Hello again, this one is pretty long, but I’ll chance it....
I thought this might interest you. Remember I mentioned dannion brinkley who diedi in 1975 struck by lightning, then he saw some things pertaining to the future. He wrote his first book in 1994 about his visions. Second book in 1997 third around 2006..this excerpt is from the third book: “ I saw medecine moving into the astonishingly effective complementary and alternative modalities, such as a myriad of phototherapies. i saw cancer, and other life threatening diseases, eradicated with healing wands made of light. i also saw the invention and implementation of a nanochip with the potential to be used for good or for evil. it was wonderful to understand its implications in the finding of Lost children or the tracking of missing military personel in a time of war (he’d been in Vietnam). But it was just as quickly shown that it could be used to monitor the activities of innocent citizens and ultimately to detonate a deadly virus into the body of an unsuspecting victim that any government wanted eliminated more than that, I saw that the chip could easily be implanted in the elderly as a traceless form of euthanasia. This was an eye-opening bone-chilling prospect.
I continued to be infused with these vivid scenes from the future of our world until I’d absorbed well over 100 scenarios. Sending my anxiety, and in the hope of assuaging my fear, the beings told me that our future is not written in stone. We still have the chance to change the outcome if only we return our collective consciousness to the reality of love. The beings then shared what my personal mission was to be. They told me I was to establish spiritual capitalism on earth. They said spiritualistic capitalism was needed because people had to realize that their security is not to be found in governments, institutions or religions. All three of these are necessary components in human life, but they were not meant to be relied upon completely. Rather than Living in a society ruled by godless capitalism, the beings presented the idea of each one of us finding something we love to do and then using that talent or gift to serve the World while also making an income. That is the definition of spiritual capitalism.
The beings emphasized that our highest human potential can be reached only when we remember who we are as great, powerful and Mighty spiritual beings. “ ( secrets of the light, HarperOne 2008 a later edition).
Most of his prophecies have been fulfilled a few still await fullfilment
Link to podcast mentioned in earlier thread: dannion brinkley, saved by the light; earth ancients, owltail podcasts 18th august 2021.
BTW. In one post I mentioned Deepak Chopra....well 2 days later he was mentioned in UkColumn.org as an invited speaker at a congress including anthony Fauci.
Definitely interested in looking into this author now, and this “spiritual capitalism” idea... 💡 Aligns nicely with my own worldview! Thanks for sharing.
Were the beings using the expression 'spiritual capitalism' as a compromise with Brinkley's own language-understanding for forms of exchange, or do they intend for there to be an entire overaching concept for "doing what one loves to do while also making an income" that includes the institutionalization and concretizing spiritual means of production—an industrialization of the mechanisms through which intentional acts of love become physical systems for the formal exchange of material and labor into products? Capitalism means something (in our post-modern, late-capitalist, post-ideological age) regarding a kind of reproductive and transformational exchange that becomes institutional, whereas it's very broad to talk about doing what one loves and earning "income" from that. There have been human societies (plural!) where there was simply no concept whatsoever of money, and so what people did in these societies and how they regarded Being and beings and their own intentionality among others and the separate could not translate well, if at all, into a language of "income" having significance for what "earning" means. Does the echinacea growing in my little flowerpot earn an income by hungrily twisting into the sunlight? Are these worms in my compost bins earning an income when they eat, dream, sleep, poop and have sex with one another in these large slithering balls down within the dark of rotting banana skins?
Even the very idea of being "great, powerful and Mighty" will have to undergo some change if one regards submission and transformation as part of the "highest human potential". For instance, the emphasis on change in Zhuangzi's thoughts as an essential aspect of what it means to follow the Tao means recognizing that one's own participation in the transformation of all things means reinterpreting any form of humanity that is "great, powerful and Mighty" as one might that form of being a great, powerful and Mighty frog trapped in a well when seen from the vantage point of a Roc, for example, whose wings are ten thousand miles wide and whose flight takes it from one edge of local space to another, or from the vantage point of the star Aldebaran, as another example. And even if we add in that we're not talking about physical size ("Size matters not," says Yoda) so much as we are talking about influence and the capacity to change the contours of eternal flow, what could the meaning of "income" be in the context of this reorientation?
There's a story told about this one guy, almost a narratival parable, where his followers were worried enough about the local government's intrusion into their world-changing activities that the subject of temple taxation came up. "How are we going to pay the tithe?" So he tells them to go trawling for fish. Tossing out a net, they pull in a fish that had just enough solid money in its mouth to pay the tax. Was that earning an income? Is that capitalism, spiritual or otherwise?
It's a great big universe out there, but inside, it's even wider than we know.
This is not the place for such a discussion, read the book or ask the author...the intellect can analyze, judge, discern....the field we Enter with spirituality pertains to the intuition ...has nothing to do with academia....the intuition ( not the gut feeling) usually sees through mindstuff....
