resurfaced under new auspices with John D. Rockefeller III who “organized the Population Council in 1953, predicting a “Malthusian crisis” in the developing world and financing extensive experiments in population control.”
As for the more recent involvement of wealthy individuals in population control, Bobby Rajesh Malhotra tackles the legacy of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in a dryly humorous and artistic way. For those who want to read more, I also recommend Andreas Oehler’s article Going for the Jugular Take 2 — All Ducks in a Row.
Medical Literature and History of Anti-Fertility Vaccination
Vaccination Against Placental Proteins
As most are aware, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is inextricably linked with World Health Organization (WHO) efforts. What may be less well known is that since the 1970s, the WHO has had a Task Force on Fertility Regulation -- i.e. development of birth control vaccines targeting either gametes or developing embryos:
From the same publication above, another screencap:
Hold the thought of vaccination against placental antigens in your mind for now. We’ll come back to it later.
Vaccination Against Fertility Hormones
While research into anti-fertility vaccines is longstanding, in 2017 there was a new revelation. A peer-reviewed paper was published that detailed the highly unethical vaccination of Kenyan women in the early 1990s on the false pretext of protecting them from tetanus, while actually aiming to sterilize them.
This paper is entitled HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World and the abstract reads, in part, as follows (my emphasis added):
"In 1993, WHO announced a “birth-control vaccine” for “family planning”. Published research shows that by 1976 WHO researchers had conjugated tetanus toxoid (TT) with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) producing a “birth-control” vaccine. Conjugating TT with hCG causes pregnancy hormones to be attacked by the immune system. Expected results are abortions in females already pregnant and/or infertility in recipients not yet impregnated. Repeated inoculations prolong infertility. Currently WHO researchers are working on more potent anti-fertility vaccines using recombinant DNA. WHO publications show a long-range purpose to reduce population growth in unstable “less developed countries”. By November 1993 Catholic publications appeared saying an abortifacient vaccine was being used as a tetanus prophylactic. In November 2014, the Catholic Church asserted that such a program was underway in Kenya. Three independent Nairobi accredited biochemistry laboratories tested samples from vials of the WHO tetanus vaccine being used in March 2014 and found hCG where none should be present. In October 2014, 6 additional vials were obtained by Catholic doctors and were tested in 6 accredited laboratories. Again, hCG was found in half the samples. Subsequently, Nairobi’s AgriQ Quest laboratory, in two sets of analyses, again found hCG in the same vaccine vials that tested positive earlier but found no hCG in 52 samples alleged by the WHO to be vials of the vaccine used in the Kenya campaign 40 with the same identifying batch numbers as the vials that tested positive for hCG. Given that hCG was found in at least half the WHO vaccine samples known by the doctors involved in administering the vaccines to have been used in Kenya, our opinion is that the Kenya “anti-tetanus” campaign was reasonably called into question by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association as a front for population growth reduction."
Such draconian methods are not limited to African countries:
"I recall Sanjay, son of Indian PM Indira Gandhi, awarding villagers transistor radios in exchange for undergoing sterilisation in the mid 1970s. He combined a state of emergency, eugenics, sterilisation passports, and radio news propaganda in the same fell swoop. Sound familiar? India was and remains the elite’s testing ground.”
We have now established completely unethical means of attempted sterilization through vaccination on false pretenses in developing countries, sponsored and developed by WHO. And this is not a very recent development.
Many in the “developed” western world, in all its naiveté, probably assumed that such techniques would never be deployed inward.
Covid Vaccines: Anti-Fertility Bioweapons?
Vaccination Against Syncytin Through Vaccination Against Spike Protein
Let’s return to the concept of vaccination against placental proteins. Note that vaccination against the placental protein of syncitin was the mechanism that was proposed by Drs. Mike Yeadon and Wolfgang Wodarg when, on December 1, 2020, they wrote to the European Medicines Agency, firmly demanding that they delay their emergency approval of covid vaccines. You can find a copy of that petition at this link.
Their concerns included inadequate safety testing of new technology agents and the pretense that there was an emergency warranting ‘emergency use authorisation’. They pointed out the risk of acute allergic reactions which might be life-threatening (which were, in fact, observed on the first day of public dosing) and potential impacts on fertility, because of the weak, but very clear similarity of coronavirus spike protein & syncytin-1, the latter of which is an essential protein to human fertility.
