Meandering Thoughts on the "Green on the Outside, Red on the Inside" Nature of the Technocratic Movement, a Few Related Essays, and the Dumbed Down Schizophrenia of our Times
Great read! (We INTJs communicate pretty well I guess.) My dad's side of the family were all of an environmentalist/conservationist mindset, so I grew up with a healthy respect for those ideas... The carbon obsession as of late seems to be more of a way for the elite to limit resource consumption (and happiness) than to make any real impact on improving the environment. If I ever get cancer, I'll be needing some of your Coley's Toxins so wishing you all the success in those endeavors.
Yup. They are CONTROL addicts and the proof is in the pudding.
There are all kinds of bottom-up solutions that are not based in central control. Small-scale permaculture that eliminates resource-intensive lawns, and micro nuclear reactors for local communities, are just two such ideas.
The elites, if they were morally worthy of leadership, would lead both by example and education at disseminating information that would lead to a laboratory of idea exploration and old-fashioned competition.
The highly educated paid a fortune to be indoctrinated into this cult of death. They now exist as the expert class to lend authority to the green scams. The only reprieve is that they keep getting boosters.
It’s always hugely heartening and refreshing when you come across highly educated but not at all indoctrinated people, it seems a rare combination. It’s people like that, that can put together an illuminating Substack post like this!
Also, great links- nice to read thoughts from people I wouldn’t otherwise discover.
I keep calling the LGBTQIAK+ "the new proletariat." There are definitely some massive communist vibes happening between identity politics and climate "science" brigades (which is a far cry from substantive environmentalism) even if it seems an over simplification and all the communists scream at me "that's not real communism."
Vaccines and environmentalism are intoxicating religions each in their own right. Add statism on top of it, which is probably the most powerful religion of all.
Hopefully, with most of them being jabbed and the subsequent early deaths, we can trim off a few years of the pain. Unfortunately, the ones who we really need to take the jabs aren’t doing so and have some almost magical means of living for decades past the typical expiration date.
The environmental discussion is about as vitriolic as the "vaccine" discussion. Both "sides" think they have all of the answers and it's their way or no way. Sane people, when presented with *real* facts will support making common sense changes that don't devastate the economy or destroy huge segments of the population's livelihoods. We have the technology to do some amazing things that lessen the impact on the "environment" while working in harmony with the environment to get the things we need from it whether that be food, rare minerals or, yes, even energy. The fact remains that if we want to have good lives, we have to exploit some things from the earth. The religious ones in the environmental movement seem to think that they will keep their standard of living if we go back to the stone age and the religious on the other side thinks that there won't be repercussions if we just tear up the earth entirely. Most of us, IMO, fall in the center.
The return to 1890 means they won't have their iPhones. I suspect many have not considered how many hours were spent pilling water from the well. And how much effort was used to make that well. Those hours we once devoted to just getting by were hours not available to invent the iPhone nor to the hours used to create the ability to create that phone. Everything requires some energy expense. As you note we could better spend our energy on finding solutions rather then spend energy to reduce energy sources.
I was picked to play Capulet in my high school's post-apocalyptic cyberpunk take on Romeo & Juliet; and Cigarette Smoking Man in a shot-for-shot remake we did, just for fun, of the X-Files Movie. Just to support your guess that I like to role-play as the bad guy lol. Or at least the antihero.
What really apalls me about the so-called Green movement is that it doesn't really have anything to do with conservationism or environmentalism. Those aren't really political positions, they're really fundamentally aesthetic, driven by the spiritual value of wilderness. It isn't right or left, as can be seen by the historical fact that it has been enthusiastically adopted by hippies (left), Teddy Roosevelt conservatives (right), and the literal Nazis (far right). On the other hand, it's been rejected by Soviet communists (far left), and industrial capitalists (right). Environmentalism is a third dimension to the political compass, orthogonal to the economic and authoritarian axes.
What the green carbon cult really represents is a technocratic power grab that substitutes the concentration of a trace constituent of the atmosphere for conservation of wild lands. By playing that little card trick it's able to leverage the genuine, and positive, desire of most humans to live in harmony with a beautiful world, and subvert that into support for the expert class to reduce the world's population to slaves. In the meantime, yet vampire zombie squid system gets summoned into being, in which human paperclip maximizers autistically reduce all life to carbon reduction while happily wreaking all sorts of economic and, yes, environmental havoc that they remain blissfully oblivious of because it doesn't fall into their sole category of 'is it carbon tho'.
