Have you seen the latest video of the conference of German pathologist Arne Burkhardt? He acquired some vax vials and gave them to a professor for materials. This professor found (among other things) a substance that only consisted of carbon and oxygen. Arne Burkhardt himself wondered, whether the stuff was graphene oxid.
Have you seen the latest video of the conference of German pathologist Arne Burkhardt? He acquired some vax vials and gave them to a professor for materials. This professor found (among other things) a substance that only consisted of carbon and oxygen. Arne Burkhardt himself wondered, whether the stuff was graphene oxid.
Have you seen the latest video of the conference of German pathologist Arne Burkhardt? He acquired some vax vials and gave them to a professor for materials. This professor found (among other things) a substance that only consisted of carbon and oxygen. Arne Burkhardt himself wondered, whether the stuff was graphene oxid.
Yes, I am aware that there are multiple independent groups finding the same thing, and also aware of the spectroscopy evidence