Other letters warning against blood clots were subsequently written and may be found at this link.
In a study of 15 females that were vaccinated with the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, antibodies to syncytin-1 were detected very early in every single female. The authors said it was below a threshold of concern, but there is no way to know what that threshold is, because it’s not been studied.
Dr. Mike Yeadon discussed this problem at some length here.
And this is an interesting and similar summary of concerns, written by a PhD in immunology in December 2020.
American scientists also voiced these concerns in early 2021. Here is a public comment from Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay at an ACIP (CDC) meeting on April 23, 2021.
"Hi, my name is Dr Janci Chunn Lindsay. I hold a doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Texas and have over 30 years of scientific experience primarily in toxicology and mechanistic biology.
"In the mid 1990s, I aided in the development of a temporary human contraceptive vaccine, which ended up causing unintended autoimmune ovarian destruction and sterility in animal test models despite efforts against this and sequence analyses that did not predict this.
"I strongly feel that all the gene therapy vaccines must be halted immediately due to safety concerns on several fronts.
"First there is credible reason to believe that the GTs will cross react with ... and reproductive proteins in sperm, ova and placenta and lead to impaired fertility and reproductive outcomes.
"Respected virologist Bill Gallaher made excellent arguments as to why you would expect cross reaction due to beta sheet confirmation similarities between spike protein and SIN-1 and -2.
"I have yet to see a single immunological study which disproves this despite the fact that it would literally take the manufacturers a single day to do these ... studies to ascertain this. It's been over a year since the assertions were first made that this could occur.
"We have seen 100 pregnancy losses reported in VAERS as of April 9th and there have been reports of impaired spermatogenesis and placental findings from both a natural infection, vaccinated, and ... knock out animal models that have similar placental pathology implicating a ... mediated role in these outcomes.
"Additionally, we have heard multiple reports of menses irregularities in those vaccinated. These must be investigated. We simply cannot put these GTs in our children who are at .002 risk for COVID mortality if infected or any more of the child-bearing age population without thoroughly investigating this matter, as we could potentially sterilize an entire generation.
"Speculation that this will not occur and a few anecdotal reports of pregnancies in the new trials are not sufficient proof that this is not impacting on a population-wide scale.
"Secondly, all of the gene therapies are causing coagulopathy. This is not isolated to one manufacturer, and this is not isolated to one age group, as we are seeing coagulopathy deaths in healthy young adults with no secondary comorbidities.
"There have been 795 reports related to blood clotting disorder as of April 9th in the VAERS reporting system, 338 of these being due to thrombocytopenia. There are forward and backward mechanistic proofs for why this is happening. The natural infection is known to cause coagulopathies due to the spike proteins. All GTs direct the body to make the spike protein.
"... in September of 2020 showed that if you infuse spike protein into mice that have humanizing tumor ... and blood platelets that you also get disseminated thrombosis. Spike protein incubated with human blood in vitro also caused blood clot development which was resistant to fibrolysis. The spike protein that's causing thrombocytic events, which cannot be resolved through natural means, and all vaccines must be halted until they can be reformulated to guard against this diverse effect."
These comments of Dr. Lindsay’s are completely consistent with those of Drs. Yeadon and Wodarg. I’d also note that her comment at the end about immune escape has also been vindicated at this point, but this is beyond the scope of this essay.
Toxic LNP Delivery Systems
But there may be other mechanisms by which covid-19 vaccines contribute to infertility in both women and men, including reproductively toxic lipid nanoparticle delivery systems or the possibility for the intentional direction of LNPs to the gonads in order to deliver the mRNA payload there.
The Japanese biodistribution study amplifies this concern. Dr. Byram Bridle was the force bringing this to light last year by requesting the study from the Japanese, and the data showed that the lipid nanoparticles of the Pfizer vaccine concentrated in the ovaries. The precautionary principle requires that we assume this is happening in women administered the vaccine.
From the Japanese biodistribution study, here is the table of tissue concentrations of vaccine lipid nanoparticles after administration to mice.