Practical solutions. Absolutely. Same curriculum experience in my university. Real life and real problems. Innovative ideas, sure. And nothing like today’s cult of green.
Haha, I grew up in church and remember the End Times stuff. It was everywhere. I think I probably saw the same "everyone left gets their heads chopped off" movie as you, among others. Some of these Christian films even managed to get recognizeable actors - Gary Busey, Nick Cage, among others. I'm steeped in end times doctrine, like it's one of those odd uncles in the family that you're suspicious of but also intrigued by.
I also do see things predicted thousands of years ago coming true and see the potential for more of them to become more true in the next several years. With the advances in bio-tech, chips, neutral interfaces, surveillance, and more, the prospects for "join us or die" seem much more possible.
Hell, we just went through a season where if you didn't take a shot, you lost your job, money, etc. I'm convinced that mandate was just a trial balloon, a beta test, and as things advance over the next few years, we'll see over and over that a choice will have to be made, or else. Conform or be cast out.
The Totalitarianism is the same old same old: my ideas are absolutely right, and you are an Untermenschen for not grasping that. It hasn't learned from Caligula, Stalin & Hitler because nobody reads history any more....and the "correct" ideology is their comfort blanket.
What tech has done is make 24/7 global control a possibility as opposed to a megalomanic fantasy.
What digital mass media have done is (a) persuade people that transhuman AI will make everything better Daddy, (b) upside down Alchemy is really just "follow" it and shutTF up and (c) hard evidence is conspiracy theory not worthy of your attention.
In that context, the two basic elements remain the same: you are a child who needs protection from yourself, and I am the sole source of Truth (pace Jacinda Ardern).
Shellenberger gets a lot right except he buys into the co2/climate-scam-narrative ... still it’s sad that his run for governor failed... would’ve been a huge improvement over Newsom.
I have been trying to put my finger on just what is wrong lately, and I think you have nailed the principal justification for most of the insanity.
I remember a few years ago, I think it was during the 2nd or 3rd year of Trumps term; gas prices were half those at present, and stable, inflation was low, the economy was ticking, Black unemployment was declining, the border was monitored and enforced, and things were good and trending better. Trump had some rough edges and was politically incorrect, but the economy was working and people were generally feeling prosperous. Trump was trying to bring manufacturing back to the US.
At that time I spent a few days with my leftie relatives in Palo Alto, and on the way out to lunch mentioned that “things are looking pretty good.” They disagreed because “climate change.”
Now this excuse is being used to lower everyone's standard of living, without a second thought. So for the “greater good” we have a Sri Lanka with food shortages, starvation, and the blowup of the local economy and currency… and a mini version of the same thing is being attempted in the Netherlands.
I am personally undecided as to the correctness of the global warming narrative (back in the 50’s it was global cooling that was the supposed problem). All I can say for certain is: the climate is constantly changing, and the rhythms of the sun, the sunspot cycle, the tilt of the earths axis and the path of its orbit over the years may have something to do with it. I am not sure about the CO2.
What I can say for sure: I don’t want to give up my somewhat affordable car for it, or a semi rural low density life, or the food supply, or everything run on diesel (like say, tractors), cheap electricity, say like for a/c, or relatively cheap natural gas (maybe to stay warm in a cold climate). In Colorado, we easily have 50 – 60 degree swings during the day, and we mitigate that with heating and cooling when necessary. G-d knows what those folks north of us in WY, MT, SD, ND will do to stay warm if the climate freaks have their way… maybe burn cow pies? Naaah, cant to that, Gates does not want you to eat meat.
I see lots of mistakes being made here, the general effect being to lower the standard of living for many if not most, and create more unhappy people.
Is that also what the open borders are designed to achieve?
If you get enough unhappy people, will they vote for the lefties? That seems to be the idea.
I am currently reading Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman. Its a pretty good description of life in Russia after the Stalin purges of the late 30’s, and during the German attack of WW2. It has been compared to Tolstoy's War and Peace, for a more modern time. Even while fighting the Germans, manpower was wasted on Political Officers (Commissars) to make sure people did not deviate from the narrative in speech and thought, and the punishments for that were severe… 10 or more years in the Gulag.
Lenin, Stalin and Marx were lefties… what could be more pleasant if you are poor and downtrodden than “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.”
