Monster piece. Thank u 👏👏

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You're welcome!

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No Monica...we all owe you. We may hope that this isnt what it is, and that we are wrong, and that it is only temporary, etc etc. etc....but what if it isn´t? What if it is the next generation of babies now born that are 80% sterile? Or the generation after that?

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Who knew, or is it WHO knew, that a contraceptive could be called a vaccine.

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Nicely done! I'm glad that you were able to make use of all that research.

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Great overview, well-researched and laid out. Have you considered any ideas how to stop this from going further? That would make a good topic for future articles.

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A combo of stuff, probably.

-Legal action is one reason we know about more Pfizer docs.


-Convincing more people.

I don't think this post is going to convince many who aren't already convinced. I offer it as a way to 'gird the loins' of those who have been resistant thus far. Keep resisting.

I'm not a praying person. But if I was thinking about it... now would probably be a good time to start.

Ultimately, the machine we are up against actually takes tremendous resources to sustain. Any tyrannical system does, because it's pushing against natural order.

Things that can't go on, won't. This is what gives me hope. The only question is how many of us are going to die in the process before it collapses and the parallel systems are providing a big enough on-ramp for people that humanity can start over. For that, I have no crystal ball.

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"Things that can't go on, won't. " - I quite agree, yet the ideologues who create words for our President seem insulated from reality. Watching nearly all the policies failing in tandem seems to make them double down, but there seems to be a growing awareness that the Kool Aid is not a good drink. The flight from cities and certain areas suggests many voting with their feet.

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There is never going to be an awakening on the part of the political class. There never has been in 10,000 years. The population doesn't really, either, but it finds a new type of homeostasis after the crisis is over.

As you correctly point out people are figuring out how to protect themselves.

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Well this is a start, but we need to put our collective heads together and put together a plan. They have one, and we know exactly what the end points are. That should give us an advantage. Long story short there are some surprisingly easy solutions. For example, in order to bring this whole monstrosity to fruition, they need to genetically modify us and implant neuro-chips or some nano tech to control us physically. There already is a moratorium on human cloning. Given the events of the past two years, creating a mass movement to call for moratoriums on GMO humans and Neuralink could hit critical mass. Go on the street and talk to people. The majority don't want this, for now. Do you ring up your colleagues in the medical freedom movement to talk about solutions? Because that's what you all need to be doing right now.

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Stuff like this is another idea. Basically we need parallel systems of money, trade, and sustenance that take away their power.


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This is what happens when humans step away from our Creator. Atheists need to start praying. All voices cry out to heaven. Only God can stop this disaster. I’m praying the rosary in Latin twice daily. At least it brings some peace. God listens.

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The demonization of religion is a way to counteract morals. Without absolute morality humans are not capable of self rule as the US founding documents assert. They understood that moral teaching is the essence of religion, so all of that has been systematically eradicated over time. This has been done via a perverted notion of separation between church and state. We can't have freedom without both.

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I agree that prayer is critical now. Bringing in "higher forces" hampers the plans of the enemy.

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I don’t believe that God is a single entity, I think we all have the God gene in us that’s why they insist on taking out our wisdom teeth!

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The Covid operation was unleashed as the global financiers saw that they could no longer halt or even slow down the crumbling of the economies of the West. In late 2019 the Western economies went into complete free fall and despite attempts to prop it up as was done in 2007/08 and 2014/15 nothing could stop this collapse. So they shut it down with a pretend virus.

The phony War on Terror was replaced by the phony War on Virii.

There are multiple prongs to this operation a few include:

1) Wiping out a significant portion of the elderly so as to greatly reduce/eliminate pensions. The pension system in Europe is completely broke and somewhere around $70 trillion will be coming due over the next two decades- money they don't have.

2) Inventing a new market for Pharmaceuticals. You can't underestimate the value that Pharma brings to these financial parasites. Pharma and the "health management system" in the US is the largest sector of the economy. The problem for Pharma is that they need new diseases (which they create with their products) and blockbuster drugs to continue their Ponzi schemes.

Vaccines play an enormous role in this as they are one of the largest ROI "drugs" in the Pharma playbook. However vaccines traditionally have two problems- a) money must be paid out for all the damages they cause- that was taken care of with The Prep Act; b) lengthy time to get through trials which eat up a lot of money- that was just taken care of with the Covid operation and the introduction of the mRNA "technology" as a "solution" to the need for lengthy trials.