This concern was also voiced in July 2021 by Doctors For Covid Ethics:
"Of particularly grave concern is the very slow elimination of the toxic cationic lipids. In persons repeatedly injected with mRNA vaccines containing these lipids— be they directed against COVID, or any other pathogen or disease—this would result in cumulative toxicity. There is a real possibility that cationic lipids will accumulate in the ovaries. The implied grave risk to female fertility demands the most urgent attention of the public and of the health authorities."
The document also states:
It is noteworthy that the level of radioactivity in the liver rises very fast within the first eight hours but then stagnates, whereas in the ovaries and the adrenal glands the rise continues even two full days after the injection. This suggests that the radioactivity may be redistributed from the liver to these glands.
As well as:
Pfizer tested its vaccine for reproductive toxicity on only one species (rats) and on only small numbers of animals (21 litters). A greater than twofold increase in pre-implantation loss of embryos was noted, with a rate of 9.77% in the vaccine group, compared to 4.09% in the control group. The EMA report merely states that the higher value was “within historical control data range” [5, p. 50]. EMA should of course have obligated Pfizer to state unambiguously whether or not the observed 14 difference was statistically significant; and if it was not, to increase sample sizes so as to ensure the required statistical power. The same criticism applies to the reported observations of “very low incidence of gastroschisis, mouth/jaw malformations, right sided aortic arch, and cervical vertebrae abnormalities.” Overall, Pfizer’s studies are inadequately described and apparently were also inadequately carried out. The observed pre-implantation loss indicates toxicity at a very early stage of development, either to the embryo or the nascent placenta. It might be caused by a high level of spike protein expression, but also by toxic lipids; and it might occur already within the ovaries, but also affect the fertilized egg or subsequent developmental stages within the Fallopian tubes or the uterus. This also applies to malformations, although these would more likely be caused by damage later on in embryonic development, suggesting transfer of toxicity across the placenta.
Both the information about syncitin as well as the LNP accumulation in animal models should clearly have caused medicines regulators to halt vaccination in women of childbearing potential early last year. But it didn’t.
Other Toxic Components
As a brief note, a toxic substance (SM-102) is also listed as a component of Moderna’s covid vaccine. A report in the EU Times details that an official OSHA safety data sheet for this substance clearly states: “For research use only, not for human or veterinary use” and indicates that it may be carcinogenic and teratogenic, and with prolonged and repeated use it attacks the respiratory functions, the central nervous system, kidneys and liver.
As discovered by a study commissioned by Tess Lawrie’s ebmcsquared, there is also the potential for graphene in the vaccines, which is known to be cytotoxic. (The potential for reproductive toxicity of graphene is beyond the scope of this article.)
Covertly Added Mutant Aromatase Gene
The information above that emerged in early 2021 becomes much more chilling in the context of a highly predictive statement by two anonymous whistleblowers from Moderna on 4chan, dated 9 Dec 2020.
According to this statement, which I transcribed and wrote about in a preliminary post here, there are alleged to be at least two extra mRNA sequences in the covid vaccines coding for mutant proteins.
First is a mutant version of aromatase, CYP19A1. The purpose of this is allegedly to diminish estrogen and therefore fertility in children of recipients of the covid vaccine by causing premature ovarian failure.
The second gene is alleged to be a mutant cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor, CDKN1B, designed to sabotage the cell cycle, thus giving rise to more cancer in the population.
Eerily, they also mention the addition of “up-regulating LINE-1” to integrate the mRNA into the genome. This is of course the opposite of what we have been told by authorities.
If this is true, the full effect of these alterations may not be fully realized yet for decades.
Although I think the integration of these sequences into the genome is likely more complex than pure recessive/dominant characteristics, depending on whether the original genes are knocked out or where the sequences integrate, these predictions by the Moderna whistleblowers are fairly precise and were made prior to covid vaccine rollouts. So, over a year later, we can make preliminary evaluations of their allegations.
How did these predictions age? Eerily well. In Lasting Legacy of Trojan Horses, Andreas Oehler writes:
The pharmacokinetics information of the LNPs in mRNA vaccines has been spilled by the Japanese only in May 2021. As it turned out, the LNPs with the mRNA in them do not stay at the injection site, as CDC and other agencies postulated. Instead, they accumulate in the liver and the gonads of the vaccinees in high concentrations. Surprise! So, the tipsters have been confirmed correct in this regard.