An antoent hindu proverb says: one ounce of practice is worth more than a ton of theories....I’m out..
Why would you post about the book if you're uninterested in talking about it? That's odd, don't you think?
Having had out-of-body experiences, I'm not averse to talking about it, and since you're talking about it here already, why are you suddenly unwilling to do so? You even refer us to this book in the context of seeing through the fraud of the inoculations, in light of the dawning technocratic tyrannies pushed onto unwitting people. So there's obviously a relevance here that you see. I think it's relevant, but I'm also highly aware regarding the spirits, or rather all these extradimensional or immaterial or transmaterial forms of life that populate the worlds we do not see with our eyes and do not hear with our ears, that they do not always speak honestly. Do you disagree with that?
Maybe you and I are operating from different frequencies, but that doesn't mean you're worth more than I am or I am worth more than you, does it? And that we speak from different languages doesn't mean one is worth less than the other: the point is to learn to translate from ourselves to one another. If you feel I am not speaking to you from the heart, then I'll understand. I cannot make you unfeel what you choose to. I just want to hear and read from your own perspective what you have to think, what you recognize, and why you offer this. If you're unwilling to become vulnerable, that's a choice you make to withhold that heart from others.
Either way, I did just put two of his books on hold through my local library. Have you ever read, or listened to, Robert Monroe?
The trouble with this field is you have to experience it. Being out of the body doesn’t really help, I’ve been unknowingly about 70% out of my body (according to several clairvoyants...!!?) most of my life, and seen life from that perspective, meaning I have thought everyone else were like me and sensed like me. It has taken nearly a lifetime to realize this is not so. Personally I experienced the “ Mighty, spiritual being “ (in a split second) as grace. Searched for what my experience amounted to and found the answer from one nde’er, and I’m sure glad I did, thus I was sure my experience was Real. Incidentally I have also mentioned Rudolph Steiner. He died in 1925 and his followers have done much great work, but they still discuss his teachings among themselves and have been “ fractioned” because of Judith von Halle who got the stigmata in 2004. To me their discussions are erroneous and leads nearly nowhere, because often other esoteric practices are not really allowed inclusion. Mind you they are extremely eloquent and very well formulated, sharp I Call it....albeit intellectual, but great for teaching you mental structure, of which I have nearly none....Rudolph steiner’s great asset
is his biodynamical garden growth ( he can nearly grow anything anywhere) and his child upbringing system which was on par with Maria Montessori’s. Unfortunately with the teacher dies the teaching it is often said, so steinerism hasn’t really evolved much, but is a good anker if you can “ sift out the goodies” I’m not saying I can do that I am far too little versed Rudolph S. ( ricardo leppe in one of the fuellmich sessions is today verymuch further than today)
Anyhow....steiner is seen from steiners perspective just as the traditionalist Hopi’s have their “system” which I consider an initiation rite of passage, such is not the case with Hopis in general.....I’m sorry this is so long....As you Will read dannion, I highly recommend Judith von Halles autobiography part 1, as she awoke at year 2, had to invented her own spiritual language and had no tutors. It is one of the most interesting books I have read in this field and I believe her experience is extremely important for our future generations, as are all of Gopi Krishna’s books which are about the spiritual evolution of man...one of the most important things he has said though -in my opinion - is that you have to be just as knowledgeable in in the spiritual as in the material and that icomes from the vedas...Gopi Krishna is all about the brain and the nervous system, and he said: he writes for the future generations (died 1984) what he advocated - Scientific research into the aforementioned -was begun on a larger scale in the 1990’s...
I also believe that the work done by the likes of fuellmich and all the others like Monica etc. is highly spiritual work, so are the truckers .......etc....
I have both a chemistry and microbiology background. I'm familiar with what both organic and inorganic crystals look like under a light microscope. What he showed doesn't look like any crystals I've seen.
I have been skeptical about some of what I've heard and seen earlier but there has been building evidence that something isn't right in Kansas.
Dear Dr Hughes, are you familar with dr andreas noack? Here is a link to a video nov 2021. dr noack may be disappeared. graphic content. https://www.bitchute.com/video/X9oMvf6dbhCi/
You are correct about engineering types. I follow a handful of the most intelligent, scientifically minded people on the web, and over the last 2 years, they have been the worst offenders. Smart people are just plain certain they're right, that they're in possession of the most accurate information from the highest authorities. It's obvious where the weak point is in that belief.
I'm not skeptical of the magnetic part, I've seen the compilations. There are hundreds of examples in them. Unfortunately, they are peppered with people sticking spoons and keys and other non-magnetic items which are stuck by friction, and that allows them to be easily dismissed. The only valid demonstration of magnetism is where a NdFeB magnet is sticking to the injection site in an orientation which is completely vertical or better, so there is no possibility gravity or friction are holding it in place. The ideal demonstration would have the magnet suspended from a string.