That seems to be the unvoiced end game, “by any means necessary”, including the climate change narrative.
I think in principles, even though I’m a scientist. I’m a hard-core ancap/agorist, whatever you want to call it. (Think: minarchists are still commies, lol)
Let’s say that we are at Peak Oil/Coal/etc. (We probably are.)
Who cares? Central planning, especially at this scale, and control of the means of production, has never been proven to work.
OK. So production of these commodities gradually declines, prices must gradually increase in response to demand, and peoples’ lifestyles adjust accordingly.
Other people besides Musk can make electric cars. They could run on nuclear in a free market.
The market and culture also respond through gradual adoption of alternative, less fossil-fuel intensive means of growing food, etc. This could be spurred by educating people, too, rather than just creating chaos in an attempt to artificially reduce the population.
It’s hilarious because the Malthusian catastrophists are causing crashes in an attempt at a controlled demolition rather than allowing the supposedly inevitable “crashes” to happen on their own.
Most Millenials/GenZ in the western world can’t afford to have kids and don’t want them, anyway, for all kinds of reasons. If APGW and population growth is such a problem, it is already “fixing” itself.
Another reason elites are focused on population growth in the western world, of course, is the insolvency of “safety net” systems such as social security, medicare, etc.
They are trying to get everyone under their control before people can take matters into their own hands -- either retributive justice, or real solutions that divest them from power, or both.
The great promises of the lefties of the past, when instantiated, in places like the Soviet Union, or Venezuela, or Cuba were about confiscating the fruits of the labor of the competent who had sweated, gambled, risked, and worked hard to generate and create that wealth. The lefties took it for free, except for the effort to confiscate and deport and kill those that built it (see the “de-kulikization” in Russia).
What's left after the revolution and bloodshed, is a large mass of those receiving some minimum amount from the state that may include ration coupons, and a layer of technocrats, and political overseers (the commissars, and political officers) and different levels of party machinery. These different classes receive different benefits. And also remaining after the carnage, in the Soviet system, were those guilty of wrong think, the Zeks, the political prisoners, who became slaves, for years, many of whom were killed in captivity.
It was a pyramid of power.
So all the selling about a classless society of equals resulted in a pyramid of power, the “dictatorship of the proletariat”.
I’m sure that most of the lefties with good intentions, to right the wrongs and injustices of the world, do not have this end in mind… but that's where it seems to end up.
Its all about “power”, or so the postmodernists say in the universities of today...
And its really tough to change it once that point is reached… those that can leave, have a skill, or ambition, or just want freedom, generally leave, some at the cost of their lives.
I'm driving, typing at redlights, so i didn't read although I will. But have you ever seen the video why you should NEVER talk to cops even if you're innocent. WATCH IT! All per power works the same way- no matter what they will use everything you say and do against you. They will twist every movement no matter how pure to their ends. More later.
Stonewall was before my time, obviously, but I've implicitly known for 20 years that law enforcement types are much more likely to have an entitlement mentality and are on a power trip.
It became explicitly obvious 10 years ago. I wasn't a leftist then (I haven't been a leftist for 20 years). I was a libertarian with a lot of ideas most would consider right-wing.
I'm genuinely surprised at the number of people in the covid skeptic movement who are bootlickers completely unaware of such things as asset forfeiture and the 100 mile constitution-free zone.
Yeah, the 100 mile zone swallows up several whole states, and I think almost 2/3rds of the population lies within the zone because it includes Florida, Michigan, New York, and all the heavily populated coastal areas on both seaboards.
Conservatives favor cops because they seem them as upholding the law but they are merely enforcers of the state. They will do whatever they are told to get paid. As soon as being a conservative is against the law, they will be pounding on conservatives' door. "But that won't happen here!" Yeah, tell that to the Jews in 1940 Germany. Oh, wait, you can't. The police rounded them up. Just following orders, ma'am.
I have been lamenting that of late. All my life I have advocated for taking care of the earth. "Environmentalists" and their technocratic ilk have turned that into puke and vomit, you have to eat insects and ride your bike to work in the winter, after you take your shotspills.
Meanwhile I feel like I am the only one who has noticed not seeing a single monarch butterfly, and it is already mid July.
Great read! (We INTJs communicate pretty well I guess.) My dad's side of the family were all of an environmentalist/conservationist mindset, so I grew up with a healthy respect for those ideas... The carbon obsession as of late seems to be more of a way for the elite to limit resource consumption (and happiness) than to make any real impact on improving the environment. If I ever get cancer, I'll be needing some of your Coley's Toxins so wishing you all the success in those endeavors.