The studies regarding LINE-1 enzymes being able to reverse transcribe the vaccine mRNA back into human DNA appeared much later as well:
(1) “Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues” ( Jaenisch et al., 2021.05.21)
(2) “Coronavirus gene findings are no cause for alarm, says leading scientist“ (ABS-CBN, 2021.01.30):”The discovery by Professor Rudolf Jaenisch and researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stirs up a hornet’s nest because mRNA vaccines, including those made by Pfizer/ BioNTech and Moderna, operate in similar ways to the virus to trigger an immune response.”
(3) “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line” (Aldén et al., 2022.02.25).
(4) “Moderna finally cracks into gene editing with Metagenomi pact thanks to 'irresistible' data“ (Fierce Biotech, 2021.11.02):”We finally know who Moderna has been courting behind the scenes to make the big jump into gene editing. The famed biotech has signed a research partnership with CRISPR gene editing company Metagenomi. Metagenomi will offer up access to its gene editing tools. The company recent unveiled data on its CRISPR-associated transposases system that can be used to
precisely integrate large DNA fragments into genomes
, allowing for new editing techniques beyond the currently available technology. ”(5) “Metagenomi Presents New Findings on CRISPR-associated Transposases (CAST) that Allow for Targetable Genomic Integration of Large DNA Fragments“ (, 2021.05.14): “Our research presented at ASGCT describes how our first-in-class programmable CAST gene editing system can be used to precisely integrate large fragments of DNA into target genomes and the potential of these systems in the development of both ex vivo and in vivo gene therapies. CRISPR-associated transposases can be reprogrammed to integrate at specific genomic sites using guide RNAs.” Target genomes, eh? Transhumans, anyone? A.k.a. mutants?
Another solid confirmation that the tipsters knew what they were talking about way before this information went public.
As the reader Jeff C pointed out (and I quote verbatim from here on), the tipsters not only said that LINE-1 could facilitate reverse transcription but that the vaxx has a hidden additive that specifically upregulates LINE-1 (point #4). The Aldén et al. paper using the BioNTech vaxx clearly showed a high presence of LINE-1 when the vaxx was added that was not there in the control. So something about the vaxx significantly increases LINE-1 just like the tipster said. The fact that the tipster knew this before any of this was publicly known is pretty impressive. If you look back at the Covid virus reverse transcription study (Jaenisch et al - looked at Covid itself, not the vaxx) they artificially increased LINE-1 in the cells via transfection [
“To increase the likelihood of detecting rare integration events, we transfected HEK293T cells with
LINE1 expression
prior to infection with SARS-CoV-2“
]. That was a key criticism of the study in that it wasn't a real world case. This is in stark contrast to the vaxx study where LINE-1 increased solely due to the vaxx itself. Wasn’t that the role of one of the “highly sensitive trade secret adjuvants being added
“, as hinted by the tipster?In Oct. 2021, a former Pfizer quality control manager and a whistleblower, Melissa Strickler, spilled beans on the unusual manufacturing prossess at the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine plant in a series of interviews. Pfizer’s processes for its “vaccine” are strangely deviating from usual norms. The compounding room has no idea what are the components they are mixing into the “product”. This secrecy about what goes into the vials is unprecedented. Furthermore, the vaccine manufacturers are not controlled by any independent bodies as to the quality control, the vials being shipped directly to the vaccine administration locations. This lends credence to the assertion that the mRNA vaccines may contain undisclosed constituents.
The leak of EMA-Pfizer correspondence in Nov.-Dec. 2020, when EMA was working on Pfizer’s vaccine authorization, revealed that EMA was concerned that the mRNA in the vaccine vials contains only 55% of the intended S spike code, the rest being “truncated species” blamed on the faults in the manufacturing process. Pfizer placated these concerns by pushing the S spike code proportion up to 75%, at least for the time being. After that, EMA stopped looking and declared the jabs kosher. More on this in my post “Zeroing in on Gifts from “Science” to Humanity“ from Nov. 2021. So, another score for the tipsters - the jabs do contain some exogenous mRNA code that no one analyses or scrutinizes.