As for the notion these are "self assembling" in an intelligent sense, or are forming some kind of circuitry, I'm afraid unless there's something in the realm of hidden technology which vastly surpasses the currently acknowledged state of the art, I don't see the possibility of this being the case. The various "smart" implantable/injectible sensor type items we read about being in development are nothing more than passive sensors which undergo some kind of state change to be read by an external device. The best we could expect of this technology amounts to some kind of passive RFID.
There is a possibility such implants could generally sicken or kill us in response to 5G radiation, but that's the practical limit, as far as I can see. I have no doubt 5G is a "dual purpose" technology, and that it can influence our physical and mental well being all on its own. The fact that the industry and the regulators have not allowed any reasonable safety studies is enough cause for concern, and what little research is coming out of some European countries reinforces that.
I don't know what these objects are (it would be nice to see more accurately documented microscopy with time-lapse video), but I'm inclined to believe the injections are a mass experiment which could not be accomplished under any other guise. What we know for a fact is that the elite want gene-specific bioweapons, and they seek immortality, and gene modification is the obvious route to both of those things. This would require experimentation on a timeframe and scale so massive they could not accomplish it any other way. I think this is why the "adverse events" are apparently not just clustered around certain lot numbers, but those lot numbers are geographically distributed in a different way than the rest.
Fortunately, I think this is so hubristic and premature it is doomed to failure.
"I'm not skeptical of the magnetic part, I've seen the compilations. There are hundreds of examples in them… The only valid demonstration of magnetism is where a NdFeB magnet is sticking to the injection site in an orientation which is completely vertical or better, so there is no possibility gravity or friction are holding it in place. The ideal demonstration would have the magnet suspended from a string. "
"As for the notion these are "self assembling" in an intelligent sense, or are forming some kind of circuitry, I'm afraid unless there's something in the realm of hidden technology which vastly surpasses the currently acknowledged state of the art, I don't see the possibility of this being the case. The various "smart" implantable/injectible sensor type items we read about being in development are nothing more than passive sensors which undergo some kind of state change to be read by an external device. The best we could expect of this technology amounts to some kind of passive RFID. There is a possibility such implants could generally sicken or kill us in response to 5G radiation, but that's the practical limit, as far as I can see. "
Mostly agreed. I suspect this *may* be some sort of experiment as such, but it doesn’t have to be. Additionally, the assembly of these units may not be intentional at all. It could be a complete artifact of the way graphene behaves, which they may have failed to take into account, or ignored evidence of, because of wishful thinking.
I don’t think it needs radiation to harm anyone. Graphene is toxic to cells all on its own, merely due to its chemical and physical properties.
“I have no doubt 5G is a "dual purpose" technology, and that it can influence our physical and mental well being all on its own. The fact that the industry and the regulators have not allowed any reasonable safety studies is enough cause for concern, and what little research is coming out of some European countries reinforces that.”
Seems logical. I don’t know much about 5G.
“I don't know what these objects are (it would be nice to see more thorough microscopy with time-lapse video), but I'm inclined to believe the injections are a mass experiment which could not be accomplished under any other guise.”
Also agreed. To do what is the question.
I’m personally of the opinion that the vaccines are designed to weaken, kill, and sterilize in a number of different ways. If the vaccines do contain graphene, they serve as a way to test how much can be put into people before they get sick and die. The vaccines also contain spike protein, so it’s all rather difficult for us to tease out without having access to other information. I think they are banking on peoples’ incredulity which provides them plausible deniability, e.g., “How could 4-5 different brands of vaccines do ALL of these bad things? It’s impossible.”
“Fortunately, I think this is so hubristic and premature it is doomed to failure.”
Also agreed. And I’m of the opinion that much biotechnology is like that, but it’s finally getting bad enough that people are noticing so that perhaps we’re near a breaking point where people are rejecting a lot of the modern insanity that makes no sense, and returning to the “old ways.” You may enjoy these two related pieces I wrote on the matter:
Agreed about the graphene. What apparently happened to Dr Noack is frightening. Good articles, I read one already but neglected to "like" it at the time. Thank you Dr. Hughes
Have you seen the latest video of the conference of German pathologist Arne Burkhardt? He acquired some vax vials and gave them to a professor for materials. This professor found (among other things) a substance that only consisted of carbon and oxygen. Arne Burkhardt himself wondered, whether the stuff was graphene oxid.
Near death experiencer, dead for 28 mns, has since died three more times; during heart surgery and the rest I don’t remember offhand.