The plan is for the mRNA "vaccine" cash cow to be much bigger than Covid. The plan is to use similar mechanism against any viral pathogen in existence and now that they've gotten the tech to market they'll start going down the list.

Governments will try to mandate the shots (or short of that, will use every form of coercion available to them) for entire populations.

Every human being on earth, every human body will be an endless source of revenue.

It's going to be a subscription model for endless mRNA injections. We are to become human pincushions in order to line the pockets of The Pharma Cartel.

3) Installing a total "Covid control" grid and the cottage industries that will arise with this. This would take an entire book to discuss.

Etc.....much more is planned with Covid and Son of Covid and.....to be used as the rationale for this "new economy."

Meet the new scam same as the old scam. It's a war against the people.

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I agree 100%. I discussed the "next generation" mRNA vaccines here: https://themariachiyears.substack.com/p/i-came-for-life-extension-and-a-cancer?s=w

Keep in mind... this is a machine that needs *enormous* artificial inputs and resources to keep running.

Things that can't go on, won't. The question is exactly how long it can go on. That's all.

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Boycott Western Medicine completely.

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I can only hope that the typical overreach of zealots dooms them. Given a little sucess they demand more and greater as with the inclusion of CRIPR into the computer generated drug model. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should.

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It's doomed. Those of us who study biology understand that the tech for what they want to do just isn't as advanced as they need it to be... but they are playing around and throwing monkey wrenches in, so much that it's screwing up human bodies and in the process tipping everyone off with far greater levels of adverse effects than have been seen with any other "medical" product. That's a sign right there.

The real question to me... and I don't have an answer for this... is how long this can go on before total collapse. Americans have been destroying their bodies with shit food and Big Oil concoctions for 7 decades... hospitals are now literal death traps (not that they weren't a decade ago either, it's just more obvious now!), and this behemoth still has a lot of inertia. Less inertia than it did a decade ago, but I'm uncertain as to how much.

Have you heard Robert Malone talking recently saying the same things in some of his short video clips?

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I follow Malone, a wise person IMHO. We are messing around with a intricate machine that we don't understand. Not good.

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Surely subtlety is gone, the figurative masks are off.

How much blatancy can the brainwashed take.

We still need the numbers to wake up, and they must be having nightmares about now.

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Paracelsus saved the terminally I’ll printer froebenius ( I think his name was) was appointed overseer of the pharmaceutical guild in the City for the deed, and pointed out along the way that they only made patients worse .....he was thrown out of the City for it....that’s 500 years ago....Christ threw out the merchants from the temple and was crucified for it.....nothing new under the Sun ...

....this time’s going to be different though... but at what cost....liked the bottlecaps meme by the way...

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Great article. Google trends search for "maternity clothes" dropped about 25% in a year

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I was thinking about some back of the envelope math a few months ago.

If they can double the death rate through increasing sudden deaths or chronic disease (up from 57M globally to 115M), and also cut the birth rate from 140M to 70M, then instead of adding approximately 83M a year they will cut 45M a year from the global population.

And if they can keep that up for 10 years, it will reduce the global population by about 6%.

Add in a few hundred million more from starvation due to wrecking the economy and they'll be at the reduced 10%-15% that they are always concern trolling about to "save the planet."

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Wow! Interesting idea to find out what's going on! I wonder if we will be able to trust the government statistics going forward.

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Jesus, Monica, now I have a pit in my stomach.

You know, I’ve read so many of these articles and substacks at one point or another, but the totality of evidence in the way you’ve laid it out is filling me up with super anxiety.

Thank you for putting all of this together and for sounding the alarm these last two years. I’ll stand shoulder to shoulder with you in this fight until the end.

We will win.

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Yes. In the end, humanity will win.

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One thing I still don’t find mentioned out there is the fact - according to Sherry Tenpenny - that the stated goal of the vaccine industry is to have every person on the planet dependent on at least two vaccines per year. To me that is where Big Pharma went wrong: they didn’t expect people to die so soon after covid vaccination, but rather get chronic illnesses along the way, which all analyses of data seems to suggest ( see f. inst. Corona comitee session 93).