How about cancer rates? Dr. Ryan Cole has been recording highly elevated rates of cancer in his practice and the preliminary raw data released by three whistleblower physicians from the Defense Medical Epidemiological Database on the incidence of various diseases, before and after the onset of COVID-19 vaccination of military forces, show the following according to Robert Malone:
• Total Number of Malignant Neuroendocrine Tumor Reports By Year up 276%
• Total Number of Neoplasms for All Cancers By Year up 218%
• Total Number of Malignant Neoplasms for Digestive Organs By Year up 477%
• Total Number of Neoplasms for Breast Cancer By Year up 469%
• Total Number of Neoplasms for Testicular Cancer By Year up 298%
There are many anecdotal reports of rapid cancer onset or aggressive resurgence of previous cancers after covid vaccination, as well as reports in VAERS. These are beyond the scope of this piece, but are also cause for concern and point toward the potential veracity of the Moderna whistleblowers’ statements.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO RESEARCHERS: All brands of covid vaccines should be independently analyzed for the presence of the mutant aromatase and cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor mRNAs mentioned.
Evidence for Reproductive Toxicity
Review of Shimabukuro et al.’s 2021 NEJM Analysis of V Safe Data
Focusing on the reproductive aspects, there are several lines of evidence we can follow to determine what the preliminary effect on reproduction may be.
First, in a peer-reviewed paper entitled Spontaneous Abortions and Policies on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Use During Pregnancy, authors Aleisha Brock and Simon Thornley from New Zealand point out errors in the New England Journal of Medicine Shimabukuro et al. (2021) analysis of V Safe Registry data. By breaking out the data for pregnancies under 20 weeks, they show an alarmingly high rate of pregnancy loss in this group, 7-8 times higher than the original results and the background average, at 82%-91%.
Of the misleading conclusions in the NEJM piece by Shimabukuro et al. (20210, they note:
“The study indicates that at least 81.9% (≥ 104/127) experienced spontaneous abortion following mRNA exposure before 20 weeks, and 92.3% (96/104) of spontaneous abortions occurred before 13 weeks’ gestation (Table 4, footnotes).[4] This is a very high proportion of pregnancy loss observed in those exposed to the mRNA vaccination before 20 weeks’ gestation, ranging from 81.9–91.2% (n = 114–127), which is significantly different to baseline estimates from other studies (11.3%, n = 79,978 [6]; p < 0.001), being 7- to 8-fold higher than expected (p < 0.001). The authors’ interpretation of no difference in the observed incidence of pregnancy loss in those who received their first mRNA vaccine before 20 weeks’ gestation compared to baseline must be questioned.
At face value, the study presented indicates that exposure to mRNA vaccination in the third trimester is safe and supported by another study exploring exposure from 29 weeks.[9] However, as highlighted by McCullough and colleagues,[5] 12.6% of this group reported ‘Grade 3’ adverse events (i.e. severe or medically significant but not immediately life-threatening)[10] and 8% reported a temperature above 38°C after the second mRNA dose (which can induce miscarriage or premature labor). The study follow-up concluded 28 days after birth, with long-term effects of prenatal exposure to infants unknown.
Note: the morning-after abortion pill, RU-486, has an efficacy rate of 80% to 90%.
It would appear at first glance that the “morning after pill”, and mRNA vaccines deployed prior to 20 weeks gestation, have comparable abortion potential.
Note the unusual Editor’s notes at the end of the Brock/Thornley article. Was this paper targeted for potential retraction, similar to the Rose/McCullough myocarditis paper?
DMED data
What other evidence is there for reproductive toxicity?
Second is the DMED military data, which according to Robert Malone, shows
• Total Number of Congenital Malformations Reports By Year up 87%
• Total Number of Female Infertility Reports By Year up 419%
• Total Number of Dysmenorrhea Reports By Year up 221.5%
• Total Number of Ovarian Dysfunction Reports By Year up 299%
• Total Number of Spontaneous Abortion Reports By Year DOWN by 10%
• Total Number of Male Infertility Reports By Year up 320%
The spontaneous abortion rate is in contrast to Brock and Thornley’s re-analysis of the NEJM paper. However, using the DMED data, Dr. Jessica Rose estimates that there could be as many as over 700,000 spontaneous abortions as a result of the covid vaccines in the general population.
Israeli Hospital Data
Another scientist who is an associate of Dr. Rose produced an analysis of aborted pregnancies in two Israeli hospitals and found cause for concern.