Rabbi Stephen Robbins was stillborn (his first nde, was revived by doctor who got the impulse to do so, then died aged 20 from hepatitis, 10% liver he had, restored completely after second death. Has died 8 times in all, latest nde in nov 9 2020. Has said on his return that we had passed a nasty corner, has also said that the current evildoers will have to meet each and everyone of their victims in future lives.....not a prospect I would cherish...you want to know about nde’s watch iands (international associations for near death studies) conferences on youtube, best there is on nde’s, second best is called “present”. Highly recommendable both of them...
No problem. This really isn’t my work, but I can either verify or deny based on my expertise.
#1) Stuff for injection should not have things larger than a red blood cell 9roughly 10-15 um) for safety reasons.
#2) I used DIC microscopy for years which is similar to phase contrast which is what is used here.
I can confirm from both lines of work that nothing like this or this large should be in the vaccines, and yet it is.
Furthermore, the added description of the thinness of these little “razor blades” is helpful. There is a plane of them on the coverslip and another plane of them on the slide itself. Very odd.
Okay, so you agree that at around 55 minutes and during the summary around the 1 hr mark he's explicitly saying these are forming graphene sheets (he also calls them "plates" when smaller), not volumes (using the NaCl crystallizing as an illustrative example of what happens when the crystals grow "up" from the slide surface)?
And you're also saying that because these form sheets, they act like "razor blades" due to the sharp edge (he mentions the sheet being an atom-thick at 22 mins)?
And so, what is also being argued is that if/since these are crystals, we have to examine what they are crystals of, and the manner and pattern of crystallization do not match any of the disclosed ingredients, meaning that as crystals, these are not "just" crystals but specifically crystallization of something that closely resembles documented crystallization of graphene oxide, correct?
He says it may well be an atom thick but I don’t think he said he knows this definitively.
What’s really interesting is that they form on the underside of the coverslip and the bottom of the slide. They appear to need to adhere to a surface to begin forming but then this only continues in one plane.
There’s not a lot of liquid thickness there! Maybe 30 um to my recollection. I used to make slides of fairly large fungi and I would add paper fibers to provide a bit of elevation and as a cushion so the coverslip did not crush the fungus too much. So these little sheets are damned thin.
Sure. Naturally when one sees things that look like chips, one thinks chips.
One thing Musk doesn't talk about is that the Neuralink chips kill 50% of the animals.
I'm with Malone in that I think what the transhumanists discuss and desire to do is one thing. What they are capable of achieving at this point is another.
One simple possibility is that there are self-assembling carbon-based nanotubes in the vaccines that either:
1) accidentally assemble on a slide into something resembling a chip, but the graphene is really just for gene delivery
2) deliberately assemble into something resembling a chip, but it's a primitive form of technology they want to develop, and they are covertly experimenting on the human population at large
A number of people have floated the hypothesis and I believe it is plausible. I am not personally as concerned about the viability of this technology as it I am the type of mechanical damage that it can do within the body, and also potentially bio chemical damage.
My personal hypothesis is that there are many multiple intentions for the vaccines, and one of them may be to see how much graphene can be placed in before it becomes unavoidably toxic at a level that is noticed by the public.
They need to stay below that level for future “variant specific” vaccines that may covertly include "2.0" of this strange technology.
I think this is more a function of uncritical thinkers getting the jab. In Germany there was a stidy, what influenced people to get the jab: the biggest predictors were 1) having a close acquaintance who died of covid and 2) watching mainstream media
Since I am not an expert worried about peers I'll tell you straight up I imagine this is a death shot to reduce the population by 70% as per their goal number of humans receiving this injection. They don't want people to die all at once giving time to distribute the injections to enough people to achieve this goal.
Hello again, this one is pretty long, but I’ll chance it....
I thought this might interest you. Remember I mentioned dannion brinkley who diedi in 1975 struck by lightning, then he saw some things pertaining to the future. He wrote his first book in 1994 about his visions. Second book in 1997 third around 2006..this excerpt is from the third book: “ I saw medecine moving into the astonishingly effective complementary and alternative modalities, such as a myriad of phototherapies. i saw cancer, and other life threatening diseases, eradicated with healing wands made of light. i also saw the invention and implementation of a nanochip with the potential to be used for good or for evil. it was wonderful to understand its implications in the finding of Lost children or the tracking of missing military personel in a time of war (he’d been in Vietnam). But it was just as quickly shown that it could be used to monitor the activities of innocent citizens and ultimately to detonate a deadly virus into the body of an unsuspecting victim that any government wanted eliminated more than that, I saw that the chip could easily be implanted in the elderly as a traceless form of euthanasia. This was an eye-opening bone-chilling prospect.