The vaccine project seems great for population control with passports and all, and if nobody had died from the vaccines we might all just have gobbled up the whole agenda........

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I agree. And I think the areas of the population control are multiple. This is an insane agenda to highly restrict our movement, the type and resources we consume, what we can say, and our reproduction. A totalitarianism worse than anything the world has ever seen. You can’t

Even call it communism or fascism.

It’s a hybrid.

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They obviously felt some urgency to kill some people off.

I guess that Gates knows that a fifty year plan wouldn't be satisfying if he was dead. Or Klaus, or any of them really. They want to glory early in the results.

Their brazenness will be their undoing.

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According to Ole Dammegård - expert on false flag operations (early interview on the corona comitee) - these people have a kind of perverse, ritualistic idea to give hints to the victims before the nefarious deeds, and in this way make them complicit (no karma for the culprits)......

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I don’t remember if it was Edgar Cayce who once said:”capitalism is communism in its pure form”....

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All about level of control.

Us Substackers don't like being controlled.

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Great but you should check everything,

this looks sloppy : https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/family-guy-covid-video-1235070231/amp/

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Yes, it seems that the TikTok (Monica's link) has been doctored by pasting an intro screen (S3-10 Sept 2001) onto the opening of the September 2021 Covid episode. Don't let 'fact checkers' have the opportunity to nay say a great overview because of something that slipped under the radar.

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The person who posted the tiktok video lied about the name of the episode (which I did check).

I have removed reference to this from the article. Thank you.

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Yes, video clip NOT from 2001. It was posted to YouTube 9/21/2021.

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The person who posted the tiktok video lied about the name of the episode (which I did check).

I have removed reference to this from the article. Thank you.

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SNEAKY! See ko12's comment below about how this was done. I did not know that doing that on a TV was possible. The person who posted the tiktok video lied about the name of the episode (the date of which which I did check).

I have removed reference to this from the article. Thank you.

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I like the Aschen parallel. There was another episode which I haven't been able to locate. They arrived to a world in the midst of war. The people, driven underground, used drones to fight the enemy because the surface was supposed to be toxic as a result of an unspecified catastrophic weapon. They were told the enemy were fighting with drones as well, but when SG1 engaged with one of these drones, O'Neill spotted a human at the controls. It turns out the ones living underground were the aggressors, and that they had built the underground bunkers for protection so they could gas everyone on the surface. Very poignant.

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I love that one, too! 🤩

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Excellent piece thanks, well researched and shared to Gab, the new twitter.

Back to "harmless" SM-102. Did you see the study which showed that in vitro it can suppress the potassium ion pump that neurons need to fire, you know the same way that a scorpion or a snake uses to paralyse its prey? Low quantities fine. Cumulative doses with other neurotoxic factors? Hmm.

Moderna & SM-102: Fact checking the fact checkers

A sting in the tail

"...However, to what extent SM-102-mediated perturbations on membrane ionic currents confer their effectiveness in the adverse effects of mRNA-based vaccines (e.g., Moderna TM) has yet to be further delineated. Whether the working concentrations of SM-102 or TurboFectin TM used for their direct adjustments on ionic currents could be achieved in vitro or in vivo also remains to be determined."


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Your newsletter is another treasure trove of info. Thanks for providing this link here!

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Just a thought.... I personally would’ve preferred a series...with cliff hangers and all. It feels like a lot to go through and I had to fight the urge to procrastinate starting. I didn’t get to Aschen yet. I tortured myself to watch the WEF leaders, early on. They appear demonic to me. The first lady can’t even hide her sinister soul. I am horrified at the thought, while being not surprised, about the population control attempts. I grew up believing in overpopulation. I used to say the “cancer” propaganda. I was born and raised in NYC so it was just a thing we believed. I didn’t ever want to reproduce as a result, along with child abuse I experienced. I didn’t have much faith that living wouldn’t be suffering so I never went there. Honestly, I can see how I could’ve been manipulated in a nefarious scheme. It hurts to admit but I would’ve been vulnerable to effective manipulation.

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Melinda Gates felt jeffrey epsteins evil emanations just when she opened the door to the room in which he was in....!

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She's one half of the Gates team. Lots of Indians would like a chat with her in a courtroom.

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Definitely two days worth, that's what it took me. GREAT!!