Independent Physician Reports
Are there any other suspicious reports? Yes. Two doctors in Canada, Drs. Mel Bruchet and Nagase, have reported an alarmingly high rate of stillbirths. I also learned about this news from Dr. Rose’s Substack, but wanted to link directly to the two primary sources.
Dr. Rose discusses the harassment of these doctors on her newsletter.
Funeral Director Reports
A funeral director in the UK speaks about his experience, and what he's been seeing in the morgues in recent times. In his work, he sees that infant morgues are so full that dead babies are being stored in the adult morgues instead. “I just see the dead babies in the fridges” (Under 9 minutes)
Public Comments on CDC Analysis of V Safe Data
Finally, another analysis of V Safe registry data, this time from the CDC, was also published in August 2021, with similar conclusions to the Shimabakuro NEJM study.
The conclusion of this paper is that rate of spontaneous abortion is the same as the background rate.
What I found interesting was the overwhelming dissent in the comment section (57 comments) and the large number of suppressed comments (22) awaiting moderation. See for yourself the nature of some of the comments. Were these women included in this analysis?
The above lines of evidence deal largely directly with pregnancy loss rather than the possibilities for future conception, but Dr. Jessica Rose also produced a general summary of female reproductive problems in the VAERS data:
Public Comments on Female Reproductive Problems
These mirror a flood of anecdotal reports from women around the world in 2021, particularly at the peak of the vaccination campaign. Dr. Naomi Wolf had her Twitter account terminated around the time that she was writing heavily about this issue, probably because her posts were attracting even more comments from the general public corroborating these concerns. Reports about irregular menstruation were strongly denied and labeled as conspiracy theories by authorities, with women around the world feeling as if they were thrown into a Victorian era, gaslighted and labeled with “female hysteria.”
As with many other aspects of the pandemic, these “conspiracy theories” were later acknowledged in the media as actual phenomena. Here are two examples:
As for male fertility, Canadian Pathologist Dr. Roger Hodgkinson warned that mRNA vaccines may damage men's reproductive organs.
Thoughts of Christopher Langan, The World’s Smartest Man
It is here that I’d like to turn to Christopher Langan, a guy with a rather interesting life story who is alleged to be the world’s smartest man as judged by IQ tests (up to 210). I do not agree with everything in the following statements he has made. Nevertheless, it is interesting to follow his train of thought. Here is what he had to say about what he believes is the true purpose of the covid vaccines. These statements were screen capped from Facebook in June 2021.
Insights from 20 Year-Old Science Fiction: The Aschen Agenda
Last year, as I saw much of this information rolling in, I was strongly reminded of two episodes in a favorite Sci Fi TV series, Stargate SG1. I posted YouTube videos of these episodes to Facebook.
“Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.”
- Alan Watt
Stargate SG1 is a small Air Force unit that roams the galaxy through an ancient alien device called a stargate. They visit other worlds to discover and neutralize potential threats to Earth.
On their adventures, they encounter an alien race called the Aschen that are the epitome of a Trojan horse: this race allies itself with other worlds, offering them advanced technologies and medicines, which are used to subtly wipe out their populations. The depopulated planets are then terraformed into farmland. “Orphaned” children are raised and re-educated by Aschen families to serve as subsistence agricultural workers. Dwarf stars are changed on these planets to lengthen the growing season, and the surplus food is sent through the Stargate to feed the Aschen.
Their conquest is not a crime of passion. It is well-planned. Systematic. And takes hundreds of years. These are cold and calculating villains.
Here’s a partial transcript to tempt you to watch the videos below. Read carefully if you don’t watch the videos.
Here's something. The headline says something about pandemic, some sort of—I can't translate that—maybe fever. Now, assuming the Aschen are the newcomers in this article, they provided a—can't translate that word either—but it appears to have been some sort of vaccine. And the Volian people were immensely grateful.
The Aschen vaccine had a side effect. I don't know what. It might be an Aschen word, but I know it was big news around here.
How would you know this Daniel Jackson?
Well, it's in big, black letters "Aschen vaccine causes—something". I don't know what it is, but I don't think it's a good thing.
These pictures appear to be much like those we saw of people celebrating.
Ah, I don't think they're celebrating. I think they're rioting.
Okay, here's what we know. Around two hundred years ago, the Volians were a thriving urban civilisation approximating turn of the century north America in terms of technology.