I continued to be infused with these vivid scenes from the future of our world until I’d absorbed well over 100 scenarios. Sending my anxiety, and in the hope of assuaging my fear, the beings told me that our future is not written in stone. We still have the chance to change the outcome if only we return our collective consciousness to the reality of love. The beings then shared what my personal mission was to be. They told me I was to establish spiritual capitalism on earth. They said spiritualistic capitalism was needed because people had to realize that their security is not to be found in governments, institutions or religions. All three of these are necessary components in human life, but they were not meant to be relied upon completely. Rather than Living in a society ruled by godless capitalism, the beings presented the idea of each one of us finding something we love to do and then using that talent or gift to serve the World while also making an income. That is the definition of spiritual capitalism.
The beings emphasized that our highest human potential can be reached only when we remember who we are as great, powerful and Mighty spiritual beings. “ ( secrets of the light, HarperOne 2008 a later edition).
Most of his prophecies have been fulfilled a few still await fullfilment
Link to podcast mentioned in earlier thread: dannion brinkley, saved by the light; earth ancients, owltail podcasts 18th august 2021.
BTW. In one post I mentioned Deepak Chopra....well 2 days later he was mentioned in UkColumn.org as an invited speaker at a congress including anthony Fauci.
Definitely interested in looking into this author now, and this “spiritual capitalism” idea... 💡 Aligns nicely with my own worldview! Thanks for sharing.
Sorry. Died in 1975 and wrote his first book in 1994?
Look further down, misplaced answer...
Ps. You need a lot of patience when listening to Stephen robbins....
Were the beings using the expression 'spiritual capitalism' as a compromise with Brinkley's own language-understanding for forms of exchange, or do they intend for there to be an entire overaching concept for "doing what one loves to do while also making an income" that includes the institutionalization and concretizing spiritual means of production—an industrialization of the mechanisms through which intentional acts of love become physical systems for the formal exchange of material and labor into products? Capitalism means something (in our post-modern, late-capitalist, post-ideological age) regarding a kind of reproductive and transformational exchange that becomes institutional, whereas it's very broad to talk about doing what one loves and earning "income" from that. There have been human societies (plural!) where there was simply no concept whatsoever of money, and so what people did in these societies and how they regarded Being and beings and their own intentionality among others and the separate could not translate well, if at all, into a language of "income" having significance for what "earning" means. Does the echinacea growing in my little flowerpot earn an income by hungrily twisting into the sunlight? Are these worms in my compost bins earning an income when they eat, dream, sleep, poop and have sex with one another in these large slithering balls down within the dark of rotting banana skins?
Even the very idea of being "great, powerful and Mighty" will have to undergo some change if one regards submission and transformation as part of the "highest human potential". For instance, the emphasis on change in Zhuangzi's thoughts as an essential aspect of what it means to follow the Tao means recognizing that one's own participation in the transformation of all things means reinterpreting any form of humanity that is "great, powerful and Mighty" as one might that form of being a great, powerful and Mighty frog trapped in a well when seen from the vantage point of a Roc, for example, whose wings are ten thousand miles wide and whose flight takes it from one edge of local space to another, or from the vantage point of the star Aldebaran, as another example. And even if we add in that we're not talking about physical size ("Size matters not," says Yoda) so much as we are talking about influence and the capacity to change the contours of eternal flow, what could the meaning of "income" be in the context of this reorientation?
There's a story told about this one guy, almost a narratival parable, where his followers were worried enough about the local government's intrusion into their world-changing activities that the subject of temple taxation came up. "How are we going to pay the tithe?" So he tells them to go trawling for fish. Tossing out a net, they pull in a fish that had just enough solid money in its mouth to pay the tax. Was that earning an income? Is that capitalism, spiritual or otherwise?
It's a great big universe out there, but inside, it's even wider than we know.
You’re using your lower, mental capacity, not the intuition....go for it.....!
How do you know that I am?
This is not the place for such a discussion, read the book or ask the author...the intellect can analyze, judge, discern....the field we Enter with spirituality pertains to the intuition ...has nothing to do with academia....the intuition ( not the gut feeling) usually sees through mindstuff....
An antoent hindu proverb says: one ounce of practice is worth more than a ton of theories....I’m out..
Why would you post about the book if you're uninterested in talking about it? That's odd, don't you think?
Having had out-of-body experiences, I'm not averse to talking about it, and since you're talking about it here already, why are you suddenly unwilling to do so? You even refer us to this book in the context of seeing through the fraud of the inoculations, in light of the dawning technocratic tyrannies pushed onto unwitting people. So there's obviously a relevance here that you see. I think it's relevant, but I'm also highly aware regarding the spirits, or rather all these extradimensional or immaterial or transmaterial forms of life that populate the worlds we do not see with our eyes and do not hear with our ears, that they do not always speak honestly. Do you disagree with that?