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Bravo!! Will be sharing on several platforms.

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Thank you. I’m so depressed but thank you for opening eyes to many

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Life finds a way, and it's more resilient than we think!

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Ha! I went and poured a cup of coffee as advised and decided to scroll through first and this piece will take a lot longer than one cup! Yes I also have had this instinct and am highly interested in your findings.

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Not being able to read long articles working through and tying together variable influences is something I've noticed, and then this pops up in an article.

The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.

Adolf Hitler

There is also a nutrient-less food aspect, your brain can't work with eating these fascist agribusiness food stuffs.

Then there is the alcohol and drug aspect, further denigrating the ability to think.

And then you agree to be injected by these same fascists and start drooling.

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I do view there is an overpopulation problem which is caused by the concentration of people in cities (think all the inputs necessary to keep them in order) these people having no connection to the land - which is of hierarchal design. The same fascist (new word for an old organizing feature) of produce the problem to implement the solution to the benefit of the rulers. If humans were spread out on the landscape taking care of themselves it would take less than 5% of the area now dominated by agribusiness (another fascist dominated enterprise) to produce inputs for the cities. This current event started with the killing of 400,000 peasants by the Bolsheviks to gain control of the land who now profit from land production. The Nazis, which were quickly discarded once their task was complete, did similar to set up the "Green Revolution" for the fascists. And in the USA Earl Butz demand to small farmers to get big or get out.

Oh, wait, this is your newsletter, which I am greatly involved with right now, so sorry!

Anyway, the fascists want to lower the population because their system doesn't work anymore with this many and they definitely don't want humans to take care of themselves, they want humans at their beck and call.

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Please don't feel constrained that you shouldn't comment!

I agree with you on this. I used to have a website where I spoke at length about the inanities re: farm policy. My master's was in forest pathology and ecology.

I got frustrated with the Malthusian views of the green movement and the relentless doom mongering over 15 years ago. You are right. If the lawn of every suburban person was converted to a big garden, there wouldn't be much problem feeding everyone. How many truly live in cities? A lot. 80% of the population is urban or suburban... but how many strictly urban? Much less.

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I recall growing up in the 50's we always had a bit of garden to grow some of our own stuff. My more able daughter grows stuff in baskets outside her condo.

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And still, off we go as a species!

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"overpopulation problem" - Every developed nation is losing population. Maybe not fast enough for some. Otherwise the disconnect from the land is spot on. People don't do well in high densities. But we can redesign cities for people once we decide to.

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Yes, thanks for the comment. The great resetters will get one but they won't like the idea of dirty fingernails and all of that.

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I've had a thought that cremation was installed to hide medical evidence of death. When my mother died my nurse's aid sister insisted she be cremated.

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Your Stargate clips remind me I recently purchased the StarTrek Discovery DVD and as I watched episode after episode it was apparent our overlords will is upon us.

Your essay is to be commended weaving together an array of influences. Thank you for your effort I will use it as motivation to get that chicken coop finished. When fascists cut off my credit I will be ready with a life boat of other options because I won't comply. I doubt that I will want to feed anyone or fight for this system as it was, so you will have to set up your own life boat. It should be noted the fascists may want a few natural people around to study and they might find me something of a specialty willing to take my chances with the natural planet.

A few other thoughts, in no way can anyone knowingly accept a certain number of people able to live on this planet, referencing the stone tablet, its always variable, to be stable insures sooner rather than later no human will exist.

I'm somewhat surprised the educated/indoctrinated class is mounting a defense to the fascists. You people with letters behind your name weren't supposed to override the fascist installed university indoctrination. Chances are low for success, but the chances have increased. Good luck!

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That's why I do... I use bad news as a motivator. We will get stronger.

"You people with letters behind your name weren't supposed to override the fascist installed university indoctrination."

Hah! Well, I was always more of a free spirit. My PhD was in taxonomy and that is rooted more in basic observation and some level of artistic skill. I probably should have been a writer instead of a scientist and I probably should have stopped at the master's degree.

As it is, my scientific skills for the past 7 years were in the applied arena producing products and services. Big difference from academia. Big difference from the corporate world, too... I was a small business owner. I like being free.

I'm also in touch with my working class roots. So is Langan.