That wasn't very long ago.
No, it wasn't.
What happened to them?
Well, all we know is that there was a 'flu pandemic similar to the one on Earth in 1918, that killed over twenty million people. Now, that is when the Aschen came.
Through the Stargate?
Actually in ships. You see the Volian Gate wasn't discovered until years later. They befriended the Volians, offered them a vaccine for their epidemic, and saved their world. Now, by all accounts, the Aschen were heroes to the Volians, and their friendship lasted for years. But, then, something happened.
I don't know.
We found no evidence of a battle.
I found one clue—here.
[Daniel indicates a newspaper cutting shown on the projector.]
Um—this word loosely translates as medicine, vaccine, drug, followed by "from the newcomers" followed by "causes", followed by—some word I can't translate. Now, this was the latest issue of the paper we could find, which most likely indicates the paper shut down or was shut down the very next day.
Vaccine causes—what?
I don't know. But it caused something. Because in the span of two hundred years, the Volians went from an urban civilisation of millions to an agrarian civilisation of thousands after they were “saved” by the Aschen.
Here’s the ending of the episode showing how the Aschen respond when their true plan is discovered:
Stargate SG1 was full of alternate timelines. In an alternate timeline the Aschen were actually able to establish a treaty with Earth and deploy their anti-aging vaccine. Ten years after that deployment, SG1 discovers the true nature of the Aschen program, by which time the Aschen had managed to sterilize 90% of Earth’s population.
Jack, an original member of the SG1 team, smelled something “off” about the Aschen. But nobody listened to him.
Let me tell you something, Carter. You want to erase your mistakes? That's your business. My conscience is clear. I warned everybody, I threw up the red flag and everybody—including you—shut me down.
I'm asking you to put that behind us.
You're not happy with the way things turned out…I'm sorry to hear that. Personally, I like things the way they are. No more saving the world, just a nice pond with no pesky fish in it, and the single most pressing issue in my life is whether or not to get a dog…There're a lot of pros and cons to consider.
Jack. I'm talking about the future of the human race.
So was I.
Eventually, he gets over his bitterness, and he joins up with the team again to save the world. The only answer in this alternative timeline is time travel to prevent it from happening in the first place. In 2010, the team agree to send a note through the Stargate to stop the contact with the Aschen from ever happening:
There’s an interesting personal story juxtaposed in this alternate timeline. The human heroine scientist in the drama, Samantha Carter, discovers she, too, is a victim of the Aschen’s sterilization program, which has been disguised as an anti-aging vaccine.
She tells her husband Joe, a diplomat to the Aschen, about her discovery:
The Aschen doctors said you were fine.
This isn't just about me. I read this right from an Aschen terminal. Mollem gave me access to work on something else. The birth rate has been cut over ninety percent.
Oh my God. It was supposed to be a third of that.
You KNEW!?
The Aschen insisted on it.
Oh, my God…
Honey, they see farther ahead than we do. They knew that if we didn't limit growth…
Is that what you call this?
This obviously isn't what we agreed to!
I can't believe this…
We didn't have a choice, Sam.
You sold us out!
You think this was my decision?
You could have told me!
Oh, come on, you know how it works! Before the Alliance you spent most of your adult life in secrecy.
Please, that was different!
Sam, it's the same.
It's exactly the same. Our population was unsustainable. Without drastic measures, the Aschen didn't think we were worth investing in. Obviously they went too far, but I can't believe they did this deliberately. There must be some sort of reverse medical procedure they have…
You still don't get it.
Sooner or later the Goa'uld would have wiped us out. Would you prefer that?
The Aschen way is slower. That's all.
Such is the nature of the complicity theorist.
The unexamined acceptance of advanced technology as an obvious boon to humanity was the naive belief that the Aschen ultimately used against the worlds they conquered.
Have we just fallen into the same trap?
I can’t prove this what they’re up to. But it sure is fishy.
If so, it’s a good thing uptake isn’t as high in the younger age groups as they wanted. And also if so, hopefully the billionaires in charge of planet Earth aren’t as technically competent as the Aschen. (After all, they want us all to take many more of these injections.) Because this time we don’t have a time machine.
Monster piece. Thank u 👏👏
Nicely done! I'm glad that you were able to make use of all that research.