Maybe you and I are operating from different frequencies, but that doesn't mean you're worth more than I am or I am worth more than you, does it? And that we speak from different languages doesn't mean one is worth less than the other: the point is to learn to translate from ourselves to one another. If you feel I am not speaking to you from the heart, then I'll understand. I cannot make you unfeel what you choose to. I just want to hear and read from your own perspective what you have to think, what you recognize, and why you offer this. If you're unwilling to become vulnerable, that's a choice you make to withhold that heart from others.
Either way, I did just put two of his books on hold through my local library. Have you ever read, or listened to, Robert Monroe?
NB. JvH autobiography is called Swan Wings.
Gopi Krishna’s is called Living with kundalini
The trouble with this field is you have to experience it. Being out of the body doesn’t really help, I’ve been unknowingly about 70% out of my body (according to several clairvoyants...!!?) most of my life, and seen life from that perspective, meaning I have thought everyone else were like me and sensed like me. It has taken nearly a lifetime to realize this is not so. Personally I experienced the “ Mighty, spiritual being “ (in a split second) as grace. Searched for what my experience amounted to and found the answer from one nde’er, and I’m sure glad I did, thus I was sure my experience was Real. Incidentally I have also mentioned Rudolph Steiner. He died in 1925 and his followers have done much great work, but they still discuss his teachings among themselves and have been “ fractioned” because of Judith von Halle who got the stigmata in 2004. To me their discussions are erroneous and leads nearly nowhere, because often other esoteric practices are not really allowed inclusion. Mind you they are extremely eloquent and very well formulated, sharp I Call it....albeit intellectual, but great for teaching you mental structure, of which I have nearly none....Rudolph steiner’s great asset
is his biodynamical garden growth ( he can nearly grow anything anywhere) and his child upbringing system which was on par with Maria Montessori’s. Unfortunately with the teacher dies the teaching it is often said, so steinerism hasn’t really evolved much, but is a good anker if you can “ sift out the goodies” I’m not saying I can do that I am far too little versed Rudolph S. ( ricardo leppe in one of the fuellmich sessions is today verymuch further than today)
Anyhow....steiner is seen from steiners perspective just as the traditionalist Hopi’s have their “system” which I consider an initiation rite of passage, such is not the case with Hopis in general.....I’m sorry this is so long....As you Will read dannion, I highly recommend Judith von Halles autobiography part 1, as she awoke at year 2, had to invented her own spiritual language and had no tutors. It is one of the most interesting books I have read in this field and I believe her experience is extremely important for our future generations, as are all of Gopi Krishna’s books which are about the spiritual evolution of man...one of the most important things he has said though -in my opinion - is that you have to be just as knowledgeable in in the spiritual as in the material and that icomes from the vedas...Gopi Krishna is all about the brain and the nervous system, and he said: he writes for the future generations (died 1984) what he advocated - Scientific research into the aforementioned -was begun on a larger scale in the 1990’s...
I also believe that the work done by the likes of fuellmich and all the others like Monica etc. is highly spiritual work, so are the truckers .......etc....
Of course i’ve listened to Robert Monroe, dannion brinkley is his favourite..this is Monica’s blog, not yours, nor mine....
.....ancient hindu...
I have both a chemistry and microbiology background. I'm familiar with what both organic and inorganic crystals look like under a light microscope. What he showed doesn't look like any crystals I've seen.
I have been skeptical about some of what I've heard and seen earlier but there has been building evidence that something isn't right in Kansas.
Dear Dr Hughes, are you familar with dr andreas noack? Here is a link to a video nov 2021. dr noack may be disappeared. graphic content. https://www.bitchute.com/video/X9oMvf6dbhCi/
Yes, I've heard of this.
You are correct about engineering types. I follow a handful of the most intelligent, scientifically minded people on the web, and over the last 2 years, they have been the worst offenders. Smart people are just plain certain they're right, that they're in possession of the most accurate information from the highest authorities. It's obvious where the weak point is in that belief.
I'm not skeptical of the magnetic part, I've seen the compilations. There are hundreds of examples in them. Unfortunately, they are peppered with people sticking spoons and keys and other non-magnetic items which are stuck by friction, and that allows them to be easily dismissed. The only valid demonstration of magnetism is where a NdFeB magnet is sticking to the injection site in an orientation which is completely vertical or better, so there is no possibility gravity or friction are holding it in place. The ideal demonstration would have the magnet suspended from a string.
As for the notion these are "self assembling" in an intelligent sense, or are forming some kind of circuitry, I'm afraid unless there's something in the realm of hidden technology which vastly surpasses the currently acknowledged state of the art, I don't see the possibility of this being the case. The various "smart" implantable/injectible sensor type items we read about being in development are nothing more than passive sensors which undergo some kind of state change to be read by an external device. The best we could expect of this technology amounts to some kind of passive RFID.