At the end of the day, class distinctions matter little (like the rest of the distinctions), and while the elite currently have a boatload of resources, I'm optimistic that the tables can and will turn, and most of the power they've been given has been handed over willingly in the "good, fat times."

I think you might enjoy this piece, which gets at the heart of some of it. There are ways to take back our power. We can become more self-sufficient in all areas of life (food, money/trade, employment). We will have to be if we want to survive the next bit here.


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I don't have a smart phone and the flaw is all these devices require electricity. But hey, I think the entire economy will collapse and there will be no need for it. I read Bastiat in the 80's and its where I get my rebellious nature from. Austrian Economics is all about why economies collapse. Yes, I also own a small business and have kept it going for over 30 years. Started a few more along the way with less than spectacular results, I'm mostly too far ahead of the curve.. Now I want to grow food naturally, been learning for over a decade, and when people start asking for help I will know the collapse is upon us. Right now they are all expecting to be spoon fed.

Here's an article in trade: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/03/food_shortages_soon_come__what_to_do.html

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I'm at the smart man quote and what I think he needs to add is by eliminating most humans other than themselves, who are only on the planet by the support of other humans, chemicals, and sterilization of their living arrangement, has made them weak and guarantees humans will go extinct much faster than would have. Versus those who can naturally live even with all the slings and arrows thrown at them from the natural biology of the planet, being integrated into a successional biological process ongoing for a very long time. Which brings me to another point; these fascist elite are probably breeding humans to provide them with new organs and blood. So don't get too healthy or they will come for you! Or maybe, being too healthy filled with all manner of natural microbes and they would not be able to cope with your products..

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You're off the reservation, Rick! haha!

Langan lives on a remote farm in Missouri, apparently. :)

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Really smart man, I like his chances in that area.

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I didn't get the heebie jeebies watching those videos, but I do have the strong desire to buy more ammo.

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I think that "a drink" meant something stronger.

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Yeah, black coffee is as strong as it gets for me. :-)

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I found this in another of your links: “One or more cell lines with an origin that can be traced back to human fetal tissue has been used in laboratory tests associated with the vaccine program.” And I've made this statement before in question form; Who's DNA?

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I got to this coming from a doctor who realizes the truth - I am a hippocratic anachronism - on one of the links you provide.

I have summarized this all down to its a snake cult. The fascists wouldn't be able to control all the physicians as they can without it.

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Well crafted and disturbing. Need to sit with my heart open in hell and see what arises. One certainty - the 'iris' has already been opened and the payload delivered.

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A few things to keep in mind, now that I think of it.

Organisms are very resilient. Life finds a way! It is not as easily destroyed as many think.

Second, the plan seems to be for everybody to take a dozen or so of these shots. More and more people will come over to the noncompliant side when they feel more coercion.

There's a good meme floating around. "You are only ever one jab from being excluded. We are fighting for you too. We just started earlier."

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It is very peculiar, that this fact of planned ongoing boosters, maybe for years, is not actually noticed by mainstream people, despite not really being kept secret, e.g. here in Germany, there a already orders of COVID shots that would be sufficient for 7-8 shots per person - and that is only for 2022-2023, additional contracts for the coming years up to 2029 are also in the clear. The extent of collective brainwashing is astonishing.

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It's really hard for even me to believe, so the brainwashed probably don't even let it register. Good point Texavery.

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Another friend felt this way when reading it.

I am sorry it had this effect on you. I have been sitting with much of this for a year and I know when I first learned some of these things starting March last year, I was absolutely terrified. I've had time to come to grips with it all now.

At times I'm so disconnected to my emotions it's hard to know what I feel. Anger, maybe.

Thank you for watching the videos and reading about the Aschen. I know that most won't be able to get that far but I couldn't resist the metaphors.

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Apology not needed! We are all are creating a way forward together and discussions like this are completely appropriate. Viva la Process! Each day the courageous heart grows stronger.

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I am forwarding this to an in-law who seems to have not discovered Substack, but is self-alerted to things not being what the MSM says.

Such a comprehensive overview Monika, is absolutely perfect for the job.

Thank you deeply.

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Hi Claire, if you get this far.

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Only 3/10 to 3/14 of it has been delivered! Look on the bright side! Lol

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If you think that black humour is looking on the bright side. Lol.

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