I'm driving, typing at redlights, so i didn't read although I will. But have you ever seen the video why you should NEVER talk to cops even if you're innocent. WATCH IT! All per power works the same way- no matter what they will use everything you say and do against you. They will twist every movement no matter how pure to their ends. More later.
I'm driving, typing at redlights, so i didn't read although I will. But have you ever seen the video why you should NEVER talk to cops even if you're innocent. WATCH IT! All per power works the same way- no matter what they will use everything you say and do against you. They will twist every movement no matter how pure to their ends. More later.
Stonewall was before my time, obviously, but I've implicitly known for 20 years that law enforcement types are much more likely to have an entitlement mentality and are on a power trip.
It became explicitly obvious 10 years ago. I wasn't a leftist then (I haven't been a leftist for 20 years). I was a libertarian with a lot of ideas most would consider right-wing.
I'm genuinely surprised at the number of people in the covid skeptic movement who are bootlickers completely unaware of such things as asset forfeiture and the 100 mile constitution-free zone.
Yeah, the 100 mile zone swallows up several whole states, and I think almost 2/3rds of the population lies within the zone because it includes Florida, Michigan, New York, and all the heavily populated coastal areas on both seaboards.
Conservatives favor cops because they seem them as upholding the law but they are merely enforcers of the state. They will do whatever they are told to get paid. As soon as being a conservative is against the law, they will be pounding on conservatives' door. "But that won't happen here!" Yeah, tell that to the Jews in 1940 Germany. Oh, wait, you can't. The police rounded them up. Just following orders, ma'am.
I'm driving, typing at redlights, so i didn't read although I will. But have you ever seen the video why you should NEVER talk to cops even if you're innocent. WATCH IT! All per power works the same way- no matter what they will use everything you say and do against you. They will twist every movement no matter how pure to their ends. More later.
I've been saying ACAB before it was cool.
Stonewall was before my time, obviously, but I've implicitly known for 20 years that law enforcement types are much more likely to have an entitlement mentality and are on a power trip.
It became explicitly obvious 10 years ago. I wasn't a leftist then (I haven't been a leftist for 20 years). I was a libertarian with a lot of ideas most would consider right-wing.
I'm genuinely surprised at the number of people in the covid skeptic movement who are bootlickers completely unaware of such things as asset forfeiture and the 100 mile constitution-free zone.
Yeah, the 100 mile zone swallows up several whole states, and I think almost 2/3rds of the population lies within the zone because it includes Florida, Michigan, New York, and all the heavily populated coastal areas on both seaboards.
Conservatives favor cops because they seem them as upholding the law but they are merely enforcers of the state. They will do whatever they are told to get paid. As soon as being a conservative is against the law, they will be pounding on conservatives' door. "But that won't happen here!" Yeah, tell that to the Jews in 1940 Germany. Oh, wait, you can't. The police rounded them up. Just following orders, ma'am.