There is a possibility such implants could generally sicken or kill us in response to 5G radiation, but that's the practical limit, as far as I can see. I have no doubt 5G is a "dual purpose" technology, and that it can influence our physical and mental well being all on its own. The fact that the industry and the regulators have not allowed any reasonable safety studies is enough cause for concern, and what little research is coming out of some European countries reinforces that.
I don't know what these objects are (it would be nice to see more accurately documented microscopy with time-lapse video), but I'm inclined to believe the injections are a mass experiment which could not be accomplished under any other guise. What we know for a fact is that the elite want gene-specific bioweapons, and they seek immortality, and gene modification is the obvious route to both of those things. This would require experimentation on a timeframe and scale so massive they could not accomplish it any other way. I think this is why the "adverse events" are apparently not just clustered around certain lot numbers, but those lot numbers are geographically distributed in a different way than the rest.
Fortunately, I think this is so hubristic and premature it is doomed to failure.
"I'm not skeptical of the magnetic part, I've seen the compilations. There are hundreds of examples in them… The only valid demonstration of magnetism is where a NdFeB magnet is sticking to the injection site in an orientation which is completely vertical or better, so there is no possibility gravity or friction are holding it in place. The ideal demonstration would have the magnet suspended from a string. "
"As for the notion these are "self assembling" in an intelligent sense, or are forming some kind of circuitry, I'm afraid unless there's something in the realm of hidden technology which vastly surpasses the currently acknowledged state of the art, I don't see the possibility of this being the case. The various "smart" implantable/injectible sensor type items we read about being in development are nothing more than passive sensors which undergo some kind of state change to be read by an external device. The best we could expect of this technology amounts to some kind of passive RFID. There is a possibility such implants could generally sicken or kill us in response to 5G radiation, but that's the practical limit, as far as I can see. "
Mostly agreed. I suspect this *may* be some sort of experiment as such, but it doesn’t have to be. Additionally, the assembly of these units may not be intentional at all. It could be a complete artifact of the way graphene behaves, which they may have failed to take into account, or ignored evidence of, because of wishful thinking.
I don’t think it needs radiation to harm anyone. Graphene is toxic to cells all on its own, merely due to its chemical and physical properties.
“I have no doubt 5G is a "dual purpose" technology, and that it can influence our physical and mental well being all on its own. The fact that the industry and the regulators have not allowed any reasonable safety studies is enough cause for concern, and what little research is coming out of some European countries reinforces that.”
Seems logical. I don’t know much about 5G.
“I don't know what these objects are (it would be nice to see more thorough microscopy with time-lapse video), but I'm inclined to believe the injections are a mass experiment which could not be accomplished under any other guise.”
Also agreed. To do what is the question.
I’m personally of the opinion that the vaccines are designed to weaken, kill, and sterilize in a number of different ways. If the vaccines do contain graphene, they serve as a way to test how much can be put into people before they get sick and die. The vaccines also contain spike protein, so it’s all rather difficult for us to tease out without having access to other information. I think they are banking on peoples’ incredulity which provides them plausible deniability, e.g., “How could 4-5 different brands of vaccines do ALL of these bad things? It’s impossible.”
“Fortunately, I think this is so hubristic and premature it is doomed to failure.”
Also agreed. And I’m of the opinion that much biotechnology is like that, but it’s finally getting bad enough that people are noticing so that perhaps we’re near a breaking point where people are rejecting a lot of the modern insanity that makes no sense, and returning to the “old ways.” You may enjoy these two related pieces I wrote on the matter:
Agreed about the graphene. What apparently happened to Dr Noack is frightening. Good articles, I read one already but neglected to "like" it at the time. Thank you Dr. Hughes
Have you seen the latest video of the conference of German pathologist Arne Burkhardt? He acquired some vax vials and gave them to a professor for materials. This professor found (among other things) a substance that only consisted of carbon and oxygen. Arne Burkhardt himself wondered, whether the stuff was graphene oxid.
Yes, I am aware that there are multiple independent groups finding the same thing, and also aware of the spectroscopy evidence
Near death experiencer, dead for 28 mns, has since died three more times; during heart surgery and the rest I don’t remember offhand.
Rabbi Stephen Robbins was stillborn (his first nde, was revived by doctor who got the impulse to do so, then died aged 20 from hepatitis, 10% liver he had, restored completely after second death. Has died 8 times in all, latest nde in nov 9 2020. Has said on his return that we had passed a nasty corner, has also said that the current evildoers will have to meet each and everyone of their victims in future lives.....not a prospect I would cherish...you want to know about nde’s watch iands (international associations for near death studies) conferences on youtube, best there is on nde’s, second best is called “present”. Highly recommendable both of them...
Thank you Monica. Will check out the videos, though I've been convinced there is graphene in the jabs.
This hypothesis has been around for almost a year but the evidence from spectroscopy continues to build up.
Ok. Thank you.
Is this just with mRNA or is this being found with other vaccines like Novavax?