Yup. They are CONTROL addicts and the proof is in the pudding.
There are all kinds of bottom-up solutions that are not based in central control. Small-scale permaculture that eliminates resource-intensive lawns, and micro nuclear reactors for local communities, are just two such ideas.
The elites, if they were morally worthy of leadership, would lead both by example and education at disseminating information that would lead to a laboratory of idea exploration and old-fashioned competition.
They aren't, and don't.
The highly educated paid a fortune to be indoctrinated into this cult of death. They now exist as the expert class to lend authority to the green scams. The only reprieve is that they keep getting boosters.
Just think of the cost : value of what they “learned” in U. They got ripped off in every way.
It’s always hugely heartening and refreshing when you come across highly educated but not at all indoctrinated people, it seems a rare combination. It’s people like that, that can put together an illuminating Substack post like this!
Also, great links- nice to read thoughts from people I wouldn’t otherwise discover.
I keep calling the LGBTQIAK+ "the new proletariat." There are definitely some massive communist vibes happening between identity politics and climate "science" brigades (which is a far cry from substantive environmentalism) even if it seems an over simplification and all the communists scream at me "that's not real communism."
The more fervent the ideology, the longer the pain will last.
That’s what I’m afraid of.
Vaccines and environmentalism are intoxicating religions each in their own right. Add statism on top of it, which is probably the most powerful religion of all.
Hopefully, with most of them being jabbed and the subsequent early deaths, we can trim off a few years of the pain. Unfortunately, the ones who we really need to take the jabs aren’t doing so and have some almost magical means of living for decades past the typical expiration date.
“Almost magical”
Heh heh.
I see what you did there.
The environmental discussion is about as vitriolic as the "vaccine" discussion. Both "sides" think they have all of the answers and it's their way or no way. Sane people, when presented with *real* facts will support making common sense changes that don't devastate the economy or destroy huge segments of the population's livelihoods. We have the technology to do some amazing things that lessen the impact on the "environment" while working in harmony with the environment to get the things we need from it whether that be food, rare minerals or, yes, even energy. The fact remains that if we want to have good lives, we have to exploit some things from the earth. The religious ones in the environmental movement seem to think that they will keep their standard of living if we go back to the stone age and the religious on the other side thinks that there won't be repercussions if we just tear up the earth entirely. Most of us, IMO, fall in the center.
The return to 1890 means they won't have their iPhones. I suspect many have not considered how many hours were spent pilling water from the well. And how much effort was used to make that well. Those hours we once devoted to just getting by were hours not available to invent the iPhone nor to the hours used to create the ability to create that phone. Everything requires some energy expense. As you note we could better spend our energy on finding solutions rather then spend energy to reduce energy sources.
I was picked to play Capulet in my high school's post-apocalyptic cyberpunk take on Romeo & Juliet; and Cigarette Smoking Man in a shot-for-shot remake we did, just for fun, of the X-Files Movie. Just to support your guess that I like to role-play as the bad guy lol. Or at least the antihero.
What really apalls me about the so-called Green movement is that it doesn't really have anything to do with conservationism or environmentalism. Those aren't really political positions, they're really fundamentally aesthetic, driven by the spiritual value of wilderness. It isn't right or left, as can be seen by the historical fact that it has been enthusiastically adopted by hippies (left), Teddy Roosevelt conservatives (right), and the literal Nazis (far right). On the other hand, it's been rejected by Soviet communists (far left), and industrial capitalists (right). Environmentalism is a third dimension to the political compass, orthogonal to the economic and authoritarian axes.
What the green carbon cult really represents is a technocratic power grab that substitutes the concentration of a trace constituent of the atmosphere for conservation of wild lands. By playing that little card trick it's able to leverage the genuine, and positive, desire of most humans to live in harmony with a beautiful world, and subvert that into support for the expert class to reduce the world's population to slaves. In the meantime, yet vampire zombie squid system gets summoned into being, in which human paperclip maximizers autistically reduce all life to carbon reduction while happily wreaking all sorts of economic and, yes, environmental havoc that they remain blissfully oblivious of because it doesn't fall into their sole category of 'is it carbon tho'.