Thank you for pursuing this
No problem. This really isn’t my work, but I can either verify or deny based on my expertise.
#1) Stuff for injection should not have things larger than a red blood cell 9roughly 10-15 um) for safety reasons.
#2) I used DIC microscopy for years which is similar to phase contrast which is what is used here.
I can confirm from both lines of work that nothing like this or this large should be in the vaccines, and yet it is.
Furthermore, the added description of the thinness of these little “razor blades” is helpful. There is a plane of them on the coverslip and another plane of them on the slide itself. Very odd.
Does the slip constrain the assembly so that it becomes thin sheets? Without the coverslip, would these sheets form into volumes?
This is answered in the video and his experience is that of mine.
Okay, so you agree that at around 55 minutes and during the summary around the 1 hr mark he's explicitly saying these are forming graphene sheets (he also calls them "plates" when smaller), not volumes (using the NaCl crystallizing as an illustrative example of what happens when the crystals grow "up" from the slide surface)?
And you're also saying that because these form sheets, they act like "razor blades" due to the sharp edge (he mentions the sheet being an atom-thick at 22 mins)?
And so, what is also being argued is that if/since these are crystals, we have to examine what they are crystals of, and the manner and pattern of crystallization do not match any of the disclosed ingredients, meaning that as crystals, these are not "just" crystals but specifically crystallization of something that closely resembles documented crystallization of graphene oxide, correct?
Correct. I agree with all of this.
He says it may well be an atom thick but I don’t think he said he knows this definitively.
What’s really interesting is that they form on the underside of the coverslip and the bottom of the slide. They appear to need to adhere to a surface to begin forming but then this only continues in one plane.
There’s not a lot of liquid thickness there! Maybe 30 um to my recollection. I used to make slides of fairly large fungi and I would add paper fibers to provide a bit of elevation and as a cushion so the coverslip did not crush the fungus too much. So these little sheets are damned thin.
Have you watch Dr Richard M Fleming ? And thank you I been watching la Quinta videos and I believe was another German Dr. That made a video last year
I’ve seen a lot of things that Fleming has produced during the pandemic. You’ll have to be more specific
I believe he made another video talking about Ed D. ? https://rumble.com/vvw26f-an-investigation-into-the-effects-of-pfizer-moderna-and-janssen.html
Thanks for that. When I get a chance I'll take a look. What are his conclusions, if you've watched it and don't mind summarizing them?
The first video reminds me of this Musk story: https://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/inventions/elon-musks-neuralink-implants-pigs-with-computer-implants/news-story/f86e8777cbd0278b644d59e1d1d17590
Sure. Naturally when one sees things that look like chips, one thinks chips.
One thing Musk doesn't talk about is that the Neuralink chips kill 50% of the animals.
I'm with Malone in that I think what the transhumanists discuss and desire to do is one thing. What they are capable of achieving at this point is another.
One simple possibility is that there are self-assembling carbon-based nanotubes in the vaccines that either:
1) accidentally assemble on a slide into something resembling a chip, but the graphene is really just for gene delivery
2) deliberately assemble into something resembling a chip, but it's a primitive form of technology they want to develop, and they are covertly experimenting on the human population at large
I think both hypotheses are plausible.
Do you know the substack of "A Midwestern Doctor"? He thinks they are at least covertly doing dose finding studies on the population
A number of people have floated the hypothesis and I believe it is plausible. I am not personally as concerned about the viability of this technology as it I am the type of mechanical damage that it can do within the body, and also potentially bio chemical damage.
My personal hypothesis is that there are many multiple intentions for the vaccines, and one of them may be to see how much graphene can be placed in before it becomes unavoidably toxic at a level that is noticed by the public.
They need to stay below that level for future “variant specific” vaccines that may covertly include "2.0" of this strange technology.
If true, we should start constructing gallows. Lots of them And not covertly.
Judging by the ammo being sold there is am ongoing reaction.
Well then you might like this poll:
Zing a few commands through 5G and they all fall in line?
I think this is more a function of uncritical thinkers getting the jab. In Germany there was a stidy, what influenced people to get the jab: the biggest predictors were 1) having a close acquaintance who died of covid and 2) watching mainstream media
Ok. Interesting to consider.
Since I am not an expert worried about peers I'll tell you straight up I imagine this is a death shot to reduce the population by 70% as per their goal number of humans receiving this injection. They don't want people to die all at once giving time to distribute the injections to enough people to achieve this goal.
What is in Cormirnaty that forms crystal like structures is the right question.
A body has a billion miles of interfaces.
Permanent genetic alteration resulting from an injection is an interesting concept.
I got this from the start of the second video, probably a legal misdirection, new to me: https://heavy.com/news/comirnaty-vs-pfizer-vaccine-legally-distinct/