You’re dating yourself ;)
Practical solutions. Absolutely. Same curriculum experience in my university. Real life and real problems. Innovative ideas, sure. And nothing like today’s cult of green.
Haha, I grew up in church and remember the End Times stuff. It was everywhere. I think I probably saw the same "everyone left gets their heads chopped off" movie as you, among others. Some of these Christian films even managed to get recognizeable actors - Gary Busey, Nick Cage, among others. I'm steeped in end times doctrine, like it's one of those odd uncles in the family that you're suspicious of but also intrigued by.
I also do see things predicted thousands of years ago coming true and see the potential for more of them to become more true in the next several years. With the advances in bio-tech, chips, neutral interfaces, surveillance, and more, the prospects for "join us or die" seem much more possible.
Hell, we just went through a season where if you didn't take a shot, you lost your job, money, etc. I'm convinced that mandate was just a trial balloon, a beta test, and as things advance over the next few years, we'll see over and over that a choice will have to be made, or else. Conform or be cast out.
Environmentalism has been the red herring, the sleight of hand, and the vehicle to drive us into world population control for years.
The Totalitarianism is the same old same old: my ideas are absolutely right, and you are an Untermenschen for not grasping that. It hasn't learned from Caligula, Stalin & Hitler because nobody reads history any more....and the "correct" ideology is their comfort blanket.
What tech has done is make 24/7 global control a possibility as opposed to a megalomanic fantasy.
What digital mass media have done is (a) persuade people that transhuman AI will make everything better Daddy, (b) upside down Alchemy is really just "follow" it and shutTF up and (c) hard evidence is conspiracy theory not worthy of your attention.
In that context, the two basic elements remain the same: you are a child who needs protection from yourself, and I am the sole source of Truth (pace Jacinda Ardern).
Shellenberger gets a lot right except he buys into the co2/climate-scam-narrative ... still it’s sad that his run for governor failed... would’ve been a huge improvement over Newsom.
I heard about that guy on the radio one day! :)
he also has a Substack which is how i learned about him.
Well, that was well said.
I have been trying to put my finger on just what is wrong lately, and I think you have nailed the principal justification for most of the insanity.
I remember a few years ago, I think it was during the 2nd or 3rd year of Trumps term; gas prices were half those at present, and stable, inflation was low, the economy was ticking, Black unemployment was declining, the border was monitored and enforced, and things were good and trending better. Trump had some rough edges and was politically incorrect, but the economy was working and people were generally feeling prosperous. Trump was trying to bring manufacturing back to the US.
At that time I spent a few days with my leftie relatives in Palo Alto, and on the way out to lunch mentioned that “things are looking pretty good.” They disagreed because “climate change.”
Now this excuse is being used to lower everyone's standard of living, without a second thought. So for the “greater good” we have a Sri Lanka with food shortages, starvation, and the blowup of the local economy and currency… and a mini version of the same thing is being attempted in the Netherlands.
I am personally undecided as to the correctness of the global warming narrative (back in the 50’s it was global cooling that was the supposed problem). All I can say for certain is: the climate is constantly changing, and the rhythms of the sun, the sunspot cycle, the tilt of the earths axis and the path of its orbit over the years may have something to do with it. I am not sure about the CO2.
What I can say for sure: I don’t want to give up my somewhat affordable car for it, or a semi rural low density life, or the food supply, or everything run on diesel (like say, tractors), cheap electricity, say like for a/c, or relatively cheap natural gas (maybe to stay warm in a cold climate). In Colorado, we easily have 50 – 60 degree swings during the day, and we mitigate that with heating and cooling when necessary. G-d knows what those folks north of us in WY, MT, SD, ND will do to stay warm if the climate freaks have their way… maybe burn cow pies? Naaah, cant to that, Gates does not want you to eat meat.
I see lots of mistakes being made here, the general effect being to lower the standard of living for many if not most, and create more unhappy people.
Is that also what the open borders are designed to achieve?
If you get enough unhappy people, will they vote for the lefties? That seems to be the idea.
I am currently reading Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman. Its a pretty good description of life in Russia after the Stalin purges of the late 30’s, and during the German attack of WW2. It has been compared to Tolstoy's War and Peace, for a more modern time. Even while fighting the Germans, manpower was wasted on Political Officers (Commissars) to make sure people did not deviate from the narrative in speech and thought, and the punishments for that were severe… 10 or more years in the Gulag.
Lenin, Stalin and Marx were lefties… what could be more pleasant if you are poor and downtrodden than “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.”
That seems to be the unvoiced end game, “by any means necessary”, including the climate change narrative.
Not a happy thought.
I think in principles, even though I’m a scientist. I’m a hard-core ancap/agorist, whatever you want to call it. (Think: minarchists are still commies, lol)
Let’s say that we are at Peak Oil/Coal/etc. (We probably are.)
Who cares? Central planning, especially at this scale, and control of the means of production, has never been proven to work.
OK. So production of these commodities gradually declines, prices must gradually increase in response to demand, and peoples’ lifestyles adjust accordingly.
Other people besides Musk can make electric cars. They could run on nuclear in a free market.
The market and culture also respond through gradual adoption of alternative, less fossil-fuel intensive means of growing food, etc. This could be spurred by educating people, too, rather than just creating chaos in an attempt to artificially reduce the population.
It’s hilarious because the Malthusian catastrophists are causing crashes in an attempt at a controlled demolition rather than allowing the supposedly inevitable “crashes” to happen on their own.
Most Millenials/GenZ in the western world can’t afford to have kids and don’t want them, anyway, for all kinds of reasons. If APGW and population growth is such a problem, it is already “fixing” itself.
Another reason elites are focused on population growth in the western world, of course, is the insolvency of “safety net” systems such as social security, medicare, etc.
They are trying to get everyone under their control before people can take matters into their own hands -- either retributive justice, or real solutions that divest them from power, or both.
Regarding "control":
The great promises of the lefties of the past, when instantiated, in places like the Soviet Union, or Venezuela, or Cuba were about confiscating the fruits of the labor of the competent who had sweated, gambled, risked, and worked hard to generate and create that wealth. The lefties took it for free, except for the effort to confiscate and deport and kill those that built it (see the “de-kulikization” in Russia).
What's left after the revolution and bloodshed, is a large mass of those receiving some minimum amount from the state that may include ration coupons, and a layer of technocrats, and political overseers (the commissars, and political officers) and different levels of party machinery. These different classes receive different benefits. And also remaining after the carnage, in the Soviet system, were those guilty of wrong think, the Zeks, the political prisoners, who became slaves, for years, many of whom were killed in captivity.
It was a pyramid of power.
So all the selling about a classless society of equals resulted in a pyramid of power, the “dictatorship of the proletariat”.
I’m sure that most of the lefties with good intentions, to right the wrongs and injustices of the world, do not have this end in mind… but that's where it seems to end up.
Its all about “power”, or so the postmodernists say in the universities of today...
And its really tough to change it once that point is reached… those that can leave, have a skill, or ambition, or just want freedom, generally leave, some at the cost of their lives.
Provided, of course, that there is a place to go.
I'm driving, typing at redlights, so i didn't read although I will. But have you ever seen the video why you should NEVER talk to cops even if you're innocent. WATCH IT! All per power works the same way- no matter what they will use everything you say and do against you. They will twist every movement no matter how pure to their ends. More later.
I've been saying ACAB before it was cool.
Stonewall was before my time, obviously, but I've implicitly known for 20 years that law enforcement types are much more likely to have an entitlement mentality and are on a power trip.
It became explicitly obvious 10 years ago. I wasn't a leftist then (I haven't been a leftist for 20 years). I was a libertarian with a lot of ideas most would consider right-wing.
I'm genuinely surprised at the number of people in the covid skeptic movement who are bootlickers completely unaware of such things as asset forfeiture and the 100 mile constitution-free zone.
Yeah, the 100 mile zone swallows up several whole states, and I think almost 2/3rds of the population lies within the zone because it includes Florida, Michigan, New York, and all the heavily populated coastal areas on both seaboards.
Conservatives favor cops because they seem them as upholding the law but they are merely enforcers of the state. They will do whatever they are told to get paid. As soon as being a conservative is against the law, they will be pounding on conservatives' door. "But that won't happen here!" Yeah, tell that to the Jews in 1940 Germany. Oh, wait, you can't. The police rounded them up. Just following orders, ma'am.
I have been lamenting that of late. All my life I have advocated for taking care of the earth. "Environmentalists" and their technocratic ilk have turned that into puke and vomit, you have to eat insects and ride your bike to work in the winter, after you take your shotspills.
Meanwhile I feel like I am the only one who has noticed not seeing a single monarch butterfly, and it is already mid July.